Some people shouted "wife" to reporters, but more people paid attention to the major disaster that day.

"Originally so serious not bitter! Such a fierce battle broke out where we couldn’t see it! "
"People are from the East Side. I was very upset when we were forced to evacuate, especially when I was halfway through squatting, but now I want to say thank you."
"+1+1 We left at noon and came back late. I still think it is a disaster to make a mountain out of a molehill. It’s coming back soon. We haven’t lost a piece of the whole east, but now it seems that it’s not a serious disaster, but it’s blocked in a place where we can’t see it. "
"Pay tribute to the hero!"
"Pay tribute to the hero!"
"Pay tribute to the hero!"
"When will the Bureau of Investigation recruit? Although people are 200 pounds, three highs and one thousand degrees nearsighted, I also have a heart to protect my country and defend my country!"
Wang Fan’s eyes shifted from the first love-faced female reporter to the barrage.
He was there, a hero. I didn’t expect to be a hero in people’s mouth one day.
It’s like drinking iced watermelon juice in summer.
Uh, but … these students were there, but besides setting up the defense line in front, the rest of them were watching.
It’s a little shameful to call a hero.
Still can’t afford it
You have to slaughter a few cunning evils to bear the hero’s name.
The classmate who shared headphones with Wang Fan in the next seat nodded.
"That’s what I want, too. We can really fight when we come back from further study. Hey, I just don’t know where we are going to further study."
"I heard that it is not in the headquarters but in a special place. I am looking forward to it!"
"Who is not looking forward to it!"
Wang Fan thought.
Ye Luo, who performed well in the examination, may wake up soon, but his progress is even more amazing.
At first, he took part in the examination with a try attitude, then he trained hard with the idea of not wanting to be at the bottom, and then he stood out from thousands of students
He is so strong?
He really has a talent for leading roles! This time, I also got a special chance. Even though Ye Luo has awakened, Wang Fan the Great is confident that he can catch up and surpass him.
He will suppress the whole era from the beginning.
Ha ha ha ha-!
Hoo ~
Several special planes of the Bureau of Investigation landed on the runway of the airport of the Pacific base of firewood.
Outside the window, the world shrouded in light white fog and the magnificent buildings in the distance were presented to the students.
Excitement, excitement, screaming
These students, including many official investigators, are here for the first time, but they are also here for the second time, this time to take advanced courses.
You’ll be familiar with it.
Wang Fan and other students are led by these old investigators to drive all the way to the newcomer’s reception.
There are so many people here. In view of the arrival of many new students from the Bureau of Investigation, this small department, which has only a dozen workers, has to release some instructors and teaching assistants to assist as temporary employees.
Is to start as a teaching assistant.
Ordinary students and graduates are not qualified enough to take this.
The reception office represents the front door of the fire, not only to receive ordinary students who have not yet awakened, but also to receive overseas students who are studying or to come to the Pacific base for the first time to prepare for the’ awakening place’ elite of various countries.
The demand for high welfare benefits is also very strong
Ye Luo took the position of’ Silver Receptionist’ at the Newcomer Reception Office as his teaching assistant.
Responsible for receiving senior officials, experts or a large number of overseas students from all over the world
At this time, I saw a team of Donghuang international students coming to Ye Luo to meet them.
In the team
Wang Fan and other students are listening to the introduction of old instructors and giving out bursts of amazement.
"With all kinds of facilities and nutrients here, you can work hard for half a month and a month if you want to exercise hard for a day?"
"And there is a high probability of passing the awakening quota assessment?"
"It’s not as good as a dog to walk here twice?"
"psst ~! There is such a place in the world! "
At this moment, the excellent students from the training camp of the Bureau of Investigation seem to be bumping into the city and can’t help but exclaim.
I can’t wait
Can’t wait to train, can’t wait to pass the examination, and want to wake up.
However, before that, they have to register as students studying abroad. This is the starting point, and then they will become stronger step by step, and they will make good friends and step on the peak of awakening.
Wang Fan thinks so.

"In this case, you can apply to your tutor for a mysterious pouring tutor meeting."

