"It’s going well at present. I improved some species to adapt to the soil environment of Bluestar today and did these … these … and these control experiments."

"I also found that the soil fertility of Bluestar is rising rapidly, and some areas have been able to plant low-and middle-order mysterious things …"
When it comes to the professional field, Liu Shang’s mouth seems to be unable to stop. Her serious research looks very attractive.
However, other tourists can’t understand!
He knows all these words. Together, it’s like a willow tree. That gentle and sweet sound falls into his ears. It’s more like a magic sound, which is not weaker than the impact of evil reason.
But looking at Liu Shang’s serious appearance, he couldn’t bear to interrupt.
You can’t discourage an employee.
In the middle of a serious talk and a serious listening, the two slowly walked to the agricultural area.
At this time, the scale of the agricultural area is not large, only an area of safety has been developed from the foggy area and hundreds of acres of experimental fields have been cultivated.
At this time, the short season is not suitable for sowing, but this mu of fertile land is still growing many green seedlings.
Fang Youwang smiled like an old farmer.
"One is that soil fertility is rising continuously; Secondly, Liu Shang improved agricultural species to adapt to the environment and have higher yield; Three willows were transplanted with some branches of the tree of life of Idol. "
The tree of life in Idol has the function of "flourishing", but this crimson sacred tree is still relatively young, and its radiation range is limited, so Liu Shang transplanted some branches in another way.
It also has an increase effect, although it is weak and weakened, but for ordinary agricultural products, this increase effect is still immediate.
"When the blue star is really built in this piece of agricultural area, it will produce a large amount of food."
And grain in oasis is a very strong hard currency.
Besides, after the sublimation, Bluestar can also plant a large number of mysterious things, low-order things outside, medium-and high-order things in the secret realm.
Farming in the future is definitely a pillar industry of Blue Star!
Thinking of this, some tours have ignited a very beautiful future, and the eyes need more workers to join hands to create a white sky for Blue Star.
Blue star world
The world’s repulsion has increased, forcing many oasis high-level officials to disconnect, but this has actually increased the oasis forces’ confidence in Blue Star and recognized that Blue Star can last longer.
As a result, the oasis forces have increased their efforts to send more people to Blue Star to compete for the huge market of Blue Star.
Previously, the standard of the Great Oasis Messenger was that the best among the three awakened people was expected to be the absolute elite of the four senses. However, with the increase in the number of dispatched personnel, there are naturally not so many elites who can assign blue stars. At this time, the world’s repulsion to deliver the three senses elites also needs to pay more.
Oasis turned to deliver the second sense of small elite.
Led by one or two triple awakens, more than a dozen small elites with two senses or professionals in other fields entered Blue Star, which did not cost much for the big oasis.
It’s hard for them to arrange the quadruple strong, but it’s really as much as the little double awakened one needs, even if there is an accident, the top management of Oasis will not feel bad.
The number of visitors to the Blue Star World Oasis is increasing gradually, and the base city of Shui Ze is a cosmopolitan city with the largest number of people in the oasis.
this moment
Jian Hua cheng Zhu di
After assigning the work to the second-sense hand, several three-sense squad leaders laid back on the soft sofa, drinking happy water from the fat house and brushing short videos on their mobile phones. Are they happy?
"Even if you throw your strength, this blue star is also a rare entertainment holy land."
"Yeah, but it’s hard to protect Blue Star, a holy place for entertainment and food."
"Hey, hey, we’re lucky that we came before Blue Star changed, otherwise it wouldn’t be so easy to get into Blue Star, and the quota may not get us."
When the repulsion and suppression of the blue star world were just enhanced, it was very uncomfortable for these famous swords to spend three senses.
It was at the request of the dean that they had to stay to represent the sword flower and the blue star exhibition. After staying for a few more days, they found that they gradually adapted to it, except that their strength was suppressed.
Force suppression? Consider it a daily weight-bearing training.
Compared with this blue star, the living standard is excellent.
Eat well and play with flowers. I’m a little happy.
"It’s like this. Life has degenerated a little. Are we the elite of the sword flower city, representing the facade of the sword flower, or should we practice when we take it out … exercise every day!"
An elite from’ Sword Academy’ is reluctant to part with the fat house, happy water and mobile games, but this degenerate life makes him feel guilty again. After several hesitations, he made up his mind.
Every day!
The elite who came from the Warsong Academy and wore headphones was a little unhappy.
Why do you exercise and roll! Hey, Pip, aren’t you happy?
"We are stationed in Bluestar this time, and we are trying to forge something. Besides, no matter how we exercise, we all hope to be inhuman. In this case, it is better to stay and enjoy our precious time. We don’t know how long we can stay in Bluestar."
Said the battle song elite grabbed a bottle of fat house happy water tons of tons of several mouthfuls to make a refreshing sound.
Sword Academy elite was silent.
He knew that the brother was not looking for an excuse to tell the truth.
There is also a gap between the elite of sword flowers. Only a few descendants of big noble or Mei Tisha can get the qualification of emissary and come to the top elites in the world to have some hope of breaking through the border.
To them? They don’t have a set of four senses ritual resources, even if they can be promoted to four senses, the chances are very low. Once they fail, they will have serious sequelae, and the life of the second half will be worrying.
That’s why they lay flat early.
"In front of us, we are not practicing hard before we can enjoy life happily, are we? Whenever I have some opportunities for four senses, I will bite my bullet and fight, but this is not without it. "
Sword Academy dude wavered.
Do you want to stop high skin for a few days? Just a few days.
"By the way, where’s Mei Disha’s senior?"


"This myth is nothing big."
"It’s ok to fight a dozen huge fallacies. If you want to deal with the real myth, it’s far from enough. In the early stage, the storage capacity is too long and difficult to change, and the battlefield body is difficult to move, and the energy flow is easy to destroy. The myth level does not need to exert great efforts to completely destroy the battlefield with a little effort at those weak points, causing heavy casualties to the soldiers of the battlefield."
"No wonder Falling Star City doesn’t care much about the banner of the Legion. If it can be dangerous, they won’t sell it … even if there is a source of water temptation, it’s not the price."
Overall evaluation can be a big oasis killer.
However, it is dispensable for hegemonic forces.
"Brother Black Knife is obviously not satisfied. He is still studying tactics."
"It’s really worth studying, not only at this stage, but also to deal with the powerful enemy who may fall from the gods. Even if the black knife enters the Seven Senses in the future, this tactic may continue."
Fang you suddenly thought of the first world war with the bloody emperor
He broke out only when he gathered the ball consciousness and belief into the immortal spirit of war.
He is experienced.
This aspect may be more than black knife.
When the Warring States tried to tie the knot dozens of times, the soldiers of the Warring States swam behind their bodies several times and vaguely saw the doorway.
"Maybe you can do this … again … again …"
"Yeah, yeah, that’s not bad."
He nodded
Constantly discussing and trying with the black knife
The 500 soldiers in the Battleground lined up again and again like marionettes, throwing energy again and again, tired but tired and happy again and again.
Besides, how many people can’t ask for opportunities when the tutor and the chief instructor personally guide them?
When this one goes out, you must blow it with others.
I got hands-on instruction from my tutor.
With the change of the battle group again and again, 500 soldiers have a vague intuition about them … The chief instructor’s attempt will be successful, and they will witness the miracle! Witness history!
Ye Luo, Wang Fan and other soldiers will no longer cut their hands when the 36th Battle Group tries to kill.
They are Jing Li.
A black figure with a strong shape and a mountain-like pressure comes from the forefront.
This is the black knife "immortal will"!
He broke out in the depths of his heart to the fullest extent, and the light of will transformed into the power of will in the gifted mind, which had a substantial force field to cover the battle group.
Under the influence of the immortal will, the members’ beliefs are gradually ignited by a sense of purpose.
All human eyes seem to see flames in their pupils.
a moment
In the light black field, the spread is spread in the battle group, and spirit of war, whose figure is blurred, appears in it.
The number seems small.
Power is not strong.
However, it contains a sharp and bright, as if it can reverse the will even at the moment.
When this will crosses, it comes to the soldiers of the chapter!
It is the belief of blue star that revived the ancient will of unyielding soldiers such as Wang Hei, Wei Jingwu and Li Ergou, and fought with the idea of blue star again at this time.
This is the salary fire.
at present
The successors of Blue Star are immortal. The soldiers of spirit of war Advent Battalion are fighting with this strength and belief.
Integration is just like facing a strong enemy with great fear and great will!
This is the eternal glory of mankind!
When the fuzzy figure and the real figure overlap, the figure really merges into one at this moment, and the whole chapter seems to be alive.
In Fang you’s eyes
The ex-fray is a chain, and the "whole" is forcibly pieced together.
But now the fray is a whole, with no gaps and the same immortal will.

Cowardly grandson thoughtfully but revealed a smile and then nodded, "It’s not good to infer that the floating cloud island is empty and strange. It’s really not good to guess what they’re up to in intercepting the teaching. Martial uncle Tongtian has extremely strict constraints on his cousin, so I don’t want to get too involved in mundane things, even if someone gets involved in such things, and the number of people is limited."

