Xue Fengyi’s face changed greatly and exclaimed, "Master, this is your personal belongings. How can you-"

Li Yunxiao interrupted her and said, "I don’t want to accept apprentices in my life, but since you have a fate, I will give it to your master. I believe that your natural disposition will never disappoint your master. Don’t say it, and then I don’t want to go. Go, master, bless you!"
Xue Fengyi looked at Li Yunxiao primly and said, "Master, rest assured that my brother will live up to his expectations!" After a slight pause, he flew into the sky and disappeared into the sea of clouds.
Watching her disappear, Li Yunxiao said to himself, "I should go back, too. It’s been too long since I came out. Some things have forgotten that the sea is predestined. It’s up to you this last chance."
I looked up and looked around, and my right hand brushed back slightly. Suddenly, the huge old tree passed away and a green light flew into her palm.
Later, Li Yunxiao lingered for a look at the familiar valley. As soon as the gorgeous light turned, the whole person instantly narrowed a white spot only the size of a needle tip, and stayed for a moment and then disappeared.
The wind blows gently and the valley is as calm as before. The only change is that the big tree is missing and a little angry. These come and go so suddenly and strangely. Who can solve the secret?
After listening to the spring valley, Liu Yunyang resumed his indifference and smiled at the sea. He went to Yanbo Lake Road to laugh at the sea and asked, "Yunyang, why don’t you ask me what to take you to the spring valley?"
Liu Yunyang said indifferently, "You will tell me what you should tell me, but you won’t even if I ask."
Laughing at the sea with a wry smile, "It’s not easy to get mixed up after you know it so quickly. Anyway, it’s lonely all the way. I’ll tell you the truth. I took you there for a purpose this time."
Liu Yunyang’s eyes changed slightly, but his tone was calm. "What is your character doing without a purpose?"
Laughing at the sea, he immediately scolded, "Fuck you, you call me a profiteer. I’m a fair-trade businessman."
LiuYunYang silence is smiled or look otherwise.
Laughing at the sight of the sea, he snorted and ignored his appearance. Then he said, "I wanted to confirm one thing when I went to listen to the spring valley this time, that is, whether I could hear the running water. Now that I have confirmed it, I am relieved. There is one thing I want to ask you. Did you really hear the running water last night?"
Liu Yunyang said indifferently, "Since you saw it, you must ask?"
Laugh at the sea. Hey, hey, say with smile, "There are some things that you can’t see with your eyes. You need your heart to listen before I ask you."
Liu Yunyang looked at him and hesitated. "I can tell you but you have to answer me a question."
Laughing at the sea, he said brightly, "You said I would answer you if I knew."
Liu Yunyang whispered, "White clothes are better than snow, and Fengxiang is the only one. What do you mean by the last two sentences?"
Laugh at the sea one leng and then two quick scratches his head. "How did you think of asking this matter? To tell the truth, I do know, but don’t you think it would be better for another person to tell you one day? "
Liu Yunyang eyes a cold way "so I will ask you again"
Smile at the sea and avoid his eyes. Hey, smile. "Since you want to know, I’ll tell you that this last sentence has two meanings. White clothes are better than snow beauty. It’s the only thing left in Xuefengyi’s beautiful world. Fengxiang Tianwei Dream is comparable to this Chinese word. The first layer means that Xuefengyi means that she is the only one who is beautiful in the world. That’s the dream mark of Ci Hang Jian Zhai Shui."
Speaking of this, I paused and glanced at Liu Yunyang only to find that he looked different. I was surprised and asked, "What’s wrong with you?"
Liu Yunyang saw his one eye and shook his head. "Nothing, you go ahead."
Laughing at the sea hesitated without asking, but continued, "In ancient times, Sima Xiangru once wrote a song, Feng Xiong meant the second meaning of the male office. The word Feng refers to a male Fengxiang who is famous for his dreams, and only the water dreams are comparable."
Liu Yunyang asked indifferently, "I wonder who that man is so famous?"
The fourth ghost castle
The first chapter Yanbo Lake
Laughing at the sea, he said with a smile, "Such a famous person naturally comes from a famous family. He is the young villa owner of Aoyue Villa-Long Tianxiao!"
His face changed dramatically. Liu Yunyang’s body trembled when he heard this name. The whole person suddenly turned around and avoided laughing at the eyes of the sea.
Looking at the distance, Liu Yunyang fought back her anger, and the blood in her eyes flashed with hatred as if she were going to burn everything.
He was so surprised that he laughed at the sea lightly and said, "Yunyang, what’s wrong with you? Is there anything wrong?"
Liu Yunyang took a deep breath and tried to keep calm. "There’s nothing I’ve ever heard of. I feel a little surprised. Well, I have nothing to ask. Let’s walk faster." The words fell at a high speed and pulled the distance between them.
Laughing at the sea and looking at his back faintly felt that there was something wrong with it, but when I thought that Liu Yunyang was not a fix-up person, I should not have anything to do with Long Tianxiao, so I withdrew my doubts and accelerated my speed.
The moon lake is full of sorrow and ups and downs. Who asks about the east?
Laughing at night, the sea took Liu Yunyang for a day and finally came to the beautiful lake of Yanbo.
This lake is located in Fiona Fang, which is under the jurisdiction of Yunmengze, the Yangtze River Tour, but the scenery is pleasant for a hundred miles, and the thick fog persists for a long time. This lake adds a bit of mystery.
Stop to admire the moon, the mist is hazy, real and unreal, giving people an illusory feeling.
Smiling at the sea, he asked, "How do you feel?"
Liu Yunyang stared at the water in the distance, and the ripples in the breeze revealed a bit of leisure. There were a few wisps of light smoke fluttering in the quiet, and everything was beautiful but vaguely strange.
Hesitated for a long time, Liu Yunyang whispered, "It’s like a fog, and the dream shadow is thousand times heavy."
Smiling at the sea, I looked at his mouth slightly, and finally there seemed to be something I didn’t say.
Laughing for a moment, the sea recovered. Hey, laughing, "The scenery here is really like smoke and dreams. Unfortunately, it’s too late to see clearly. Let’s find a place to rest for one night and enjoy the scenery here early in the morning." The words left Liu Yunyang along the lake and soon disappeared into the thick fog.
In the morning, there is no sunlight on the water surface, and the fog evaporates like clouds, and the height ranges from several feet to several feet, swaying gently with the wind.
Willow smiled at the sea and whispered, "Looking at the fog by the lake of Yanbo is a vast sight, a dream, a dream, and a cloud. Do you think this misty sea of clouds is like that without this lake?"
Liu Yunyang carefully observed the fog around him, and the rolling waves of smoke were crumbling, like a string of snowflakes that fell from half to hundreds of miles, forming a special scenic spot in Fiona Fang.