Instructors are reliable!
How to solve it is given, although Pei Hongjing doesn’t know what it is.
He applied according to the black knife theory.
Pei Hongjing, who quickly approved the contribution points and added negative ones, made a mysterious pouring in a daze and then woke up in a trance.
The process is a little painful, but it is not difficult.
Pei Hongjing, who is new in this line of work, feels very sparse. After writing that awakening experience after awakening, he can’t wait to try to make it.
He picked up a metal ingot and held it in his hand. His other finger slowly crossed the surface of the metal ingot to draw a mysterious symbol.
Still a little rusty, but in a moment, the metal ingot slowly melted and the liquid form slowly deformed in his hand, eventually turning into a gray card.
Pei Hongjing throws the card, and the gray metal card is embedded in the distant target in a whirl.
"It can also be manipulated … the manipulation power is weak but the card is manipulated to fly or turn a corner …"
He can do it if he tries!
This represents an extraordinary tactical significance.
However, these are all pre-positioned according to the skills in the mind, and both the card system and the control are the foundation and the last art.
Explosive art!
The gray card explosion tore the whole test target apart. Pei Hongjing, an old man, couldn’t help cheering like a teenager.
"This power … is equivalent to a Grenade."
"And it’s just a card. It’s ok for me to detonate five, ten and twenty cards at the same time … it depends on how many cards I have!"
"The flaw lies in these cards. I have to prepare them before. Now my life energy department is exhausted and I can make five cards."
Five is not enough.
It’s not impossible to get 50 liver slices a day if you drink more life medicine.
At best, it’s liver and krypton
Extraordinary power is in your hand, the future is just around the corner, and it’s not a problem for Pei Hongjing to finish.
Krypton is his favorite.
Krypton can have the fighting power over others. He likes Krypton best when playing games, and now there is a chance for Krypton.
If he has enough explosive cards, his explosive power will be far superior to his peers.
Then the liver and then krypton.
Krypton gives a bright future!
"This skill is really simple and rude, but it is a bit of a waste of liver and wallet."
Fang You, from the training ground next door, also brought Bai Piao, a’ burst card’, to try one.
Call logistics or krypton flow play
"Even if Pei Hongjing is still weak in the awakening, he will be killed if he wants to accumulate more explosive cards and blast out the two stars in one breath."
"The card can be manipulated, which also ensures the accuracy of the hit."
Fang Youzhi flicked a gray card like a sword, flew back and forth, and kept spinning around him. This control was ten times stronger than Pei Hongjing next door.
Of course, the speed is not fast, and it is still a lot worse. "But with the increase of skill proficiency, new laws may be issued."
"Well, wait for Pei Hongjing to pull the proficiency level first."
Fang you no longer notes but looks at two booby traps in front of him.

Guan Zeyuan couldn’t help but shake his head when he finished. He really couldn’t find FNC to make a comeback, and even management couldn’t help it in this situation.

