Conan is shorter and can see more clearly near the ground.

He found that it was a coke and quickly squatted down to help it up.
Shake the drink and flush the lid. Conan sighed, touched his handkerchief, wiped his hands and the cup was about to close the lid again. Suddenly, it smelled wrong. There seemed to be a little subtle taste in the coke … bitter almond.
A detective Conan, who is bound to encounter potassium cyanide as soon as he encounters a poisoning case, stares at the cup. From the position, it looks like Baishi putting coke in his face.
Suzuki Park saw Conan squatting on the ground for a long time, but he didn’t get up straight, wondering to sneak the child up, and then he saw Conan holding a spilled coke in his hand and his eyes were straight.
Suzuki Park recalled the route she had just traveled and realized that this drink might have been kicked over and she felt guilty and tried to help clean it up.
But Conan stopped him. "Don’t move! It’s poisonous!"
Suzuki Park looked at him blankly for a moment and finally reacted to what he was saying! ! !”
Chapter 415 Every precision strike friendly forces
Pulling the white stone in Suzuki Garden, I want to see if he was poisoned or fell into a dust while sleeping. At first glance, it looks like a small plane of children’s toys, flying to the ground and stopping for a while next to them.
In the corridor more than ten meters away, Belmore saw Du Linbiao holding the remote control of the plane in one hand and looking for it from his magic pocket in the other hand for a while and pulled out a stylish little stereo-the toy plane was bugged.
According to a little boy’s voice on the stereo, the white stone was placed at the foot and the coke smelled of bitter almonds. According to Uncle Maori, it might be the smell of potassium cyanide.
Then Suzuki Garden screamed in confusion, "No, I heard that eating potassium cyanide won’t kill the horse, but you can stop popularizing science for a while and call an ambulance!" !”
….. This is the white stone law discipline which foe to find?
Belmore gloated and pursed his lips.
But before laughing, her back was cool-Du Linbiao turned his head and gave her a faint look.
"…" Belmore looked at the little boy who looks like Kudou Shinichi around Baishi, then at the little boy who just ran from the stage to Mao Lilan and couldn’t laugh.
She scratched her hair and became agitated. "No, you changed the monitoring screen of my business. I didn’t know he would come. If I have doubts, I might as well go and find some doctors first. What if there is still a rescue?"
Belmore secretly guarded against Du Linbiao’s troubles.
But unexpectedly, the other party doesn’t seem to be in a hurry.
"There is no need for you. Is he you?"
In Belmore, Du Linbiao looked at the cigarette butt with teeth marks in the woman’s hand, and then a tone that made people want to step on his face completed the second half of the sentence "Dare to put anything in your mouth"
"…" Belmore took a deep breath and spit it out slowly.
She now fully understands why no one wants to partner with Du Linbiao.
No, it should be said that I have already understood the foundation and deepened some understanding.
Du Linbiao didn’t go to see Belmore’s changing face. He took off his headphones and carefully put away the remote control and the plane, pushing the cleaning car and waving away.
Belmore stared at his back, threw the cigarette he had just handed to the ground, stepped on it with a cold face and scolded the rabbit cub in his heart
Look at the white stone outside the window and silently add a "friend"
At this time, the "new doctor" should actually go to the audience to have a look, even if she doesn’t aim at Baishi, she can see Conan by the way.
When investigating Baishi, Belmore saw this pupil, and the detective found that he looked very much like Kudou Shinichi.
Combined with the characteristics of AP469 and the sudden disappearance of Kudou Shinichi, Belmore guessed that Conan was probably the missing Kudou Shinichi.
Since Conan is also an AP469 photographer, it is impossible for him to enjoy the treatment of passers-by in Turin.
Bermodo didn’t make it in the end.
A white stone is conspicuous enough. If she also goes around and causes Du Linbiao to pay double attention, in case Conan is exposed … that kind of result she really doesn’t want to see.

Limb bones all over the ground

The road is deep and thick, and the ravines spread straight into the distance, and there are terrible craters, not to mention the fierce fighting and the terrible super wave.
But this war was not a tragic victory as they imagined, but a complete victory?
"This is impossible!"
"How can it be possible to stop millions of fallacies or win completely with the strength of that awakened person!"
It’s hard to believe even if the facts are in front of you.
Illegally believe!
"What is the more specific process? How does Iris say that it is a means to make a fire?"
Yule asked.
A high-level person leans forward with shock and strong curiosity.
But the black knight’s face was embarrassed. "This problem …"
He paused. "The Iris Knight reported the victory. The photos were taken by other night watchmen, but they … they also took these photos, and they didn’t elaborate on the battle process."
Curious but unable to know the shock.
Several high-level officials in Yule couldn’t help but go crazy, but they couldn’t save face by asking Iris for details.
The same shame, the same madness, and the white tower messenger hiding in a cabin in Wudu.
He paced back and forth.
"What was the final result of that battle?"
"What is the basis for Bluestar people to manipulate the furnace golem and how long can they manipulate it?"
"And the blue light weird wood bud …"
There are so many questions and shocks in his heart that it drives people crazy.
However, he has no white tower eyes, unless he asks the night watchman organization, but he can’t pull this face with the white tower messenger.
I don’t think the night watchman will tell Donghuang what happened.
The White Pagoda Messenger got tangled up.
It never occurred to me that a night watchman organization not far away knew much less about the wave war than he did.
Bald eagle Federation

Cowardly grandson thoughtfully but revealed a smile and then nodded, "It’s not good to infer that the floating cloud island is empty and strange. It’s really not good to guess what they’re up to in intercepting the teaching. Martial uncle Tongtian has extremely strict constraints on his cousin, so I don’t want to get too involved in mundane things, even if someone gets involved in such things, and the number of people is limited."