A faint light flashed in the eyes of the true gentleman of pure morality. "Uncle Qing Xu is used to deducing the secret and should not intervene in such things. Now the only thing to worry about is that although Western teaching is not as good as my four eastern religions, the strength of crouching tiger, hidden dragon is not underestimated. More importantly, they have always had an extraordinary interest in my eastern land. They should not wave such a good opportunity!"
Tu Shanshi’s eyes flashed a bad smile, but it was a little more weird. He said faintly, "I heard people say that the real person is the most opposed to Western religion entering the Central Plains. If we told him the news, how would he react?" When the time comes, we don’t need too much effort to solve the problem of helping our arms. "
Qi smiled coldly and then shook his head. "The pure reality may not pay attention to these nosy things, but the western monks are not necessarily masters. At most, they are ordinary monks. If they want to come, they will be dealt with by us, that is, the temple needs to be closer to the witch gate."
Kai took a look at the people and nodded slightly. "The ordinary people in Wumen have a high status in their hearts, so I will naturally seek their support."
Tu Shanshi nodded and smiled. "Now that our goal has been done, it is better to do it, and we will have a chance to die."
Red essence frowned thoughtfully for a moment and finally said, "Dayu is not a five emperors, but he needs to rebuild his magical powers. He hopes that the mixed yuan Daoguo will not be easy to do and needs to be careful."
Say three immortals gave a gift but only from Yu Qi and Tu Shanshi low consultation.
Chapter 55 Western teaching wants to travel eastward
Yi is definitely an honest man, but he is not an idiot. Otherwise, people would not recommend him as Dayu’s successor. This is by no means a long-term discussion. Can the patriarch afford it casually? Besides, Terrans don’t want you to be talented, but they also want to inherit the unification.
Yi knows in his heart that the patriarch he can be elected is because of his own personality. He is not as domineering as Qi, and he is more modest and generous. He is very similar to Yao and Shun, while Qi is very similar to Dayu. If he is in charge of the big clan, he can continue to recuperate, but Qi is different. Once he has mastered the big world, he will suffer from war.
Of course, in addition to his own personality, the elder’s lust for power is also an important reason. Kai is a very overbearing figure, and he also has many outstanding talents. If he becomes the Terran Lord, those elders will naturally not get it, and then it will be enough. After getting it, few people are willing to give up those elders, and naturally they will not give up their temperament. Even if they become the patriarch, they may not be too humiliated.
Of course, there is one thing that Yi never thought that the Terran was surprised by the sacrifice to the wizard. Heaven didn’t say much. There are six words-"Yujiatian"
It’s not hard to understand the meaning of these words. Dawu didn’t leak the news. Even Dayu didn’t tell him. He told the Terran elders that the abdication system had been accepted for so long and it was very fair and reasonable. No one wanted to change the status quo. All elders resisted Rev. This is also the reason why those hawkish elders who advocated expansion also agreed to selective moderation humbly benefited.
With the support of Terran high-level and Witch Gate, he has a little bottom in his heart, and he is not able to resist. He has 3 thousand fine armor in his hand, which was left to him by his father. Every general in the army was stained with the blood of Shui soldiers.
Although the military strength at hand can’t compare with the elite in Kai’s hands, if there is an uprising, he will not be able to resist. Of course, if Dayu goes to that day, if Dayu hands over the Ministry of War to himself, his strength will swell to tens of thousands of troops, the most powerful force in the adult race, and at that time, Kai will be brave and not his opponent.
Among the Terrans, the minister in charge of farming, Bo Yuan, the minister in charge of animal husbandry and land, and the minister in charge of casting came in pairs, which brought good news.
Yi Zuo’s face is very cold in his account, and his strength is getting stronger and stronger. He is not worried that the other party will take away the Terran clan position. He is worried that if the other party insists on getting along with himself, the Terran will even be devastated, and it will be easy to recover and disappear.
Re-aware of Yi’s mind, but with a smile, I nodded, "My Lord, you don’t have to worry. Don’t look at Kai’s arrogance now. There is nothing to be afraid of. A few days ago, we invited several well-connected monks, one by one, with their help, there are thousands of things that are not adult opponents."
Yi glanced at sitting at the end of the personal eyebrows a wrinkly slightly, he was wondering why these three old men would bring outsiders into this person, one by one, and there was no lack of grotesque and ferocious people. If they were not confident in their skills, they would not be allowed to call in pro-guards to guard against it.
"Yuan Jian Yi was so cautious and smiled slightly." Adults don’t have to worry about them. They are led by Western teaching, and the two leaders are well-connected. The two leaders know the difficulties of adults and specially send them to help them. "
Yi glanced at the three old men who had helped him a lot, nodded and shook their heads lightly. "Tell me what the conditions of western teaching are. They always help me for no reason. In that case, we won’t have to struggle against the aquarium."
They looked at each other, but there was a smile. The minister did not speak. Cheng nodded, "Your Excellency is right. Western religion really wants adults. They hope that when adults inherit the throne, they will allow Western believers to teach in all ethnic groups."
Yi glanced at a western monk lightly. "You should retreat first. I need to discuss this with three elders."
The western monk is obviously proficient in doctrine and magic, but he doesn’t know much about people, especially about people’s minds. They didn’t say much, but they got up and gave a ceremony before they turned away.
It’s good for everyone to go out before they change their faces and look at them coldly. "You are all my elders, and everything you do is my good. I can’t thank you enough. What you are doing now is hurting me!" If I agree to the conditions of western teaching, I am afraid that my strength will not increase but decrease! "
Major surprised way "adults out of this? Although the strength of western religions is not as strong as that of one of the four eastern religions, the difference is limited. It is much stronger than that of surviving. With their help, how can we say that our strength is weak by adding a helping hand? "
Yihen said, "The problem is that the Wumen people have a high position among the ordinary people of Wumen. Although the four religions in Dongtu focus on Taoism, they have not gained much. If western religions are put in, they will certainly offend Wumen. By then, Wumen will support Qimen and the people will naturally follow Wumen to support Qimen. Will our strength become stronger if it is not weak?"
"Yuan smiles," My Lord, you worry too much about Western teaching, but it doesn’t mean that we have room for bargaining. "Speaking of this, his face is fierce and dim, and there seems to be something to hide. It took a while to light the way.
"Actually, it is impossible for us not to ask for help from Western religions. If I didn’t guess wrong, Kai was already mixed up with Interpretation. During the Tu Shanshi Aquarium War, he became quite close to the Elders of Interpretation. It seems that he was preparing today at that time. If we don’t seek support from Western religions, our strength is not weak. I am afraid that relying solely on the strength of Witch Gate will not benefit our opponents."
Speaking of this, he saw Yi’s lips move as if he had something to say, but he said with a wry smile, "My Lord, I know what you mean. We can still go to his three religions for help, but the education is single-handedly isolated and close to the teaching, and the interception of teaching is very strict for his disciples. In addition to inviting some people from three mountains and five mountains to practice true immortals, I am afraid that they will not be involved in the world of mortals."
When Yi heard this, he hated it even more. He was furious and said, "Although my power is weak, I don’t want to trade the interests of my people for victory. Western religions are ambitious for me. How can I make such a deal with them?"
Suddenly, he said, "My Lord, you are wrong. The eastern land is the land of the Oriental Terran, which will never change. What if we just let the West teach this religion?" They are all adults’ subjects. If adults are willing to join a brigade, they can be wiped out. Will they rest assured? At this time, we are in urgent need of help. They are really short of help. If you have a big Terran sword, please think twice. "
"Yuan and heavy hurry up together upon the mouth qi way" please adults think twice ".

Chapter 121 Hyenas besieged

It is only a few hundred kilometers away from Lanshiyexing, and the original location of Taojin Town has just dispersed.
When the explosion spread in Taojin Town, the "battlefield vultures" were afraid of being turned around by the waves and ran away.
It didn’t stop until I withdrew hundreds of kilometers away and saw that the aftermath of the golden explosion didn’t follow me.
Then go back and look at the direction of the explosion with a concerned face.
"What’s going on? How can Taojin Town explode! "
"What can be going on? It must be that Zhuang bombed Taojin Town not far away! "
"How can Taojin Town be so big that it can be blown up!"
"That’s gold town! Three cities, ten towns, one gold town, even if you say no, it’s gone? "
Although some of these "battlefield vultures" have manor owners and factory owners, they found the manor owner’s heart and factory owner’s token, which can’t be broken again.
Some are really "nominal" manor owners and factory owners.
The debris they picked up has no territory, and the only thing they have is a badge with a certain mandatory commanding and ruling status.
In other words, they just wear a high-ranking identity badge and call themselves "manor owners" and "factory owners"
These guys can probably be regarded as "nobles" in the era of exile, but the real estate owners and factory owners-or more complete estate owners and factory owners are too lazy to deal with them.
Although we are both incomplete men, there is still a problem of completeness, right?
If the manor owners and factory owners in the exile era can be regarded as incomplete men, then these manor owners and factory owners can probably be regarded as fragmented men
And their vision is so far away. At this time, they are only shocked or shocked.
"What was the situation just now?"
"I seem to see that Zhuang is not far from Taojin Town before the explosion?"
"Isn’t he dead, too?"
"Yes, but this guy is really amazing. Did so many people in Hammer City die? Is the hammer city also finished? "
"Locking instead of dead … this guy is worse! Zhuang is not far from dead, and the lock is not dead. Gee, I think Lanshiye Manor is finished! "
Don’t these manor owners know the war situation later, and they have already made up all kinds of things by their own guesses and previous signs. Everything you say is almost true.
Fuqi also listened to a few words among these people and immediately smiled.
Zhuang is not far away from death?
I’m afraid the atresia is almost hurt, right?
Are you already the strongest manor owner in the exile era?
No, no, no, it’s not the strongest manor owner. It’s still the strongest, right?
Just then, a roar suddenly sounded, "Who said my brother Zhuang was dead?"
"No, it’s impossible! My Zhuang brothers are so powerful! He can’t die! "
They followed the roar and saw a huge walnut warship that had appeared on the edge when they didn’t know it.
"Yes (Yugu)!"
"(Migu) Why is it just a boat? What about other ships? "
(Migu) The cruel number is floating alone in the middle of the giant velvet man. General (Migu) Kuang looks at the front in confusion. "Big … my Lord … where’s Taojin Town? Why is Taojin Town gone? Difficult … Don’t … "
(MiGu) Yi fists clenched nu way "impossible! Don’t say those unlucky words. My Zhuang brothers can’t die! "
"Yes …" (Mi Gu) Kuang hurriedly shut up but looked at the eyes awkward.
Look at this situation is run …
Not far from Zhuang and the lock-up war, he took back all his avatars because he had to fight against all his strength and spirit.
No matter the earth gun prophet Olion, the Fusang sword god Qianwu, or the special envoy who was busy with (Yugu), they all disappeared.
Because the time is too tight, there is no time to explain until the village is far away from the hurried exhortation.
At that time, I knew that the situation had reached the most stalemate.
He also made a bold decision. He abandoned the big army and ordered the cruel to go forward quickly and come alone.
In fact, this decision is very dangerous. After leaving the large army, whether it is alone or without high-end force protection, the large army is suspected of exposing itself to danger.

