Some people shouted "wife" to reporters, but more people paid attention to the major disaster that day.

"Originally so serious not bitter! Such a fierce battle broke out where we couldn’t see it! "
"People are from the East Side. I was very upset when we were forced to evacuate, especially when I was halfway through squatting, but now I want to say thank you."
"+1+1 We left at noon and came back late. I still think it is a disaster to make a mountain out of a molehill. It’s coming back soon. We haven’t lost a piece of the whole east, but now it seems that it’s not a serious disaster, but it’s blocked in a place where we can’t see it. "
"Pay tribute to the hero!"
"Pay tribute to the hero!"
"Pay tribute to the hero!"
"When will the Bureau of Investigation recruit? Although people are 200 pounds, three highs and one thousand degrees nearsighted, I also have a heart to protect my country and defend my country!"
Wang Fan’s eyes shifted from the first love-faced female reporter to the barrage.
He was there, a hero. I didn’t expect to be a hero in people’s mouth one day.
It’s like drinking iced watermelon juice in summer.
Uh, but … these students were there, but besides setting up the defense line in front, the rest of them were watching.
It’s a little shameful to call a hero.
Still can’t afford it
You have to slaughter a few cunning evils to bear the hero’s name.
The classmate who shared headphones with Wang Fan in the next seat nodded.
"That’s what I want, too. We can really fight when we come back from further study. Hey, I just don’t know where we are going to further study."
"I heard that it is not in the headquarters but in a special place. I am looking forward to it!"
"Who is not looking forward to it!"
Wang Fan thought.
Ye Luo, who performed well in the examination, may wake up soon, but his progress is even more amazing.
At first, he took part in the examination with a try attitude, then he trained hard with the idea of not wanting to be at the bottom, and then he stood out from thousands of students
He is so strong?
He really has a talent for leading roles! This time, I also got a special chance. Even though Ye Luo has awakened, Wang Fan the Great is confident that he can catch up and surpass him.
He will suppress the whole era from the beginning.
Ha ha ha ha-!
Hoo ~
Several special planes of the Bureau of Investigation landed on the runway of the airport of the Pacific base of firewood.
Outside the window, the world shrouded in light white fog and the magnificent buildings in the distance were presented to the students.
Excitement, excitement, screaming
These students, including many official investigators, are here for the first time, but they are also here for the second time, this time to take advanced courses.
You’ll be familiar with it.
Wang Fan and other students are led by these old investigators to drive all the way to the newcomer’s reception.
There are so many people here. In view of the arrival of many new students from the Bureau of Investigation, this small department, which has only a dozen workers, has to release some instructors and teaching assistants to assist as temporary employees.
Is to start as a teaching assistant.
Ordinary students and graduates are not qualified enough to take this.
The reception office represents the front door of the fire, not only to receive ordinary students who have not yet awakened, but also to receive overseas students who are studying or to come to the Pacific base for the first time to prepare for the’ awakening place’ elite of various countries.
The demand for high welfare benefits is also very strong
Ye Luo took the position of’ Silver Receptionist’ at the Newcomer Reception Office as his teaching assistant.
Responsible for receiving senior officials, experts or a large number of overseas students from all over the world
At this time, I saw a team of Donghuang international students coming to Ye Luo to meet them.
In the team
Wang Fan and other students are listening to the introduction of old instructors and giving out bursts of amazement.
"With all kinds of facilities and nutrients here, you can work hard for half a month and a month if you want to exercise hard for a day?"
"And there is a high probability of passing the awakening quota assessment?"
"It’s not as good as a dog to walk here twice?"
"psst ~! There is such a place in the world! "
At this moment, the excellent students from the training camp of the Bureau of Investigation seem to be bumping into the city and can’t help but exclaim.
I can’t wait
Can’t wait to train, can’t wait to pass the examination, and want to wake up.
However, before that, they have to register as students studying abroad. This is the starting point, and then they will become stronger step by step, and they will make good friends and step on the peak of awakening.
Wang Fan thinks so.

"It’s going well at present. I improved some species to adapt to the soil environment of Bluestar today and did these … these … and these control experiments."

