And a world that has not been swallowed up is much more likely to produce mysterious treasures and mysterious crystals. Even in this shallow mysterious world, the’ explosion rate’ is more than theirs.

It’s her body that has limitations, or she will roll up her sleeves and go out to kill the monster herself.
A strange crystal shape appeared in her eyes.
At this time, Fang Youkou "I have a trading plan besides crystal, material and mysterious materials."
"food trade"
Although the oasis is not big, they also have the roots to grow food … and it doesn’t matter if they are short of food. Environmental strength is the root in the crisis.
I just want to buy her some fresh food, but there is no way to buy these precious materials.
No matter how stupid she is, she can’t sell it like this!
A strange big bird flew in from the outside and looked like a flesh-and-blood puppet with an extraordinarily big mouth.
This seems to be a trap, not a trap, and it has a high order!
She was a little surprised and excited. "Do you want to trade this booby trap? That’s for the guide to identify … "
"What are you thinking?"
Her mouth was blocked before she finished speaking.
I can slowly put a question mark and see the young man in white across the street pulling out the same thing from the mouth of a big flesh-and-blood bird.
It’s still a trap!
This is super precious!
Her eyes turned into a crystal shape, but she was attracted by the same thing for a moment.
"This is called Donghuang Roast Duck."
"roast sheep"
"boiled fish"
"Steamed King Crab"
"Chicken wing bucket"
"Fat House Happy Water"
"Pick your own"
I can’t understand any of these names, that is,’ sheep’ and’ fish’ are completely different from sheep and fish in her cognition, so I can’t tell what is what by looking at them.
Yes, it looks delicious
But just delicious, huh? That’s not enough to buy her precious information!
Yi yue Lu Xi Xiang
A thick fragrance came to my face, and she couldn’t help but inhale slightly at the tip of her nose, as if her mouth were watering.
It smells good …
In fact, she lied somewhere before. She was not born in an unspoiled world. She was born in an oasis, a pure and pure oasis person.
But she did come into contact with other people in the real world and heard the older generation in the oasis describe the real world scenery and food.
I’ve never heard of it smelling so good!
"You can taste all these."
It doesn’t look cheap, but since this person said it, she’s welcome
Yi Yue Lu Xi observed and chose the correct way to eat.
Gently pick it up and send it to your mouth.
Her eating is elegant and pleasing to the eye, but soon she moves faster and faster, and the food floats in front of the ghosting.

Bread fruit grown from a second-order bread tree is rich in nutrition, and a strong person like her needs to eat five or six pieces at a time to fill her stomach.

If it is a third-order breadfruit, it is more than enough.
Not only staple food but also important strategic resources.
But the taste of breadfruit is actually more difficult to compare with flowers.
Yi yue Lu Xi hui Wei
"Blue star world things although do not have enough to eat but really super delicious! Many of them have never been seen! "
She called her entourage.
"Is the merchant from Falling Star City here?"
"I’m here, Lord Tower," said Xiao Xi after a pause. "Can these foods really be exchanged for resources?"
After all, it’s not much and you can’t increase your strength.
Yi Yue Lu Xi asked, "Do you think it’s delicious?"
Following Xiaoxi’s consciousness, he licked his lips "delicious"
"That won’t be enough."
Yi Yue Lu Xi said, "I like other tower owners very much. What other oasis people can’t like?"
"It’s the great environmental danger of the paradox. We have always been born and promoted, but 99% of the money is being promoted. Isn’t it for 1% to enjoy?"
"What’s worse, not all oasis strong people are eager to enjoy, and this is our business opportunity."
One point in the total trade share of a whole big oasis is also huge for her, and her goal is to have multiple big oases.
What’s more, what did she pay for these blue star foods?
She only gave some information.
I’m a genius. Aha, hahaha!
Chapter two hundred and ten Culture teaching materials
I don’t know how Yi Yue Lu Xi makes money, so I just smile when I know it.
There are only a few hundred tables of dishes around, but it is not very rich. It is compared with the national power, but it only got a huge amount of foreign exchange from the spray country before it spread water.
He still has to figure out how to spend the money.
It is impossible to rush forward with the wave of the mysterious era in your hand, and ordinary currency will become less and less valuable. In the future, higher currency will inevitably be a paradox.
The future plan is to build a number of first-level branches, a dozen or dozens of second-level branches and a number of third-level branches in the world.
In his vision, the first-level branch refers to an important base with a secret passage.
At present, Mizusawa training base, Pacific training base, firewood village, torch town and secret stronghold are all.
The second-level branch is an important stronghold of the fire, and the high-level office must have all the testing equipment and three powerful people to sit in it.
This is just what he expected. Now, there are not many awakened people, and it is impossible for them to go abroad to sit in the town.
Now there are not so many branches to sit in.
The third-level branch is an ordinary office.
"The construction of these branches will require a huge amount of money. Only the foreign exchange in the wave country is not enough, and I plan to build a number of secondary training bases around the world, which is another place that needs a lot of money."
"There are all kinds of materials procurement in forging department, medicinal materials procurement in medical department … The development informant in intelligence department also wants money and the daily operation of various bases and offices."
Wait, wait, wait. It seems that we just got a huge sum of money, but we are still short of money.
However, it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t matter. This foreign exchange can last for a while. This time, it can catch wool from sunset, white bear and other countries
The deal with the spray country is not over.
I have purchased a batch of pharmaceutical weapons, and I will continue to buy them in the future, right? After I buy them, I have to buy some trainees’ training places, right? These are all bought, and there will be upgrades, high matches and rarities in the future, right?