Are all your instructors so ordinary! It’s the base. The instructors here do have a lot of fencing classes. Instructor Li seems to be not very famous either.

Princess Anna was silent.
However, she was silent for a short moment, and then she devoted herself to fencing training and discussion. The intensity of training was too high, and she was not distracted. The fencing became more and more exquisite, and it made her unable to extricate herself.
Indulge in it, and the training goes by quickly.
In an instant, the swordsmanship class ended, and the countdown to a class appeared on her student’s mobile phone.
Anna gulped down tons of water, wiped her sweat and went to a training place.
This class is a physical exercise class.
It’s very simple for her to come, but the result is not physical training. There are still so many doorways. After one afternoon of training, she vaguely felt that her strength had become stronger.
Maybe it’s an illusion
Princess Anna muttered
She can’t keep so elegant when she eats in the restaurant at noon. Speed is more important than image.
Afternoon training surprised Anna even more.
Introduction course of gravity training
Talk about training in a gravity environment, such as exercising your body efficiently and effectively, such as avoiding injuries, and so on!
Of course, these are not keys. There is such a science fiction thing as gravity room here!
Is this scientific?
Aren’t you surprised?
Watching the students in and out of the gravity room, Princess Anna vomited wildly, but when she was sweating, sweating and sweating, she didn’t have time to vomit.
Too tired
All my energy is in training, so how can I pay attention to others?
Anna forgot herself when she saw that others were constantly squeezing herself.
The taste of being stronger is intoxicating.
Those diligent figures around also made Anna feel a sense of urgency, as if she would be thrown away by the team if she wanted to stop and catch her breath.
Culture class, moves class, exercise class!
The course lasts from morning till night until 10 pm.
And at this point,
On the two-dimensional test table, Anna suddenly found herself … her body and spirit have risen!
It’s really up! And the rising value is not small, no wonder I feel it!
This is incredible!
God, this is a miracle!
This is a miracle!
When Anna was soaking in the dormitory bathtub and soaking the training camp ration liquid medicine, the whole head was still buzzing.
There was a significant increase in one day, so …
Anna slept like a log that night. I don’t know what she dreamed, but her mouth turned up.
The next day, she woke up in the alarm clock.
After washing, she patted her face in the mirror and thought about it. She took all her ornaments one by one, tied up her long golden hair and pushed all those beautiful clothes to the innermost part of the wardrobe.
She dresses simply and skillfully.
She took a training trip today.
The third day, the fourth day and the fifth day
As time went by, Anna gradually got used to living in the training base.
Early morning training class
Elegant and gorgeous sunset, the national pearl is gone, and only Anna, a super diligent and serious exchange student, is left at this time.
Train Anna. I’m not weak!
Princess Anna is still like this, and other exchange students from sunset countries are immersed in training and learning.
They were ecstatic that the sky rose significantly that day.
Ten days later, when there is only a little rest, they also seize every opportunity and practice more and more like the students in the fire department!
Practice if you can’t die!
Train to the point where the body is more tired than falling asleep.
Anna never got up again when she planned the evening information exchange meeting, and no one else would miss it.
One by one, they are immersed in training and communicate with each other less.
At this time, it is better to take a walk in the gravity field unless it is academic exchange.
Naturally, it is easier to send a report to the top of the night watchman organization.

It’s to be a couple who seek common ground.

On this day, Lingqing was in the courtyard and watching the lotus flowers in the pool with Xiangu.
Fairy got excited and held the lotus flower in her hands to bless the gods.
A robbery at Zhuxian Net showed her the magic weapon of Tie Guai Li.
Now, for this new lotus sacrifice, I really want to sacrifice it like a Tie Guai Li gourd.
"Fourth brother!"
Ling Qingwen looked back to see that it was Lv Dongbin.
Glanced at the spell and blessed Xiangu Lingqing quietly out of the courtyard and walked side by side with Lv Dongbin.
"Why didn’t the third brother accompany the peony today?"
"alas!" Lv Dongbin smell speech lightly sighed "I am very confused now"
Ling Qing asked, "What are you confused about?"
Lv Dongbin said, "Xiandu has its own shortcomings. Tie Guai Li is in the United States, Han Zhong is gambling, and Xian Gu is in error."
And I’m in a love word
I am very worried about this situation with Bai Mudan now.
I’m afraid I won’t survive this robbery. "
He paused and added, "I won’t tell you the truth about you and my brother."
My previous life, Donghua had no feelings for Peony Fairy, which was suppressed for nearly a thousand years because of heaven’s rules.
Only in this way can there be a thousand-year-old love robbery
After a while, maybe the two of them will choose this floor, and then both of them will come to earth to experience the love of husband and wife for a lifetime.
However, he encountered a demon robbery and asked Donghua to reincarnate and lead the fairy to subdue the demon.
So he suppressed this feeling by not being trapped by doom.
It was after reincarnation that I forgot the past dust and touched the peony fairy lake
After I understood the past life thoughts through Sun Wusanliu, I was timid and finally made Peony Fairy break the dogma and fall to the world.
Now it’s like this. She’s willing to save me and die.
I ….. I really don’t know how to face her true feelings! "
Lingqing patted him on the shoulder and asked, "I’m worried about you."
The Millennium love robbery and the magic robbery are involved, and you are afraid that you will not survive the love robbery, and then you will make the fairy gather together in the magic robbery, and the life will be ruined.
But you feel that it will do harm to peony after the disaster, and you can’t bear it.
The most important thing is that you also have feelings for peony in your heart.
I used to worry about sentimental damage to the Qing Dynasty, and I was afraid that I would not be able to live up to the whole world. "

The East Factory, the Royal Guards and the West Factory were all instructed by the Cabinet. Whether it was the East Factory or the West Factory or the Royal Guards was startled when they received the cabinet’s meaning.