"I also found that the soil fertility of Bluestar is rising rapidly, and some areas have been able to plant low-and middle-order mysterious things …"
When it comes to the professional field, Liu Shang’s mouth seems to be unable to stop. Her serious research looks very attractive.
However, other tourists can’t understand!
He knows all these words. Together, it’s like a willow tree. That gentle and sweet sound falls into his ears. It’s more like a magic sound, which is not weaker than the impact of evil reason.
But looking at Liu Shang’s serious appearance, he couldn’t bear to interrupt.
You can’t discourage an employee.
In the middle of a serious talk and a serious listening, the two slowly walked to the agricultural area.
At this time, the scale of the agricultural area is not large, only an area of safety has been developed from the foggy area and hundreds of acres of experimental fields have been cultivated.
At this time, the short season is not suitable for sowing, but this mu of fertile land is still growing many green seedlings.
Fang Youwang smiled like an old farmer.
"One is that soil fertility is rising continuously; Secondly, Liu Shang improved agricultural species to adapt to the environment and have higher yield; Three willows were transplanted with some branches of the tree of life of Idol. "
The tree of life in Idol has the function of "flourishing", but this crimson sacred tree is still relatively young, and its radiation range is limited, so Liu Shang transplanted some branches in another way.
It also has an increase effect, although it is weak and weakened, but for ordinary agricultural products, this increase effect is still immediate.
"When the blue star is really built in this piece of agricultural area, it will produce a large amount of food."
And grain in oasis is a very strong hard currency.
Besides, after the sublimation, Bluestar can also plant a large number of mysterious things, low-order things outside, medium-and high-order things in the secret realm.
Farming in the future is definitely a pillar industry of Blue Star!
Thinking of this, some tours have ignited a very beautiful future, and the eyes need more workers to join hands to create a white sky for Blue Star.
Blue star world
The world’s repulsion has increased, forcing many oasis high-level officials to disconnect, but this has actually increased the oasis forces’ confidence in Blue Star and recognized that Blue Star can last longer.
As a result, the oasis forces have increased their efforts to send more people to Blue Star to compete for the huge market of Blue Star.
Previously, the standard of the Great Oasis Messenger was that the best among the three awakened people was expected to be the absolute elite of the four senses. However, with the increase in the number of dispatched personnel, there are naturally not so many elites who can assign blue stars. At this time, the world’s repulsion to deliver the three senses elites also needs to pay more.
Oasis turned to deliver the second sense of small elite.
Led by one or two triple awakens, more than a dozen small elites with two senses or professionals in other fields entered Blue Star, which did not cost much for the big oasis.
It’s hard for them to arrange the quadruple strong, but it’s really as much as the little double awakened one needs, even if there is an accident, the top management of Oasis will not feel bad.
The number of visitors to the Blue Star World Oasis is increasing gradually, and the base city of Shui Ze is a cosmopolitan city with the largest number of people in the oasis.
this moment
Jian Hua cheng Zhu di
After assigning the work to the second-sense hand, several three-sense squad leaders laid back on the soft sofa, drinking happy water from the fat house and brushing short videos on their mobile phones. Are they happy?
"Even if you throw your strength, this blue star is also a rare entertainment holy land."
"Yeah, but it’s hard to protect Blue Star, a holy place for entertainment and food."
"Hey, hey, we’re lucky that we came before Blue Star changed, otherwise it wouldn’t be so easy to get into Blue Star, and the quota may not get us."
When the repulsion and suppression of the blue star world were just enhanced, it was very uncomfortable for these famous swords to spend three senses.
It was at the request of the dean that they had to stay to represent the sword flower and the blue star exhibition. After staying for a few more days, they found that they gradually adapted to it, except that their strength was suppressed.
Force suppression? Consider it a daily weight-bearing training.
Compared with this blue star, the living standard is excellent.
Eat well and play with flowers. I’m a little happy.
"It’s like this. Life has degenerated a little. Are we the elite of the sword flower city, representing the facade of the sword flower, or should we practice when we take it out … exercise every day!"
An elite from’ Sword Academy’ is reluctant to part with the fat house, happy water and mobile games, but this degenerate life makes him feel guilty again. After several hesitations, he made up his mind.
Every day!
The elite who came from the Warsong Academy and wore headphones was a little unhappy.
Why do you exercise and roll! Hey, Pip, aren’t you happy?
"We are stationed in Bluestar this time, and we are trying to forge something. Besides, no matter how we exercise, we all hope to be inhuman. In this case, it is better to stay and enjoy our precious time. We don’t know how long we can stay in Bluestar."
Said the battle song elite grabbed a bottle of fat house happy water tons of tons of several mouthfuls to make a refreshing sound.
Sword Academy elite was silent.
He knew that the brother was not looking for an excuse to tell the truth.
There is also a gap between the elite of sword flowers. Only a few descendants of big noble or Mei Tisha can get the qualification of emissary and come to the top elites in the world to have some hope of breaking through the border.
To them? They don’t have a set of four senses ritual resources, even if they can be promoted to four senses, the chances are very low. Once they fail, they will have serious sequelae, and the life of the second half will be worrying.
That’s why they lay flat early.
"In front of us, we are not practicing hard before we can enjoy life happily, are we? Whenever I have some opportunities for four senses, I will bite my bullet and fight, but this is not without it. "
Sword Academy dude wavered.
Do you want to stop high skin for a few days? Just a few days.
"By the way, where’s Mei Disha’s senior?"