Agile 6(5)

Endurance 7(5)
Spirit 5(5)
Mixed element true qi 1
Authenticity 194
Evaluation: You have no advantages except endurance.
This is Su Wei specially making his own panel like a player so that he can observe his body more intuitively … But now he has a little more anger directly!
It seems that they are all dead.
The stereo is in my ear.
Su Wei asked, "Will some of their income flow to me after their death?"
[Because their bodies make your authenticity appear, every time they die, a part of their authenticity will be lost. This part of their authenticity will flow back to your body with their death and bring back a part of their income. After all, everything in this game is based on authenticity.]
"But I don’t feel the return of truth."
[The truth is digested by something else, such as those animals]
"So that’s why they gather around Huashan Mountain, because if you want them to kill players, you can get their authenticity. With authenticity, they may be stronger."
Su Wei wanted to think and suddenly laughed.
Very good … Even monsters can be upgraded. I’m not afraid that these players are under little pressure.
And in this way, if he really shows the real world body in the future, he will not be defenceless.
So many people are helping me practice.
And when they want to stay in this game after they run out of authenticity, they have to spend money to buy authenticity again … It’s another expensive deal then.
Win several times.
And at this point,
Go out of your room.
The faces of five tragic wolves kissing players are not very good.
Just now … They all received the unified notice.
1/9 of the deaths!
That is to say, even the player can’t limit his death. When he dies nine times, everything in this account will be cancelled.
Is this game … a little too hard-core?
Chapter 7 Game Skills? Nonsense, this is the achievement method in reality
Name: Liu Lei
Grade 1
Professional Huashan qizongdi
Life 65(1)
Power 5(5)
Agile 5(5)
Endurance 7(5)
Spirit 5(5)
Mixed element qi 31
Skill mixed work
Limit value 14
I just died once.
After a day of penance, the amount of true qi directly dropped by one ninth.
They didn’t expect the death penalty to be so heavy …
Not only does the whole game character have nine chances to die, but each death will reduce the amount of Qi by one ninth.
After nine times, I can imagine that the true spirit belongs to the person to cancel.
"It was a mistake this time. I didn’t expect to hunt, but I filled my life in vain. I didn’t expect that our role had a total of nine lives."
Five people were hungry and lost their prey before they got together …
Even the sword was bitten off by the wolves in the battle.
But what they care about is game punishment instead.
You know, they’ve only been practicing for a day now, and the amount of Qi they’ve lost is not too big, but what if they’ve been playing this game for a while?
That loss is really gone.
However, it is normal for a player with Haoheng to die 70 times a day, but if things are put aside in this world, you can directly delete the number and practice it again.
They won’t be reluctant to let them delete the number now …
The game has just been tested. Who knows if I can get the activation code?
Although logging in to this game is only once or twice, they all intuitively felt the difference between this game and the normal game after uniting the true qi.
It feels like another world to have to talk.
Very real …

Gu Qingshan quietly thinking about his own response.

Suddenly a flock of birds fell from the sky.
They fell into a collapsed courtyard in the ruins and rested.
It seems that after too long panic, too long flight, they pecked at the water in the courtyard pool to drink water.
They don’t leave after drinking the water, and they seem to be satisfied with the present place.
There is no loud noise, no magic attack, no sharp knife, wind and sword, and the birds are safe from here.
They rest here with peace of mind
Gu Qingshan looked at these birds from a distance.
This kind of bird is called wind feather.
Because they fly fastest, other birds are far from being famous.
It is very easy to see this kind of bird in heaven, and because of their slender figure, there is almost no meat, and when they die, their glands will release a stench, so there is nothing they eat.
Therefore, their number is small only because of their own fertility.
Gu Qingshan was thinking about this kind of bird thing and suddenly saw a harsh divine light on the distant horizon.
The gods have shot!
It says that the ancient monsters have broken into various positions and people are at war with God.
The decisive battle officially started!
Gu Qingshan sipped his mouth and was ready to leave when he thought about the whole thing.
He suddenly appeared behind a feather and pulled out a hair on his ass.
The bird was startled.
Fortunately, the hair on his ass didn’t affect his flight, and he flew away as soon as he screamed.
His birds were frightened by this and flew away with them.
short while
Another wind and feather fly in the sky
Instead of chasing him, it flies in the direction of the front line
Gu Qingshan turned birds into flying birds in the sky.
Although the battle has just begun, he must reach the front where the fighting is fiercest, find a suitable place and wait to see the scene of the death of the gods while fighting.
Gu Qingshan, who can’t fly for dozens of breath, suddenly heard the sad cry of the earth.
He let out his mind and swept away in the direction.
A giant monster monk who has no skin and is made up of crimson muscles runs amok.
Five elements of light surges
Jin Mu, fire, water and soil!

But Penglai?