A faint light flashed in the eyes of the true gentleman of pure morality. "Uncle Qing Xu is used to deducing the secret and should not intervene in such things. Now the only thing to worry about is that although Western teaching is not as good as my four eastern religions, the strength of crouching tiger, hidden dragon is not underestimated. More importantly, they have always had an extraordinary interest in my eastern land. They should not wave such a good opportunity!"
Tu Shanshi’s eyes flashed a bad smile, but it was a little more weird. He said faintly, "I heard people say that the real person is the most opposed to Western religion entering the Central Plains. If we told him the news, how would he react?" When the time comes, we don’t need too much effort to solve the problem of helping our arms. "
Qi smiled coldly and then shook his head. "The pure reality may not pay attention to these nosy things, but the western monks are not necessarily masters. At most, they are ordinary monks. If they want to come, they will be dealt with by us, that is, the temple needs to be closer to the witch gate."
Kai took a look at the people and nodded slightly. "The ordinary people in Wumen have a high status in their hearts, so I will naturally seek their support."
Tu Shanshi nodded and smiled. "Now that our goal has been done, it is better to do it, and we will have a chance to die."
Red essence frowned thoughtfully for a moment and finally said, "Dayu is not a five emperors, but he needs to rebuild his magical powers. He hopes that the mixed yuan Daoguo will not be easy to do and needs to be careful."
Say three immortals gave a gift but only from Yu Qi and Tu Shanshi low consultation.
Chapter 55 Western teaching wants to travel eastward
Yi is definitely an honest man, but he is not an idiot. Otherwise, people would not recommend him as Dayu’s successor. This is by no means a long-term discussion. Can the patriarch afford it casually? Besides, Terrans don’t want you to be talented, but they also want to inherit the unification.
Yi knows in his heart that the patriarch he can be elected is because of his own personality. He is not as domineering as Qi, and he is more modest and generous. He is very similar to Yao and Shun, while Qi is very similar to Dayu. If he is in charge of the big clan, he can continue to recuperate, but Qi is different. Once he has mastered the big world, he will suffer from war.
Of course, in addition to his own personality, the elder’s lust for power is also an important reason. Kai is a very overbearing figure, and he also has many outstanding talents. If he becomes the Terran Lord, those elders will naturally not get it, and then it will be enough. After getting it, few people are willing to give up those elders, and naturally they will not give up their temperament. Even if they become the patriarch, they may not be too humiliated.
Of course, there is one thing that Yi never thought that the Terran was surprised by the sacrifice to the wizard. Heaven didn’t say much. There are six words-"Yujiatian"
It’s not hard to understand the meaning of these words. Dawu didn’t leak the news. Even Dayu didn’t tell him. He told the Terran elders that the abdication system had been accepted for so long and it was very fair and reasonable. No one wanted to change the status quo. All elders resisted Rev. This is also the reason why those hawkish elders who advocated expansion also agreed to selective moderation humbly benefited.
With the support of Terran high-level and Witch Gate, he has a little bottom in his heart, and he is not able to resist. He has 3 thousand fine armor in his hand, which was left to him by his father. Every general in the army was stained with the blood of Shui soldiers.
Although the military strength at hand can’t compare with the elite in Kai’s hands, if there is an uprising, he will not be able to resist. Of course, if Dayu goes to that day, if Dayu hands over the Ministry of War to himself, his strength will swell to tens of thousands of troops, the most powerful force in the adult race, and at that time, Kai will be brave and not his opponent.
Among the Terrans, the minister in charge of farming, Bo Yuan, the minister in charge of animal husbandry and land, and the minister in charge of casting came in pairs, which brought good news.
Yi Zuo’s face is very cold in his account, and his strength is getting stronger and stronger. He is not worried that the other party will take away the Terran clan position. He is worried that if the other party insists on getting along with himself, the Terran will even be devastated, and it will be easy to recover and disappear.
Re-aware of Yi’s mind, but with a smile, I nodded, "My Lord, you don’t have to worry. Don’t look at Kai’s arrogance now. There is nothing to be afraid of. A few days ago, we invited several well-connected monks, one by one, with their help, there are thousands of things that are not adult opponents."
Yi glanced at sitting at the end of the personal eyebrows a wrinkly slightly, he was wondering why these three old men would bring outsiders into this person, one by one, and there was no lack of grotesque and ferocious people. If they were not confident in their skills, they would not be allowed to call in pro-guards to guard against it.
"Yuan Jian Yi was so cautious and smiled slightly." Adults don’t have to worry about them. They are led by Western teaching, and the two leaders are well-connected. The two leaders know the difficulties of adults and specially send them to help them. "
Yi glanced at the three old men who had helped him a lot, nodded and shook their heads lightly. "Tell me what the conditions of western teaching are. They always help me for no reason. In that case, we won’t have to struggle against the aquarium."
They looked at each other, but there was a smile. The minister did not speak. Cheng nodded, "Your Excellency is right. Western religion really wants adults. They hope that when adults inherit the throne, they will allow Western believers to teach in all ethnic groups."
Yi glanced at a western monk lightly. "You should retreat first. I need to discuss this with three elders."
The western monk is obviously proficient in doctrine and magic, but he doesn’t know much about people, especially about people’s minds. They didn’t say much, but they got up and gave a ceremony before they turned away.
It’s good for everyone to go out before they change their faces and look at them coldly. "You are all my elders, and everything you do is my good. I can’t thank you enough. What you are doing now is hurting me!" If I agree to the conditions of western teaching, I am afraid that my strength will not increase but decrease! "
Major surprised way "adults out of this? Although the strength of western religions is not as strong as that of one of the four eastern religions, the difference is limited. It is much stronger than that of surviving. With their help, how can we say that our strength is weak by adding a helping hand? "
Yihen said, "The problem is that the Wumen people have a high position among the ordinary people of Wumen. Although the four religions in Dongtu focus on Taoism, they have not gained much. If western religions are put in, they will certainly offend Wumen. By then, Wumen will support Qimen and the people will naturally follow Wumen to support Qimen. Will our strength become stronger if it is not weak?"
"Yuan smiles," My Lord, you worry too much about Western teaching, but it doesn’t mean that we have room for bargaining. "Speaking of this, his face is fierce and dim, and there seems to be something to hide. It took a while to light the way.
"Actually, it is impossible for us not to ask for help from Western religions. If I didn’t guess wrong, Kai was already mixed up with Interpretation. During the Tu Shanshi Aquarium War, he became quite close to the Elders of Interpretation. It seems that he was preparing today at that time. If we don’t seek support from Western religions, our strength is not weak. I am afraid that relying solely on the strength of Witch Gate will not benefit our opponents."
Speaking of this, he saw Yi’s lips move as if he had something to say, but he said with a wry smile, "My Lord, I know what you mean. We can still go to his three religions for help, but the education is single-handedly isolated and close to the teaching, and the interception of teaching is very strict for his disciples. In addition to inviting some people from three mountains and five mountains to practice true immortals, I am afraid that they will not be involved in the world of mortals."
When Yi heard this, he hated it even more. He was furious and said, "Although my power is weak, I don’t want to trade the interests of my people for victory. Western religions are ambitious for me. How can I make such a deal with them?"
Suddenly, he said, "My Lord, you are wrong. The eastern land is the land of the Oriental Terran, which will never change. What if we just let the West teach this religion?" They are all adults’ subjects. If adults are willing to join a brigade, they can be wiped out. Will they rest assured? At this time, we are in urgent need of help. They are really short of help. If you have a big Terran sword, please think twice. "
"Yuan and heavy hurry up together upon the mouth qi way" please adults think twice ".