Zhu Houzhao got the news at the first time. Seeing that Yang Yiqing and others came to find out the so-called villain who bewitched him through the East Factory, the Royal Guards and the West Factory, we can see that Yang Yiqing and others did not dissuade him through this method.
After all, Yang Yiqing and others must know that they can’t hide anything from Zhu Houzhao through the Royal Guards, the East Factory and the West Factory.
Zhu Houzhao smiled at this and ordered the East Factory, the Royal Guards and the West Factory to check it according to the instructions of the Pavilion.
The so-called bewitch day villain is Shao Yuanjie’s guess. Obviously, it is impossible for East Factory, Royal Guards and West Factory to find out this person.
If you really want to talk, it’s Chu Yi, but the East Factory, the Royal Guards and the West Factory don’t know, even if they know, can they still find Chu Yi?
A few days later, several pavilions in Yang Yiqing looked at East Factory, Royal Guards and West Factory and looked at each other in reply.
Sex is the most honest and frank Chen Ding immediately patting the table and shouting, "Absurd, the old man said earlier that he would check it. We will send someone to check the Royal Guards, the East Factory and the West Factory, even deliberately helping the positions to hide what they can find out. That’s strange."
However, Wang Shouren and Yang Yiqing looked at each other and put the message from East Factory, West Factory and Royal Guards in their hands.
I noticed that Yang Yiqing and Wang Shouren’s look reflected that Chen Ding couldn’t help but respond after one leng. "Yang’s adult and Wang Yang, you don’t really believe that the East Factory and the Royal Guards will give a reply, do you?"
Yang Yiqing looked at Chen Ding and said, "Why can’t you believe it?"
Chen Ding immediately service road "credible" can’t we still judge? Master Yang, tell the old lady that if we really investigate this person as Dong Chang and Jin Yiwei said, then who really bewitched Tian Bi and suddenly gave birth to the desire for immortality? You know, now you are in the prime of life, far from knowing your destiny! "
Yang Yiqing is shook his head. "Don’t people wait for me clearly? If there is such a person, humanity will never hide it. If you don’t nod, who can hurt the people who want to protect them? "
Chen Ding one leng have to say that Yang Yiqing said a lot of sense, although Chen Ding clamored badly, but Chen Ding also knew in his heart that once Zhu Houzhao made up his mind, even if the Manchu dynasty and the civil and military United, it would not change his decision.
There are hundreds of thousands of elite foot soldiers, and the scene of former courtiers uniting to persecute the sky will never appear. It is not a problem for Zhu Houzhao to be willing to protect a person
Out of breath, Chen Ding couldn’t help looking at Yang Yiqing and saying, "In this case, Yang, what should we do?"
Yang Yiqing smiled slightly. "Since we check this person, we will go directly to see the sky. If we want to come, we will definitely tell us that he will give birth to the idea of seeking immortality."
Soon Zhu Houzhao got the news that Yang Yiqing, Wang Yang and others requested.
Zhu Houzhao let go and nodded his head, and soon he saw Yang Yiqing and others leading the royal family.
Halfway to Wang Zheng, Yang Yiqing said, "Is it true that Wang Dajian has no one to tempt him to seek immortality?"
Wang Zheng’s footsteps slightly glanced at Yang Yiqing several people and slowly shook his head. "I really don’t know about this matter, but I really don’t see such a person."
Then Wang Zheng bowed his hand and said, "Who in Britain and SHEN WOO dares to confuse you and is not afraid of being seen through?"
Wang Shouren nodded to Wang Zheng and said, "Thank you, Wang Dajian!"
Wang Zhenglian dared not.
At the beginning, Wang Zheng was also the person around Chu Yi. Now, although Chu Yi is close to you, Chu Yi’s deterrence of Wang Zheng has been taught by Chu Yi’s face-to-face life over the years.
Although I dare not say that there is no selfishness, the issue of right and wrong is still quite principled. Although I am close to Wang Shouren and Yang Yiqing, I am keeping a degree.
Speak a few people came to the royal room.
Enter the imperial room Yang Yiqing several people will see Zhu Houzhao sitting there hurriedly upon before.
Zhu Houzhao waved his hand and said casually, "Don’t stand on ceremony and sit down and talk to each other!"
After taking a seat, Zhu Houzhao rolled up his hand and smiled at several people. "Is there anything wrong with several Qing families coming here?"

"Sleep? What about the artificial heart? "

"I have considered changing an artificial heart for up to three years."
"Xiao Ting, what do you think?"
"Come back as soon as you can. If you can’t, I’ll apply for artificial … I still have your seed."
Yip hon silence couldn’t tell what it was like in my heart. "What if you go back to Grandpa Earth?" The low gravity of the moon is not suitable for pregnancy. If you want to reproduce normally, you must return to Earth.
"Organized?" Bai Xiaoting said.
Professor Qin’s status as a national care provider is a common treatment.
"Then you should apply for returning to Earth as soon as possible," Yip Han said. "I can almost go back when you are almost recovered."
Bai Xiaoting has lived on the moon for several years and needs to readjust to the standard gravity when she returns to the earth. This process takes less than two or three months. If she is older or has physical problems, it is hard to say whether she can recover in half a year or even a year.
"Well, I’ll apply for it later." Bai Xiaoting, who discusses good children, is like putting a heart disease, and the whole person is full of spirit.
Two people spoke a few words Bai Xiaoting active ended the call.
Let it go. Yip hon was in a mess. He sat on the bed for a while, but it was more than two o’clock in the afternoon when he stayed.
Remembering that he was responsible for yip hon, he rushed to the headquarters with somewhat evasive psychology. Andy Zhuang and Wei Chengfei greeted yip hon earlier than yip hon and asked, "Is it all right in front of the commander?"
"It’s as quiet as it was a few days ago. The Molobida ant colony is completely disabled," Andy Zhuang said
Wei Chengfei laughed. "It’s good to be disabled. The more disabled, the better!"
"So it’s okay again today?" Yip hon relieved.
ZhuangBo smiled "how all right? I’ll go to the cookhouse class when I’m not on duty. Today’s New Year’s Day, let’s take the lead in making dumplings! "
"What are you waiting for?" Wei Chengfei got up. "This project is not small. We have to hurry."
"See you hurry to go now" Andy Zhuang also got up.
There are so many people in the base, more people in the fleet, and all of them together. There are thousands of people who eat dumplings without 10 thousand, but it’s not as easy as it is. The whole base has to be busy for half an afternoon.
When Zhuang Bo arrived at the canteen with a group of officers, the cookhouse squad had prepared the noodles and stuffing. The officers sat around in twos and threes and began to make dumplings together.
It’s no problem to arrange the soldiers to pack, so you can just find a reason to cope with it. However, when the officers take the lead, no matter how high the leaders are at ordinary times, they will bend over to the body.
Andy Zhuang asked while rolling his skin, "Yip Han, I think you are in a bad mood. Is there something on your mind?"
"Yes, I can see that, too," said Wei Chengfei. "Why are you absent-minded?"
Yip hon Fang just wrapped dumplings and sighed "a little housework"
"Talk about it, don’t hold it back," Andy Zhuang said.
Yip hon listened to ZhuangBo selectively and slapped the table. "It’s a good thing that you are old and married for several years, so it’s time to have a baby."
Yip hon said with a bitter face, "The baby must be born. When my family comes back to recover for a while, it is not a problem to get pregnant, but what to do after the baby is born."
"What to do? Take good care of it! " Andy Zhuang stare eyes.
He is over sixty years old and likes children. If he hears that any young man doesn’t want children, even if he has nothing to do with him, he can’t help but scold him.
"That’s not what I meant." Yip hon quickly told Professor Qin about the situation. "The old man wants to see the child, but the child is so small that he can’t take a rocket, and he can’t inject hibernating hormone. Besides, the low gravity in Beiyuezhou is not good for the child."
Since ancient times, human beings were born on the earth, grew up on the earth and eventually buried in the earth. The earth environment is the most suitable environment for human beings.
At present, the physiology of low gravity environment is just beginning, and the long-term impact of low gravity environment on life is still uncertain.
Human skeleton structure, muscle strength and dirty function have all adapted to the earth environment in thousands of years of evolution. Although Ye Han is not engaged in medicine, he can imagine that once a child is born on the moon, the low gravity will inevitably cause negative effects in the process of growth.
For example, lack of bone density, such as muscle deficiency, and weakness of visceral function.
Yip hon sighed again "children can’t the moon Qin old body and can’t back to the earth as children born can’t see? What I’m worried about now is that there is no child, Qin Lao, and it’s like this without thinking about it. What if the child is born and can’t live or die? "

The female robber gently wiped her face, slobbered, picked up Qibai Ba, and then opened her mouth and blew a sigh at her, so that Qibai quickly closed her eyes and sipped her mouth to reveal a look of preparation for death.