Conan is shorter and can see more clearly near the ground.

He found that it was a coke and quickly squatted down to help it up.
Shake the drink and flush the lid. Conan sighed, touched his handkerchief, wiped his hands and the cup was about to close the lid again. Suddenly, it smelled wrong. There seemed to be a little subtle taste in the coke … bitter almond.
A detective Conan, who is bound to encounter potassium cyanide as soon as he encounters a poisoning case, stares at the cup. From the position, it looks like Baishi putting coke in his face.
Suzuki Park saw Conan squatting on the ground for a long time, but he didn’t get up straight, wondering to sneak the child up, and then he saw Conan holding a spilled coke in his hand and his eyes were straight.
Suzuki Park recalled the route she had just traveled and realized that this drink might have been kicked over and she felt guilty and tried to help clean it up.
But Conan stopped him. "Don’t move! It’s poisonous!"
Suzuki Park looked at him blankly for a moment and finally reacted to what he was saying! ! !”
Chapter 415 Every precision strike friendly forces
Pulling the white stone in Suzuki Garden, I want to see if he was poisoned or fell into a dust while sleeping. At first glance, it looks like a small plane of children’s toys, flying to the ground and stopping for a while next to them.
In the corridor more than ten meters away, Belmore saw Du Linbiao holding the remote control of the plane in one hand and looking for it from his magic pocket in the other hand for a while and pulled out a stylish little stereo-the toy plane was bugged.
According to a little boy’s voice on the stereo, the white stone was placed at the foot and the coke smelled of bitter almonds. According to Uncle Maori, it might be the smell of potassium cyanide.
Then Suzuki Garden screamed in confusion, "No, I heard that eating potassium cyanide won’t kill the horse, but you can stop popularizing science for a while and call an ambulance!" !”
….. This is the white stone law discipline which foe to find?
Belmore gloated and pursed his lips.
But before laughing, her back was cool-Du Linbiao turned his head and gave her a faint look.
"…" Belmore looked at the little boy who looks like Kudou Shinichi around Baishi, then at the little boy who just ran from the stage to Mao Lilan and couldn’t laugh.
She scratched her hair and became agitated. "No, you changed the monitoring screen of my business. I didn’t know he would come. If I have doubts, I might as well go and find some doctors first. What if there is still a rescue?"
Belmore secretly guarded against Du Linbiao’s troubles.
But unexpectedly, the other party doesn’t seem to be in a hurry.
"There is no need for you. Is he you?"
In Belmore, Du Linbiao looked at the cigarette butt with teeth marks in the woman’s hand, and then a tone that made people want to step on his face completed the second half of the sentence "Dare to put anything in your mouth"
"…" Belmore took a deep breath and spit it out slowly.
She now fully understands why no one wants to partner with Du Linbiao.
No, it should be said that I have already understood the foundation and deepened some understanding.
Du Linbiao didn’t go to see Belmore’s changing face. He took off his headphones and carefully put away the remote control and the plane, pushing the cleaning car and waving away.
Belmore stared at his back, threw the cigarette he had just handed to the ground, stepped on it with a cold face and scolded the rabbit cub in his heart
Look at the white stone outside the window and silently add a "friend"
At this time, the "new doctor" should actually go to the audience to have a look, even if she doesn’t aim at Baishi, she can see Conan by the way.
When investigating Baishi, Belmore saw this pupil, and the detective found that he looked very much like Kudou Shinichi.
Combined with the characteristics of AP469 and the sudden disappearance of Kudou Shinichi, Belmore guessed that Conan was probably the missing Kudou Shinichi.
Since Conan is also an AP469 photographer, it is impossible for him to enjoy the treatment of passers-by in Turin.
Bermodo didn’t make it in the end.
A white stone is conspicuous enough. If she also goes around and causes Du Linbiao to pay double attention, in case Conan is exposed … that kind of result she really doesn’t want to see.

And a world that has not been swallowed up is much more likely to produce mysterious treasures and mysterious crystals. Even in this shallow mysterious world, the’ explosion rate’ is more than theirs.