However, the road flyover burning the lamp is that the feet are rising and Xiangyun is stepping towards Chu Yi, and his eyes are staring straight at Chu Yi.

Chu Yi looked at his figure and rose, and they were far away from each other.
With a somewhat Gherardini look on his face, Chu Yi looked at the road flyover burning lamp and said, "Road flyover burning lamp, do you want to send me the coffin palace lantern? I really like your coffin palace lantern …"
Before Chu Yi finished speaking, the face of the Taoist priest lit a lamp, but it showed a strange smile. "Chu Yi, don’t you know that Xiqi Daishang is the general trend of heaven? Do you know that those who go against heaven are different from those who go against heaven? I’m talking nonsense here. I want to see that when you go against the sky, the sky will drop and the doom will fall to you. Can you still be protected by friends from heaven at that time?"
Chu Yi laughed when he heard this. "Since you are curious about burning the lamp, you should open your eyes and watch my life. I can’t help it. How can you resist me?"
Listening to Chu Yi’s domineering words, the road flyover couldn’t help but stay for a while and then sneered, "It’s really worthwhile to be arrogant and arrogant."
The speaker shouted to kill the sky, but Jin Dasheng, Dai Li and others came to sit on the city wall, only to be entangled by hen-pecked Liu Sun, Manjusri Real Man and others. Their powers are not as good as hen-pecked Liu Sun and others. Where are these opponents of Tao Jinxian? It’s just a blink of an eye. Jin Dasheng, Dai Li and others were killed on the spot one by one.
The henpecked grandson waved his head at Yuan Hong Huang, as if telling himself to behead the Yuan Hong brothers. Generally, he was so proud that Yuan Hong couldn’t wait to smash the henpecked grandson’s head with a stick.
Manjusri reality is beheaded Dai Li, Daoxing Tianzun, and Qingxu Moral Tianzun. His opponents are several monsters. In a blink of an eye, the seven monsters of Meishan were killed, leaving Yuan Hong alone.
Yuan Hong’s whistling figure turned into a statue of a giant ape with a height of 100 feet, but it was stopped by Pu Xian.
"Fear of leaving one’s grandchildren, Manjuel and others have taken a wild break."
Hearing a charming reprimand, I immediately saw an evil dumpling broken and scared my grandchildren. Manjusri, a real person, couldn’t help but face a slight change and flicker and hide in several armies.
Riding on a Hei Hu Zhao Gong, with a golden whip hanging from his back, he came to the Taoist who lit the lamp and said, "Did Zhao Gong ask me if he wanted to bully the younger brother?"
With the arrival of Zhao Gong and Yunxiao three sisters, the original precarious Si Shui stabilized.
Jiang Ya’s eyes are open to all ears, and even if he saw that Si Shui was difficult to take, he immediately sounded the golden bell to retreat to Xiqiao, and the army of one side retreated like a tide.
And Pu Xian reality, burning lamp road flyover several people also secretly breath a sigh of relief to try to go back.
Chapter one thousand three hundred and fifty-five Return from the dead
The sudden killing of Zhao Gong and Yunxiao Sisters was indeed beyond the expectation of the people who burned the lamp. It was precisely because of this that several talents chose to retreat after the retreat.
There are several Zhao Gong people who have joined the war. They want to expand their achievements, but it is obviously impossible to hit Chu Yi and Yuan Hong hard. In that case, it is better to stop.
After all, they took advantage of the chaos to slay all the seven monsters in Meishan, which is already quite a success.
The armies of both sides retreated to the wall, and Yuan Hong looked at the bodies of several people, such as Dai Li and Jin Dasheng, who were taken back by military forces, and could not help but frown.
Yuan Hong’s eyes flashed a little worried. Even though their brother’s big business list left a true spirit, Yuan Hong was still worried. After all, the impact was not small in front of his brother’s body
Chu Yi has now greeted Yunxiao sisters and Zhao Gong. When Yuan Hong’s eyes fell to the ground a few days ago, Zhao Gong couldn’t help coughing a little toward Yuan Hongdao. "Yuan Hongdaoyou is so sorry for your loss."
Zhao Gong’s generous friends all over the world have no prejudice against the seven eccentrics of Meishan who were born in a strange way. At any rate, the seven eccentrics of Meishan are also big businessmen. To put it bluntly, it is Chu Yi’s hand. Now Zhao Gong naturally wants to comfort Yuan Hong after the seven eccentrics of Meishan lost their lives.
Yuan Hong couldn’t help but gently cough a look at Chu Yi, but he was not good enough to directly tell Zhao Gong Dai Li and Jin Dasheng that several people didn’t really die.
Chu Yi felt Yuan Hong’s eyes smile, even if he was fair to Zhao. "Brother, you don’t know that Dai Li and Jin Dasheng are not dead!"
Zhao Gongwen couldn’t help but open his eyes to see Chu Yi’s face full of disbelief.
Yu said that Bixiao was directly directed at Chu Yi. "Little teacher younger brother, don’t lie to me. There are several bodies here, but you told me that they are not dead. I can still tell if this person is dead."
Chu Yi couldn’t help laughing at Zhao Gong and Yunxiao sisters. "Come with me and you will know."
Speak ChuYi also blunt Yuan Hong nodded with Yuan Hong.
Zhao Gong and Yunxiao sisters are also curious about what the hell Chuyi is going to do, and they quickly followed.
Chu Yi, a tinker in Company commanders mansion Mansion in Sishui, reached out and took out a silk from his bosom.
This side of silk and silk is exactly the list of suppressing the treasures of big business fortune.
This list is now full of names, but people who have voluntarily placed their true spirits on this list over the years.
Stretching out his hand and throwing the list horizontally, there is no vision, but in the eyes of Zhao Gong and Yunxiao, this list is a gathering of luck, which can be said to be a treasure.
"This is waiting for the treasure to have such a weather."
Looking at the list, the momentum is Zhao Gong and Yunxiao, and Zhao Gong is directly asked.
Chu Yi smiled and said, "Brother, look."
Speaking, Chu Yi suddenly shouted at the winning list, "Jin Dasheng, Dai Li … you will come back soon!"
As Chu Yi’s voice fell, he saw that the list bloomed with light, and the light flew out of the list and turned into a figure.
Qi and vitality converge, and this road figure is quickly solidified at a speed visible to the naked eye.
It’s just a dozen breathing efforts. Six of the seven eccentrics of Meishan, such as Jin Dasheng and Dai Li, appeared in front of everyone intact.
Yuan Hong couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw Jin Dasheng and Dai Li. He slapped Jin Dasheng and Dai Li on the shoulder and said, "It’s good to be brothers."
Jin Dasheng laughed. "Luckily, the king has such a treasure to shelter me and wait for the true spirit, otherwise he will really die this time."
Until this time, I can’t help but feel a little scared when I recall the situation that they were beheaded by their henpecked grandchildren.
Dai Li gritted his teeth and said, "They are afraid to leave their grandchildren. Their roots are bullying us, but they are not as good as them. Why don’t they dare to make trouble with their eldest brother?"

"How much do you want?"

"easy to say"
Sun Xian grinned.
"We don’t want much. It’s not too much to give money to my friend Daniel every year."
"A hundred years?" Pan Lao’s face changed greatly.
"You are crazy!"
"Really?" Sun Xian also surprised.
"Cloud home background won’t even take it out? You have raised dozens of gifts, and it’s only three or four years of money. "
What he said is true.
If cloud home strength intact, so the money is not much.
But …
At this time, all the things in hand of Yun Haitang add up to fear so much.
Pan Lao bian shou
"yes!" Cloud Haitang beautiful eyes flashing cold way
"If I pay this money, will you make trouble after you are sure?"
"Of course!"
Sun Xian eyes a bright.
"It is well known that Qinglong has always kept its promise in doing things, otherwise it would not have come to this day."
"that’s good"
Cloud begonia nodded.
"When I go back to get the money"
"Miss Yun, don’t keep us waiting." Sun Xian spoke slowly.
"I’ll be here in seven days. If you don’t come after seven days, or if you have other plans … then don’t blame us."
"…" Cloud begonia sullen.
Xiangyun held four people up until she couldn’t see Fang’s figure.
"Haitang, are you really going to give money?"
"What if you don’t give money?" Yun Haitang’s face is bitter
"Cloud home is responsible for the area once an accident, it is not money can be solved"
"They’re afraid of this, too, to blackmail you into taking money." Jade flying frost frowned.
"Step back, step back, step by step. I think this matter is that someone is behind the layout to test how many means are left in your cloud house."
"If …"
"If I find out that you can’t even cope with the dragon’s capture of the capital, I’m afraid something will happen that will push your luck."

If you don’t have luck in a war zone, you may not be able to spray one piece in an hour on the fiftieth lap.