The two men sat along the boat and waited quietly for the boatman to deal with snakehead.

"I beg you, can’t you be gentle?" The fish suddenly spat at people and said
Half of its flesh and blood have been stripped, leaving fishbone with strong salty smell and blood.
Looked at each other Gu Qingshan and LengTianXing couldn’t help some fright.
-how can this fish talk when it is dead and half of its body is gone?
The boatman kept shaking his head and said, "No, it’s a rule."
Chapter 59 snakehead
The big snakehead wouldn’t do it.
Trembling from time to time makes Gu Qingshan and Leng Tianxing white bear the pain.
This is almost the death penalty, and even the monster beast can’t stand it.
The boatman saw that the two men were gradually dignified and said, "Don’t sympathize with it."
“?” Leng Tianxing asked
"Hey, hey, you can’t see it. This demon fish repair has reached the late stage of deification, and almost all of it is going to be canonized." The boatman laughed.
Two people are more surprised.
How is it possible to seal the sacred monster beast and be executed in this way?
"But it will-"LengTianXing could not help but ask.
"Because it can’t help but want to swallow five islands overnight, all creatures on the island are eaten by it, and the Terran alone is eaten by it." The boatman interrupted him and said with a smile.
The boatman’s knife cut the fish piece by piece and continued, "The immortal grabbed it in anger and sealed it. It took a hundred thousand times to be reincarnated."
The last piece of fish was cut, and the whole fish was crystal clear except the fish head.
The boatman wiped his hands and said, "Today, this is the 7351st time, which is still a long way from the hundred thousand times."
He said that he would throw the whole fish into the river with one stroke.
The bone fish swam for a while and sank silently.
Leng Tianxing listened with ecstasy and praised, "No loss is a hundred flowers and immortals."
The boatman grinned and said, "Don’t flatter our immortal. What list do you both want to pick now?"
Leng Tianxing pondered for a moment and said, "I want to try to pick the list of ancient artifacts."
The boatman clapped his hands and said, "It’s wonderful indeed. You can sail."
"the boat?"
Leng Tianxing looked left and right, except that the boat was swimming around.
The boatman squatted down to pick up a floating willow branch from the water and handed it to Lengtianxing.
"This is the water relic left over from ancient times."
"100,000 years ago, there was a mountain god and a water god in the era of the wild, and this decisive battle ended up here."
"This willow branch can keep you safe. Go and find some pieces of truth."
Listen to the boatman said Leng Tianxing then took the willow branch spirit force to push against it.
The willow branches stretch out to give off a soft light and gently wrap the cold star.
A whirlpool suddenly appeared on the calm water, and a huge hand stretched out from the whirlpool to gently hold the cold star and slowly shrink back.
"It’s your turn," the boatman looked at Gu Qingshan. "What list are you here to pick?"
Gu Qingshan fuels a ritual way "pick the sword list"
The boatman eyed Gu Qingshan. "You don’t even have a sword …"
Gu Qingshan wry smile way "broken in the battle"
"oh? Broken? What is it broken into? " The boatman asked
"Broken into crumbs outside the hilt" Gu Qingshan truthfully said.
"Well, you’re not a flower stand." The boatman’s eyes lit up.
He turned around and supported the boat and sailed quickly forward.
"Wait, the sword list is far away. I think you might as well rest for a while because you are all hurt." The boatman said.
"Thank you"
Gu Qingshan sat on the plank and waited silently for pranayama.
He tried to adjust his body’s accumulated spiritual strength and gradually drove away his physical fatigue.

It is a good thing that the secret medicine is similar to the secret medicine of physical fitness and energy.

At any rate, the physique can be improved through basic skills, but it can’t be broken, so it will go up a little bit. He has been waiting for this mysterious medicine for a long time.
Finally have you here.
Fang you intercepted one bottle for himself and left two bottles. This time, he did not specify it and hung it directly on the organization exchange list for the apostles to exchange.
But he made some fine-tuning.
The "fine mystery medicine" that needs more spirit, such as An Jian You, is hung in a prominent position on the list, while the "fine mystery medicine" that needs less macho men, such as Black Knife and Punishment Thunder, is hidden in the corner.
Is it reasonable that different apostles and different exchange lists are a little different?
He continued to browse the extracted records.
"Soul of Black Knife (Purple)"
"Special Apostle’ King Hammer’ (Blue)"
"Standard Weapon Mould (Blue)"
"Realistic Apostle Extraction Volume (Purple)"
"Advanced Trap Extraction Volume (Purple)"
"… black knife soul?"
Fang you’s eyes fell and whispered softly.
Xinhuo base negative first floor No.1 training ground
Black knife has two knives in his hand.
One is a novice combat knife, and the other is an evil-fighting broadsword.
Beside him is the new apostle’ Wang Hammer’, a man with bare arms and a bare head like a braised egg.
"Do you mean to increase the weight of this combat knife or simply build a similar sword?"
Black knife nodded.
Wang Hammer laughed. "What’s the difficulty? You underestimate me, Lao Wang."
"It is really difficult to forge a deceitful sword. The birth of a deceitful weapon requires the main material of the deceitful weapon, and then tailor-made the pair with the effect of improving the deceitful weapon according to this material."
"But if it is to build a training broadsword with similar shape and weight, this thing can have hands."
"Uh, but you need materials besides your hands."
Wang hammer rubbed his hands.
Black knife means that the materials are out of his control, so he picked up the novice combat knives and went on training.
Wang Hammer "…"
Can you chat with me for a while and then tell Lao Wang where to get the materials? I always feel uncomfortable when I wake up with nothing in my hand.
He turned his head and walked in at the gate of the training ground in the distance. A figure came in.
Wearing a white robe and smiling.
It’s like a light center
Wang hammer blurted out "mentor"
"Master Wang Hammer"
Fang You had already checked before coming, and Wang Hammer Panel was a top talent in urgent need of talents.
He’s just like a bell, but he’s just as strong as a bell. It doesn’t matter whether he’s strong or not. What Fang You values is his skills and his major.
Wang Hammer has three skills.
Basic hammer method (proficiency), cunning and evil pursuit (proficiency), precision forging hammer method (proficiency)
Fusion with an awakening ability material
He was born to strike while the iron is hot!
Of course, it is not a skill. Black Knife has rich combat experience and skills and knows how to make detailed training plans.
The silver bell can’t cure, but also has knowledge and technology such as drug manufacturing and wound debridement.
Special apostles want to come to the king’s hammer.
Fang you chatted with him and asked about weapons manufacturing.
"In addition to ordinary steel and alloy materials, the most important thing to make a weapon bear life energy and kill the evil spirits is to use mysterious materials and crystal."
"An ordinary weapon needs at least a mysterious material and a crystal. If there are any special requirements on size and method, the consumption will have to be increased."
Fang You immediately let Master Wang Hammer demonstrate one
He’s got a lot of tricks.
Mysterious materials have also been caught when killing Samsung’s cunning evil before.