"Good thing, since you don’t want to forget it, I don’t like coercion and I have found what I need-Zhanli!"
The female robber stood up and stared at the little star in her hand with a happy smile and said, "I helped your master solve the crisis. It’s a good deal, isn’t it?"
Qibai stared at the female robber in astonishment and then swore, "You shameful woman actually took away the master’s energy again. If something happens, let me go. I won’t let you go, disgusting bitch, garbage."
The female robber took a casual look at the palm energy and said, "It seems that your achievements in these two days are not very significant. There is a negative energy that is not enough to see, but it is enough for afternoon tea!"
Then the female robber blinked at Qibai and swallowed the palm energy in front of her.
Seven white is suddenly quiet, and the expression on her face is no longer so angry, and she becomes a little weird. With a cold smile, she stares at the female robber and watches her swallow her energy, and her face is more and more excited.
The female robber suddenly frowned when she felt the body energy response, and her face flashed with pain.
But soon the female robber regained her composure and pinched her seven white faces and said, "I really don’t know what to say. I can do this little trick to disguise positive energy as negative energy. Are you stupid or stupid?"
Qibai said seriously, "Of course, it is the natural enemy Qibai Devil who makes nature very clever. So what if you see it?" Haven’t you absorbed it? "
"Ha ha-"
The female robber laughed and trembled and said, "You are really stupid, but you are so weak. The illusion can’t fool me, and the devil’s body is the most sensitive to positive energy. Of course, I won’t absorb it or spit it out!"
"It’s a pity that you don’t have such a chance!"
Qibai suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the female robber’s wrist, and then prompted his body magic eyes to instantly become black as ink with mysterious light and stared at the female robber’s eyes closely.
The female robber was frightened. I didn’t expect that Qibai had disguised herself before she was freed, and now she still wants to cast illusion on herself.
"Delusion-"the female robber shouted and then violently resisted.
However, during the "Seven Whites" campaign, Ye You suddenly got up, regardless of his own body and face wounds, holding the medicine chest at the female robber’s head and smashing it.
The female robber didn’t expect Ye Yu to make a move. The heavy medicine chest hit her head and buzzed in her ear. The scene in front of her blurred.
While the female robber was in a trance for a moment, Qibai finally finished his final preparation. The body "bang" turned into a shadow and then got into the female robber’s head.
Passing 18-wheeler, it took only five seconds from seven white rebellions to her turning into a shadow, but it was an amazing reversal!
Ye Yu, a breathless female robber, looked at the medicine chest behind her and hesitated whether to do it again. The female robber let herself suffer so much, even if she was smashed into a concussion.
But I always feel that it is not kind to take advantage of people’s danger!
Hesitated for a few seconds, Ye You clenched his fist and then punched the female robber in the head.
The strength is very strong, which is almost the level of back rubs, but the female robber collapsed, her body numb, her eyes closed, but her face muscles kept shaking, which seemed to be a dream resistance.
Seeing that the female robber completely lost her resistance, Ye Yu was finally relieved to sit down and gasp.
If you want to make this clear, you have to start from the night before yesterday!
That evening, Ye Yu was robbed by a female robber, unwilling to suffer, and he and the little devil decided to take revenge, so
There is something in front of you!
Qibai told Ye Yu that every demon emissary has a special ability, and her ability is about to awaken now because illusion can slightly affect the enemy’s spirit and interfere with the other’s consciousness.
Two people put their ideas on the negative side and planned to use them as bait to attract female robbers!
The specific course of action is this: Ye Yu tries to absorb positive energy and negative energy, but mainly negative energy. Two or three positive energies are enough, and then the seven white illusions temporarily change the positive energy sample.
Red stars and black stars want to change this thing is still very simple!
On Tuesday, Ye Yu absorbed four negative energies and two positive energies. Unfortunately, the female robber didn’t appear that day, and the plan was unsuccessful!
Today, Ye Yi has got two negative energies, one positive energy adds up to nine energies, slightly enhances his own ability, and then uses the remaining energy as bait.
If the female robber appears, the illusion will affect her. If she is a little careless, she will not find the positive energy disguise, and then she will mistakenly disguise the positive energy.
Positive energy is very harmful to the devil, especially after digestion, it can kill the devil!
However, the devil’s body is very sensitive to positive energy, and when it is absorbed, it can be detected that it will not continue to digest, but it can spit out positive energy. At this time, it is at the key of Ye Yan and Qibai Plan.
According to the original plan, Ye Yu must resist hard at this time and interfere with the actions of female robbers. It is best to limit her.
Then Qibai will make his own magic perform illusion, so that the female robber’s spirit will be temporarily absent, and then the illusion will be successful and the plan will be completely completed
Qibai will get into the female robber and then temporarily control her spirit to help her digest positive energy.
The demon king’s body forcibly digests positive energy, which is the same effect as human beings taking the initiative to eat dichlorvos. Even if this female robber is powerful and not fatal, it will definitely bring great harm.
This is Ye Yan and Qibai’s planning plan, which is very successful according to the present results.
The only thing out of Ye Yi’s control is Lu Yi. He didn’t expect Lu Yi to be a brave man, and he lured himself here to get rid of himself. This is really unexpected.
At that time, the situation was really desperate for Yuzryha, but things developed and she created opportunities.
The female robber knocked out Lu Mi, so the former Lu Mi’s own control disappeared, and Lu Mi also successfully consumed the female robber’s strength and increased her chances of winning by acting on her own.
After resuming the operation, Ye Yu did not get up immediately, but continued to pretend to let the female robber recognize that she was not in danger.
Qibai is also the same strategy. Even if she was humiliated by a female robber, she did not expose her actions until she saw the energy of the female robber.
In order to succeed, I don’t hesitate to be excellent. I can’t help myself. The devil made a point of praise and praised it manually.
Things turned out well, and finally they became the kind of situation they expected. Ye Yu finally settled down in his heart.
Turn your head and lie down * * Ye You get up and look at Lu You close at hand.
Now she’s quiet and beautiful, and once again she’s what she’s most looking forward to. It’s Ye You, and she knows very well that this is just Lu Zhou’s disguise.
She is not as gentle and calm as she looks, not so approachable and very cold.
However, Ye You still has some pain in his heart. I don’t know what it is. It may be because he fell into the trap of Lu Yi, or it may be that he found that Lu Yi and the perfect goddess in his heart are totally different. It is always very uncomfortable.
I feel that something important has disappeared in my heart!
After reading it for a long time, Ye You decided to turn her head. It is doomed that she and Lu Zhou have no fate, or don’t add to her troubles. Now there is a more important thing, female robber!
This powerful four-star demon king is twitching all over now. It seems that Qibai has helped her digest positive energy.
Ye You scanned the female robber’s body for many times. It was not intentional that the gap in the leather coat was too eye-catching, surrounded by black rice and white skin!
This woman is also a school student. Which student can develop so perfectly? Is this still a high school student?
With a strong curiosity, Ye Yu reached out his hand, not to the other person’s chest, but to the other person’s mask. Today, we must uncover this thing and see her true face to see who she really is.
Ye Yu’s finger has touched the mask, and suddenly the female robber opened her eyes and risked her eyes.
Chapter 35 Real identity
Ye Yu looked at the female robber in astonishment. He didn’t expect the other party to wake up. Didn’t Qibai say that if the action was successful, then he was absolutely sure to limit the other party’s body?
Is this situation also called restriction? Don’t say 100%. The other person was unconscious for less than three minutes.
The female robber reached out and buckled Ye Yu’s wrist, and said coldly, "What do you want to do?"
"Master, hurry up and knock her out. I can’t control her spirit. She doesn’t have magic now. Master, do it quickly."
Ye Yu hasn’t recovered from that state of panic. Suddenly, the female robber’s body comes with seven white tones, but at this moment, the other person’s face shows intense pain. Beitooth bites her red lip and sweat keeps flowing from her forehead.
Extremely nervous, Ye Yu became calm and found the problem key!
Both myself and Qibai recognize this woman as a Samsung demon king, but judging from the battle with Lu Mi just now, this is obviously a four-star demon king who miscalculated her strength. No wonder Qibai’s action has deviated.
However, there is still a chance to save yourself and help Qibai, otherwise I’m afraid both myself and her will die!
Everyone’s life and death will explode with unimaginable power. Ye Yu doesn’t know if he is a life and death now. Anyway, he doesn’t want this operation to succeed if it fails
Bibi’s desire breeds Ye Yu’s mobility. He fought back!
Chest attack!
Although this move is very embarrassing, it is not too much for a sexually corrupt female robber. It is justice, not because she has coveted this beautiful scenery for a long time!