There can be about two source crystals in an hour in the fortieth battle area, and the size is slightly larger.
The probability that Xu retires on the 43rd lap is slightly less than the 40th lap.
However, after taking a nap for an hour, Yan Lie got four source crystals.
Three of them were stolen.
Xu tui’s position is bordered by the alien invasion elite war zone, and their war zone falls to the source crystal, and Xu tui’s direct spirit pulls over.
The elite of the robbed alien invasion also dare to be angry and dare not speak.
Can stare at Xu for a few times to vent?
Strength is not good, that’s it, Nai!
Originally, Xu tui can grab a wider range, but Xu tui feels a little low-key and don’t grab too much.
Besides, the spirit traction speed is not too fast and far, and it is easy to be intercepted!
In addition, I will leave the department at other times to observe the elite of alien invasion around me!
In Xu tui, the enhanced telepathic induction Xu tui can obviously sense that the body energy breath of these alien invasion elites is constantly rising!
Where they don’t move, their energy breath is rising!
That’s a fast rise!
Xu tui deliberately measured and observed a mechanical Eldar gun arm elite for forty laps alone.
The total energy of his body increased by about 1% in an hour.
On Mars, the day is also a little over 24 hours
In other words, if this guy stays here for four days, his energy and breath will double!
If the Terran can do the same, it means that a Terran can double its strength in the fortieth lap for four days.
This is still the fortieth lap!
If the source can be thicker, turn 30
The twentieth lap?
Tenth lap?
How fast did that rise?
In this case, the elite of alien invasion can quickly upgrade their strength source crystal there, which is actually their extra gain!
On the contrary, the Terran team elites are purely here to accompany!
Accompany them to confront each other for several days, the strength will not rise, and the only gain is the source crystal!
All Terran teams are very strange to Yuanjing!
Constantly observing Xu tui back and forth has an idea-unfair!
This is so special and unfair!
Alien invasion elites can quickly increase their strength.
And the Terran team elite like this with the final fight or alien invasion elite don’t pay too much attention to the source crystal.
I don’t know without comparison.
A contrast, the gap is too big!
Of course, shouting unfairness is just shouting back.
Xu Refund is not so naive!
This world is not absolutely fair!
What’s more, this is a battlefield!
What terran can’t directly absorb this source to increase its strength?
Xu back my heart suddenly came up with an idea.
If the Terran can directly absorb the source, it can increase its strength.
Even near the outer circle, many elites can be quickly trained.
Gene new human cultivation is actually very resource-hungry!
No resources, rising slowly.

Can you not dislike it? It’s just a Sima from another department. Where can a guerrilla general be down a peg or two? But Zheng Henghu is not the size of the official position. He pondered for a long time before he rubbed the bar and said, "A dispatch troops anti-grandson holds Zhou Shi and asks for Lu Ming’s grievances! The return of Jiangdong to Sun Zhi is by no means that Mr. Jiangdong Renfu was ordered to come. It is not difficult for you to ask your husband not to say anything! "

Angel look a stiff quickly adjust the mentality and say with smile "big enough to be a thief? Today’s conquering general Cong Renhui respects the virtuous and courteous, and now it is the strength of the interpersonal intelligence family. When there is much to be done, it is better to wait. Do you think that Liu cong is trapped in the fire and water in Jiangdong rather than in Jiangdong? View the chaos I jiangdong scholar’s heart falsely accused my Lord Xianming wicked heart also … "
"Sir, stop talking. I’ve made up my mind, Marie!" Zheng Heng’s angry export interrupted the messenger’s words. He was determined to follow Liu Cong. On the one hand, Jingzhou soldiers were under siege, on the other hand, Liu Cong planned the future development route for these powerful men instead of just sealing an official position. Compared with Sun’s official wish, Liu Cong’s plan was too thin, and it was not difficult to understand Zheng Heng’s choice.
When Zheng Heng’s nephew arrived, he just saw the messenger come out looking embarrassed and despondent.
However, not all strongmen look at it as long as Zheng Heng does. Some people waver and some surrender, but most strongmen still choose Jingzhou. As a result, Jiangdong is even more chaotic. Today, this strongman in the county rebelled and that strongman surrendered to it, and there was a chaotic battle every now and then …
This kind of chaos became more and more unbearable as the aristocratic family joined.
In the past few months, when Liu Cong saw that the time was ripe, Wei Yan, Zhao Yun and others led their troops to capture Lingyang and Shexian, which are located in the southwest of Hulin. These battles were almost bloodless, and the county magistrates had long been overwhelmed by the tyrannical rebellion. When they saw the banner of Jingzhou Army, they fled with their families. Naturally, they chose to surrender, but who was the official? Isn’t it the same?
As a result, the Wanling of Danyang County revealed that the front of the Jingzhou army was that Liu Cong didn’t want to force it too much. Besides sending troops to harvest grain and grass, Liu Cong didn’t plan to attack the city further. Besides staring at Jiangdong, Liu Cong often turned to the north. Cao Cao and Yuan Shao Guandu also held each other for more than half a year but didn’t know the final result. Without your own involvement, I think the ending will be the same as history, right?
Actually, Liu cong has changed many people and things a long time ago. For example, now Cao Cao has no feathers and no history, but what Cao Cao has is a catapult that is more advanced and powerful than history.
A large map, a small Guandu, is unremarkable. However, Liu Cong knows that it is here that Yuan Shao and Cao Cao have formed a confrontation with hundreds of thousands of troops.
That’s the latest news. It seems that it will be difficult to win or lose the Guandu War for a while, and it’s time for Jiangdong to take further action. Liu Cong thought about Jia Xu’s plan just now and hesitated for a moment before saying to Jia Xu, "It’s hard to hide this plan from Zhou Yu." "It doesn’t matter if Zhou Yu believes it or not." Jia Xu stroked his sparse beard and said slowly, "It seems that he will be like Sun Xin?"
☆, Chapter 60 So cloth puzzle to li.
"In the face of such a good opportunity, you can’t miss it," Liu Cong said with certainty. What can shock people and erect prestige for the present grandson more than recovering lost ground and driving out Jingzhou Army?
Jia Xu nodded. "Even if Zhou Yu sees through this plan, he can persuade Sun, and the more he advises Sun, the greater the rift will be."
"So I’m going to let the spy in the special guard camp release more rumors to make this muddy water in Jiangdong even more chaotic!" Bretz touched the scar at the corner of his mouth and then asked, "So what should I do?" Now Cao Caozheng Lombardi confronts Guandu, fearing that the temporary method will produce a result. "
Jia Xu shook his head slightly. "It is not necessary to wait for them to tell the outcome. It is enough to think carefully and arrange it properly."
Just now, he made a general plan, and many details still need to be discussed. The two of them sat opposite each other across the case, covered with maps of Yangzhou County, and the mountains, rivers and narrow passes were clearly marked. This was made by the special health camp in recent years, and many copies were made, one for each captain in almost all ministries.
Pang Tong, Wang Can and others were invited to discuss and refine the whole plan, and it was deduced several times. Of course, this plan is not static and there are corresponding plans and backup plans.
After noon the next day, a clipper went downstream and broke into Hulin Water Village, but it was a Jingzhou messenger. Seeing that he looked quite anxious, he went straight to Zhongjun’s tent and went to keep it outside the tent. The guards in the Guards’ camp held the halberd and checked the order, so that the messenger with a face of panic and anxiety was put in the account.
The news he brought seemed extremely confidential, and soon Zhang Xun made a big account and ordered the guards to expand the scope of alert. People should not go near without permission!
The atmosphere in Hulin camp suddenly became tense and dignified because of the arrival of this messenger.
I don’t know what kind of news this messenger brought, but Zhang Xun came out from time to time and whispered to the guards. Then the guards went to invite Jia Xu, Wang Can, Pang Tong and others. Later, even the distribution schools such as Gan Ning and Zhang Quan were invited to enter the account.
"You said it wouldn’t be something big in Jingzhou, right?" This tension makes the soldiers feel very depressed. Some people worry that they will ask their accomplices in robes
The person asked naturally never knew that he didn’t have the spirit to stare at him. "I don’t know if this is a good thing."
"It won’t be a disaster?" The man was worried and said to himself, "Don’t be flooded again. I still remember that year when the flood washed away all the walls and houses in my house, and the grain in that field was soaked in soup, which caused our family to starve to death that year. There were several people, including my uncle and …"
The leader of the team turned his head and shouted "Huh!"
The man blinked his eyes and bowed his head and said nothing. Is he still muttering in his heart that he is really long and tastes worried? Looking at the heavily guarded Zhongjun tent from a distance, he sighed and secretly prayed that it would not be any bad news. Seeing this, his many years of military experience is definitely a great event in Jingzhou, and it is definitely not a good thing.
In the evening, someone finally found out that Cao Ang led his troops to bypass Yecheng, and suddenly, from Wuyin South, he had captured Xinye’s soldiers and pointed to Xiangyang!
This thunderous news shocked many soldiers in Nanyang County or Nanjun County. If this news is true, wouldn’t it mean that Xiangyang Union in Nanyang County was cut off? Some people even associate it with the fact that no family has sent it recently, and saying it at this time has become evidence to confirm the news.
"Then we’re afraid we’re going to return to the division?" A family of hundreds of people will buckle face a knot in one’s asked to his boss.
While the dental keeper shook his head with a sad face. "It seems that I haven’t decided yet. It seems that the military adviser disapproves of Li and that Pang Yilang agrees with him today …"
One hundred people will neck a terrier "strategist xiangyang natural not afraid! But Pang Yilang’s family is not in Nanyang, but they are not in favor of returning to Li? "
"Hum, who knows what these families think? Maybe the future is the most important thing in their eyes. "This goalkeeper is a distant uncle in Zhang Quan, and his family are all in Wancheng, so don’t worry about him? Just now, Zhang Quan was forced by him to reveal the truth. He was growing grass in the temple at that time-he panicked and learned that he was even more angry against Li Pang Tong after being hesitant because his military advisers Jia Xu and Pang Tong opposed the general.
Yu junshi, this goalkeeper is afraid to lend him ten more guts from the bottom of his heart and dare not speak ill of him behind his back.
Well, there is news soon. The decision of bretz to lead the troops to Li in person has made many people in Hulin Army feel relieved. Think about it. It’s no wonder that if the army goes deep into Jiangdong now, if cao thief takes advantage of his weakness to occupy Nanyang and Xiangyang, wouldn’t everyone be in a dilemma?
At the same time, the constant arrival of messengers from Jingzhou also worried everyone. It seems that the situation in Nanyang is not good. This sends military messengers with faces like frost.
"I heard that after Cao Jun occupied the new field, he went straight to Xiangyang!" Some people will tell their companions the bad news they just heard, but listen to the worse news from their companions. "Not only go to Xiangyang, but also divide our troops to break Anzhong!" It is said that there are nearly 10,000 people in Cao Jun this time, but who would be afraid of them if our troops were not in Yecheng and Wancheng? "
"Now say these have what? I don’t know if the general’s seasonal army will leave one day earlier and return to Jingzhou one day earlier, so it will be delayed in case it is succeeded by Jun. "
Next to an older broadsword shield hand, he listened silently. When people noticed him, he turned around and left the line of sight for a while. They were on patrol outside the camp today. At this time, they were about to go back to the camp and lead the team for a while before suddenly surprised and said, "Why is the old man gone?"
Everyone didn’t react until they heard this. They were busy searching separately, but they couldn’t find the old man’s shadow.
"This old fear is not worried about being a deserter at home, is it?" I can’t find my depressed hand and muttered
What long corners of the mouth become warped and hurriedly changed his face and lamented, "it’s no wonder that he ran away and I wanted to eat sticks."
"Damn old hurry? Does he have it when he goes back alone? " Hand see what long military discipline worry busy and comfort way "very period want to face also won’t be punished for this, I heard that there are many people in the army secretly ran, if true theory which shall not get forty or fifty clubs? But you don’t have to worry too much if you haven’t seen anyone punished for it! "
He didn’t know that this long time ago, he was told by the special guard camp that the old spy who had been secretly investigated by the special guard camp had confirmed that Jiang Dongjun had sneaked into the army. At this time, he was released from the old spy who was part of that huge plan. Almost all of them easily escaped and went to Spring Valley to report the shocking news. Of course, some people chose to stay and continue to spy on the military situation.
In fact, some of these people are special guards, but ordinary soldiers know about these things.
With Zhao Yun, Wei Yan and others leading their troops to abandon Lingyang and Shexian and other places and returning to the army to return to Jingzhou, it became a public secret. It is said that Liu Cong and strategist Jia Xu were still very unhappy about this matter.
More and more civilian ships are berthing in the Tiger Forest Water Village from the downstream. Obviously, the army is going back by water. It is not yet known whether to give up the Tiger Forest Army’s turn-back or leave some troops to stay in the Tiger Forest.
This topic is the most touching one, and almost everyone talks about it in the camps of various departments in Hulin.
"It’s enough to say that it’s natural to have us riding in Jingzhou. Where are his ministries faster than us?" Young knights’ faces are full of pride, which makes people itch when they look at them. I wish I could pounce on them and give them a good beating. If your master hadn’t spared no effort to build a light ride over the years, where would you be arrogant today? Not to mention those expensive war horses, one sabre is worth three ordinary ring knives.