"You said that it is impossible to be protected by the second sapphire time in this kind of water group battle. How can water be protected by seconds?" Remember to say that finish grinning at GuanZeYuan.
"It’s true that IG’s array error rate is too high. With Demonbane and vampires at the top, it’s not necessary for Ah Shui to show his talents. The team battle may have ended."
The next game is just like what the two ended up saying. IG three lines are good for their own advantage over the line, and the three outer towers will be pushed out in fifteen minutes.
After IG’s economic advantage came to 5,000 yuan, IG did not choose to change the line, but continued to press three ways to continue to expand the line advantage.
IG players are not formulators. You don’t have to change lines in every game. For example, if this game is against the line, it will blow up the roots of FNC, so there is no need to change lines and crush them three times.
However, FNC was not willing to fail like this. They gave up the road temporarily and then followed the middle card to the water in the road.
In 17 minutes, FNC Road formed a five-pack and two-pack situation. Ashui and Baolan knew about skateboarding shoes, and now they also pressed the line outside the second tower.
When the card started to make a big move, Ahuitou suddenly added two marks, one is the card eye and the other is the lion and dog hunting mark.
"gan! They are all here! " Ah Shui swore at him and then tried to retreat, but there was nothing he could do in the face of FNC’s five-person double team.
Card, yellow card, fixed Titan, and gave the lion dog a set of skills to beat Ah Shui to a pulp. Even though Baolan was resurrected, Ah Shui still failed to escape from FNC encirclement and suppression.
After getting up, she was beaten to death again, and Baolan did not escape the fate of being killed. Seeing the tragic situation of Lu Ashui and pushing heshy and Ning Wang on the right way were a little gloating.
"Ouch, Jiekuo was caught again." heshy’s face rarely smiled.
"Ah Shui, is it okay? You seem to have sent out the team with two heads."
In the face of heshy and Ning Wang mocking the middle road, Rkie turned red and defended herself.
"I’ll help you attract fire, okay? You should be grateful to me. Don’t push the tower quickly."
"Five packs of two! Do you understand what five packs of two mean? Can five packs of two be killed? "
Seeing that Ah Shui is flustered and defends himself, I deserve IG Nakano to laugh. IG voice is full of joy.
Although FNC successfully captured the IG road duo, the second tower of their road was also demolished. In the face of the move of IG wild going straight to the highlands, FNC had to return to the road immediately to defend before clearing the road line.
However, heshy and Ning Wang immediately turned to the middle to help Rkie push off the defensive card of the middle defensive tower facing the tower and Titan heshy decisively chose to cross the tower to kill.
Demonbane starts to destroy and rushes to the card Rkie vampire decisively flashes R, and then a set of skills is full of AOE damage.
With a little control and damage added to the back of Ning Wang Spider, it was very easy to cross the tower and kill Titan and Card, and then the three of them pushed off the second tower of FNC Middle Road together.
After going home to supply a wave, the IG five people directly pushed the group to push all the outer towers of FNC.
In the face of the IG offensive, FNC can rush to fight, but at this time, there is already a thousand economic differences, and the damage roots on both sides of their heads are not an order of magnitude.
IG pushed down the second tower of FNC Road in a sweeping way, and then they didn’t choose to evacuate, but planned to face this situation with a rush. Of course, FNC five people chose to resist one.
A 5V5 group battle broke out on the FNC Road Highland between the two sides. At this time, there were already two sets of Demonbane, and the unstoppable momentum rushed to the FNC Highland.
With the acceleration of time and big moves, heshy’s big sword in his hand is greatly matched, and he directly chopped at FNC Highland without the slightest concern.
There is blood back and resurrection. heshy once again experienced the feeling of S Demonbane, and the brain charge is over. I don’t want too much roots, but I can be resurrected after I die.
Heshy highland took three kills, FNC was beaten to death, and it was defeated by IG, which flattened the base crystal from the road.
Chapter two hundred and eleven The uneven fetters
"heshy Demonbane is really fierce. Even if he is weakened, he will take it out and kill it indiscriminately."
I can’t help but sigh that he has special feelings for Demonbane when I see the killing scene in Demonbane Highland.
"The actual Demonbane has not weakened too much, but it has reduced the amount of blood returned a little, and then the E skill can’t be used. If Demonbane has an advantage and a high level, the actual combat effectiveness is not too bad."
"It’s really important to know that heshy Demonbane in the LPL playoffs has never been released in a game."
Watching IG players get up and leave the game, Guan Zeyuan pointed out that "it’s already two-to-three, just one game away."
"Speaking of this duel, it is still a replay of the S-ball finals. The fateful duel between IG and FNC is that the strength of FNC has dropped a little after Caps, but the status of IG has not dropped, but it has risen. I think this IG should be stronger than S at present."
"I feel this way, too." I remember when I heard that I nodded my head. He looked at the IG Wild Ning Wang, who was laughing together. The restoration of his status was definitely the most pleasant surprise for IG fans.
"From the perspective of IG play, coach Yun Ge’s play is more mature, and coach Yun Ge’s endless tactical body has made the IG Trident sharper in the line."
"Coach Yun Ge and IG absolutely complement each other. Without IG, coach Yun Ge can’t play tactics. Without coach Yun Ge, IG players would never play so comfortably."
"Although Yun Ge coach BP is sometimes out of tune, it does have a miraculous effect. From the current effect, Yun Ge’s coach routines have all worked, and FNC’s routines have been lame."
Lounge Yun Ge didn’t know that the commentary desk remembered to flatter him. At this time, he was making the final mobilization for IG players.
Now that it’s two-to-one, Yun Ge doesn’t want to drag it off. It’s better to win the game three times at a time, but before the game is over, Yun Ge wants to put a little pressure on IG players
"Don’t talk, I won’t say much. Take FNC three times! No problem? "
"No problem, coach Yun Ge, just watch it. The last game is proper!" Ning Wang leans on the lounge sofa and has a confident expression on his face.
"So confident, can I add a little pressure to you?" Yun Ge looked at King Ning Wang Ning with a smiling face and a confident smile disappeared.
"Don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t need it, coach Yun Ge. We’re fine in these two innings. There’s no need to change."
"Yes, these two games are good. If the opposite side is not Ban, let’s choose this array." Ah Shui also beat the drum and hoped that coach Yun Ge wouldn’t do anything in the last game
Rkie also paid great attention, but he didn’t open his mouth, but stared at coach Yun Ge, with heshy and Baolan, who didn’t care to sit there and watch with a smile on their lips.
"No, I have to give you some pressure, especially when the heshy Bureau chooses a meat hero for you to prepare for the game."
Heshy’s smile suddenly froze. He didn’t expect that he could get into trouble by watching a lively event. heshy didn’t respond for a while. When he wanted to say something, Yun Ge came to the battle table with the players again with a wave of his hand.
In the third game, IG returned to the blue side again and learned the lesson. FNC put Demonbane in the Ban position in this game, but because the blind monk and Syndra could not release him, FNC could choose to release the angel.
Yun Ge didn’t choose an angel for heshy in this game, but first took a personal horse for Ning Wang. The FNC coaching staff was very happy and then took the skateboard shoes and angel department.
Yun Ge smiled when he saw it. He went to Rkie and let Rkie and Ning Wang Suo Xia Luo combine. Yes, Yun Ge is going to play a game of Eternal Sen.
Yun Ge synthesized a forest turn before, but he hasn’t played this game yet, so he can test the intensity again, and by the way, he can accumulate a number of appearances for Aon. Yun Ge is still waiting for Aon to explode his equipment.
FNC chose Niutou as the third hand to form a strong group combination of calista and Niutou. Maybe they also know that their road-to-line strength can’t beat the selected group combination
Yun Ge continued to play wild against FNC in the second round of BP, and put Huang and Pig Sister in Ban position. FNC coach chose Zach, who rarely played in the World Cup, to strengthen the formation.
Seeing the opposite choice, Yun Ge walked over and patted Ning Wang on the shoulder, and then laughed and teased him, "Did you see the opposite choice? Can you beat him up in this game?"
"Then you must smash his head and dare to choose Zach in front of me. Doesn’t he know who I am?"
Ning Wang’s tone is more arrogant. When I heard him say this, A Shui couldn’t help but ridicule, "I know you are King Zach!"
"hammer! Do you understand the gold content of FMVP? I will blow him up in this game! "
"Ning Wang Niu Pi! Can you catch the road, by the way? Our bureau has been targeted at it. "The water team voice shouted a condom with Ning Wang, and Jeannin Wang helped him catch more.
"No problem. I’ll try my best. I still have to ask coach Yun Ge about it."
O water smell speech looked up at the cloud song coach’s eyes full of hope. Yun Ge didn’t disappoint and promised O water, but he couldn’t always let the child resist pressure.
"No problem, Shui, choose an Owen for heshy and let him play by himself. Ning Wang will play this game around the road."