It’s her body that has limitations, or she will roll up her sleeves and go out to kill the monster herself.
A strange crystal shape appeared in her eyes.
At this time, Fang Youkou "I have a trading plan besides crystal, material and mysterious materials."
"food trade"
Although the oasis is not big, they also have the roots to grow food … and it doesn’t matter if they are short of food. Environmental strength is the root in the crisis.
I just want to buy her some fresh food, but there is no way to buy these precious materials.
No matter how stupid she is, she can’t sell it like this!
A strange big bird flew in from the outside and looked like a flesh-and-blood puppet with an extraordinarily big mouth.
This seems to be a trap, not a trap, and it has a high order!
She was a little surprised and excited. "Do you want to trade this booby trap? That’s for the guide to identify … "
"What are you thinking?"
Her mouth was blocked before she finished speaking.
I can slowly put a question mark and see the young man in white across the street pulling out the same thing from the mouth of a big flesh-and-blood bird.
It’s still a trap!
This is super precious!
Her eyes turned into a crystal shape, but she was attracted by the same thing for a moment.
"This is called Donghuang Roast Duck."
"roast sheep"
"boiled fish"
"Steamed King Crab"
"Chicken wing bucket"
"Fat House Happy Water"
"Pick your own"
I can’t understand any of these names, that is,’ sheep’ and’ fish’ are completely different from sheep and fish in her cognition, so I can’t tell what is what by looking at them.
Yes, it looks delicious
But just delicious, huh? That’s not enough to buy her precious information!
Yi yue Lu Xi Xiang
A thick fragrance came to my face, and she couldn’t help but inhale slightly at the tip of her nose, as if her mouth were watering.
It smells good …
In fact, she lied somewhere before. She was not born in an unspoiled world. She was born in an oasis, a pure and pure oasis person.
But she did come into contact with other people in the real world and heard the older generation in the oasis describe the real world scenery and food.
I’ve never heard of it smelling so good!
"You can taste all these."
It doesn’t look cheap, but since this person said it, she’s welcome
Yi Yue Lu Xi observed and chose the correct way to eat.
Gently pick it up and send it to your mouth.
Her eating is elegant and pleasing to the eye, but soon she moves faster and faster, and the food floats in front of the ghosting.

Xue Fengyi’s face changed greatly and exclaimed, "Master, this is your personal belongings. How can you-"