Three days later, Xueyang followed Xingqi to talk about victory and comfort. Before they talked more and more, Xingqi was between the strong strength of Xueyang and respect for the blood anode. There was a feeling that Xingqi was always a junior to Xueyang, while Xueyang was unable to see through the metempsychosis of Xingqi, a strong man. Although they were quite good before, they were friends.

However, from Xingqi’s scruples, he realized the artistic conception with blood Yang. Moreover, before Xingqi was hidden, he gave six Dan to the blood Yang with no intention. Xingqi’s attitude was friendly and casual, and the blood Yang was put on guard against Xingqi. And Xingqi’s strength increased greatly from the bully boxing, and he really raised his head before the blood Yang, and he was able to meet each other on an equal footing. Of course, it was more joyful to talk with each other.
Wine is warm, people’s minds are more intimate, and wine is the tacit understanding of brothers. It’s a man’s discourse. It’s not connected with Xingqi and Xueyang, the strong man, and it’s not fortunate that they are drinking together, but they are more cordial. Brother and brother are also screaming smoothly. Listening to the ear, there is no such unfamiliar feeling. Xueyang also showed his true nature in front of Xingqi for the first time, which made Xingqi understand the true face of The Hunger Venerable.
"Brother Xingqi, thank you again for this cup. I can explain everything to you. You need to know about mainland history. Brothers will send you some ancient books another day. Go and see them yourself. It’s really refreshing to talk with you for three days. I haven’t been so relaxed for many years, but I am really anxious to go back to Tianyinshan to preside over the overall situation." Blood Yang raised his glass and made a toast to Xingqi again.
"Ha ha, I know that Brother Xueyang is eager to go back to the gate and practice quietly, but Brother Xueyang is now Conan Tian, and maybe he is still practicing artistic conception during this period. Your grievances will come to see if the practice is successful. The first one will even kill you. Isn’t it dangerous for you to close the mountain again? Let’s close the mountains here. I will keep it for you for a few months, but there is no problem."
Worried about Xingqi’s blood, Yang smiled and shook his head. "Ha ha, Xingqi bro, don’t worry. If it were a month ago, I would be worried that Conan Tian’s children would kill the door because I couldn’t escape, but I would also escape it. But I am still afraid of him, Conan Tian’s children."
The Hunger, a The Hunger, will not be afraid of fighting the emperor’s master’s blood yang words, but it will shock Xingqi to rely on the bully boxing and add Xuan Shu Xuan clothes. It is also confident to fight the emperor’s first world war, but it is so confident that Xueyang words will not brag. Xingqi still believes this.
It seems that this The Hunger is a powerful trick. Xingqi smiled and filled each other with wine. He guessed that blood Yang said that The Hunger was also a point. He didn’t say that Xingqi didn’t ask about other people’s tricks or let people avoid it. However, when Xingqi poured wine, he noticed that Ningchangzhiyuan’s eyes suddenly lit up when he heard The Hunger’s body. He became excited. Ningchangzhiyuan’s performance made Xingqi interested in blood Yang, the The Hunger’s body.
"Ha ha, brother, I really want to go back to the mountain to practice, mainly because I am worried about my brother’s smoke flying to Yang Fei. Yang has a younger brother’s purple crystal and several five-Dan three-spirit wines, as well as a younger brother. You later sent that six-Dan breakthrough. It’s an iron horse thing, but the flying field has been closed for nearly two years, but it hasn’t come out yet, but it worries me. I’m going to interrupt it when I’m ready to go out. I’m also going to break in and have a look." Blood Yang put a glass
"Well, the flying Yang brothers haven’t gone out yet, but you’re not too worried about the impact of flying Yang brothers’ talents on bucket statue. That’s not to say," Xing Qi knows that the blood Yang has been decided and he will no longer say more, so he will raise his glass and propose a toast to the two of them for three cups again.
Looking at the blood Yang and Ningchang Zhiyuan, Xingqi took a long breath and took back his profound eyes and walked to the side room. But Xingqi was anxious to see the recovery of Ziyi, such as practicing his own boxing. In those twenty days, Ziyi’s injury was half better, but Ziyi still didn’t wake up for three days. He asked for a drink with Blood Yang but didn’t visit Ziyi’s injury again.
Entering the room, Ziyi was still lying peacefully on the bed, wrapped in a faint aura. Xingqi came to the bed, holding up Ziyi’s arm and reading his mind. After this sweep, Xingqi’s face lit up, and Ziyi’s meridians and bones were actually connected. Half of them were just three days ago, so much better. This means that Ziyi’s injury has improved faster.
With the careful observation of Xingqi, I soon found the reason why Ziyi’s injury improved and accelerated. Originally, I didn’t have that pure aura to repair Ziyi’s injury. Ziyi had already connected the meridians, and there was a hint of purple quarrelling slowly flowing. This silk of purple quarrelling was growing and it also moisturized and repaired the meridians.
I feel that Ziyi’s body is growing rapidly, and my face is growing stronger. Looking at this situation, I am afraid that all meridians and bones of Ziyi will be well within a week, which means that Ziyi will wake up in a week. This is really good news, and his three brothers will really get together.
Xingqi gently let go of the purple clothes and gently left the house, excited to find Tubel to tell the news to Da. He searched all the houses, but Xingqi didn’t find Tubel and the surrounding trees disappeared, which made Xingqi wonder that Tubel didn’t hide and sleep nearby.
I can’t find the earth bell, but I found the shadow fox. After receiving the information, I have been guarding the small garden of Ziyi Institute, leaving the courtyard. I don’t know if the shadow fox is facing the earth bell, but I don’t know that the friend has not got the information of the earth bell.
I didn’t find Tubel, and the excitement suddenly disappeared, and I was a little lost.
I want to go back to He Shu to have a drink and chat with Xingqi, but I have been told by the shadow fox that the marquis Rand has been to Qier Mountain twice, but I haven’t seen Xingqi. Xingqi is either practicing or accompanying guests, and the three major guilds of the royal family Sangmantian and Moxuliang Jiangjun still stay in Heyangcheng.
The marquis of Rand is the elder of Mount Tai, the elder of Ge Laiyue, and also an elder of Xing Qi, but Xing Qi can’t put it aside, and Sang Mantian, Mo Xu and others are almost dry. Xing Qi wanted to think about the table, which was too interesting, and he should also meet them. So Xing Qi gave up looking for Tu Bei and returned to Heyang City.
Rand is looking for a strange star, which means that the city of Heyang has been handed over to Rand, but there is no master of fighting the emperor stationed in Lanten Town. Sangmantian and Moxu are here to plead guilty to the three major guilds, of course, to please the statue of Xingqi.
For Rand, narrow-minded Xingqi didn’t say much, but he also took care of Heyang City, but he also rebuilt his home with one hand, but he also hoped that Heyang City would be stable and prosperous. When Xingqi came forward, Rand was worried. However, Xiexingqi might not have much time to deal with Heyang City after he was a don, so he thought about finishing the Heyang City Affairs Department at one time.
Mulberry family and Mo family don’t have to rely on this big tree to tie themselves to Heyangcheng. There are also three guilds, namely, the Pharmacists’ Guild, the Sword Masters’ Guild and the Mercenaries’ Guild of Liangjiang County. These profitable forces can’t just let the public security of Heyangcheng be governed by these five forces, so that they can hang themselves up without worrying about Heyangcheng.
After half a day, Xingqi quickly took care of the city of Heyang and threw Rand some Dan medicine. After that, Xingqi returned to the Kiel Mountains again, but he didn’t find Tubel, and he didn’t know where Tubel went. Just as Xingqi was preparing to read his mind and sweep the Kiel Mountains to find Tubel, the dead bear, he only looked at Tubel from a distance when he appeared on a hillside miles away.
Tubel came back, but he didn’t come back alone. He actually brought back a BaoXiong brigade. There were more than 20 BaoXiong with three kings in it. Looking at this circle, Xiong Xingqi’s face smiled. As far as Xingqi knew, the ghost beast in the Chier Mountains seemed to have been taken over by the white, but Tubel grabbed the white younger brother.
"Ha-ha, boss, how do you look at this group? They are all my younger brothers. Boss, you don’t know that two days ago, I found them dirtier than I used to be. Look at this for only two days. This sanitary posture is still well taught by my boss." Before Star Qi, Tubel proudly looked at this group of younger brothers who are tall and bear belly.
"Well, it’s good, but if I remember correctly, the spirit beast in the Kiel Mountains seems to have been taken over by Bai Yu. It’s a little unreasonable for you to take advantage of Bai Yu’s failure to dig a corner. Aren’t you afraid that Bai Yu will get even with you when the autumn comes? What should I do when Bai Yu gets even with me?" Starkey smiled at this rather spirited Tu Bei.
"Ah, this white and I are brothers and younger brothers, that is, my younger brother. What’s the matter? He’s not right now. I’m not just helping to manage the situation. Hey, hey, I’ll accept these three little boys as my younger brother. I’m just * * them." Being asked by Xing Qi, Tubel’s face became better, and Tubel’s brain turned very fast.
The three small things mentioned by Tubel turned out to be three small ones. The Cangbei Xiongqier Mountain is not a small size integer. All the soul beasts are integrated by Bai Qi. I also know that there are a number of violent bears in this mountain, but I don’t know that there are still Cangbei bears watching Tubel. Xingqi estimates that Tubel is even homesick. When Ziyi is ready, I will follow Tubel back to my hometown to see Cangbei bears.
When time flies, it’s three days. Ziyi is still recovering. However, she occasionally drinks, chats, and then throws herself into the study of the body-building techniques. Xing Qi is so diligent in studying the body-building techniques, mainly because Tubel Xingqi has given Tubel a physical test, but she is surprised to find that Tubel’s physical strength has reached the level of Samsung.
Tubel is busy recording it. Every day, he is so busy practicing his younger brother Tubel’s moves. These little bears are in poor health. Tubel still has some human feelings. Of course, Xingqi also has another task, which is to watch Tubel practice the violent bears.
Today is another sunny day, and a red sun has already risen. The research on the achievement method of Xingqi has stopped. Tubel has also stopped practicing Baoxiong. Both of them are excited to keep the purple clothes outside the hut, which is attached to the original waiting room. He Shu also keeps a side. The shadow fox takes everyone to guard the periphery of the station. It turned out that Purple clothes were injured and recovered last night.
After Kang Zi Yi didn’t wake up, he was still dizzy, but his body was running faster and faster. Zi Yi’s body slowly released a trace of momentum. Today, this silk pressure has reached the level of honour, and now it is still growing, which is constantly impacting the hidden array distributed by Xing Qi.
【 Chapter 513 Purple clothes metamorphosis 】