Probably a better place than the FBI!

That’s what he thought, but when he hung up and calmed down, half a million came to Ye Luo’s mind.
500 thousand!
His family is very ordinary!
"PSST …"
"I’m a little regretful. I should tell the investigator to think about it."
How come your mouth is so fast!
But after all, it is impossible to change your mind. Ye Luo thought, "Will this mean the Sino-cooperative organization?"
"When also in the day? One day, just look at it in the past. "
"I hope I made the right choice."
He is very distressed at the thought of 500 thousand
If you choose the wrong department and the wrong post, it’s hard to breathe!
Wang Fancheng listened to understand the cause and effect. He felt that the problem was not big and envied that "you are an adventure in the novel. You can enter the mysterious department and have soared to Wan Li since then."
"Of course, I, Wang Fan the Great, am not bad. Although the starting point is ordinary, I will lay a solid foundation step by step and go straight to the peak."
He bobbed his head for half a night and finally grabbed Ye Luo’s shoulder and said,
"Don’t forget each other when you are rich, brother."
The night before yesterday, I was shocked by the truth and stayed up all night.
Last night, I was excited to pass the examination results of the FBI, but I couldn’t sleep.
The world is changing so fast that two days ago, who would have thought that they would have today’s fate?
The old classes are all cheerful. "Don’t worry about the student status. The school has already handled it for you. Take part in the training and win glory for the school."
The two set off by subway, and their destinations were all in Baiyun City.
Wang Fan was so excited.
He doesn’t know if there were any awakens among the examiners yesterday, but I’m sure I can see the awakens today.
"I checked the establishment of the Bureau of Investigation last night."
"Only after I have passed the training can I have the opportunity to transfer to a formal investigator, or the lowest three-level investigator, and the second-level investigator, the first-level investigator, and then the awakened special investigator."
"In this way, awakened people are still very rare."
Ye Luo nodded.
I was hit when I watched the video on the internet before, but after getting to know him these two days, I found that the awakened one is still very valuable, and he is still a small group of people who are at the forefront of the world.
I just don’t know if I’m going to report to this institution. Is there anyone as powerful as the one in the video?
Recalling that in the video, a few powerful foreign powers were shocked and a thick vine appeared, and Ye Luo gradually became excited and restless.
"Entering the Bureau of Investigation through training becomes stronger step by step and then wakes up!"
"This is my main goal in the early stage of Wang Fan the Great!"
Wang Fan mouth is full of confidence.
Ye Luo opened his mouth. "Actually …"
Wang Fan said excitedly, "You must be able to wake up when you enter the mysterious institution again."
Ye Luo opened his mouth. "Actually, I …"
Wang Fan continued, "Although we went to different departments, we will definitely have the opportunity to fight together. Maybe I will have surpassed you by then."
Wang Fan is particularly talkative, and Ye Luo can’t get a word in.
Just stop talking.
Out of the subway, they bid farewell to Wang Fan and reported to the office building of Baiyun State Bureau of the Bureau of Investigation.
And Ye Luo came to another magnificent building not far from the state bureau.
Walked in.

So soul crystal negative force can absorb?