Qingwei took a deep breath, took out the five-star bottle of the sun and the moon, and collected a drop of nectar from Yang Liuzhi. The aura of poverty and vitality melted into the body like a spring breeze, and the injury was instantly relieved, and there was no dilemma in getting rid of the oil, the lamp and the magic.
"Penglai, do you know Penglai Xiandao?"
The goddess shook her head slowly when she heard this, but suddenly nodded, "Penglai Fairy Island … seems to have something with me?"
After probing the surrounding situation, Qingwei said, "Let’s move and hide first-they may not be unable to follow."
Penglai Goddess cleverly nodded "Listen to you"
Say pull qingwei will go.
"I move myself!"
Qing Wei declined the goddess to "take care of" the two of them and immediately flew to a place where people were moving in the distance.
Chapter five hundred Fragments of Penglai Fairyland Ancient Island
This world is vast, but a fairy and a fairy in Penglai naturally feel that there is no long way to go.
Therefore, in a moment, they have already arrived in a mortal country.
Both of them have changed their clothes and looks the same, but Penglai’s eyes are full of curiosity about everything, which is somewhat conspicuous
However, Qingwei and Qingwei are not too sorry, because although the world environment here is excellent, the number of monks in tens of thousands of miles in Fiona Fang is only two digits-less than 30.
Moreover, the highest practice of these people is only equivalent to the half-step dharma body level, and it is also extremely low-key to live in this city.
"The dress customs in this world are quite ancient in Yingzhou."
Penglai Hua, a girl in blue, a sugar man in her left hand, a grimace mask in her right hand and Qingwei aside. At this time, I couldn’t help but wonder, "Ancient?"
Qing Wei gave her a look, even if people and themselves are kind, it’s hard to ask her what’s in her memory.
Then is a laughed "wait a minute"
Penglai nodded meekly, and then he saw Qingwei raise his hand and tap his eyebrows. A little bit of colorful glow gathered at his fingertips and finally formed a changeable cloud.
Will be pushed to the front of Penglai Qingwei couldn’t help laughing. "It is necessary for you to walk outside in the future. This is my general understanding of the situation of the heavens and the earth."
Penglai jade hand directly shoots seven-color clouds into his eyebrows, but it will be digested after several breaths.
Looking at Qingwei with bright eyes, I smiled a little briskly. "Qingwei, you are such a good man!"
"Don’t rob me and tell me so many things!"
Qingwei smell speech can’t help but choke. Some people don’t know what to say. Is this a good card?
"You’re welcome. If it’s the main object, I won’t give up, but the big mill of Yin and Yang is your magic weapon. How can I rob it?"
Penglai nodded gently. "Then how can they rob it?"
"Well, this problem … they are used to bullying. If they are not strong enough now, they are afraid to recognize the heavens and the earth."
Penglai xiumei slightly wrinkled is really not a good person. There seems to be a violent flash in his eyes, which makes Qingwei feel a little cold.
The two strolled leisurely towards the hermit monk in the city, but Penglai was overwhelmed with questions.
After sharing the memory with her, her curiosity is even stronger!
"Penglai, don’t you have any impression of Penglai Xiandao?"
Talking all the way, Qingwei also found that this person who really has no complicated thoughts is not stupid and extremely sensitive to good and evil, so he also asked directly.
There seems to be a memory in Penglai’s eyes when he heard the news, "I have been nurtured in the stars for a long time."
"You said it was a battlefield that could compete for Penglai Fairy Island, and I also realized that some of my heels may have originated from Penglai."
"However, my birth should also be a great opportunity to stay in the avenue, a force bred out of Spirit, Penglai Xiandao together with some influence."
Qing Wei couldn’t help but nodded his head and was a little surprised by Penglai’s honesty.
However, not to mention what the impact list of Penglai Xiandao is, Spirit’s heel is somewhat extraordinary
There are not many stars in the sky, but there are not many that can actually give birth to Spirit.
They can be said to be some kind of post-star gods!
At this time, I saw Penglai close her eyes again and seemed to feel the breath of this world carefully for a long time before I saw a sigh of relief. "I know here."
"Huh?" Slightly become speechless.
Penglai cave seems to sprout a kind of pure breath which is the same as this world, and it echoes secretly.
Seeing that the palm of your hand stretched out and seemed to touch the legal rules of heaven and earth, I couldn’t help laughing with curiosity. "This should be a piece of Penglai Xiandao, where the worlds of heaven and earth merged to form a small celestial world."

Meng Xi listened and replied in a low voice, "Brother Jung, to tell the truth, I am very grateful to you and I think about it! I’ve also inquired about a Yan family these days. It really looks like a match with me … But I don’t think it’s impossible for us because of Xiaoyan’s looks, but her personality and three views can’t be finished with me … I can bear that she is not so beautiful, but … I can’t bear that the second half of the future can’t communicate with her. "