-I’m afraid besides Lola, the gods can do it so quickly.

Suddenly, a green leaf appeared and fell into Lola’s hand.
Laura’s face changed as soon as she saw it.
"Brother and sister have just got the result. In the last battle, the order of the devil was ended by the soul scream. The soul scream left the occupied area and is moving towards the hegemony area."
She ran to the cabin and said, "We should leave this area as soon as possible and go back to the strange area-Sister Lin, I am not strong enough. Please help me steer."
Lin should follow.
Gu Qingshan was left on the deck.
What does the soul squealer think?
Isn’t it crazy?
But its action seem to have a purpose.
Gu Qingshan thought for a moment and suddenly took out a ring.
I can’t think of anything else now. The most important thing is to keep strengthening my strength.
He looked at the ring.
Pure and transparent amber inlaid ring
There are no ancient creatures sealed in this charming amber.
But if you look closely, you will find a faint starlight in amber.
Gu Qingshan carefully studied the amber ring and remembered the elf’s own dialogue at the beginning.
"Your eyes contain all the true meaning of your swordsmanship. After thinking about it, I think there is a power that suits you very well."
"What do you mean by strength?"
"You practitioners say that this kind of power is called avatar-when you achieve a realm, this ring will take you to a parallel world where you will get this kind of power."
"… thank you for your generosity"
Gu Qingshan no longer hesitated to stretch out his hand and crush amber.
A piece of starlight emerged from amber and formed the appearance of a fairy.
When the elf smiled at Gu Qingshan, "Hello again, little guy whose identity I kept secret."
"Hello pavilion" Gu Qingshan salute way
"You’re welcome. This is the last time that fate can be seen. After that, fate and time will change dramatically. No one can predict what will happen in the future."
"Are you all right?"
"Me? I am leading the whole war, but for a young man like you, I can still take a look at it sometime. "
When the genie continued, "Your world has been blessed by the sword pupil, supported by the earth, fire, water and wind, the law of the inner world and the power of chaos. Now you still need one thing to complete it."
She stretched out her hand made of stars and gently touched Gu Qingshan’s eyebrows.
"Go, Gu Qingshan, go to the place I marked to complete your world art"
"I hope you can fight side by side in the near future."
"Looking forward to seeing you again"
With that, the elves disappeared from Gu Qingshan.
Gu Qingshan closed his eyes for a while.
He has learned the location of that place.
Chapter nine hundred and thirty Wandering treasure recipients
A certain world
A curtain of light is suspended in the bar, playing the latest news of the 900 million-story world.
"Amazing news!"
"After a long, jaw-dropping and shocking war that destroyed the whole occupied area, the monster from the seminary defeated the demon king."
"I must say that the battle between monsters and demons is a dog-eat-dog battle, and no matter who is killed, we will applaud."
"But please note that the seminary monster has left the occupied area."

However, the road flyover burning the lamp is that the feet are rising and Xiangyun is stepping towards Chu Yi, and his eyes are staring straight at Chu Yi.