Xu tui is the kind of person who goes to life at the thought of it. While waiting for the return of the Fifth Wisdom, Xu tui directly takes out a piece of soul crystal about 10 grams. Cai Shaochu first made a shock purification method to try to purify the soul crystal.
Try less than 30 seconds small six unexpected sound rang in Xu back head first.
"Hey, your strength can purify this soul crystal. It’s impossible. You put your spirit in my observation." Small six is in the middle of the red core, and it is observable to make a retreat to a certain extent.
Xu tui didn’t speak, but he let go of the mental bondage of Xiao Liu.
There is such a guy in my mind who always feels uncomfortable and gives up. Generally, he will be bound by his spirit and he will always peep.
"This method is very clever, which is much better than our previous method of purifying soul crystal, and it needs to be repaired and reduced.
About if the extraordinary stars can be purified, "commented Xiao Liu."
This evaluation made Xu tui very surprised. "We later bluestar humans are not what you call one place, are we?"
"From this point of view! This is also the pride of our pulse! "
Although they got along soon, it was the first time that Xiao Liu brought him and Xu tui closer together.
But there’s nothing to be proud of
After a minute, Xu retired and completely released the direct spiritual communication to suppress the red core. The red core kills the sword and soul crystal of God.
Moment soul crystal negative force like being absorbed by a whale quickly flocked to the Excalibur.
Small six eyes immediately stared a rolling.
So soon?
Xu retreat is a clear sample.
Excalibur seems to have a natural strength in extracting negative forces.
In less than seven minutes, when the fifth Hui missed the turn, the negative force of this piece of 10 grams of blood crystal was wiped out by Excalibur.
Before returning, I was worried about the negative power source of Excalibur, so I don’t have to worry about it.
However, from the theory of power, if Xu retires now, his 90% spirit will be condensed into a small sword to kill God, and the power will be more than the red core to kill God!
However, such a sword is generally afraid to cut it out without spirit.
The whole Excalibur is equivalent to another one-time killing move.
Just thinking about the startled sound of Xiao Liu, he sounded again, "Where did you get this sword?"
"You don’t know its origin?" Refusal rhetorical question
"I don’t know"
"I think you know everything."
"I’m not a god!"
Xu didn’t bicker with Xiao Liu again, but Xiao Liu didn’t tell him the detailed history of the whole Excalibur.
"When I have the chance, take me here to see if the power that can make Red Core accept and ban must be extraordinary," said Xiao Liu.
It’s Xu’s turn to frown. "My red core is an organic whole with the whole Excalibur."
"It’s not that I didn’t know that the Excalibur was there," said Xiao Liu. "But there are not many people who can benefit negative forces so skillfully. It may be those one …"
"which ones?"

Listening to Lin Yi’s question, Qin Dingfang shrugged. "I don’t know if you ask me. He said that I kill you and get what you need. Don’t ask. He also said that you have a deep hatred. Lin Yi, you see that you have killed too many people and your enemies are all over the world."