In a word, Meng Xi said his attitude and Jun Chen understood the meaning of the other party in seconds. "Okay, if you want to say that, there is no way out. This mutton can’t stick to dog meat, and there will be problems. Even if there is no affection between men and women in the marriage, it can’t even cultivate family ties. It really leads a very miserable life."
"Thank you for understanding Brother Ha Jun!" Meng Xi is quite considerate of Yan Sihui. "When you tell her later, be gentle. After all, she is a woman and easily hurts her self-esteem."
"Ha ha that’s all right, I know." Jun Chen nodded. "I’ll look for the seven districts with you later. There are still a lot of rich giants."
"It’s too much trouble."
"It’s easy. Hey, do you have any requirements for looks?" Jun Chen read smoothly asked 1.
"… just don’t be too flattering" Meng Xi suppressed along while replied.
"Ha ha!" Jun Chen smiled and shook his head. "Your generation is different from ours. How many wives do those middle-aged people who are about the same age as me have in seven districts look good? At that time, when dad assigned you a wife who had to marry, the other person was a pig, and you had to welcome the door to live. There was no choice. "
"You are a generation of humiliation, handsome brother!" Meng Xi poking fun at answered.
"How do I sound like swearing when I listen to you?"
"Ha ha!"
They smiled at each other and stepped out of the lounge, and Jun Chen didn’t have any negative emotions because Meng Xi refused to go on with Yan Sihui. This kind of thing is that it’s nothing to hit a yellow ball without a date.
Because Meng Xi couldn’t go out with Yan Sihui, he didn’t go upstairs to see the people in the seven districts again, but strolled over to the general phalanx of Sichuan Government.
Just then Meng Xi noticed a detail. The girl in the white dress who was scolded by Yan Sihui was with Ji Lin and others at the moment.
JiLin is later, as soon as he entered the door, he chattered and was surrounded by some Songjiang ladies. He looked extremely happy.
Meng Xi carefully looked at the girl with a white skirt and turned to the side of the sofa area.
After the dinner, the top generals in the three major districts all sat at a table. Qi Lin suddenly waved his hand and shouted "Xiaoyu, come here!"
Meng Xi sat at this table, too. He saw the girl in white skirt with his own eyes and got up very cleverly and came running timidly.
JiLin took the girl’s hand and smiled at them and said, "Ha ha, I’ll introduce you to a ha! This is my sister’s eyes were not very good before Qi Yu, and she has been treating diseases. Later, she was admitted to the Army Academy to study military medicine and just graduated. "
Meng Xi’s voice fell directly, and Yan Sihui’s face turned into a pig’s liver color without a main table.
Obviously, this is the fangs’ daughter-in-law. They just told Qi Lin …
"I haven’t seen Xiaoyu for a long time." The old cat who just came here shamelessly waved his hand. "Come and show my brother …"
"Hello, brother!" Qi language waved at him with a sweet smile.
Meng Xi couldn’t wait to jump up and kick his face when he saw the old cat’s expression.
Chapter 2597 Li Fugui Suggestions
On the dining table, Meng Xi asked, "Does Commander Qi have a sister?"
"Yes," Li Zhan nodded and replied, "When Ji Lin came out of Songjiang, he took his mother and sister with him, but … but then her mother died, leaving Ji Lin and his sister alone at home."
"Oh" Meng Xi suddenly realized.
"Alas, it’s not easy to come to Qi Lin after all the hardships." After the war, he was idle and said, "His sister lost her eyes because of illness. At that time, Qi Lin was poor … She couldn’t afford to cure the girl’s blindness … Later, it was only after Qi Lin joined many doctors that she found a matching cornea … She had an operation, and even in hundreds of cases, she might not be successful, but it was good … The girl slowly recovered her eyesight, although there were sequelae, but at least she was not disabled."
"That’s really bitter" Meng Xi nodded slowly.
"Alas, you came late, and many things are unclear. The story of the old brother who followed Xiaoyu from Songjiang is not simple." Li Zhan said in a low voice, "Alas, it’s really a fight from the bottom."
The two were chatting. The old cat immediately squinted and asked, "What are you talking about?"
When I saw the old cat in the war, I immediately said, "What are you doing for the military and political reception? Are you afraid of being labeled as a gang?"
"Looking at the three major districts, who dares to touch me in Li Fugui?" The old cat replied very drifted.
"Ha ha, look at him. He is the only story among the old people in Songjiang. The simple story is that Lao Li’s nephew took a direct warning in the middle and married Zheng’s girl completely in the later period." Li Zhan gnashed his teeth at the old cat and scolded, "His father was prescient … named him a rich man … Dog Day has really come true now!"

"Yeah …" Hyperion expression finally became nervous. "It seems that Asgard people are really tough …"