However, this kind of cramming practice consumes too much source energy, and the overall source energy concentration of the celestial department is reduced, which greatly slows down the practice speed.

After two hours, when the source energy concentration of Shenxiao Mansion is stable to thirteen, the cultivation speed becomes very slow.
I’m afraid it will take me a long time to reach the set goal.
Simply retire and have money now.
Direct krypton gold
Jia harvested 250,000 grams of source crystal from Bunit and generously spilled tens of thousands of grams of source crystal.
The original spirit motivates a large number of sources, and the crystal source can also consume the spirit, but Xu tui discovered another seal of the Antarctic immortal emperor.
Spirit motivates the seal of the Great Immortal Emperor of Antarctica to radiate milli-light, which covers these source crystals, and can lead the source energy out with minimum mental consumption.
After two hours, Xu retired from King Kong’s main star and was also strengthened to the middle of the quadruple halo.
At the same time, a base quantization data is also obtained.
From the initial stage of quadruple halo to the middle stage of quadruple halo, I’m afraid it will take about 30 thousand grams of source crystal to practice purely by source crystal.
According to this data, the number of source crystals required for an extraordinary nova to rise from a quadruple star halo to a quintuple star halo may be around 90 thousand.
In order to verify this data, it is also necessary to make the main force field of King Kong’s second main star more stable and make a retreat to continue practicing.
Five hours later, Xu retired from King Kong’s second main star, the four-star halo, and the five-star halo starlight was faintly visible in the late stage.
Before and after the retreat, a total of 50,000 grams of source crystals were smashed in. It is estimated that it will take 100,000 grams of source crystals to break through from quadruple star halo to quintuple star halo.
This is a horrible number.
No wonder Blue Star’s top strong people are searching for wealth like crazy.
The resources in the middle and late stages of the stars are too important.
This time, the practice made Xu retreat thinking about whether to break through to Liuwei in one breath.
Now that the basic combat power has broken through, the growth rate of Liuwei can be stronger.
However, this is another ten hours of continuous practice, which makes Xu tui’s red jade slips accumulate a lot of red light.
Xu retired first to refine the seal of the Antarctic immortal emperor with red jade and simple red light.
After all, the higher the refining degree of the seal of the Great Immortal Emperor of Antarctica, the stronger the increase effect.
The speed of refining the seal of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor with red jade Jane Chiguang is very fast. In just half an hour, more than 30 red light retreats are accumulated, and one is consumed except for a few.
This time, refining also allowed Xu to push back the refining degree of the seal of the Antarctic immortal emperor to 20%
Is refining a fifth.
According to the previous refining experience, the refining degree of these heavenly seals can be further controlled by 10% per liter
After refining to 20%, Xu retired his spirit and deliberately injected the seal of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor again to see if there are any new gains. I want to see if I can access other halls and rooms in Shenxiao Mansion.
But when the spirit force is injected, it will be slightly frowned when it retreats.
The feedback information after the spirit was injected into the seal of the Great Immortal Emperor of Antarctica seems odd.
The seal of the Great Immortal Emperor of Antarctica radiates thousands of brilliance with different colors in the void.
Xu tuiyi hasn’t understood what this means yet.
However, Xu tui found that some of the Guanghua actually pointed to the fact that he had already refined the seal of the southern fire, the seal of the south pole, the seal of the south pole, the seal of the water, and the seal of the well Jupiter suddenly turned white.
This thousand splendors may be the seals of the priests of various celestial bodies, which belonged to the immortal emperor of Antarctica.
Most of them are in a dim and convergent state, and about 52 of them are in a bright state.
Xutui Refining & Chemical Co., Ltd. Antarctic Zhenjun Seal and Ji Mercury Jun Seal are all lit up.
There are seven others that emit a faint light, which flashes and flashes.
After thinking about it for a few times, it will be white.
The dim convergence state Guanghua represents the refining control of the corresponding clergy signet, and the lighting is that it has been controlled by refining, so the mercury seal has been withdrawn.
And those flashes should be being refined by others, and the initial refining has not yet been completed.
Fifty-two clerical seals have been removed by refining, and four have been removed by refining. There are still forty left.
Seven more are being refined.
How can this person progress so fast!
Moreover, this is only the celestial priesthood ruled by the immortal king of Antarctica. So, what other six emperors ruled the celestial priesthood?
How much was refined at this time?
Bluestar’s refining and chemical industry over there is still some gains in Huaxia District because of Xu’s retreat. Several other joint zones are like flies bumping into each other.
And the Amyan people have been retired.
That is to say, so many religious seals have been refined by Eldar, Daxi or Xu tui, who is highly suspected to be the mysterious man of the mythical Lord Ulla!
Instantaneous sense of urgency explodes
Yes, it was in this moment that the seal of the Antarctic immortal emperor was regenerated and changed.
Just as Xu tui gave birth to other six imperial thoughts, Xu tui’s spirit changed again through the seal of the Antarctic immortal emperor.
The thousand light spots with different colors and sizes suddenly disappeared and then five light spots emerged.
To be precise, it is six points of light. The seal of the Antarctic immortal emperor is also a point of light. I didn’t notice it.
This is the situation that the celestial universe really holds the six imperial seals.