Lin Yi stared at the fake shopkeeper again. "Give you another chance to say or not? !”
"Don’t say!" The fake shopkeeper shouted at Qin Dingfang again, "Please let the king of Qin do it!"
The impostor Qin Dingfang would rescue him, but Qin Dingfang stood still at the stairs, and his eyes flashed with cruelty.
The phony’s voice hasn’t fallen yet. Lin Yi’s hands are on the other side, and Lin Yi’s wrists are buckled, which makes a terrible shattering sound.
The fake shopkeeper cried out in pain
At the same time, Lin Yi’s body shook out and swept across the counter to wipe the towel. The dense steel needles flew up in an instant and shot at the fake.
At the moment, this impostor’s hands are buckled by Lin Yi, how can he hide from his face and bust being shot like a hedgehog, and these steel needles are all poisoned. At the moment, so many steel needles are shot into the impostor’s body, and he is dead, screaming and foaming at the mouth …
Lin Yi let go of this fake shopkeeper and poured it into the counter.
The young man’s face changed when he saw this situation.
Qin Dingfang clapped his hands slowly. "Killing him really made me feel good, but he refused to tell me the details and was mysterious …"
That little two is a fake shopkeeper. He didn’t know that Qin Dingfang turned out to be deliberately from ruin.
Xiao’ er glanced at Qin Dingfang’s resentment and suddenly took out a short knife to cut Xiao’ er’s neck, and the blood gushed out and he fell to the ground and died.
Qin Dingfang said to Lin Yi, "This is a dead man, Xiao Lin. Where do you think they came from?"
Lin Yi said, "I will find out."
Qin Dingfang shook his head and said, "I’ll check it for you because you have no chance."
Lin Yi said, "You should deal with the old devil if he cheated you so badly, and if you break with him, you will definitely not let go of your old devil’s means. You also know that it is impossible to prevent it. If I were you, I would try to kill the old devil first, even if we are enemies, and it would be unwise for you to deal with the old devil and me at the same time."
Qin Dingfang regarded The Hunger as his ancestor for so long and finally ended up being deceived and miserable, and his mutant body will never recover. Qin Dingfang really feels crazy.
Qin Dingfang is also so painful.
Qin Dingfang always woke up from a nightmare recently. He dreamed that The Hunger had found him, controlled magic, turned him into a walking corpse, stripped him naked, and pointed at him. Even eunuchs were inferior to taunting and insulting him in public.
Qin Dingfang couldn’t wait to spit The Hunger meat.
But he didn’t even look at The Hunger trying to kill The Hunger Tan Yi.
Qin Dingfang can be looking for opportunities.
A few days ago, the fake shopkeeper found Qin Dingfang and said that he could track down Lin Yi and kill Lin Yi while Lin Yi was seriously injured and still recovering.
Qin Dingfang thought that The Hunger and Lin Yi were sworn enemies anyway, and he vowed to kill Lin Yi. Since the opportunity to kill Lin Yi came, he couldn’t miss it.
Qin Dingfang left Qin Honghu to take people to continue to hunt down the Wulin Alliance and the Blood Devil in Jinzhou. He secretly brought a group of people to the south to kill Lin Yi.
Qin Dingfang said, "If you kill all my relatives, the old demon will destroy everything I have. You all have to die, depending on who dies first. It seems that you died first, Kobayashi."
Say Qin Dingfang made a ring.
So the door of the room next to the counter came out one after another, and seven people were all inferno masters.
Then the master of the inferno hiding in the building also appeared. There were more than a dozen people at the stairs, and they were armed with five flowers in their hands.
Qin Dingfang also walked slowly on the stairs. Those inferno masters followed Qin Dingfang behind him.
At the moment, the child is still guarding the door. The child shouted, "Go!"
There are also a number of quenched steel needles in the face towel at the counter. Lin Yi’s hand slammed the counter, and those steel needles suddenly sparkled and then shot away at the magic masters behind Qin Dingfang.
At the same time, the abacus at the counter fell into Lin Yi’s hand, and the abacus frame was broken. Those abacus beads flew out from the next room door, and the inferno master came out.
Take this opportunity to Lin Yichao to the door.
Ma Peiling also went to the door.
Qin Ding suddenly "screamed" at the poisonous needles that rained down on him, and the strong gas surged. Those shot steel needles were shaken and scattered by Qin Dingfang.
Because Qin Dingfang shocked all those poisonous needles out of the inferno master behind him and killed one person.
But those magic masters in the building were knocked down by Lin Yi’s abacus beads.
One was seriously injured and the other died on the spot.
Qin Dingfang still takes his time standing on the stairs.
Lin Yi three people out of the inn door immediately Bai Qin prescription in no hurry.
At the moment, people keep flashing in the rain and fog on both sides of the street.
These people are all experts in inferno. They come from houses on both sides of the street.
Many people still have lanterns in their hands.
The lights are hazy and blurred in the rain
Seeing three people coming out of the inn, they all gathered around.
Qin Dingfang also brought people out of the inn.
A bunch of people will Lin Yi three people besieged the street.
At the moment, a dark figure stands at a window more than ten feet away from the inn. This figure looks at this side.
There is still a man standing behind him. It is a woman. She said in a whisper, "Gong Linyi can’t escape, can she?"
Being called "I hope so"
The woman said, "What if Qin Dingfang can’t kill Lin Yi?"
Fair "I still have a cause"
The woman said, "I feel a little anxious this time and should continue to wait for opportunities."
Justice "It’s wrong that all sides are exhausted and weakened, and when the situation has been disturbed by me, it’s the best opportunity to take advantage of the chaos. If the situation is stable, I’ve been waiting for this opportunity for a long time."
Female Dao "Pei"

For the whole bridgehead camp, the soft power of the whole camp has been greatly improved by upgrading the cavalry stationed here and constructing knights.