Thor smiled coldly. "I have always said that only Asgard people are true gods!"
However, although Thor turned the scene around, Hyperion didn’t panic. In fact, he was more flexible in avoiding Thor’s thunder offensive because he was faster than Thor.
Grandmaster in the stands also saw this, and the master’s face was finally calm
"Respected master Raytheon has awakened such ability in the decisive battle. Is the Golden Titan going to lose?" Topaz low asked.
"defeat? The Golden Titan is not so easy to be defeated … "Grandmaster said calmly.
This sentence has just been exported to the arena, and Hyperion has taken a counterattack. He flew quickly through the heavy net of Thor cloth like a golden flash!
"so fast!" Valkyrie squinted and said that even if she had excellent eyesight, she could capture Hyperion’s body.
With this cosmic limit speed, you can see Hyperion’s trajectory clearly, and at the same time, he was surprised to find that Hyperion has reached one percent of the speed of light.
Although it is 1%, this speed is already very terrible. Shao Tuoer is still able to reach this level in terms of current strength.
So after the thunder attack, Hyperion rushed to him.
"Asgard people, your ability is only so much!"
Hyperion laughed coldly and directly hit Thor in the chest with one punch.
Thor was hit by a heavy blow and hit the wall of the arena again
Hyperion continued to pursue Thor’s lower abdomen with a kick.
Stone chips are flying and smoke is rising. The onlookers are almost scared to pee, and they all exclaim.
Valkyrie also couldn’t help covering his eyes. "Thor is too bad."
And the Vietnam War became more and more brave. Hyperion didn’t stop at all. He accelerated and rushed towards Thor again.
B! ! !
The third attack, Hyperion’s weight plus one percent of the speed of light hit Thor’s body, and the powerful impact directly smashed Thor into the depths of the arena.
Two people fully smashed into the ground ten meters deep before it gradually stopped.
Grandmaster see enough smiling said "this is the real blood fighting! However, even if Lei Di is from Asgard, it is hard for the Golden Titan to withstand this kind of play ….. "
Partos also smiled and nodded, "Lei Di may have to hang up this time."
Hyperion in the challenge thinks so, too. His powerful impact has made Thor black and blue. No one can attack Asgard people to this extent, and no exception.
"I won the battle after the end of Asgard. It turns out that our eternal protoss is the real god …"
Hyperion hold unconscious thor shoulder heavy said.
But at this moment, Thor, who was already unconscious, suddenly opened his eyes and hugged Hyperion’s shoulder to lock him firmly.
"What? !” Hyperion gasped. What the hell is this sudden move?
With his eyes open, Thor sneered, "Titan, you underestimate us Asgard people. This game is not over yet. The outcome has not been announced yet!"
"Eternal protoss? I’m sorry, just because you deserve to be called God? "
"I am a real protoss! ! !”
Speaking of which, Lei Guang rolled in Thor’s eyes, and at the same time, he summoned Thunder Force to bombard him and Hyperion directly from thousands of meters high school.
"I see where you can hide this time? ! You fly coward! "
B! ! !
The thick thunderbolt penetrated the entire arena stands, and many timid spectators directly peed their pants.
Grandmaster didn’t expect such a reversal in the game, but he panicked and shouted excitedly, "Stimulate! Stimulation! "
Valkyrie spacecraft is in the arena, and it was almost chopped to pieces by Thor thunderbolt. However, Goofy was calm and kept watching in the spacecraft. When Thor summoned thunderbolt, he calculated that he was out of attack range.
Valkyrie hid in the cabin and craned his neck to watch the situation. At the same time, he asked, "Will Goofy win this time?"
"The horse will find out," Goofy smiled. "But I have to admit that Raytheon’s move is very clever."
And a few seconds later, the huge thunder finally ended, and the arena was scorched.
Black smoke billowed from the cave of Thor Hyperion, but I don’t know who won the final victory in the game.
The host shouted excitedly, "The game should be over. I think the game should be over after Thor released the power blow."
Grandmaster also a face of excitement "who won? Who made it to the end? "
Tens of thousands of spectators at the scene watched the deep and dark cave waiting for the winner to triumph.
At this moment, a big rough hand stretched out from the cave!
Chapter 699 The outcome will be known.
At the end of the smoke, it was a rough, strong hand stretched out.
However, because the gold titan, Hyperion and Thor all have similar human appearance, they can judge who the final winner is by one-handed method.
The host of the gladiator also deliberately created suspense. He drawled and said, "If there is no accident, the player who climbed out of the cave first will be the last winner today. Who will he be?" Is it Thor? Or the Golden Titan Hyperion? "
Taking his word, the master of this big hand has turned out of the cave.
He was wearing a tight black belt with a gold belt engraved with the nuclear radiation sign, but his majestic cloak had been bombed into a rag and his short hair was in a mess.
The Golden Titan-Hyperion
He was lucky to be the winner tonight.
"no! ! !” Valkyrie saw that drilling the cave was Hyperion’s loss, holding his head and shouting.
Goofy some accident looked back at Valkyrie asked "what? Didn’t you guess that Hyperion would win? Why are you unhappy now that Hyperion has won the game? "
"I know that Hyperion is stronger, but Thor’s performance is more exciting … He not only defeated himself without a Raytheon hammer, but also awakened Raytheon’s final strategic deployment. Compared with Hyperion, he deserves this victory more!"
Valkyrie said.
Goofy shrugged. "Even so, sometimes luck is important. Thor does well in all aspects, but maybe he has some luck …"
"In addition, although he didn’t wake up Raytheon’s force with a hammer, I think he must not be skilled enough to control Raytheon’s force. Maybe it will take him a while to really beat Hyperion."
Valkyrie pouted in frustration. "Okay, but I still think Thor deserves to win today. It’s a pity that he didn’t win."
Goofy smiled gently and waved his fist. "Then let me teach Hyperion a lesson when the final comes."

The flame full of sulfur will burn these maggots completely.