Chu Yi looked at his figure and rose, and they were far away from each other.
With a somewhat Gherardini look on his face, Chu Yi looked at the road flyover burning lamp and said, "Road flyover burning lamp, do you want to send me the coffin palace lantern? I really like your coffin palace lantern …"
Before Chu Yi finished speaking, the face of the Taoist priest lit a lamp, but it showed a strange smile. "Chu Yi, don’t you know that Xiqi Daishang is the general trend of heaven? Do you know that those who go against heaven are different from those who go against heaven? I’m talking nonsense here. I want to see that when you go against the sky, the sky will drop and the doom will fall to you. Can you still be protected by friends from heaven at that time?"
Chu Yi laughed when he heard this. "Since you are curious about burning the lamp, you should open your eyes and watch my life. I can’t help it. How can you resist me?"
Listening to Chu Yi’s domineering words, the road flyover couldn’t help but stay for a while and then sneered, "It’s really worthwhile to be arrogant and arrogant."
The speaker shouted to kill the sky, but Jin Dasheng, Dai Li and others came to sit on the city wall, only to be entangled by hen-pecked Liu Sun, Manjusri Real Man and others. Their powers are not as good as hen-pecked Liu Sun and others. Where are these opponents of Tao Jinxian? It’s just a blink of an eye. Jin Dasheng, Dai Li and others were killed on the spot one by one.
The henpecked grandson waved his head at Yuan Hong Huang, as if telling himself to behead the Yuan Hong brothers. Generally, he was so proud that Yuan Hong couldn’t wait to smash the henpecked grandson’s head with a stick.
Manjusri reality is beheaded Dai Li, Daoxing Tianzun, and Qingxu Moral Tianzun. His opponents are several monsters. In a blink of an eye, the seven monsters of Meishan were killed, leaving Yuan Hong alone.
Yuan Hong’s whistling figure turned into a statue of a giant ape with a height of 100 feet, but it was stopped by Pu Xian.
"Fear of leaving one’s grandchildren, Manjuel and others have taken a wild break."
Hearing a charming reprimand, I immediately saw an evil dumpling broken and scared my grandchildren. Manjusri, a real person, couldn’t help but face a slight change and flicker and hide in several armies.
Riding on a Hei Hu Zhao Gong, with a golden whip hanging from his back, he came to the Taoist who lit the lamp and said, "Did Zhao Gong ask me if he wanted to bully the younger brother?"
With the arrival of Zhao Gong and Yunxiao three sisters, the original precarious Si Shui stabilized.
Jiang Ya’s eyes are open to all ears, and even if he saw that Si Shui was difficult to take, he immediately sounded the golden bell to retreat to Xiqiao, and the army of one side retreated like a tide.
And Pu Xian reality, burning lamp road flyover several people also secretly breath a sigh of relief to try to go back.
Chapter one thousand three hundred and fifty-five Return from the dead
The sudden killing of Zhao Gong and Yunxiao Sisters was indeed beyond the expectation of the people who burned the lamp. It was precisely because of this that several talents chose to retreat after the retreat.
There are several Zhao Gong people who have joined the war. They want to expand their achievements, but it is obviously impossible to hit Chu Yi and Yuan Hong hard. In that case, it is better to stop.
After all, they took advantage of the chaos to slay all the seven monsters in Meishan, which is already quite a success.
The armies of both sides retreated to the wall, and Yuan Hong looked at the bodies of several people, such as Dai Li and Jin Dasheng, who were taken back by military forces, and could not help but frown.
Yuan Hong’s eyes flashed a little worried. Even though their brother’s big business list left a true spirit, Yuan Hong was still worried. After all, the impact was not small in front of his brother’s body
Chu Yi has now greeted Yunxiao sisters and Zhao Gong. When Yuan Hong’s eyes fell to the ground a few days ago, Zhao Gong couldn’t help coughing a little toward Yuan Hongdao. "Yuan Hongdaoyou is so sorry for your loss."
Zhao Gong’s generous friends all over the world have no prejudice against the seven eccentrics of Meishan who were born in a strange way. At any rate, the seven eccentrics of Meishan are also big businessmen. To put it bluntly, it is Chu Yi’s hand. Now Zhao Gong naturally wants to comfort Yuan Hong after the seven eccentrics of Meishan lost their lives.
Yuan Hong couldn’t help but gently cough a look at Chu Yi, but he was not good enough to directly tell Zhao Gong Dai Li and Jin Dasheng that several people didn’t really die.
Chu Yi felt Yuan Hong’s eyes smile, even if he was fair to Zhao. "Brother, you don’t know that Dai Li and Jin Dasheng are not dead!"
Zhao Gongwen couldn’t help but open his eyes to see Chu Yi’s face full of disbelief.
Yu said that Bixiao was directly directed at Chu Yi. "Little teacher younger brother, don’t lie to me. There are several bodies here, but you told me that they are not dead. I can still tell if this person is dead."
Chu Yi couldn’t help laughing at Zhao Gong and Yunxiao sisters. "Come with me and you will know."
Speak ChuYi also blunt Yuan Hong nodded with Yuan Hong.
Zhao Gong and Yunxiao sisters are also curious about what the hell Chuyi is going to do, and they quickly followed.
Chu Yi, a tinker in Company commanders mansion Mansion in Sishui, reached out and took out a silk from his bosom.
This side of silk and silk is exactly the list of suppressing the treasures of big business fortune.
This list is now full of names, but people who have voluntarily placed their true spirits on this list over the years.
Stretching out his hand and throwing the list horizontally, there is no vision, but in the eyes of Zhao Gong and Yunxiao, this list is a gathering of luck, which can be said to be a treasure.
"This is waiting for the treasure to have such a weather."
Looking at the list, the momentum is Zhao Gong and Yunxiao, and Zhao Gong is directly asked.
Chu Yi smiled and said, "Brother, look."
Speaking, Chu Yi suddenly shouted at the winning list, "Jin Dasheng, Dai Li … you will come back soon!"
As Chu Yi’s voice fell, he saw that the list bloomed with light, and the light flew out of the list and turned into a figure.
Qi and vitality converge, and this road figure is quickly solidified at a speed visible to the naked eye.
It’s just a dozen breathing efforts. Six of the seven eccentrics of Meishan, such as Jin Dasheng and Dai Li, appeared in front of everyone intact.
Yuan Hong couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw Jin Dasheng and Dai Li. He slapped Jin Dasheng and Dai Li on the shoulder and said, "It’s good to be brothers."
Jin Dasheng laughed. "Luckily, the king has such a treasure to shelter me and wait for the true spirit, otherwise he will really die this time."
Until this time, I can’t help but feel a little scared when I recall the situation that they were beheaded by their henpecked grandchildren.
Dai Li gritted his teeth and said, "They are afraid to leave their grandchildren. Their roots are bullying us, but they are not as good as them. Why don’t they dare to make trouble with their eldest brother?"

In the near future, Bluestar should be able to go home.

When I get home, my mother will eat sweet and sour ribs and braised ribs for three days.
If you eat daddy’s big bag and drink a bowl of steaming and fragrant soybean milk, all the cold and fatigue will be washed away.
Thinking about xu drooling!
Mars is really cold!
Even with war protection
I didn’t think it would be really cold to relax before.
Xu looked back at AnXiaoXue with a smile. Hey, hey, a smile is ready to stimulate AnXiaoXue. Give AnXiaoXue a list first. She is stimulated by the name of the dish to stimulate her.
These days, drinking energy potions and compressing rations are almost fading out of the mouth!
"Don’t come over!"
Xu retreated just to AnXiaoXue, five meters away, and AnXiaoXue abruptly retreated, which prevented Xu from retreating.
"What’s the matter, Teacher An?" Xu retreated in astonishment.
"Just don’t come over!" An Xiaoxue is very determined.
Xu tui is puzzled.
Three hours later, the Phobos World War I Command came to order the official end of the actual combat on Mars in 213.
All elite students participating in the war will be tied up at the nearest node in the 24 th place in the 16 th district of the first district.
The Phobos World War I Command will send a space transport plane to send elite students to Phobos, and will also send a space vehicle Mars to search for life breath.
Look for students who may be seriously injured and incapacitated.
All participants in the war will undergo initial environmental adaptation therapy and stress psychological intervention in Phobos.
At the same time, all participating students will also be screened at Phobos.
Prevent alien races from mixing into Terran Department.
Estimated time is three to five days.
Many awards and final merit calculations for all combatants will be completed in these three to five days.
Participants in the war can also obtain information for verification if they have objections.