However, for those adventure groups who are secretly engaged in slave trade, seeing such things will add a little more gloom. No one can ignore the knight-in-disguise.
Late Andrew walked into the barracks from the outside and saw Surdak still writing some plans on the table, so he took the initiative to gather together.
Surdak looked up and saw Andrew immediately said to him, "I just want to send someone to find you …"
"I’m afraid you’ll have to guard here for me when I take this section. I’m afraid those ghost-striped red ants will come to a big counterattack and swallow up this temporary camp. I hope you will stay here and watch the gate for me when I take this section!" Surdak said to Andrew
Andrew sat opposite Surdak and poured himself a cup of black tea and drank it all at once.
"Don’t worry, boss, I’ll hold this gate for you, not only this gate, but also the whole Rift Valley …" Andrew readily promised.
Surdak nodded and said
"We all underestimated this group of ghost-striped red ants after the beast tide. I missed the battle last winter. Their population is shrinking greatly. Now it seems less serious than we thought."
"I will let Samira stay in Duodan Town, and once there is a situation here, Duodan Town will be able to help quickly."
Andrew asked, "What about the dry cloth plane?"
"I took Gullit back to Ruite City, where the new army has been established. Then it is necessary to vigorously develop the economy of Mukuso and Ruite. The low-level inferno base of Warcraft that is not threatening has disappeared … It is estimated that there will be no emergencies for the time being." Surdak stopped his pen and said to Andrew.
"In addition, you should be careful of the Pengniao family in the north. I think they may kill grassland livestock, herders and caravans not because they don’t have enough food, but just for a change!"
Surdak added.
"I’ll let tangle and Bernita stay and help you."
Andrew nodded, and then they talked about the training of costumed knights.
Commander Felix left Surdak’s notes on the initial targeted training of the cavalry. Surdak needs to train these cavalry into qualified cavalry according to the notes.
After handling these things, Surdak left the bridgehead camp with a two-headed ogre the next morning and went straight back to the copper mine to meet Selena there, and then returned to Duodan Town.
It’s just twelve days since Surdak Inver cargill walked around in this circle.
Seeing that half of this month has passed, Surdak did not dare to delay the town of Duodan any longer. He hurried back to Wilkes City without going to the War College, and finally returned to Bena City through the door on the 25th of this month.
Chapter 1193 April tail
In April, a light rain suddenly came at night in Bena City.
A cold wind blew through the back garden of the Duke’s House, making people feel a little cold waiting in line to pass through the door.
Surdak walked out of the door with a double-headed ogre Gullit’s surprised eyes.
Before the end of the month, the two men finally got back to the back street of the Duke’s Mansion in Bena City. A row of magic caravans was parked by the roadside. Surdak conveniently brought an ogre Gulitm, or as always, he took the caravan carriage.
Surdak boarded the train alone and returned to Bena this time, which was somewhat deserted.
"Where are you going, my Lord?" Coachman respectfully asked outside the car.
"Dwarf precision forging car at 69 Pross Street in the fourth block" Surdak said with his eyes closed by sitting in the leather sofa in the carriage.
As the carriage slowly drove into the traffic, Suldak felt a little tired, and his fingers kneaded a few corners of his eyes.
This is the most prosperous place in the aristocratic block, because it is adjacent to the back garden of the Duke’s House and is also the exit of thirteen planes. Every day, this street is crowded with all kinds of vehicles full of goods.
Surdak always can’t figure out why the early Duke sent the plane to the door to build his own back garden. Didn’t he ever think that once the plane was occupied by the inferno or the dark legion, the army rushed in through the plane and the first occupied place would be the Duke’s House?
Presumably, the original Duke must have other plans …
Surdak turned to look at the street. Because it belongs to the most congested city of Bena, local mean time is restricted to street stalls
Only in the streets and lanes can you see some snack stalls.
I don’t know why the road ahead is blocked, and the magic van can be caught in many carriages. At this time, there will be some snack vendors selling steaming food to these carriage guests along the street. Of course, they won’t offend those noble commanders to smile at civilians and businessmen.
Surdak didn’t expect that there were even daredevil stall owners who ran to Gullit’s and held up the food on the plate.
At this time, of course, the ogre was also very generous. He took the plate directly and then pulled out a handful of silver coins from his arms and stuffed them into the hands of the vendor.
At this time, the carriage suddenly moved forward. The stall owner chased the back of the carriage while counting the silver coins in his hand and shouted at the ogre, "You give too much …"
Gullit, at this time, is showing off how busy he is, and someone will take the initiative to send food to me …
The brain flower saw that the stall owner was almost scraped by the carriage behind him and shouted at the back, "You should be careful. The carriage behind us is mostly small!"
Dwarf precision forging car is the workshop block of Bena City, where hundreds of the most famous workshops, large and small, are gathered, but the workshops born here have some characteristics, and those workshops with nothing have long been overwhelmed by the expensive rent of houses here …
Surdak came here when he attended the awarding ceremony, and also talked with the workshop owner here about preparing to buy a grinding machine.
However, at that time, it was not clear exactly how much tonnage he wanted to buy. Now, after a field trip to Inver cargill Forest on the Bailin plane, Suldak wants to buy a set of grinder that is bigger and less than the largest one that this workshop can build.
The magic caravan stops at 69 Pross Street.
This street can always see some trucks with more than 10 meters body. This kind of truck wheels are very interesting, and there are many groups in front and back, and it seems that differential devices are installed to facilitate these long and narrow trucks to turn in the street.
In front of some workshops, workers can be seen constantly loading cars.
It can be seen that these workshops in Bena City are far more prosperous than those in his city.
Without Wilkes, there would be no such scene, let alone Ruite, Mukuso or Hailansa.
Surdak came here this time to receive others. It’s really the owner of this workshop, Baron Cambre. Although the title of this workshop owner is somewhat low, his business is not small at all. The whole workshop has a complete casting and forging car, and you can also see a row of dwarf craftsmen wearing leather trousers and hanging tools in the processing car.
A lot of dwarf craftsmen Surdak just glanced at it and saw less than 20 dwarf craftsmen …
Baron Cambre took Surdak to an exhibition room and introduced these machines to Surdak one by one. Obviously, Baron Cambre didn’t have enough awe of magic, and many instruments were out of magic.
Moreover, the Baron Cambre also highly praised Heicks’s science and technology … If the magician heard something, it would be disrespectful to the magic god. Maybe he would be convicted as a heretic.
Surdak didn’t want to discredit the magical place. He went straight to the subject and ordered a large grinding machine, and added a mineral processing institution in front.
Finally, after discussing the price of machinery, transportation, installation and debugging, the delivery date will be the top two months, and the two sides will sign a magic contract directly.
There is no need for Surdak to pay a part of the deposit, and the transaction is successfully completed.
Rejected the kind invitation of Baron Cambre, and Surdak left the dwarf precision forging car with a two-headed ogre.
"You really don’t want to go with him?"
Carrie Dacker, in the single building of the military camp in Duodan Town, wore a pajamas and sat on the windowsill towel next to the attic window to wipe the wet long hair.
That’s the kind of woman who can bathe with the soldiers in the public bathroom. Naturally, thin pajamas will have much influence on the soldiers in the barracks.