Blackie munched on her round eyes, but looked at another corner of the plane.
There, a prayer wheel in a brocade box suddenly lit up.
Chapter 15 Stealing!
Warp-turning drum air automatic
The golden light emerged from the prayer wheel, and one special word after another jumped out of the face, and the low chanting planes echoed.
Different from the’ Dalin Temple’ scripture
This scripture is even more uncommon … evil.
With Sanskrit, but with death.
Black is the so-called
Shake the body and look at the prayer wheel. It is a hellfire at once.
The box with the warp beam is directly incinerated.
But the warp tube is fine.
Not only is it okay, it’s getting brighter.
At the same time, another one in the hidden corner has also changed.
That’s a skull.
Or rather …
Card, card, card
This piece has not been polished, and kapala has made a subtle crunchy sound. One by one, the speed is getting faster and faster, and it is getting denser and denser
When the sound changed, kapala slowly emerged by flying up a figure.
From the skull of kapala, the brain, eyeballs and teeth are intact, followed by the body and limbs, but there is no flesh and blood in the body and limbs. It is also extremely limited
Ga, ga
Semi-skeleton’ people’ move their bodies.
It went to the side of the box and found the scarlet monk’s yellow triangular monk’s hat.
He put on his monk’s robe and cap and went to the prayer wheel and picked it up.
Blackie kept attacking during the whole process.
But …
Whether it’s a sharp tooth or a hellfire, the first half of the skull turns into a’ person’, and when this’ person’ picks up the prayer wheel, the little black is shaken away.
Not doing it is a-
Blackie flew out
Turn over and climb up. Blackie stared at the’ man’ fiercely and sobbed in his throat.
Then …
Turn around and run.
It can’t beat each other.
But nothing.
It also has a master.
Its owner is sure to have done this skeleton. It is strange that its owner will give each other a hard lesson. It depends on its owner to let each other know what beating a dog is.
Blackie ran away.
The monks didn’t catch up.
But walk slowly.
When this’ monk’ appeared in the field of vision of Goethe, Xuanbei and Lingxiao, the old monk and Taoist priest were shocked and their eyes were incredible.
"Balda? !”
"How can he still be alive?"
The old monk exclaimed
"This picture of it can be said that it is not alive, but a’ monster’ spawned by witchcraft … Zhao Shan this bastard really prepared a big surprise for us."
The old Taoist priest’s face was serious and his eyes were dignified as never before.
"But this witchcraft … how is it possible?"
The old monk’s low chanting of the Buddha’s name is somewhat puzzled.
"How is it impossible?"
"After all, it is also a two-hundred-year dynasty, and it also stole the foundation of the former dynasty by taking advantage of the’ natural disaster’. You know, the former dynasty has accumulated too many secrets."
"There are at least thirteen jewels in that lock longjing alone."
"Not to mention the one who has cut the dragon sword."
The cold murderous look flashed in the old Taoist priest’s cold hum.
Taiyishan has always been honored by the former dynasty of that dynasty.
The situation in those days was completely unexpected.
A year ago, it was just scabies.
A year later, it swept the sky

The only effective way is to find another way to suppress and repair the magic abyss. Only when the Antarctic pillar is so seriously damaged can it have a chance to recover completely.