"Yeah …" Hyperion expression finally became nervous. "It seems that Asgard people are really tough …"

Thor smiled coldly. "I have always said that only Asgard people are true gods!"
However, although Thor turned the scene around, Hyperion didn’t panic. In fact, he was more flexible in avoiding Thor’s thunder offensive because he was faster than Thor.
Grandmaster in the stands also saw this, and the master’s face was finally calm
"Respected master Raytheon has awakened such ability in the decisive battle. Is the Golden Titan going to lose?" Topaz low asked.
"defeat? The Golden Titan is not so easy to be defeated … "Grandmaster said calmly.
This sentence has just been exported to the arena, and Hyperion has taken a counterattack. He flew quickly through the heavy net of Thor cloth like a golden flash!
"so fast!" Valkyrie squinted and said that even if she had excellent eyesight, she could capture Hyperion’s body.
With this cosmic limit speed, you can see Hyperion’s trajectory clearly, and at the same time, he was surprised to find that Hyperion has reached one percent of the speed of light.
Although it is 1%, this speed is already very terrible. Shao Tuoer is still able to reach this level in terms of current strength.
So after the thunder attack, Hyperion rushed to him.
"Asgard people, your ability is only so much!"
Hyperion laughed coldly and directly hit Thor in the chest with one punch.
Thor was hit by a heavy blow and hit the wall of the arena again
Hyperion continued to pursue Thor’s lower abdomen with a kick.
Stone chips are flying and smoke is rising. The onlookers are almost scared to pee, and they all exclaim.
Valkyrie also couldn’t help covering his eyes. "Thor is too bad."
And the Vietnam War became more and more brave. Hyperion didn’t stop at all. He accelerated and rushed towards Thor again.
B! ! !
The third attack, Hyperion’s weight plus one percent of the speed of light hit Thor’s body, and the powerful impact directly smashed Thor into the depths of the arena.
Two people fully smashed into the ground ten meters deep before it gradually stopped.
Grandmaster see enough smiling said "this is the real blood fighting! However, even if Lei Di is from Asgard, it is hard for the Golden Titan to withstand this kind of play ….. "
Partos also smiled and nodded, "Lei Di may have to hang up this time."
Hyperion in the challenge thinks so, too. His powerful impact has made Thor black and blue. No one can attack Asgard people to this extent, and no exception.
"I won the battle after the end of Asgard. It turns out that our eternal protoss is the real god …"
Hyperion hold unconscious thor shoulder heavy said.
But at this moment, Thor, who was already unconscious, suddenly opened his eyes and hugged Hyperion’s shoulder to lock him firmly.
"What? !” Hyperion gasped. What the hell is this sudden move?
With his eyes open, Thor sneered, "Titan, you underestimate us Asgard people. This game is not over yet. The outcome has not been announced yet!"
"Eternal protoss? I’m sorry, just because you deserve to be called God? "
"I am a real protoss! ! !”
Speaking of which, Lei Guang rolled in Thor’s eyes, and at the same time, he summoned Thunder Force to bombard him and Hyperion directly from thousands of meters high school.
"I see where you can hide this time? ! You fly coward! "
B! ! !
The thick thunderbolt penetrated the entire arena stands, and many timid spectators directly peed their pants.
Grandmaster didn’t expect such a reversal in the game, but he panicked and shouted excitedly, "Stimulate! Stimulation! "
Valkyrie spacecraft is in the arena, and it was almost chopped to pieces by Thor thunderbolt. However, Goofy was calm and kept watching in the spacecraft. When Thor summoned thunderbolt, he calculated that he was out of attack range.
Valkyrie hid in the cabin and craned his neck to watch the situation. At the same time, he asked, "Will Goofy win this time?"
"The horse will find out," Goofy smiled. "But I have to admit that Raytheon’s move is very clever."
And a few seconds later, the huge thunder finally ended, and the arena was scorched.
Black smoke billowed from the cave of Thor Hyperion, but I don’t know who won the final victory in the game.
The host shouted excitedly, "The game should be over. I think the game should be over after Thor released the power blow."
Grandmaster also a face of excitement "who won? Who made it to the end? "
Tens of thousands of spectators at the scene watched the deep and dark cave waiting for the winner to triumph.
At this moment, a big rough hand stretched out from the cave!
Chapter 699 The outcome will be known.
At the end of the smoke, it was a rough, strong hand stretched out.
However, because the gold titan, Hyperion and Thor all have similar human appearance, they can judge who the final winner is by one-handed method.
The host of the gladiator also deliberately created suspense. He drawled and said, "If there is no accident, the player who climbed out of the cave first will be the last winner today. Who will he be?" Is it Thor? Or the Golden Titan Hyperion? "
Taking his word, the master of this big hand has turned out of the cave.
He was wearing a tight black belt with a gold belt engraved with the nuclear radiation sign, but his majestic cloak had been bombed into a rag and his short hair was in a mess.
The Golden Titan-Hyperion
He was lucky to be the winner tonight.
"no! ! !” Valkyrie saw that drilling the cave was Hyperion’s loss, holding his head and shouting.
Goofy some accident looked back at Valkyrie asked "what? Didn’t you guess that Hyperion would win? Why are you unhappy now that Hyperion has won the game? "
"I know that Hyperion is stronger, but Thor’s performance is more exciting … He not only defeated himself without a Raytheon hammer, but also awakened Raytheon’s final strategic deployment. Compared with Hyperion, he deserves this victory more!"
Valkyrie said.
Goofy shrugged. "Even so, sometimes luck is important. Thor does well in all aspects, but maybe he has some luck …"
"In addition, although he didn’t wake up Raytheon’s force with a hammer, I think he must not be skilled enough to control Raytheon’s force. Maybe it will take him a while to really beat Hyperion."
Valkyrie pouted in frustration. "Okay, but I still think Thor deserves to win today. It’s a pity that he didn’t win."
Goofy smiled gently and waved his fist. "Then let me teach Hyperion a lesson when the final comes."

The iron and steel demon dreads the seven kills, and the two odd levels are playing in darkness.

