"Dad, you forget that it takes me a second to get from the Thousand Apes Forest to the windy city. For others, it is a far cry from the worldly world, but what is this distance for me?" Gao Chen said with a smile.
In fact, Gao Chen feels unworthy for Gao Jianfeng to protect the country, but he has always been single. It is rare in this continent. Although his family said that his mother was dead, how did they know that Gao Chen, who was five years old, had already lost everything? He did not understand his mother’s practice in his heart. Although Gao Chen is now another person, that one of Gao Chen’s memories is particularly profound!
"I forgot that you still have such a thing. In this case, you should remember to come back more. Since the lowest fighters are all in the fifth order, you must be careful in that world." Gao Jianfeng said.
"I can go to this big day, please rest assured," Gao Chen said confidently.
After a showdown chat with Gao Jianfeng for a while, Gao Jianfeng left and left Gao Chen. He thought about training all kinds of ways to increase his attributes and strength, and he couldn’t relax for a moment!
This practice in the enchantment is 36 hours, so accelerating Gao Chen can not only train in various ways and increase the attributes, but also unify several skills. In this crazy practice, the attack power of fire fencing is to make Gao Chen instantly burst into a full double attack power! Gao Chen is known to have twice the attack power in this world’s lighter. It is absolutely unexpected that this fire fencing has such attack power.
Moreover, these skills are not a single move, and each skill is made up of many moves. This is not a skill but a set of fighting skills, and Gao Chen always feels that the power of these skills will bring him more surprises after they are upgraded to advanced levels! …
In one night’s practice, Gao Chen raised the level of fire fencing slightly by one, and then all kinds of additional attributes were added. Now, the world level of Gao Chen’s practice is 36. From the point of view, it is the third-order six-star fighters who can add many attributes themselves, and Gao Chen knows that his level will rise. That is another Gao Jianfeng’s expectation. Although he has not joined the army yet, he will get the regiment rank now because of his personal commitment, and Gao Chen knows that when he graduates, he will go to the practice world.
Gao Jianfeng triumphantly returned to Gao Chen’s hands, and the four places made Gaos thought once again the focus of discussion in the windy city. If both Ma’s family and Zhujiajian are very small families, it is only a matter of time before they think they can figure out the emperor’s heart, and they will not be very relieved that Gaos thought will decline because of their hearts.
However, just because of a news, the Gaos thought that Gao Chen will go to the cultivation field and there are still four places in his hand. If you think about it, you can know what level the strength will rise when Gao Chen and others go to the cultivation field, and the number of places is that the emperor has won five, but actually Gao Chen has also got five, which has to be thought about.
It is equivalent to saying that the difference between the celestial world and the bliss world in the past life is this world’s spiritual world, which is true, and people can return with great strength after they go. What impact will this bring to the seventh order?
On a new day, visitors from the Gaos are coming in an endless stream, all with rich gifts, claiming that they are here to congratulate Gao Jianfeng on his triumph, but all these people have one thing in common, that is, not all the visitors bring the one they think is the best talent.
"Son, do you really have four places to practice?" In the evening, Gao Jianfeng received a daytime guest and looked at the house full of gifts. I can’t believe I asked Gao Chen.
"Dad, do you still doubt whether this is true or not?" Gao Chen also didn’t know that these people would be so crazy. Many imperial dignitaries who had no bonfire suddenly appeared in front of Gao’s family and said what they were like with Gao’s family or what relatives they were of that generation.
"The emperor has five places, but he gave you four and one. Is this even with the emperor?" Gaojianfengkou way
"The whole thing is so real. These four places are Ouyang’s predecessors. He told me to keep them for a long time. It’s very simple. That is to tell Feng Liantian the weight of my practice world. Although I don’t know what kind of world the practice world is, I know where the order can be called the strong. What do you think of our earthly life?" Gao Chen slowly analyzed the mouth and said that although the four places seemed to be won by himself, he got the information from Ouyang Changchu’s mouth. Gao Chen knew that even if he didn’t go to him, he would also leave these four places for himself, because he could bring ten people at a time, but he gave five places to the wind, which can say everything.
Gao Chen’s guess is not bad. A secular emperor doesn’t carry much weight in the eyes of practitioners. Today, during the daytime, Gao Chen received guests at home with Gao Jianfeng, and he didn’t have time to accompany Wang Yujie. When the last guest left, it was not too late. So Gao Chen found Wang Yujie …
"I didn’t expect this quota to be so hard to find these people. It’s crazy to go to the practice world." Wang Yujie sighed after seeing Gao Chen.
"It belongs to the field of cultivation that people actually appear in front of people, especially how can all kinds of news in that world not make these people crazy?" Gao Chen light mouth way
"Do you think the cultivation world is really that strong?" Wang Yujie suddenly asked, although he is going to the middle world, Wang Yujie still doubts whether this practice world is true or not. The seventh order is an ordinary brother, after all, from small to large, there are four seventh-order strong people in SHEN WOO mainland, and the seventh-order strong people are just beyond our reach!
"Isn’t this question known when we go to see it?" Gao Chen replied with a smile
"Do you really want to take me to the science of uniting the world?" Wang Yujie suddenly asked her face full of satisfaction! From today’s visiting crowd, Wang Yujie saw a lot of characters who were previously considered to be big shots, but today Gao Jianfeng, to be exact, acted like Sun in front of Gao Chen. This is how to get a quota. From this, I know that this quota is precious and Gao Chen did not hesitate to give herself one. How can Wang Yujie not be moved?
"Sister doesn’t go, I won’t go where there is me, and then you and I will never share a generation together." Gao Chen looked at Wang Yujie and said seriously.
"Thank you, Gao Chen." Wang Yujie suddenly kissed Gao Chen on the forehead, then said a word and ran out.
"How dare you steal to kiss me? You live for me." To react, Gao Chen got up in ecstasy and was about to recover.
"It’s too late. I’m going to bed. Goodbye," Wang Yujie said to Gao Chen with her head leaking out in front of the door.
"We can sleep together." Gao Chen teased and said.
"Smelly pervert!" Say that finish ignore Gao Chen closed the door!
Gao Chen depressed touched his nose and returned to his room. For others, it’s time to rest, but for Gao Chen, it’s time to practice!
Chapter seventy-six Gao Chen fiancee
Gao Chen practiced at the same time, and the palace suffered a stroke and the bedroom was windy. "Hey, there are five places for Dad this time, and one of them is you, but I think you can save this place."
"What dad don’t you mean this quota can’t be given to me?" Feng Lan’s face was disappointed. Looking at Feng Liantian’s mouth, she asked that she could go to the science of uniting the world. She didn’t know what she was doing so much.
"Listen to me, son, you must go to the science of uniting the world, but this quota is not mine, but Gao Chenna." The wind even smiles.
"Dad, what do you mean? Gao Chenna? " Wind orchid nest is not very Whitestorm even the meaning of words mouth asked.
"You should know that there are four places in Gao Chen’s hands? I think a monarch also has five places. Why does Gao Chen have four places plus himself? Isn’t that the same as me? I’m a monarch. What is he? " The wind is getting angrier and angrier, but he forgot how this quota for going to the cultivation field came from. The former cultivation field meant that there was no quota for studying in the cultivation field. All this was because Gao Chen could have it, but now the wind is even thinking that this is not the case. He saw that he was a monarch with five quotas and he also had five in Gao Chen. How can this not make him angry?
"Dad, even if Gao Chen has four places, can he give me one?" Feng Lan’s mouth is a little incredulous. However, she feels afraid of the emperor’s royal family. She has known the emperor’s feelings since she was a child, but she never thought that this situation should come so early.