Li Yunxiao interrupted her and said, "I don’t want to accept apprentices in my life, but since you have a fate, I will give it to your master. I believe that your natural disposition will never disappoint your master. Don’t say it, and then I don’t want to go. Go, master, bless you!"
Xue Fengyi looked at Li Yunxiao primly and said, "Master, rest assured that my brother will live up to his expectations!" After a slight pause, he flew into the sky and disappeared into the sea of clouds.
Watching her disappear, Li Yunxiao said to himself, "I should go back, too. It’s been too long since I came out. Some things have forgotten that the sea is predestined. It’s up to you this last chance."
I looked up and looked around, and my right hand brushed back slightly. Suddenly, the huge old tree passed away and a green light flew into her palm.
Later, Li Yunxiao lingered for a look at the familiar valley. As soon as the gorgeous light turned, the whole person instantly narrowed a white spot only the size of a needle tip, and stayed for a moment and then disappeared.
The wind blows gently and the valley is as calm as before. The only change is that the big tree is missing and a little angry. These come and go so suddenly and strangely. Who can solve the secret?
After listening to the spring valley, Liu Yunyang resumed his indifference and smiled at the sea. He went to Yanbo Lake Road to laugh at the sea and asked, "Yunyang, why don’t you ask me what to take you to the spring valley?"
Liu Yunyang said indifferently, "You will tell me what you should tell me, but you won’t even if I ask."
Laughing at the sea with a wry smile, "It’s not easy to get mixed up after you know it so quickly. Anyway, it’s lonely all the way. I’ll tell you the truth. I took you there for a purpose this time."
Liu Yunyang’s eyes changed slightly, but his tone was calm. "What is your character doing without a purpose?"
Laughing at the sea, he immediately scolded, "Fuck you, you call me a profiteer. I’m a fair-trade businessman."
LiuYunYang silence is smiled or look otherwise.
Laughing at the sight of the sea, he snorted and ignored his appearance. Then he said, "I wanted to confirm one thing when I went to listen to the spring valley this time, that is, whether I could hear the running water. Now that I have confirmed it, I am relieved. There is one thing I want to ask you. Did you really hear the running water last night?"
Liu Yunyang said indifferently, "Since you saw it, you must ask?"
Laugh at the sea. Hey, hey, say with smile, "There are some things that you can’t see with your eyes. You need your heart to listen before I ask you."
Liu Yunyang looked at him and hesitated. "I can tell you but you have to answer me a question."
Laughing at the sea, he said brightly, "You said I would answer you if I knew."
Liu Yunyang whispered, "White clothes are better than snow, and Fengxiang is the only one. What do you mean by the last two sentences?"
Laugh at the sea one leng and then two quick scratches his head. "How did you think of asking this matter? To tell the truth, I do know, but don’t you think it would be better for another person to tell you one day? "
Liu Yunyang eyes a cold way "so I will ask you again"
Smile at the sea and avoid his eyes. Hey, smile. "Since you want to know, I’ll tell you that this last sentence has two meanings. White clothes are better than snow beauty. It’s the only thing left in Xuefengyi’s beautiful world. Fengxiang Tianwei Dream is comparable to this Chinese word. The first layer means that Xuefengyi means that she is the only one who is beautiful in the world. That’s the dream mark of Ci Hang Jian Zhai Shui."
Speaking of this, I paused and glanced at Liu Yunyang only to find that he looked different. I was surprised and asked, "What’s wrong with you?"
Liu Yunyang saw his one eye and shook his head. "Nothing, you go ahead."
Laughing at the sea hesitated without asking, but continued, "In ancient times, Sima Xiangru once wrote a song, Feng Xiong meant the second meaning of the male office. The word Feng refers to a male Fengxiang who is famous for his dreams, and only the water dreams are comparable."
Liu Yunyang asked indifferently, "I wonder who that man is so famous?"
The fourth ghost castle
The first chapter Yanbo Lake
Laughing at the sea, he said with a smile, "Such a famous person naturally comes from a famous family. He is the young villa owner of Aoyue Villa-Long Tianxiao!"
His face changed dramatically. Liu Yunyang’s body trembled when he heard this name. The whole person suddenly turned around and avoided laughing at the eyes of the sea.
Looking at the distance, Liu Yunyang fought back her anger, and the blood in her eyes flashed with hatred as if she were going to burn everything.
He was so surprised that he laughed at the sea lightly and said, "Yunyang, what’s wrong with you? Is there anything wrong?"
Liu Yunyang took a deep breath and tried to keep calm. "There’s nothing I’ve ever heard of. I feel a little surprised. Well, I have nothing to ask. Let’s walk faster." The words fell at a high speed and pulled the distance between them.
Laughing at the sea and looking at his back faintly felt that there was something wrong with it, but when I thought that Liu Yunyang was not a fix-up person, I should not have anything to do with Long Tianxiao, so I withdrew my doubts and accelerated my speed.
The moon lake is full of sorrow and ups and downs. Who asks about the east?
Laughing at night, the sea took Liu Yunyang for a day and finally came to the beautiful lake of Yanbo.
This lake is located in Fiona Fang, which is under the jurisdiction of Yunmengze, the Yangtze River Tour, but the scenery is pleasant for a hundred miles, and the thick fog persists for a long time. This lake adds a bit of mystery.
Stop to admire the moon, the mist is hazy, real and unreal, giving people an illusory feeling.
Smiling at the sea, he asked, "How do you feel?"
Liu Yunyang stared at the water in the distance, and the ripples in the breeze revealed a bit of leisure. There were a few wisps of light smoke fluttering in the quiet, and everything was beautiful but vaguely strange.
Hesitated for a long time, Liu Yunyang whispered, "It’s like a fog, and the dream shadow is thousand times heavy."
Smiling at the sea, I looked at his mouth slightly, and finally there seemed to be something I didn’t say.
Laughing for a moment, the sea recovered. Hey, laughing, "The scenery here is really like smoke and dreams. Unfortunately, it’s too late to see clearly. Let’s find a place to rest for one night and enjoy the scenery here early in the morning." The words left Liu Yunyang along the lake and soon disappeared into the thick fog.
In the morning, there is no sunlight on the water surface, and the fog evaporates like clouds, and the height ranges from several feet to several feet, swaying gently with the wind.
Willow smiled at the sea and whispered, "Looking at the fog by the lake of Yanbo is a vast sight, a dream, a dream, and a cloud. Do you think this misty sea of clouds is like that without this lake?"
Liu Yunyang carefully observed the fog around him, and the rolling waves of smoke were crumbling, like a string of snowflakes that fell from half to hundreds of miles, forming a special scenic spot in Fiona Fang.

"In this case, you can apply to your tutor for a mysterious pouring tutor meeting."