At that time, Shen Yubi flew into the sky and was in high spirits. The ladies and ministers in Beijing and China sent handkerchiefs and splendid things in succession.

Even the uncle who lost his family in the early years wrote to curry favor with the divorced family in those years, and he wanted to mend fences in every way.
It’s a pity that the list has just sent a message that the third god, Yubi Street, accidentally collided with a certain wan ku, so he was forced to wear little shoes. On the same day, soldiers came to the government and said that the jade was exiled for three thousand miles.
On the one hand, it’s high-spirited, and on the other hand, it’s just strange that three thousand-mile prisoners can stand it.
However, the unpredictable God Jade Binet was able to exile in the frontier with the army and married an alien girl, a son and a daughter. Unfortunately, Sun was not filial, but instead punched and kicked Jade Binet for three meals a day.
When I was old, after my wife’s death, Shen Yubi even went to the streets and cried out to heaven.
It was only at this time that God Jade Bi realized that the so-called feelings and family are illusory and worthless. At this time, I don’t know that I actually remembered a very famous classic and couldn’t help but shout.
Everyone knows that immortals are good, and only fame can’t be forgotten!
Ancient and modern will be the same? A pile of grass is gone in the wasteland.
Everyone knows that immortals are good, and only gold and silver can’t forget them!
Finally, I hate to gather together for a long time and close my eyes.
Everyone knows that a fairy is good, and only a wife can’t forget it!
On your birthday, you said that En Ai Jun died and went with others.
Everyone knows that immortals have children and grandchildren who can’t forget them!
How devoted parents have been to their children and grandchildren since ancient times?
This poem is a favorite poem of Shen Yubi when Taoist temples were old and dependent on each other. It is a feeling when I am old. I can’t help but suddenly think of it. I am too forgetful and sigh, "That’s all. Let’s go back to the mountain to practice Buddhism."
Divine jade bishan practices wild fruit and grass roots, and it is hard to eat all day long. It is too forgetful to practice the Dharma, but the more you realize it, the more you have a taste.
"I can love this worldly desires now, but it’s just an illusory cloud and smoke. It’s broken this common root."
As time went by, Yu Duxiu realized that he was too forgetful to forget worldly desires.
With the passage of time, whenever Jade Duxiu forgets a feeling, there will be a trace of jade Duxiu’s vitality.
The stone fairies are amazing. "It’s amazing that the speed of this small refining is not too fast, which is far beyond the bodhi old zu’s expectation that it will be completed in less than three days according to this trend."
Forget all seven emotions and all six desires. Forget all the white light scattered from the jade jade eyes. The dreamland in front of me has changed for a while, but it has become hazy again.
"Hoo!" Jade Duxiu breathed a sigh of relief. That was a narrow squeak. If she hadn’t been too forgetful, she wouldn’t have come out of the dreamland this time.
Jade Duxiu’s eyes exude an indifferent air, a black-and-white interwoven light keeps rolling, and an indifferent dust gas spreads from Jade Duxiu’s whole body.
Jade Duxiu gave me a wry smile at the corner of her mouth. "I didn’t expect it to be completed in the first stage of too forgetful teachings."
"But also can’t things don’t practice too forgetful teachings, and you can see through the dreamland by yourself. You can’t refine this chaotic mother gas. This wisp of soul will collapse and explain here." Jade Duxiu looks the same, and Yan seems to be forever.
"I’m too forgetful now. I don’t really forget all my feelings, but see through emotional things. Matter is no longer troubled by love. Heaven and earth fit further." Jade Duxiu watched a black and white light roll in front of her eyes and disappeared in place for a moment.
Outside, Jade Duxiu slowly opened her eyes, and an indifferent airflow leaked out, which seemed to be left behind and independent without being disturbed by mortal dust.
"Well, it seems that this side of heaven and earth has an induction, and this side of heaven and earth is more suitable for the invisible geography. At this time, it seems that it can be vaguely sensed that the magical powers display their wishes and seem to see through the geology of heaven and earth." Yu Duxiu said to himself, but he knew that this was an illusion. Can he see through the nature now? It is just an illusion after the induction of heaven and earth.
The first stage of being too forgetful is to see through worldly desires’s quality without being disturbed by worldly desires, but after all, worldly desires will be troubled even if he sees through worldly desires’s quality.
It’s like knowing that it’s a three-point poison, but still taking medicine when you are sick. Maybe this shape is not appropriate, but the principle is the same.
"In the second stage, too much affection is the true harmony between heaven and earth avenue. Feeling the true meaning of heaven and earth avenue is too high. It is necessary to cut off the affection. But if the feelings are cut off and the stones are different, am I still me?" Yu Duxiu sighed.
"What’s wrong with Xiao Fa? You’re refining chaos." When Yu Duxiu thought too forgetfully about the Dharma, there came the silence of the fairies in the abode of fairies and immortals.
Jade Duxiu’s eyebrows frowned slightly, but he didn’t say anything even when his thoughts were interrupted. He was too forgetful to see through the human nature of the world at this time, and it was difficult for anything to stir up heart turmoil.
"Well, refining" Jade Duxiu will look at the black and white light in the eyes of the ten-foot-long chaotic mother gas.
"Ha, ha, ha, you little good fortune, don’t be quick to use this chaotic mother gas to realize the Dharma. Once there is news of chaotic mother gas going out here, the real strong will come here. Even if you have a magic weapon, this chaotic mother gas may not belong to you," said the fairy of the abode of fairies and immortals.
Jade Duxiu’s fingers are just a pinch of fingers. The heart andao "I experienced a lifetime of reincarnation in the dreamland but never thought about the outside world. It took a few hours. No matter what the mind of this fairy is, this sentence is always wrong. Let’s get the benefits first."
Looking at the chaotic mother gas in front of you, Jade Duxiu sighed in her heart. The ideal way is to collect the chaotic mother gas into the palm world, but after refining this chaotic mother gas, Jade Duxiu dispelled this idea. Maybe the chaotic mother gas will fall into the palm world and make the palm world chaotic again. This risk cannot be taken.
Then the only thing we can do now is to help this chaotic mother gas to realize the Dharma. This chaotic mother gas must never be taken out. Once it is taken out, it will be in danger of falling unless you always carry a magic weapon.
To get benefits, you must have the strength to keep them.
It’s the thought of being too forgetful, and there’s no commotion in the heart, even if it’s too forgetful at this time, it won’t shake.
In fact, this is too forgetful, too anti-God, and the effect is too good. Jade Duxiu really wants to be forgetful at this time. If we cut off some unnecessary feelings, we will be more lean and too forgetful in the future.
Chapter 193 Return to chaos
Jade Duxiu took a deep breath and ran the magic weapon for a moment to protect the vague spirit, which suddenly jumped out of the body and rushed into the chaotic mother gas.
What is the great chance of chaotic mother gas?
It is said that Yu Duxiu suddenly jumped into the chaotic mother gas at this moment, but when he saw the world shaking, he reversed his mind, which seemed to coincide with each other and reversed the time back to ancient times.
"Little beast, stop it for the old man."
Seeing Jade Duxiu swooning into the chaotic mother gas, those monks outside suddenly turned their eyes red. The avatar urged them to hit the barrier violently and crumbled. Even the fire was almost split by the monks of nine sects.
At this time, I saw Jade Duxiu swooning into the chaotic mother gas, and the monks outside were no longer using their magical powers in vain, just staring at the chaotic mother gas.
This kind of chance is too bad. A wisp of chaotic mother gas can become a person, otherwise the world will be out of luck.
Wang Fayuan looked at Jade Duxiu and jumped into chaos with a sigh. "Good luck, good luck, so wonderful show will fly to the sky in the future, which can stop the Wangs from treating him with this attitude in the future."