Bang! Bang! A * * momentum fluctuation emerged from the house to hide the exquisite wooden house. It has long been lifted by a strong momentum to fly a piece of wooden wall. Although the hidden law is strong, it has been squeezed by the purple clothes momentum fluctuation for a day, and it has become a house. The momentum is as violent as the vent crossing.
From the hole in the collapsed wooden wall, we can clearly see that the whole body of Purple Clothes is curled up and shrinking, and the momentum is that the purple clothes are physically shaking out, and the purple clothes face is no longer peaceful, and the face is tight and the forehead is twisted into a face. The muscles are very twisted, and the purple clothes are getting stronger and stronger.
It’s been two days since the breath of purple clothes fluctuated, and it’s also two days since Xingqi, Tubel and Shadow Fox guarded the purple clothes hut. He Shu couldn’t hold the purple clothes from the hidden array, and the momentum has already left the valley first, and the king-level master can’t move to the other side of the hill. Shadow Fox can also watch from a distance, and Tubel and Shadow Fox are not calm before, and they are all covered with a layer of eagerness.
The fluctuation of momentum is the omen that Purple Clothes wants to wake up, and then it stops when it reaches the level of one-star statue, but it is surprising that Purple Clothes didn’t wake up and spread out momentum, and it didn’t stop, far exceeding the level of one-star statue, and it is still slowly increasing, and now it has reached the peak of one-star statue.
Now Xingqi has to accept the fact that the purple clothes are dizzy and the impact on the two stars is very funny, but this scene makes Xingqi and Tubel have to believe that the impact on the two stars is also a good thing, but the impact on the purple clothes is extremely strange
But judging from the purple clothes’ expression, purple clothes are suffering great pain at this time. It is not that purple clothes are willing to impact the two stars, which makes Xingqi and Tubel’s heart hang up.
Two people worry about the purple clothes carelessly, thinking about observing the purple clothes, only to find that the purple clothes are wrapped in a layer of crystal violet light, and they can’t understand the real situation of the purple clothes. They dare not rashly break the purple clothes, but they are worried and helpless.
"Is it that strange aura?" Xingqi now regrets that he didn’t make the pure aura source. Later, when he looked at the aura, it was of great benefit to the purple clothes, and he didn’t go to study it again. Now, looking at the purple clothes is so painful. Besides this aura, he checked the purple clothes body, and Xingqi couldn’t find the second possibility.
With the worry of Tubel and the speculation of Xingqi’s annoyance and regret, the momentum of purple clothes has finally reached the peak of a star-studded statue, and the pressure has reached the peak of the hidden array laid by Xingqi. A sudden burst of sound, the hidden array collapsed, and the powerful momentum crashed and smashed the hut. However, at this time, Tubel and Xingqi did not care about all this, but they stared at the floating purple clothes.
The two people were surprised that the crystal violet light in their eyes suddenly burst into thick reiki, and suddenly the purple clothes burst out and wrapped in reiki. The purple clothes actually began to transform for a while, and the amethyst lion was floating in the air for more than ten feet. But after the transformation, the purple clothes’ breath fluctuation was still not over, and it became more urgent. Ten feet of purple clothes’ fur actually shook up.
Dizzy purple clothes body suddenly and violently shaking four feet uprising up huge amethyst lion head is twisted and a * * amethyst mustache hair actually fell straight from the body and a little bit of blood oozed from the body surface, and a small amethyst phosphate was sticking out from the purple clothes body.
"Purple clothes change!" Seeing such a scene, Xingqi and Tubel suddenly realized that Ziyi didn’t break through the two stars, but changed. This is a good thing than breaking through the two stars. Of course, changing Ziyi is a great pain.
Metamorphosis has those soul beasts with the blood of god beast. It can only happen after constant practice and refinement of their own blood. Every metamorphosis with the blood of god beast will take a step towards god beast.
Chlamydia purpurea is an amethyst lion. Amethyst lion is a strange soul beast, but it belongs to a lion, but it is different from a lion. It is not a descendant of a god beast. Then it is possible that purple clothes can be transformed. This amethyst statue has broken through the rank and broken through nature. It is also reasonable for amethyst lion card to be transformed.
White come over soil bell and star qi two people are overjoyed to purple clothes now reaction is relieved, but after the overjoyed, they are even more frightened that purple clothes will change obviously. It will take some time, and it may be difficult to avoid others disturbing purple clothes when they change. Even if you can feel it in the surrounding hundreds of miles, the thought of this star qi is eager to decorate a bigger hidden array around purple clothes again, while soil bell is a face of violent guardian.
After a few minutes, the hidden array of Xingqi Buxuan finally became a purple garment with a violent breath. Once again, when the law was not laid out, Xingqi and Tubel watched the purple garment change and guarded it.
Metamorphosis is a long pain. Pieces of nail scales are drilled out from the flesh and blood and plunged into the flesh. The hair is squeezed out, and the blood oozes into the soul. One day, the nail scales continue to absorb the blood and rise to the palm of your hand, and the purple clothes are covered with purple clothes. Two long folded sharp corners are also exposed, and the limbs are also stretched out with cold claws.
Although I was overjoyed at the transformation of the purple clothes, I saw that the purple clothes had endured such terrible pain for nearly a day, which made Tubel and Xingqi speechless, and the two of them had a better understanding of the transformation of the soul beast. It was true that they could not get rid of their original stinky soil without suffering from the soul.
Howl! After the transformation of purple clothes, I finally woke up and opened my two purple eyes. Suddenly, I opened my eyes wide and yelled at the top of the sky. Finally, I burst into a pure purple quarrelling from the purple clothes. I washed and swept the amethyst scales with little blood, and the huge two-star breath also spread and exploded! The violent atmosphere and heavy collision array method caused a wave.
"Ha ha, wake up, boss. Purple clothes wake up. Purple clothes have changed successfully!" Tubel looked at the law and the figure was reduced by half. He was wearing a brother’s purple dazzling crystal scale with two sharp corners on his head, and Tubel burst into laughter. Listening to Tubel’s cheerful call, Xingqi looked at this scene and his heart was quite happy.
After the purple clothes suddenly and violently roared, they closed their eyes and kept rotating. It took several minutes to make the momentum converge and turn into * humanoid purple clothes again. They still closed their eyes and checked the body. After the purple clothes turned into * people, Xingqi also quickly put away the law, but Tubel ran to the purple clothes with a face of laughter and looked at the purple clothes.
"Eldest brother! Tubel, are you all right? " When I opened my eyes, Ziyi saw that Xingqi was waiting for me, and this silly bear, Tubel Bear’s brain, was right in front of me. I was scared to stare at myself, but when I opened it, I saw my closest relative or happiness. Ziyi’s face showed a little happy smile.
"Ha-ha, of course, our boss and I have been guarding your dead lion for a month. Fortunately, if you don’t wake up soon, Tubel will break your lion’s skin." Tubel suddenly became a pair of teeth when he suddenly opened his eyes in purple.
"Ha ha wake up! Haha, we three brothers are finally together! " Star wonder didn’t know what the hell was wrong with this fellow, but he was very happy to reach out and hold purple clothes and soil bell together.
Purple clothes not only changed, but also broke into two stars, which was a great event. Xingqi held a carnival party that night, celebrating the return of Purple clothes and successfully surviving the transformation. Although there were not many celebrants, Xingqi, the big boss, took out more than ten altars and the atmosphere was still very strong. Of course, the party also became a reception.
Noisy fire is as high as a cocktail party. Hot flames swept through the mountains. Cold light, clear temperature, and fragrant fragrance overshadowed the beautiful moonlight. Starkey sat by with wine and barbecue. He watched holding the jar. Tubel walked happily through Ziyi, Heshu and Shadow Fox. Four people robbed a jar. Listening to laughter, Starkey blushed and his eyes became blurred. No Xuantian expelled alcohol. Starkey fell down for the first time.
This valley is hot and different from Qiheng Empire, but a valley is colder than a wisp of ice. The cold is flowing out of the cave on one side of the valley, and the branches of the spring valley are developing. New buds and land are sprouting, and the tips of grass are covered with a thick layer of frost, and dozens of frozen souls and birds are flying. The whole valley is like an ice valley.
Bang! The purple reiki in the valley suddenly shook, and a colder ice gas suddenly rushed up from the cave and rolled out. Originally, the vegetation covered with frost turned out to be ice crystals, and the original life of the vegetation gradually faded into ice! A huge breath also slammed into the valley from the hole.
Poof! Poof! Two bright reds spit out from the mouths of two pretty women in the floating valley, and two women couldn’t help shaking up.
"Hold on, Senior Sister, it will take another half an hour. At this time, you can’t be discouraged and let others find that it is abnormal here." Ying Ying looked pale and looked aside, trembling with the same cold autumn rain.
Ying Ying didn’t care to touch a trace of blood on the corners of her mouth, but she was anxious to get cold in her mouth. Several Dan medicine bodies once again burst out with a powerful momentum to suppress the valley storm, and the momentum was huge again, covering more than half of the valley.
"Hum!" Ice autumn rain is a cold hum to Ying Ying’s words. It also swallows two Dan medicines. Ice autumn rain shakes his body and his eyes flash across the road. The naked body also sends out a powerful momentum to cover the valley momentum again.
Jathyapple Valley is full of cold and ice. Two women shudder in the autumn rain and insist on a trickle of sweat, but it condenses into ice crystals in the air and falls to the ground. The valley is ringing and clicking.
【 Chapter 514 Blood Awakening 】
The return of Purple Clothes made Xingqi and all the people happy for two days. In the valley, three people talked about their experiences with each other over the years. All three people lamented that Xingqi was tortured and miserable by Landman and Cangxiong, while Ziyi and Tubel lamented that the boss had experienced a strange sensation. All three people were amazed.
Two days passed by, and the valley was calm again, and Xingqi began to make some arrangements. First, the Shadow Fox first broke the ice base, and all the fighting kings were evacuated from the Chil Mountain, so that the Shadow Fox took the ice and the rest of the members still fell in Liangjiang County to contact with Mo Jiasang’s family to collect information for themselves, and then the Shadow Fox transferred it to himself.