Such as suppressing the abyss of cold source!
This is a huge problem before Sun Hao.
Sun Haofei, an avatar with indomitable spirit, looked at himself quickly and found a way to find it. After half a ring, his body shook slightly and muttered, "It seems that this is the only way."
The right hand stretches forward, and the Sumeru Tower appears in the palm, and the Sumeru Tower appears in the palm of the hand.
In my mouth, I murmured that the Sumeru Tower grew up rapidly, and in a short time, it has become a towering giant pagoda, which was supported by the magical powers.
A huge word "town" emerged from Sun Hao’s stupa.
"Xiao Hao" sounded from Sun Hao’s heart. "Are you sure you want to do this? Dead town, a magic abyss, your true body will be extracted like a mortal sumeru, and the tower will be restricted. If you lose less power in a fairy mountain, you will be imprisoned here for more than a thousand years … "
Sun Hao said softly in his heart, "But Master Xiaohao can’t find his practical strategy except this way."
The young old man whispered, "If Xiaohao doesn’t display the dead town, he may be able to change the gods in one thousand years, and then he may be able to find a way."
Sun Hao’s face is a bit wry. "If you miss today’s little Hao, even if you want to town without heaven and earth’s blessing, you can’t cast out the dead town tactic. Once Xiao Hao fails to turn into a god in one thousand, once the Antarctic pillar supports less than one thousand years, that little Hao is bound to become a sinner through the ages …"
Qing Lao Youyou said, "As soon as the dead town comes out, you will no longer be able to accept the tower slave; Once the dead town is out of the abyss, you will be able to control yourself. The pagoda is like a mortal, and you can’t push it. I said how to choose your own decision. "
Corleone body a slight shock.
Perhaps Sun Hao will really fall to death in the town, or Sun Hao will watch his relatives and friends fall in front of him one by one, but he is capable.
But the reality is not that Sun Hao escapes.
The body bowed slightly to Sumeru Tower, and Sun Hao said in his heart, "Master, I have made up my mind."
Green old a slight sigh "that’s a good little hao you cast, I cooperate"
Sun Hao once again said "Thank you, Master"
With that, his arms vibrated and floated, and Sun Hao’s mouth lang said, "I’m physically dead, and the town is no longer dead. Give me the formula for shaping the town, and give it to my town, town, town …"
The avatar hand threw a huge sumeru tower and flew high. When it crashed, it fell dark and returned to a field.
Go to a field with a violent shock.
Method: stretch out the four-handed sumeru condensation tower and press it
Sun Hao shouted "Go for me"
The body stepped on the tip of Sumeru condensation tower with a heavy step.
Go back to the field in the roar.
The ice slag splashed all over the sky was directly pressed by the pressure of Sumeru Condenser Tower, and the square of the magic abyss was stuck in the solid ice like an inlay.
And with the return of a field to a fairy mountain, the cold current is spreading everywhere, freezing everywhere, and the cold current comes to an abrupt end
Sumeru condensate tower dead town to return to a field to suppress the cold source spillover
Deep in the abyss, Lord Lan Lan looked at it with a dull face and said to himself, "How is it possible?" How is that possible? He really did it. He really did it … "
As the Sumeru tower slowly falls, Sun Hao’s body flashes slightly, and the five attributes of the body are absorbed by the Sumeru tower like the tide.
In less than an hour, your body will consume one yuan.
Look at it, it still stands in the sky, covering the sun, and it’s mighty and majestic. Sun Hao can’t help but move slightly in his heart.
The force of heaven and earth is ok now.
It’s a pity that the power of the avatar has dissipated. In this case, before being sealed, it can make some final contributions to the mainland.
God knows how to move in the sky, and a huge head looks down and Lang says in his mouth, "South China returns to dust. The first baby monk in South China doesn’t think about mainland China’s grace, and he doesn’t feel that mainland Germany’s involvement in the underworld has brought disaster to the mainland. Today, I, Sun Haosun Chenxiang, am doing good for heaven …"
Huge law covers heaven and earth
Hongda sound cuts across the southern mainland
Huge head looked at his eyes, such as looking at the desert.
The edge of the desert is fighting fiercely with Sun Hao, the incarnation of a dragon, to return to the dust. Suddenly, the spirit is strong and the floating dust flies away to the sand dunes.
Just got into the sand dune, a huge friend’s palm has swept away, and together with the sand dune, he grasped the force and pinched it at one stroke.
Returning to the dust has been held by a huge palm like a small ant for half of it.
The huge head came to Sun Haowei’s stern voice, "The first sinner in the mainland goes to the dust man and dies."
Give it a big squeeze.
Brother Yuanying once ranked first in the South China, and he didn’t even come to hum. He has been squeezed like a bedbug.
Fireworks bloom, Yuan Ying’s big brother’s body is pinched into a light spot and disappears.
All that live monks in the southern continent, include those who are engaged in fierce fighting, can’t help but look up at Gao, a majestic statue of Sun Haosun with three heads and six arms and Chen Xiang.
Squeeze and explode, return to dust, huge metamorphosis, Sun Hao, Sun Chenxiang did not stop there.
The tall giant’s head opens his mouth again, and the majestic sound cuts across the mainland. "The southern mainland has won the day after the war inferno, but the day has a good life. Today, I am Sun Haosun Chenxiang lenient. You consciously enter my palm and I am imprisoned. You don’t kill it, if not, you will kill it …"
After that, a huge palm of the desert fell from the sky and paved the desert flatly.
At the same time, the area of his five inferno fighters in the southern mainland also fell from the sky, and a huge palm was spread flat.
What kind of avatar is this?
The inferno soldiers are frightened but hesitant.
Should I go? Will you be crushed directly like a dustman after you go?
But what will happen if you don’t go?
The whole southern continent suddenly calmed down at this time.
Almost all monks and mortals look up to the sky and look up to the giant Sun Haosun agarwood with three heads and six arms.
Chapter DiYiSanLiu Avatar II
Surprise and worship in the hearts of mortals
Fairy family means that fairy family can save the world, right?
Is Sun Haosun Chenxiang going to wipe out the magic disaster now?
Is he the real immortal?
The worship in the monk’s heart is also full of incredible feelings.
Friar Shen has never seen a horse running or eating grass. Naturally, he knows that even a truly powerful and true gentleman can’t do Sun Haosun’s agarwood to this extent!
What kind of avatar is this?
Earth-shattering has been difficult to shape him.
It seems that the five little monks have never been so powerful!
Has Sun Haosun Chenxiang grown to such a height?
Friar inferno hesitated slightly in a head and said, "The hard way? Then you can go to hell! "
When talking, one of the six palms suddenly turned over, reached out and fished out a huge palm, instantly scooped up a big wave of imperial sword and fled in a panic. However, on how these magic repairs can fly, they can’t fly out of the huge palm. The giant’s mouth gently snorted the huge palm and held thousands of fleeing magic repairs, and the light was directly crushed.
It’s not lucky that several people who have learned advanced knowledge can move in a flash.
Sun Haowei Yan Yin came again. "The last chance is not enough …"
The magic repair was frightened. Near a huge palm, the magic repair was less, and the royal sword rushed into the palm of Fa’s hand quickly and dare not neglect it.
With a grip, the method did not crush them, but with a turn, it moved their department to Sumeru Condensation Tower to return to a field.
He saw that Sun Hao had kept his promise and didn’t strike into the palm of his hand. He couldn’t help but rush into the palm of Sun Hao’s hand with his royal sword.
Sun Hao waved his palm continuously and transferred all these flying magic repairs to a field.
The monks in the southern continent are not only stunned by the fact that they are fighting against Magic Xiu.
Everyone has been killed for more than ten years, and everyone has to wipe out the magic disaster for a hundred years.
Now it doesn’t take a moment for the magic pups to lose their prisoners when the giant hand of Lord Aquilaria reaches out.
Brother Mighty’s realm really can’t be speculated by common sense.
Brother Mighty’s terror really can’t be understood normally.

"What else can I say … it’s not that he’s caught cold … and he’s weak … it’s already a little better … but it suddenly burned up at night today … and he’s in a daze … but he can’t even say words at the moment …" Nalaplace said sadly, glancing at Hong Hui’s face in lethargy.