The energy shield of Wei Qi Sha has already been shattered. A few minutes ago, it was directly suppressed by super cosmic radiation. The armor plate was covered with fine holes, and the defense number fell to the lowest point in history. The eye relied on the hull foundation defense to compete.
Don’t look at the savage collision of the steel magic number, which has been strongly attacked by itself. Orleans has achieved a solid foundation. The energy shield of the steel magic number still maintains a high strength. After all, it is not normal. If it is not afraid of the seven kills, three ships are attacked by the Discovery Fleet and forty star cruises, and then attacked by the Golden Apple cosmic super radiation warhead, it will not be as embarrassing as it is now.
There is an old proverb that two fists are hard to beat. Four-handed men can’t stand a crowded battlefield. Sometimes the number is the advantage, and the bloody fleet is in a passive position.
Colonel Tai never dreamed that the discovery fleet of forty star cruise ships would become so powerful. You know, except Obsidian, the discovery fleet of thirty-nine ships all came from the Blood-soaked Adventure Group.
I know my own situation clearly. My head assumed that the Discovery Fleet didn’t have this attack intensity, which was too greedy for wolves. There was a great chance to suppress the situation, but the fact was that the Discovery Fleet not only beat the three flagships badly, but also refused to let them retreat.
In the distance, the crew of the ship Taigreedy Wolf has been forced to shut down. The captain was so angry that he almost vomited blood. For a short time, the hull was difficult to move, which was different from a dead ship.
Nearby, the Fear Seven Killers fell into the cannon light. Although the ship’s strength was much stronger than that of the Steel Magic, it became worse after repeated weakening. The Steel Magic became more and more brave in the Vietnam War and dragged the Fear Seven Killers to death.
The three flagship Zhongying Huoling are even more unlucky. The hull was destroyed by the discoverer’s fleet. The cannon light limited the hull to a certain extent. If you show a little intention to break through, you will be pursued by tens of millions of missiles.
The bullying posture of the Great Weiwu suppressed two elite dead ships. There were five star cruise ships outside the gap, and a series of energy tidal waves became very unstable.
To stabilize the gap in the force field, this time is enough for Lin momo to command the battle to win.
The light of the Taizhong cannon stirred the discoverer’s fleet, and the superior forces kept launching attacks and ammunition to get close to the warning line quickly. In order to kill the bloody fleet in a short time, these five ships must be broken.
It would be troublesome if the five ships of Taigreedy Wolf were allowed to support the reinforcements. At that time, more firepower would have to be paid to annihilate the Discovery fleet, which is getting worse and worse. That is different from asking for trouble.
Can solve the problem in a short time, there is no reason to delay going to Lin momo to do things. This kind of wind has always been vividly reflected in the battlefield. Once you start work, you will definitely go all out and will not give the enemy a chance to turn over.
"Boom …"
Bright missiles cause a lot of golden light. This is the last batch of Golden Apple cosmic super-radiation missiles. It takes a complicated process to combine the Golden Apple warheads. Lin momo has produced 133 super-radiation warheads back and forth. By this moment, these 133 super-radiation warheads have played an important role and laid the foundation for the victory of this war.
There is one person who needs to thank, that is, bloody Goethe. If it were not for bloody Goethe’s collection of these "poisons", it would be quite tragic if he wanted to defeat the three odd-class star cruise ships of the Wolf.
"Mu Xue Taitou, if you lose, hand over the captain and let you live." Lin momo exclaims with high frequency. If you can let Taitou take the initiative to give up, it will save a lot of trouble.
"Hum, what do you dare to sentence the old win or lose? Why don’t you gamble? How about you send a master to Taigreedy Wolf, and we implement the old one-on-one hit rule, and if you lose the boat, you will get out of here at once? Do you have the courage to compete? " Too head spirit extremely corrupt shouted
Eye this situation is too greedy Wolf, five ships will fail, but Taitou still has a chance, that is, directly give up too greedy Wolf, repair and return to the force field gap, and take charge of the blood-bathing fleet again. It will take a year and a half to replenish enough Lin momo, and if it is not resistant, it will naturally recede.
However, Colonel Rong Ma has never suffered such a big loss in his life as he did today. He decided to finally take the form of one-on-one confrontation to find some face. If the other side refuses to send a master to face-to-face confrontation, then he will have an excuse to give up the wolf and return to the force field. After all, his old man’s house is brave and commendable, and the other side also takes advantage of the geographical position.
"good! Let’s make a bet that we send a master to you. If we win, let your fleet surrender, or you can try to get rid of the Wolf and retreat to the gap. Even if you are confident that you can withstand the shelling and the super cosmic radiation, it depends on your luck. "Lin momo sneered.
It is obvious that the other party has seen his intention that the radiant golden light has extraordinary lethality. If it is stared to death by the radiant golden light, it will be miserable, but even if he is the boss of the bloody adventure group, the whole bloody fleet will not have the courage to gamble.
If you are too greedy for gambling on the Wolf, you can make a pretence. When you delay, you wait for the fleet to send reinforcements. Now you are shooting yourself in the foot. People agree to one-on-one hit and gamble heavily.
"Good suppose I soak up blood fleet bet on you! Where do you bet? Is it the discoverer’s fleet that makes bets? " Colonel Tai’s face is ferocious. It’s important to delay gambling or not.
"Don’t bullshit me xiao cold treasure and bloody Goethe treasure bet again pressure discoverer fleet forty star cruise one-on-one hit! Nonsense is that you are afraid to give a good time. "
You!’ The colonel’s eyes are scarlet, and the other side bombards several of his ships while talking with him about conditions, but the wolf root is too greedy to move, as if the other side didn’t pay much attention to this battle as a game.
"Bet or not? Hurry up and decide to delay going to your side. Even if you swallow the blood-soaked fleet, there is not much taste. "Lin momo secretly chuckled and played with him, which is simply a death."
"Stop attacking, I’ll meet you and see if it’s Fang Gaoren." The colonel shouted, "If we call the Eagle Fire Bell and the Fear Seven Kill again, it will be finished. This is a strange star cruise ship, and he really can’t bear it."
"OK, it’s still a bit of a responsibility!" Lin momo made a gesture and nodded his head. Since he wanted to face each other, he became him.
Volume 2 Peak! Daqingshan Chapter 1161 Doudou
It seems like a child’s game, and the son flies to the hull of the Wolf, and his eyes are shining with calm golden light.
Vein warriors are not afraid of form. Fighters sigh with emotion in their hearts: "After three thousand years of silence, they can finally stretch their muscles and bones. They all feel rusty and sluggish. Fortunately, these three thousand years have not wasted their time, and they have been accumulating strength to make the present strength a little surplus. It is not impossible for this colonel to practice and measure the power of several kinds of killing tactics even if the other party is a peerless master."