Chapter 11 BOSS send volume

After a late arrival, Gao Chen has gained 5 more experiences. This experience seems to be quite a lot, but it is not enough to upgrade to the next level. That’s because this 14-level to 15-level experience needs 3. Seeing this number, Gao Chen knows that this is the same as "Weight". Every level wants about 15 times the experience of the first level, so it will be a huge amount of experience when it comes to the back. There are various ways to add experience in the previous game. But what about this world? Although it is said that practicing martial arts and magic can increase experience, you can add a little poor experience in this hour, which is really astronomical compared with the experience required for upgrading. Gao Chen is more and more afraid that this is not a game!
But what can I do? There is a saying that life is like rape. Since you can’t resist, enjoy it! If this is really not a game, there is still the biggest difference from the previous game, that is, the previous game can be played for so long every day, and no game can be played for one generation, but now it is different. If this is a real world, how many levels can the world upgrade if it is upgraded in one year? Level 1 or level 1? Don’t worry about all this. What we have to do now is to upgrade to the next level. Besides, it takes too much experience to upgrade to the next level. It seems that it is not that simple!
After dinner, Gao Jianfeng asked him how he had a rest last night, but he didn’t say anything. However, Gao Chen didn’t want to say anything. At this time, he wanted to go to Hengduan Forest to kill some monsters, even if he had less experience and needed more experience. It didn’t accumulate bit by bit. From yesterday, Gao Chen learned that he was cheap and dad really sent someone to protect him. Although Gao Chen might not be able to keep any secrets around him, since he wanted to let Gao Jianfeng send him out, this person should be regarded as one of his own, and the key point is that Gao Chen’s so-called exposure is that his level is Maybe it’s just that you can find yourself practicing magic and martial arts! The double cultivation of magic weapons in this continent is not no, but also a lot of them are either absolutely strong or a melee is not as good as a warrior’s far battle as a magician’s garbage. After all, the need for double cultivation of magic weapons is not the cultivation of magic talent, but rather the unyielding perseverance, because they want to be strong and need to pay twice as much as ordinary people!
Soon Gao Chen once again came to the place where Gao Menglian was defeated yesterday. After he knew this position, he couldn’t go any further. Although there was little chance of a fourth-order Warcraft, that didn’t mean that it wouldn’t happen. If it did happen and it wasn’t the gentle Warcraft of a four-eared rabbit, it would definitely be a tragedy for Gao Chen. At this distance, Gao Chen moved horizontally to find prey. Although he learned the poison technique, he couldn’t display it because there was no poison. Gao Chen was eager to blame and hoped to explode two packs of poison for him. And Gao Chen had an idea that this world poison could be used.
First of all, the information obtained by a reconnaissance technique is wolf level 1 and life 1, and he has nothing. The level 1 wolf is not a threat to Gao Chen now. First, a fireball shoots at it, and a-7 number floats up. Then Gao Chen rushes over to a basic fencing skill to turn this wolf into experience! At this time, the wolf can give him experience and pity. Gao Chen knows that this is because he is higher than the wolf for many reasons. After thinking about it, Gao Chen decides not to fire when he meets the wolf. This is because the proficiency of basic fencing is far from reaching the first level …
So Gao Chen looked for wolves again and slowly died. There were more and more wolves in Gao Chen’s hands, and the proficiency of basic swordsmanship also slowly increased. Suddenly Gao Chen met a level of 15 wolf reconnaissance. Gao Chen saw that the wolf level was actually 15, but the name was still a wolf. This surprised Gao Chen and thought to himself, is this the same as the previous game? This wolf is an elite, thinking that it can be manually but it didn’t stop, but it still didn’t make the fireball hand say hello to the basic swordsmanship.
During the battle, Gao Chen discovered that this 15-level wolf is many times stronger than ordinary wolves in all aspects, and his life is 3 points. Gao Chen’s basic swordsmanship can also take away 3 points of his life. That is to say, it takes at least 10 swords to turn this wolf into experience. However, Gao Chen is not at all careless, but he is looking forward to more wolves. Because ordinary wolves and his hands will last up to three, which is really too slow for practicing basic swordsmanship proficiency. At the same time, Gao Chen has not forgotten that he can face a wolf when practicing posture.
But now I can’t, because this elite wolf is much more agile than ordinary wolves, and it moves almost twice as fast. During the war, Gao Chen was caught once, which made Gao Chen pay a little life. Yes, it reduced his life a little. Gao Chen didn’t rest assured that even a cure can add at least 5 life, which can save a little. You know, killing wolves with lower levels than yourself doesn’t explode anything! A wolf turned and stabbed this 15-level elite, and he fell down and contributed 3 points of experience to Gao Chen. This is not what made Gao Chen happy. The important thing is that he also contributed a piece of equipment to Gao Chen, and it takes 15 levels to make it work. Of course, there are still a few gold coins missing!
This Gao Chen is even more looking forward to the emergence of this elite wolf. The experience is not very fast, but the proficiency of basic swordsmanship is rapidly increasing. After a few hours, Gao Chen’s basic swordsmanship finally reached the first level. This is really not easy. If the level of the game is 14, there are two levels of basic swordsmanship, but the proficiency here is less, but the level is still low, which makes Gao Chen feel very embarrassed. The more he feels that this world is not the strange game that can’t be killed! It seems that the main way to upgrade the world is to practice martial arts!
I don’t know how long it took me to kill a wolf. In this middle school, Gao Chen met several elite wolves again. The experience is still the same every 3 o’clock. Unfortunately, not every one can bring him equipment. One time, it was strange to give him a bss roll. This made Gao Chen very angry. Although he wanted to tear this scroll to see if it would be sent to the bss paradise in China, he thought about it, but he gave up. If he did, he would be killed. If he was randomly sent, he didn’t know where he would be sent. How to say it is also good to have this thing.
Once again, when the elite wolf fell, a wind blade attacked Gao Chen, because it came so suddenly that Gao Chen didn’t come to avoid a-88 number floating from Gao Chen’s head, which made Gao Chen startled. You know how much life Gao Chen had at this time? Two more times, you’ll kill yourself and give yourself a cure at the same time. At this time, I feel like I jumped at this ghost and a fireball shot at it. I turned around and found that it was still a wolf. The difference is that this wolf is a little too big, and it is actually the size of a cow! …
The information obtained by a reconnaissance technique in the past is the weakness of the wolf’s level of life, skill and blade … and the level of reconnaissance is still too low to see the weakness, but Gao Chen knows that this is hard to come by. At least, it is better than not knowing anything. Gao Chen dare not have the slightest carelessness in facing the wolf. There is a big difference in levels in the game, which means that the attack bonus of high level is 6 levels to low level. Although this bonus is not much now, his own attack will be weakened. In this way, this wolf will be much stronger than ordinary wolves! A fireball killed the wolf by 15 points, which made Gao Chen very naive.
But I’m afraid I can’t break the defense game. Gao Chen said that if I can break the defense without being killed, I can’t blame him! Although when it comes to this world, Gao Chen has a lot of worries because he doesn’t know if he can be resurrected after he dies, when he is attacked by this wolf, Gao Chen suddenly finds that he seems to be back in the game!
Gao Chen yelled at a pair of wolves who came at him again with a fireball, and then a big chop at his waist took away the fireball belt and took away the wolf’s life by 15 points again, which made the wolf’s hair a little burnt, which made the wolf angry and howl. Although I don’t know what happened, I can’t avoid this fireball, but the wolf knew that he must kill this damn guy. Instead of hitting the target, the wolf got a sword again, which made it even more annoyed, but Gao Chen’s walking was really exquisite. Every move is just to avoid the wolf. I don’t know how many blades I fired, but it was when I appeared that I let Gao Chen win. He was all flashed by Gao Chen, but Gao Chen stabbed him with a sword. It felt that every time he was stabbed by Gao Chen, he took away his vitality. This feeling made it seem that he saw the shadow of death. There was not much wisdom. He was even more angry and wanted to eat Gao Chen but didn’t think about running away. His heart was full of an idea that he must tear this guy to pieces!
Seeing the wolf’s blood strips slowly decreasing, Gao Chen felt that he was really back in the game. He was wiped a little less by the wolf, and his life was not cured. It won’t be long before his life returned to full battle again. But it’s nothing strange for Gao Chen that he did better in the game! Seeing that the wolf had the last three points of blood, Gao Chen didn’t hide. First, a fireball hit his head and reduced his life by 14 points again. At this time, the wolf jumped on him and made him lose one life. But at this time, Gao Chen took the last life of the wolf away with a sword!
Ding, congratulations on your upgrade
Ding Jin ring was found
Tinea medicine was discovered.
Ding ……..