The medicinal incense is getting stronger and stronger, but Liu Qingyun also knows that the person who walks a hundred miles is half in ninety. She also puts her hand on the back of Yu Menglan to input the innate psychic force while facing the rain geese and snow.

It seems that it is the first time for him to have such close contact with Yu Menglan. After being assisted by Liu Qingyun, the spiritual output of the three people is in a perfect state.
Spiritual force continuously flows into Liuqingyun’s meridians from month to month, and from him to Yu’s sister Yu Menglan. She feels that she has suddenly become successful in manipulating the medicine tripod, and she is no longer in a hurry.
The fragrance of medicine is getting stronger and stronger. Shu Liuqing smells the fragrance of medicine, and there is a feeling of being relaxed and happy. There is a little mistake in Yumenlan over there. "Damn, put more medicine …"
Fortunately, she ordered more rhinoceros bone powder in advance, and now she picked it up and gently spilled it into the medicine tripod. As soon as the medicine tripod became docile.
A quarter of an hour later, Yu Yanxue and Yu Menglan were delighted to see the six beneficial elixirs collected. They really didn’t expect that this furnace produced six beneficial elixirs in one breath and the quality was very good.
Liu Qingyun knew that this quality really belongs to six beneficial elixirs after seeing it several times in advance, which is much better than his brother’s welfare.
The smell of the medicine makes people feel refreshed. More importantly, it is milder and seems to be stronger.
The biggest defect of Yi Lingdan is that the strength of the monks will be greatly reduced for a while after the effectiveness, but the six Yi Lingdan are not only stronger but also milder because of the addition of five-money rhinoceros horns and more than two rhinoceros horns. Although they will still be weak for a while after the effectiveness, the strength will be reduced by at most 10%.
Yu Menglan over there suddenly exclaimed, "I’m on the fifth floor of gas refining with geese and snow!"
"I am also the fifth floor of my refining!"
In Liu Qingyun, he found himself once again breaking through the eleventh floor of refining gas. Although his strength continues to decline, it is estimated that he will fall back to the tenth floor of refining gas in an hour or two, but the more prestige he has, the better.
Three people can’t guess what will be promoted, but for everyone, it’s time to consolidate the realm. Rain’s hurry to make a seat to adjust his breath, and Liu Qingyun is also trying to make a taste of the eleventh floor of refining gas.
The last time he made a double major with Mei Lansi, it just broke through for a while and then fell back to its original shape, but for an hour or two now it really made him try many ideas.
The incense in the training room has not yet dispersed, but a man and two women plus Zhu Er are all full of joy.
Liuqingyun found herself falling off the tenth floor of refined gas again, but her strength has improved a lot. Finally, she stayed at the top of the tenth floor of refined gas. When can she really break through the eleventh floor of refined gas with a hard effort?
The breakthrough of Yu Yu’s sisters has now been consolidated. After their promotion to the fifth floor of gas refining, they have gained a lot. Don’t say that many people dare to find out the elixir and fairy food before.
Like Yu Menglan, she tried to refine the elixir again without rhinoceros horn and rhinoceros bone. The result was also encouraging. Although she received three elixirs, it was worse than the second time, but it made her more confident. "Even if I don’t look at the moon, I can refine the elixir!"
More importantly, the combat effectiveness has risen. Although it seems that two people have advanced from the fourth floor of gas refining to the fifth floor of gas refining, they can see such a little combat effectiveness when they are healthy. "We will not be a drag on you!"
They tried to feed Liuqingyun and found that after the fifth floor of refining gas, their sisters joined forces to increase their power. Although they may not be able to clean up the treasure hunters, they can make a lot of trouble at least.
All this makes Liu Qingyun full of confidence in the docking battle. "When the time comes, a dream orchid can refine the elixir, and I can reach the twelfth level of refining gas at least. In that case, it should not be a problem to clean up a Buddhist monk!"
Later, Zheng Yucun also returned to the inn and reported to Liu Qingyun that he had inquired about the situation. "Those treasure hunters mobilized dozens of monks and sent a large group of mortal warriors, which seemed to smell something, but brother rest assured that this is the place where we live in Biyun, and they dare not fool around!"
Liu Qingyun casually threw a bag of rain dream orchid and refined it to get rid of the magic pill. "Here, maybe if you do something well, I’ll reward you with a few beneficial magic pills!"
"But can you explode into a magic bullet for strength?" Zheng Yucun felt like a deer when he heard the name of the elixir. "Brother, is it really a elixir?"
The elixir is the ultimate panacea, which is often used in the foundation period. In addition to the six pills refined by Yuyan Snow, Liu Qingyun still has several elixirs with poor order. "I will reward you with a few pills if you do well and never break your word!"
With LiuQingYun this command Zheng Yucun immediately said "thank you, brother! I have called a group of little brothers, including the second-tier monks who refine gas. Although they are not big, it is not a problem to help these treasure hunters! "
"Give me a number if you need anything. If I don’t have enough stone, you should go back to Biyunzong first. I won’t treat you badly!"
"Please rest assured, Senior Brother, that I have sent someone to call for a good hand. I heard that there are several credible people in our Yunhai Hall who are just about to cross the border, and they are also reliable. I’ll get them for you when the time comes!"
"The sea of clouds hall scattered repair? What are their names? "
What kind of scattered repairs are mixed in the Yunhai Club? Liu Qingyun is not at ease. "I have to ask clearly about the important matter!"
"Senior brothers should all know a man named Sima Fuji and a man named Bao Bowen!"
Hearing these two names, Liu Qingyun couldn’t help clapping her hands and shouting, "Okay, get them all!"