Too head opposite when he saw the son heart full of shock "vein warrior? It turned out to be an unfathomable vein warrior. From that smart eyes, he should be full of wisdom. Is it that Xiao Han, the hero of the Galaxy, didn’t die three thousand years ago? Is it Xiao Han who controls the discoverer’s fleet now? It seems that there is no such possibility, but even if it is not Xiao Han, this person must have a great connection with Xiao Han. "
This appearance of Er is impressive. He is simply a gorgeous porcelain with a white glaze and a ruddy face. He wears Dai Fugu-style costume and wears mecha boots. His left arm is covered with a small shield. His right arm is inlaid with hundreds of gems. Just like a calm man in his thirties, he carved out a sense of vicissitudes of life. After several snoops, he could not infer his specific strength.
"Yes?" Too head frowning slightly lips motionless but powerful spiritual strength asked 1.
"Don’t delay, son. If you lose, hand over the blood-soaked fleet." Son replied calmly, his reply is not a spiritual force, but a unique idea.
Colonel Tai’s pupil shrank sharply, seeing his eyes sticking out of his right arm, hundreds of gems shook, and even the source trembled. Before he could display his source ability, bundles of strange light waves were emitted, and there was a distortion around him, as if the universe had that glorious arm, which made people escape from the energy pulse.
"Ah, break it for me." Too long, the head of the team leaps up into the silver snake. If you look closely, you will find it very soft. If you don’t look carefully, you will feel a little dazzling. Suddenly, it will be suppressed. After the appearance of the silver snake, it will be broken and the sky will be silvery, giving people a feeling of falling into the water.
"It’s been a hard work to break through the pulse blockade of your source ability." Instead of feeling difficult, the son looked much easier than before. The first time he made a move, he just wanted to see how capable the colonel was. Now it seems that before the war, he overestimated the other party and was not as bad as he thought.
Too head to one-on-one hit that he has confidence in his skill, Lin momo is a good son, and he will try his best to be a peerless master.
In order to let the son take up the battle, Lin momo deliberately took out the shackles of the earth vein, and even if the head of the regiment had a second artifact, he could suppress it for a short time, but also gave it back to the son with a golden apple, which could be moved and radiated strongly when necessary.
Son is a vein warrior who has strong resistance to cosmic radiation, although it will be affected, but it is much weaker than human beings after all. Galindo has radiation butterflies in his hands, and even if he is contaminated with radiation, he can adjust quickly.
Of course, the discoverer’s fleet over there has been a temporary ceasefire, but the Great Mighty will block the gap outside the force field. Whenever the gap is about to stabilize, the Great Mighty will send several cannons.
The blood-soaked fleet wants to send a ship to support the Great Mighty, and it’s too greedy for the Wolf to restart when the head of the team delays, but he meets Lin momo.
The mighty ship is locked in the stern part of the greedy wolf, and there needs to be a little energy response. Lin momo won’t care about gambling! His character will do it when it is time to do it, and there will be no sloppiness.
If the colonel wants to turn over the salted fish by this bet, then he is really wrong. Lin momo never takes this game and will lose? I’m afraid the probability is not more than one in ten thousand.
Xiao Han’s escort is stronger than Tianma’s hate flow. Many children have been sitting in xingbing Mountain for 3,000 years, and their savings strength far exceeds that of 3,000 years ago.
Colonel Tai is obviously not enough to see the Blood-soaked Adventure Group. There may be peerless masters, but after several peeps, the Wolf is definitely not peerless. He looks like a relaxed confrontation is getting more and more exciting.
"Rumble …"
The colored light waves of the silvery white snake collided with each other, and the center of the Wolf-greedy ship produced a circle of shock waves "thump, thump, thump". Take three steps back. On the other hand, Taichang’s foot glided and retreated to ten meters before it was stable.
The strength of the master’s fighting is not traceable. The colonel has seen that he is not as good as this mysterious vein warrior, saying that the other side is peerless! It doesn’t seem like it, but the other side stabilizes its own head
"You are very strong, so it is no wonder that you will agree to one-on-one hit this situation today. There is no way out for the old man. Either you die or I die." Taitou’s swollen facial wrinkles disappeared and soon became a two-meter-high man.
"Hey? Super body strengthening this is a good means of warfare. "If you are careful, ordinary body strengthening will make people become five big and three thick, but it is not the case after the head of the team strengthens the body. Instead, all the forces gather the whole body in an extreme convergence, even the mental field shrinks to the body.
Three thousand years ago, few people were able to achieve this achievement. It must be said that brother Wu, a human being, has made progress. After three thousand years, any leader of an adventure group can achieve this level.
"Woo woo hoo what super body strengthening? This is the only cell pump in the old age. Every cell will exert its strength, no matter what you are, destroy it for me! " The colonel looked up and roared, and his feet suddenly stepped on the armor plate. The hull of the Wolf suddenly sank and left two horrible footprints.
"It’s dozens of times better than my judgment just now." While erecting a shield, the son pointed his mouth at the figure and rushed over. He spit out a light. The wolf was too greedy to light up an incredible light, and then there was an amazing mushroom cloud. This mushroom cloud was made up of energy. Few people saw what happened at this moment.
"son!" Lin momo exclaimed, I didn’t expect the battle to be so fierce and dangerous. The head of the regiment didn’t move the artifact, so the strength of the earth alone is worthy of recognition.
The light and fog dispersed, and cracks appeared in the hull of the Wolf. Many armor plates were kept relatively intact. Just now, pieces of broken metal were shattered in the explosion and floated into the middle.
Son still maintains the posture of erecting a shield, and Taitou’s chest fluctuates violently not far behind him.
"You all let you give blocked? But this time, it won’t be so easy. "Taicolonel’s eyes reflect yoshimitsu. He suddenly took out a folding machete from his waist. This machete is like a glass blade and slowly lights up.
How can the head of the blood-soaked adventure group be without one or two self-defense objects? The machete that Colonel Tai took out at the moment is not a secondary artifact, but a real artifact. So why did Colonel Tai take out the artifact now? It is because this machete has great power and evil spirit. This repair of Taitou is often unstable to control.
It’s not surprising that Master Jiuye can have an artifact once and for all, but it’s not surprising that the leader of the blood-soaking adventure group has an artifact. However, he has to use the strongest killer unless he has to.
"Artifact?" Son was the same, but suddenly there was an ancient pike in his hand.