A series of unified sounds made Gao Chen feel cool to the extreme. At this time, he was very sleepy. Although his life was still full, he couldn’t shake the feeling of fatigue. You know, he has been fighting for nearly an hour since now. Gao Chen shouted to the back, "Can this wolf body be made of materials?" I’ll take it back if I can. I’m too tired to go back first! "
Say that finish, regardless of the man’s reaction, and then strode to the city, leaving his face deformed by shock. Chapter 12 Struggling for the Fourth Order of Warcraft
I went to Hengduan forest to fight monsters during the day and practiced martial arts and magic at night. It can be said that Gao Chen’s experience is increasing all the time. After a month, I won’t be able to come to Hengduan forest for a long time after today, because the day is the school hours of Magic Martial Arts College!
After seeing it, he stopped coming to cross the forest, but today Gao Chen was in trouble. Maybe he saw that he was about to leave and gave him a big gift. As time went by, Gao Chen went deep into the place where he met the four-eared rabbit. He wondered if he would meet the four-eared rabbit. If this is also a four-eared rabbit, it can’t be said that it is trouble. Because the four-eared rabbit is docile, it won’t take the initiative to attack people. But what he met today is a lion-like Warcraft. Unlike lions, this Warcraft is three times bigger than the lions seen in previous lives.
The fourth-order Warcraft king fireworks magic lion is a kind of Warcraft name, which is based on its own attributes, and fire magic is the most powerful attack in magic-although Warcraft is different from human wizards, it can instantly cast fourth-order magic, including third-order magic, and it is stronger than human beings. For example, a fourth-order human magician can cast fourth-order magic three times, and then there is no magic power, but at least four or five at the same level can be cast, while human fourth-order wizards can instantly cast third-order magic, but of course there are also three that can instantly cast third-order magic.
There is also the most frightening point, that is, Warcraft is both a magic weapon and a double major, because their physical attacks are not low, and their physical strength is even stronger than that of ordinary fourth-order fighters. Now Gao Chen’s level is 18. If he meets four monsters at level 18 in the game, he is usually killed a lot. Of course, Gao Chen in this world doesn’t know what the result will be, because he dare not try to face opponents who are similar to himself or not too strong. Gao Chen will rush and turn over, but even in the game, there is a way to run.
When Gao Chen saw the fireworks magic lion, he ran back. The gap between the two was very clear. When he saw the flame magic lion, he had already learned about it. There was a name level. Even the number of lives was not detected. Although Gao Chen admitted that he was running very secretly, he still underestimated that the fireworks magic lion was called the king of Warcraft in the fourth order. It was not for nothing. When Gao Chen turned around, he attracted the attention of the fireworks magic lion. Then he shot at Gao Chen with a flame knife and felt that it was impossible to run quietly behind him. Fortunately, this was a forest. Gao Chen turned around and hid from a tree. Don’t give me a corpse! "
When Gao Chen spoke, the tree where he was hiding was hit by a flame knife and burned. Gao Chen turned to the fireworks magic lion and split it with a lightning stroke. A-3 number floated from the head of the flame magic lion. At this time, Gao Chen could see the life of the flame magic lion and had a little life. This made Gao Chen talk. How can it be so high? Gao Chen really can’t accept that if the thousand-life monster in the game already belongs to the small bss, now there are thousands of lives in the first and fourth order of Warcraft! Moreover, it’s actually 3 points less when you go to Lei Shu, not counting it. It takes 7 to reply to yourself, and you can’t be touched by him. This life value Gao Chen believes that he is also killed.
The fireworks magic lion was startled by Gao Chen’s thunder magic. Among the magic, the fire magic attack is the highest in the conventional magic, but the thunder magic belongs to the rare magic. There are only a handful of thunder magicians in the whole continent, and each of them is famous and strong because of his destructive power. Look at Gao Chen’s eyes with a little fear, a little anger, and bloodthirsty light. Warcraft has a certain fear of thunder. This lightning technique also makes the fireworks magic lion completely angry. When the fireworks magic lion roars, Gao Chen rushes to see the fireworks magic lion rush over to Gao Chen, and then dodges to run. When Gao Chen turns around, the fireworks magic lion opens his mouth and a washbasin-sized fireball hits Gao Chen. But this time, the fireball in Gao Chen’s heart should be the size of a rice bowl, but the fireworks magic lion shows him what a real fireball is! …
Changing direction, I rushed in the direction of the fireworks magic lion and avoided the fireball. At the same time, the ebony sword in my hand stabbed the fire magic lion’s eyes. The magic lion was recruited in Gao Chen’s imagination. The difference was that at this time, the fireworks magic lion raised its front paws and took it to Gao Chen. Because the rushing speed was too fast, Gao Chengen didn’t respond at all, and his head was slapped and a number of-15 floated. Fortunately, the horse was not killed. He drank a bottle of medicine for golden sore and then cast a cure on himself. At this time, the fireworks magic lion didn’t
Seeing the huge body of the fireworks magic lion, Gao Chen has a strong feeling that the attack intensity is not fixed immediately. If only there were poison, it would be depressing to think of Gao Chen. Kai Shang Tong wanted to move in 19 seconds, but at this time he was only at level 18. It seems that he was one level worse, but it was this level that made Gao Chen stay for a long time without poison poisoning, and by 19, he could learn two powerful skills, that is, samurai attacking and killing swordsmanship, Taoist summoning skeletons! But it is because of the difference of one level that Gao Chen can think about the fact, but nothing can happen. In his heart, Gao Hua scolded Gao Hua for putting away the ebony sword, and his equipment rose to level 17 and hit the weapon dagger. This is a very short sword, which added two points of magic and made Gao Chen laugh for a long time and changed his clothes into light armor. Since running is dead, if he doesn’t run, he may not die. He decided to change all the equipment for Gao Chen and fight with this hateful fireworks magic lion!
At this time, Gao Hua appeared "Young Master, I’m coming". With the sound, he saw a sword light stabbing the fireworks magic lion! Due to the attention of the fireworks magic lion, the sword of Gao Chen Gao Hua stung the fireworks magic lion. Suddenly, a-8 number floated from the head of the fireworks magic lion. Looking at this floating number, Gao Chen was stunned for a while, and then a lightning technique smashed the fireworks magic lion. Gao Chen knew that he was only level 45. Can 45 output such a powerful damage? Gao Chen is not white, but obviously this situation is not suitable for considering such a problem. Anyway, this is a good thing. If you want two more fireworks, the magic lion will become your own experience. Now you have to go to the next level and want too much experience!
Even when Gao Chen fantasized about killing this magic lion, Gao Hua shouted, "Master, let’s go. I’m no match for it. I can contain one at most."
Gao Chen not white "you want to come again twice just attack not to kill him? How can you say that? "
Seeing that Gao Chen didn’t leave, he was full of confidence in himself. Gao Hua didn’t know whether to be happy or depressed. While avoiding the attack of fireworks and magic lions, he said anxiously, "That trick just now was a dead trick. It can’t make you go continuously. I want to go, but it can’t leave me."
It turned out that the skill was cooling down. Gao Chen thought to himself, "How long will it take to make it again?"
At this time, Gao Chen found that Gao Hua’s attack was not very high, and every time he could take away 3-4 points of damage to the fireworks magic lion, that is to say, his unique skill actually broke out ten times of attack, but the price was that the current state of Gao Hua was not quite right. You can see from his pale face that such a unique skill must be learned. Is it wrong? A bottle of medicine is k, thought Gao Chen!
"I don’t know where I can solve my opponent the last time. I know how long it will take. You’d better go!" Gao Hua is in a hurry to destroy Gao Chen. He looks even paler!
Just as he finished speaking, the fireworks magic lion cut Gao Hua’s shoulder with a flame knife. That was because Gao Hua was distracted by his speech and didn’t come. A-13 number floated from his head. At this time, Gao Chen was depressed to see Gao Hua’s life value. There are actually three points to rely on, which is not much more than the mage.
At this time, he expected Gao Chen to listen to him concentrate on the fireworks and the magic lion was already injured. At this time, Gao Hua wanted to turn around and run. If he ran at this time, he might not die, but he knew that if he ran, Gao Chen would have a dead end. Gao Chen Gao Hua vowed not to run! At this time, a refreshing feeling hit Gao Hua and he almost shouted out. At this time, he heard Gao Chen’s voice, "I will cure the disease and kill it together if I am not afraid of running!" …
Once again, Gao Hua was given two treatments. After the operation, Gao Chen attacked the fireworks magic lion’s thunder, and the thunder kept bombarding the fireworks magic lion’s head. This made the fireworks magic lion want to run over and solve Gao Chen’s problem, but Gao Hua pinned it down. Gao Hua’s attack was not very high, but the attack speed was very fast. Gao Chen could cast a lightning technique in one second, but Gao Hua could send out three swords every second, and at least one of these three swords was the body of the fireworks magic lion!