When I approached the bed, I found that his face was cold and sweaty, his lips were pale and he twitched slightly. Where is the usual vitality?
I couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable and asked, "Didn’t the doctor give me some prescriptions? Is he in such a coma? "
"Why didn’t … those drugs were fed in and were still spit out by Honghui … Honghui said it was too bitter to swallow …" The Rumsfeld was worried and replied.
At this time, Honghui suddenly shouted "Amar …"
I realized that Yin Zhen was not in the house!
"Sister Yin … why isn’t I here?"
She glanced at me with a wry smile. "I said he had sent someone to consult with me in … years. Besides, when I looked at Honghui, it didn’t matter, so I advised me to go to the room …"
"That now that Hong Hui has a fever, he should have someone call him! What’s so important? Honghui is his son! " When I was in a hurry, I lost my mind and shouted out, forgetting my scruples.
After listening to my words, Rumsfeld sighed, "Jin Er … I know your kindness is rare … This house has you like this … It’s just that Jin Er is Hong Hui for Ye … It’s not the most important thing …" Rumsfeld had a hard time saying these words, so he no longer saw that I was focusing on wiping away the cold sweat on Hong Hui’s cheeks.
Honghui is not the most important? What’s the most important thing? Is it the cold throne? !
I looked at the couch dying, and Honghui couldn’t help but get angry.
Nian Gengyao must have come to him so late to plan the throne, but Honghui is so sick now. Shouldn’t his father come to accompany his son? !
Is this the so-called forbearance? Is this what the so-called gentleman does? ! Is it true imperial love to watch your relatives suffer without worrying? !
This room is very big, but it looks deserted after Nala dismissed everyone. Although the decoration in the room is not worth a thousand dollars, what about this? It’s not just a cold object
I looked at Nala’s and Honghui’s figures flickering by candlelight, showing a bleak scene. I couldn’t bear to look at them again. I secretly thought that no matter how precious things are, they are no better for a wife and a child … A word of comfort from the man called husband and father, a shoulder to lean on …
And this pair of mother pillars is also my husband, the husband of all the women in this house, and it will be the future three thousand beautiful days in the harem …
Yin Zhen … What should I do …
Chapter sixty-six Sex [6]
"That pull elder sister! I’m going to call you! " I couldn’t bear to finish this sentence any longer, and regardless of what kind of reaction Nalaplace would have, I quickly ran to his room.
At this time, there was still a slight chill coming from the soles of my feet at night. I ran to the door of the house in one breath and saw the faint candlelight shining through the paper window, and the front steps were covered with a layer of dim light.
There are two eunuchs outside the house watching me approach, and they all look at me cautiously.
Look at this appearance, even I guess it’s close. Yin Zhen and Nian Gengyao must be planning something.
But I didn’t care so much. I closed my eyes and rushed straight to the door until I was stopped by those two little eunuchs. They said in a shrill voice, "Lord, please go back. I ordered no one to come near."
I looked at them gloomily and muttered, "Well, I’ll go back first. Remember to tell him that I came to see him as soon as I get out later, okay?"
"Lord, don’t worry, the slave will take the message," the eunuch replied respectfully.
I turned slightly, took two steps, quickly turned around and pushed back the future. I had to react. The little eunuch was unfamiliar with his hand, and I didn’t come to see their injuries. I reached out and pushed the closed door.
The door was pushed and rang, and they were talking intently. Yin Zhen’s eyes quickly rose with a murderous look. When he saw that it was me, the murderous look gradually disappeared and turned to a rising anger.
"What are you doing here?"
I recovered from that murderous look and heard his question clearly. Half of my heart was scared away by his murderous look, and I complained and revived my mouth. "What am I going to do?" ! Why don’t you ask yourself, are you still planning this here? What are you doing? !”
When the words came out, I regretted it.
Looking at Yin Zhen’s gradually darkening eyes and Nian Gengyao’s horrified expression, I realized that my brain must be out of line. These words should be processed and exported again and again.
But obviously I regret that I can’t come now.
Yin Zhen turned to look at Nian Gengyao. He bowed in vain and excused himself. When he passed me, he glanced at me from the corner.
That look seems to contain too many things. When I came to see it again, he had taken the door out.
So sharp eyes are definitely not lost to Yin Zhen … No wonder he will be coated by a Han slave into an all-powerful general.
I’m wandering in the sky and I’m done. I forget that my situation is remembering Nian Gengyao’s deeds.
Suddenly, I looked up and found that Yin Zhen had come to me. He looked at me with inquiring eyes and joked, "It’s not just that I’m coming over now, is it?"
I just suddenly remembered to look for him and blame myself regardless of weight. I was busy when I thought of this. "Honghui, he has a fever! You are quick to go! "
He was also surprised. "Isn’t it a big deal?"
"I don’t know that Sister Nala said that her illness has been repeated. When I passed, Honghui was already in a coma … I heard Honghui’s mouth still shouting Amar and I was in a hurry to find you. Go there quickly!" I quickly said
He hesitated for a busy step, to the la’s big house.
Chapter sixty-seven Sex [7]
I trotted behind him and worried about Honghui’s illness, but I also secretly wondered why I fell ill.
Although I felt strange, I didn’t think too much about it. In ancient times, any cold would kill me, which is even worse. He is only a child of one year old.
When Yin Zhen and I entered Nala’s house in tandem, everyone in the house was Zheng. I found that there were many more people in the house. Originally, Geng Shi and Lee all came over, and the snow came year after year.