Instructors are reliable!
How to solve it is given, although Pei Hongjing doesn’t know what it is.
He applied according to the black knife theory.
Pei Hongjing, who quickly approved the contribution points and added negative ones, made a mysterious pouring in a daze and then woke up in a trance.
The process is a little painful, but it is not difficult.
Pei Hongjing, who is new in this line of work, feels very sparse. After writing that awakening experience after awakening, he can’t wait to try to make it.
He picked up a metal ingot and held it in his hand. His other finger slowly crossed the surface of the metal ingot to draw a mysterious symbol.
Still a little rusty, but in a moment, the metal ingot slowly melted and the liquid form slowly deformed in his hand, eventually turning into a gray card.
Pei Hongjing throws the card, and the gray metal card is embedded in the distant target in a whirl.
"It can also be manipulated … the manipulation power is weak but the card is manipulated to fly or turn a corner …"
He can do it if he tries!
This represents an extraordinary tactical significance.
However, these are all pre-positioned according to the skills in the mind, and both the card system and the control are the foundation and the last art.
Explosive art!
The gray card explosion tore the whole test target apart. Pei Hongjing, an old man, couldn’t help cheering like a teenager.
"This power … is equivalent to a Grenade."
"And it’s just a card. It’s ok for me to detonate five, ten and twenty cards at the same time … it depends on how many cards I have!"
"The flaw lies in these cards. I have to prepare them before. Now my life energy department is exhausted and I can make five cards."
Five is not enough.
It’s not impossible to get 50 liver slices a day if you drink more life medicine.
At best, it’s liver and krypton
Extraordinary power is in your hand, the future is just around the corner, and it’s not a problem for Pei Hongjing to finish.
Krypton is his favorite.
Krypton can have the fighting power over others. He likes Krypton best when playing games, and now there is a chance for Krypton.
If he has enough explosive cards, his explosive power will be far superior to his peers.
Then the liver and then krypton.
Krypton gives a bright future!
"This skill is really simple and rude, but it is a bit of a waste of liver and wallet."
Fang You, from the training ground next door, also brought Bai Piao, a’ burst card’, to try one.
Call logistics or krypton flow play
"Even if Pei Hongjing is still weak in the awakening, he will be killed if he wants to accumulate more explosive cards and blast out the two stars in one breath."
"The card can be manipulated, which also ensures the accuracy of the hit."
Fang Youzhi flicked a gray card like a sword, flew back and forth, and kept spinning around him. This control was ten times stronger than Pei Hongjing next door.
Of course, the speed is not fast, and it is still a lot worse. "But with the increase of skill proficiency, new laws may be issued."
"Well, wait for Pei Hongjing to pull the proficiency level first."
Fang you no longer notes but looks at two booby traps in front of him.


"This myth is nothing big."
"It’s ok to fight a dozen huge fallacies. If you want to deal with the real myth, it’s far from enough. In the early stage, the storage capacity is too long and difficult to change, and the battlefield body is difficult to move, and the energy flow is easy to destroy. The myth level does not need to exert great efforts to completely destroy the battlefield with a little effort at those weak points, causing heavy casualties to the soldiers of the battlefield."
"No wonder Falling Star City doesn’t care much about the banner of the Legion. If it can be dangerous, they won’t sell it … even if there is a source of water temptation, it’s not the price."
Overall evaluation can be a big oasis killer.
However, it is dispensable for hegemonic forces.
"Brother Black Knife is obviously not satisfied. He is still studying tactics."
"It’s really worth studying, not only at this stage, but also to deal with the powerful enemy who may fall from the gods. Even if the black knife enters the Seven Senses in the future, this tactic may continue."
Fang you suddenly thought of the first world war with the bloody emperor
He broke out only when he gathered the ball consciousness and belief into the immortal spirit of war.
He is experienced.
This aspect may be more than black knife.
When the Warring States tried to tie the knot dozens of times, the soldiers of the Warring States swam behind their bodies several times and vaguely saw the doorway.
"Maybe you can do this … again … again …"
"Yeah, yeah, that’s not bad."
He nodded
Constantly discussing and trying with the black knife
The 500 soldiers in the Battleground lined up again and again like marionettes, throwing energy again and again, tired but tired and happy again and again.
Besides, how many people can’t ask for opportunities when the tutor and the chief instructor personally guide them?
When this one goes out, you must blow it with others.
I got hands-on instruction from my tutor.
With the change of the battle group again and again, 500 soldiers have a vague intuition about them … The chief instructor’s attempt will be successful, and they will witness the miracle! Witness history!
Ye Luo, Wang Fan and other soldiers will no longer cut their hands when the 36th Battle Group tries to kill.
They are Jing Li.
A black figure with a strong shape and a mountain-like pressure comes from the forefront.
This is the black knife "immortal will"!
He broke out in the depths of his heart to the fullest extent, and the light of will transformed into the power of will in the gifted mind, which had a substantial force field to cover the battle group.
Under the influence of the immortal will, the members’ beliefs are gradually ignited by a sense of purpose.
All human eyes seem to see flames in their pupils.
a moment
In the light black field, the spread is spread in the battle group, and spirit of war, whose figure is blurred, appears in it.
The number seems small.
Power is not strong.
However, it contains a sharp and bright, as if it can reverse the will even at the moment.
When this will crosses, it comes to the soldiers of the chapter!
It is the belief of blue star that revived the ancient will of unyielding soldiers such as Wang Hei, Wei Jingwu and Li Ergou, and fought with the idea of blue star again at this time.
This is the salary fire.
at present
The successors of Blue Star are immortal. The soldiers of spirit of war Advent Battalion are fighting with this strength and belief.
Integration is just like facing a strong enemy with great fear and great will!
This is the eternal glory of mankind!
When the fuzzy figure and the real figure overlap, the figure really merges into one at this moment, and the whole chapter seems to be alive.
In Fang you’s eyes
The ex-fray is a chain, and the "whole" is forcibly pieced together.
But now the fray is a whole, with no gaps and the same immortal will.