Su Daji, who has this protective treasure, can turn adversity into prosperity even when he is in danger.

Chu Yi came quietly and left quietly without disturbing anyone.
It can be said that no one in Su Hu House knows that Chu Yi has been to the house except himself, and even Su Daji has joined the sect.
On this day, Chu Yi was teaching Di Xin and Yang Jian brothers and sisters to practice in the song city, but his heart moved slightly when he saw the jade operator.
It turned out that Zhao Gongxun called him to return to Jin Ao Island.
Chu Yi has not returned from Jin Ao Island for several years, and now he has received Zhao Gong’s news. Chu Yi naturally gives birth to some thoughts.
Knowing that Chu Yi is going to return to Jin Ao Island, whether it is Di Xin or Yang Jian, the brothers and sisters are all looking forward to watching Chu Yi.
They naturally know that Chu Yi is the younger brother of Jiejiao. From Chu Yi’s point of view, they can also be regarded as Jiejiao disciples, but they have never been to Jin Ao Island, which is a pity for Di Xin and Yang Jian brothers and sisters.
Jin Ao Island Interception Holy Land Interceptor If you have never been to Jin Ao Island, then what face do you have to call yourself an Interceptor?
Yang Jian looked at Chu Yi and said, "Why don’t you take us when the teacher returns to Jin Ao this time?"
Although Di Xin said that he had no mouth, he looked forward to watching Chu Yi. The meaning was obvious.
Chuyi hesitated slightly, but nodded at several people.
Seeing that Chu Yi promised to come to Di Xin, he couldn’t help but show some joy when his eyes lit up. He wanted to go back to him, but he told Chu Yi more than once that he wanted to go to Jin Ao Island, which means that Chu Yi has always been the subject of bifurcation.
Now Chu Yi is willing to take him to Di Xin naturally with joy.
Now Di Xin seems to be a teenager. Because of the practice of nine turns of Xuangong, the whole person is strong and full of spirit, and he is born with extraordinary background, which is quite a bit of a young man.
Jin Ao i.
Although it is said that quite a few brothers from Jin Ao Island will stay in Jin Ao Island to practice, it is naturally impossible for everyone to stay in Jin Ao Island honestly unless they are taught by the Tongtian leader.
However, those who practice successfully rarely stay in Jin Ao Island, just like Zhao Gong, Yunxiao, Sanxian and others all have their own practice places overseas.
Most of the younger brothers who really stayed in Jin Ao Island are those who have a foothold outside Jin Ao Island, but Jin Ao Island is also quite lively.
When Chu Yi appeared in Jin Ao Island with Yang Jian and Di Xin, Yang Jian and Di Xin were immediately attracted by the scene of Jin Ao Island.
Jin Ao Island is a place of sage’s way, although it is said to be peripheral, but the scenery is not comparable to ordinary fairy mountains and blessed places.
Yang Jian, Di Xin, they look amazing again and again, but they don’t know that their actions have attracted many interception brothers to raise eyebrows.
These cut-and-teach brothers curiously looked at Chu Yi and his party. After all, it was the first time that Yang Jian and Di Xin came to Jin Ao Island, which made some cut-and-teach brothers secretly guess the identity of Chu Yi and his party.
However, some intercept brothers have never seen Chu Yi, but there are also some intercept brothers who are impressed by Chu Yi.
Even if Chu Yi appeared when the leader of Tongtian preached, he was impressed by Chu Yi even if he met him once.
It is said that when these cut-off brothers saw Chu Yi walking with Yang Jian and Di Xin, their eyes showed consternation.
Recognized Chu Yi’s identity plus Yang Jian and Di Xin didn’t hide that they were called Chu Yi’s master from time to time with Chu Yi’s disciples. In this case, Chu Yi’s identity soon became known.
Even those younger brothers who don’t know Chu Yi’s identity have learned from his population that Chu Yi is very mysterious among such an interception.
After all, it is quite rare for a disciple like Chu Yi to be so low-key. Many people are very curious about Chu Yi, but it is extremely difficult to even meet Chu Yi.
The influence among these cut-off brothers of Zhao Gong received the news not long after Chu Yi returned to Jin Ao Island.
Far Chu Yi sensed Zhao Gong’s breath and saw Zhao Gong striding towards himself with a smile on his face.
Chu Yi shouted at Zhao Gong and said, "I’ve seen senior brother."
Then Chu Yi shouted at Yang Jian and Di Xin beside him, "Come and meet Zhao Gong and Zhao Shibo soon!"
Yang Jian, Di Xin and Yang Chan hurriedly rushed to Zhao Gongyi.
At Yang Jian, Di Xin and Yang Chan, Zhao Gong waved his hand, and his eyes flashed with admiration. He took out a rather precious treasure from the cuff and gave it to three people as a gift, and said, "Teacher younger brother is a good eye. This choice of younger brother’s eyes is really envious of others."
Zhao Gongxiu’s experience, if you can’t see that Yang Jian, Di Xin and Yang Chan are not ordinary people, it is a blessing for a yogi to accept a younger brother. I never thought that Chu Yi would take all three people into the family.
Of course, for Di Xin, Yang Chan, and Yang Jian, the Duke of Zhao still heard about their identity. Somehow, Chu Yi’s friendship is profound, and others don’t pay attention to Chu Yi’s affairs. However, the Duke of Zhao has always paid great attention to Chu Yi’s acceptance of Yang Chan, Yang Jian, and Di Xin, and he still knows quite clearly.
I know that I know that I have never seen three people, but I don’t know that the three people’s spiritual qualifications would be so strong. What is more, 99% of the three people in the interception are so inferior to even three people.
Zhao Gong led Chu Yi with Yang Jian and Di Xin to the depths of Jin Ao Island.
At the same time, Chu Yi looked at Zhao Gongzheng curiously. "Is it something that Brother Gong called me back?"
Generally speaking, if there is nothing urgent, Zhao Gong will not disturb his practice and even specially call him back.