Bread fruit grown from a second-order bread tree is rich in nutrition, and a strong person like her needs to eat five or six pieces at a time to fill her stomach.

If it is a third-order breadfruit, it is more than enough.
Not only staple food but also important strategic resources.
But the taste of breadfruit is actually more difficult to compare with flowers.
Yi yue Lu Xi hui Wei
"Blue star world things although do not have enough to eat but really super delicious! Many of them have never been seen! "
She called her entourage.
"Is the merchant from Falling Star City here?"
"I’m here, Lord Tower," said Xiao Xi after a pause. "Can these foods really be exchanged for resources?"
After all, it’s not much and you can’t increase your strength.
Yi Yue Lu Xi asked, "Do you think it’s delicious?"
Following Xiaoxi’s consciousness, he licked his lips "delicious"
"That won’t be enough."
Yi Yue Lu Xi said, "I like other tower owners very much. What other oasis people can’t like?"
"It’s the great environmental danger of the paradox. We have always been born and promoted, but 99% of the money is being promoted. Isn’t it for 1% to enjoy?"
"What’s worse, not all oasis strong people are eager to enjoy, and this is our business opportunity."
One point in the total trade share of a whole big oasis is also huge for her, and her goal is to have multiple big oases.
What’s more, what did she pay for these blue star foods?
She only gave some information.
I’m a genius. Aha, hahaha!
Chapter two hundred and ten Culture teaching materials
I don’t know how Yi Yue Lu Xi makes money, so I just smile when I know it.
There are only a few hundred tables of dishes around, but it is not very rich. It is compared with the national power, but it only got a huge amount of foreign exchange from the spray country before it spread water.
He still has to figure out how to spend the money.
It is impossible to rush forward with the wave of the mysterious era in your hand, and ordinary currency will become less and less valuable. In the future, higher currency will inevitably be a paradox.
The future plan is to build a number of first-level branches, a dozen or dozens of second-level branches and a number of third-level branches in the world.
In his vision, the first-level branch refers to an important base with a secret passage.
At present, Mizusawa training base, Pacific training base, firewood village, torch town and secret stronghold are all.
The second-level branch is an important stronghold of the fire, and the high-level office must have all the testing equipment and three powerful people to sit in it.
This is just what he expected. Now, there are not many awakened people, and it is impossible for them to go abroad to sit in the town.
Now there are not so many branches to sit in.
The third-level branch is an ordinary office.
"The construction of these branches will require a huge amount of money. Only the foreign exchange in the wave country is not enough, and I plan to build a number of secondary training bases around the world, which is another place that needs a lot of money."
"There are all kinds of materials procurement in forging department, medicinal materials procurement in medical department … The development informant in intelligence department also wants money and the daily operation of various bases and offices."
Wait, wait, wait. It seems that we just got a huge sum of money, but we are still short of money.
However, it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t matter. This foreign exchange can last for a while. This time, it can catch wool from sunset, white bear and other countries
The deal with the spray country is not over.
I have purchased a batch of pharmaceutical weapons, and I will continue to buy them in the future, right? After I buy them, I have to buy some trainees’ training places, right? These are all bought, and there will be upgrades, high matches and rarities in the future, right?

Are all your instructors so ordinary! It’s the base. The instructors here do have a lot of fencing classes. Instructor Li seems to be not very famous either.

Princess Anna was silent.
However, she was silent for a short moment, and then she devoted herself to fencing training and discussion. The intensity of training was too high, and she was not distracted. The fencing became more and more exquisite, and it made her unable to extricate herself.
Indulge in it, and the training goes by quickly.
In an instant, the swordsmanship class ended, and the countdown to a class appeared on her student’s mobile phone.
Anna gulped down tons of water, wiped her sweat and went to a training place.
This class is a physical exercise class.
It’s very simple for her to come, but the result is not physical training. There are still so many doorways. After one afternoon of training, she vaguely felt that her strength had become stronger.
Maybe it’s an illusion
Princess Anna muttered
She can’t keep so elegant when she eats in the restaurant at noon. Speed is more important than image.
Afternoon training surprised Anna even more.
Introduction course of gravity training
Talk about training in a gravity environment, such as exercising your body efficiently and effectively, such as avoiding injuries, and so on!
Of course, these are not keys. There is such a science fiction thing as gravity room here!
Is this scientific?
Aren’t you surprised?
Watching the students in and out of the gravity room, Princess Anna vomited wildly, but when she was sweating, sweating and sweating, she didn’t have time to vomit.
Too tired
All my energy is in training, so how can I pay attention to others?
Anna forgot herself when she saw that others were constantly squeezing herself.
The taste of being stronger is intoxicating.
Those diligent figures around also made Anna feel a sense of urgency, as if she would be thrown away by the team if she wanted to stop and catch her breath.
Culture class, moves class, exercise class!
The course lasts from morning till night until 10 pm.
And at this point,
On the two-dimensional test table, Anna suddenly found herself … her body and spirit have risen!
It’s really up! And the rising value is not small, no wonder I feel it!
This is incredible!
God, this is a miracle!
This is a miracle!
When Anna was soaking in the dormitory bathtub and soaking the training camp ration liquid medicine, the whole head was still buzzing.
There was a significant increase in one day, so …
Anna slept like a log that night. I don’t know what she dreamed, but her mouth turned up.
The next day, she woke up in the alarm clock.
After washing, she patted her face in the mirror and thought about it. She took all her ornaments one by one, tied up her long golden hair and pushed all those beautiful clothes to the innermost part of the wardrobe.
She dresses simply and skillfully.
She took a training trip today.
The third day, the fourth day and the fifth day
As time went by, Anna gradually got used to living in the training base.
Early morning training class
Elegant and gorgeous sunset, the national pearl is gone, and only Anna, a super diligent and serious exchange student, is left at this time.
Train Anna. I’m not weak!
Princess Anna is still like this, and other exchange students from sunset countries are immersed in training and learning.
They were ecstatic that the sky rose significantly that day.
Ten days later, when there is only a little rest, they also seize every opportunity and practice more and more like the students in the fire department!
Practice if you can’t die!
Train to the point where the body is more tired than falling asleep.
Anna never got up again when she planned the evening information exchange meeting, and no one else would miss it.
One by one, they are immersed in training and communicate with each other less.
At this time, it is better to take a walk in the gravity field unless it is academic exchange.
Naturally, it is easier to send a report to the top of the night watchman organization.

Limb bones all over the ground

The road is deep and thick, and the ravines spread straight into the distance, and there are terrible craters, not to mention the fierce fighting and the terrible super wave.
But this war was not a tragic victory as they imagined, but a complete victory?
"This is impossible!"
"How can it be possible to stop millions of fallacies or win completely with the strength of that awakened person!"
It’s hard to believe even if the facts are in front of you.
Illegally believe!
"What is the more specific process? How does Iris say that it is a means to make a fire?"
Yule asked.
A high-level person leans forward with shock and strong curiosity.
But the black knight’s face was embarrassed. "This problem …"
He paused. "The Iris Knight reported the victory. The photos were taken by other night watchmen, but they … they also took these photos, and they didn’t elaborate on the battle process."
Curious but unable to know the shock.
Several high-level officials in Yule couldn’t help but go crazy, but they couldn’t save face by asking Iris for details.
The same shame, the same madness, and the white tower messenger hiding in a cabin in Wudu.
He paced back and forth.
"What was the final result of that battle?"
"What is the basis for Bluestar people to manipulate the furnace golem and how long can they manipulate it?"
"And the blue light weird wood bud …"
There are so many questions and shocks in his heart that it drives people crazy.
However, he has no white tower eyes, unless he asks the night watchman organization, but he can’t pull this face with the white tower messenger.
I don’t think the night watchman will tell Donghuang what happened.
The White Pagoda Messenger got tangled up.
It never occurred to me that a night watchman organization not far away knew much less about the wave war than he did.
Bald eagle Federation