Some timid people have been frightened by this battle. They seem to see cold murder in the eyes of Ssangyong, and a chill rises from the soles of their feet, making them feel the cold.

The ghost looked at the sky and his face was surprised. He muttered to himself, "This is a humanitarian lucky dragon. How can there be such a powerful lucky dragon here from Wan Li, Kyushu? Is it just that brilliance?"
At this time, he was puzzled. After all, the suppression of humanitarian fate originated in Kyushu. Therefore, the closer it is to Kyushu, the stronger the suppression force is. The influence of Baoxiang country is far away from Kyushu Wan Li, and there should be no such suppression force.
At this time, the peach blossom woman was shaking all over. She looked up and said with some chagrin, "This damn humanitarian dragon has put me under great pressure."
In the face of today’s strong humanitarian fate, she has to do her best to compete.
"I told you not to touch those laymen, and I am waiting for the yogi. What I am most afraid of is that you are entangled in cause and effect. You just don’t listen. It is estimated that your resentment has attracted the attention of the humanitarian dragon." Ghost life said with a frown.
"I just gave them the pleasure they wanted. It’s no wonder they died themselves." The peach blossom girl was panting and soaked with sweat.
Ghost shook his head and said, "You will die one day if you go so wantonly again."
"Don’t care so much, don’t help me quickly. This damn guy seems to be staring at me."
Ghosts smell speech and show their hands folding fans to meet, painting ten layers of hell scenes. When a fan gently sees a woman coming out of the fan, she is full of laughter and gestures. Only a pair of eyes are numb and God can’t see any aura.
The woman walked slowly down the aisle like a peach blossom girl wearing a dress. The peach blossom girl suddenly felt lighter, and the lucky dragon seemed to have lost her goal and moved her eyes elsewhere.
Seeing this, the Peach Blossom Girl breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks to your painting method, otherwise I will be unlucky today. This suppression of humanitarian fate is too restrained for me."
"From now on, I still have to be cautious. Although I didn’t know that this humanitarian fate was so strong in Long Bian, there must be a master who made moves and then linked it to the front. The dragon said that this treasure is blessed by a master. If you arbitrarily angered the master again, you don’t know how to die." The ghost said with a bad expression.
"Don’t blame me for forgetting the past." His eyes stared coldly at the peach blossom girl, who made a cold shiver.
Only then did she realize that the man dressed as a scribe in front of her was not as human and animal harm as he looked, which annoyed him and made him wonder what terrible things he would do.
"Don’t worry, you let me go, I won’t go to this kind of thing. It’s enough to come once." Peach Blossom’s face rarely hangs a little solemnly and slowly.
At this time, the lucky dragon in the sky has wandered around for a circle, and many wanton false acts have been oppressed by powerful forces into paste, which has been destroyed for many years. Everyone is even more scared to crawl to the atmosphere and dare not breathe.
Chapter four hundred and fifteen Call
With the fate of the dragon, the sky gradually disappeared, and everyone felt that the suppression force, the flow of mana, was very difficult, not to mention large-scale fighting. Many people with low mana could not even make spells.
At this time, they completely lost their high qualifications, and now they are a mortal with ordinary weapons, which may hurt them and kill them.
Some practitioners have fought and backed out. After all, the treasure elephant country is now much more dangerous for them, and they are likely to be killed by angry people, so they left the country in a hurry before the people knew it.
The old beggar took a sip of wine gourd in his hand on the roof and said with a smile on his face, "This way, the ordinary people will suffer less. This master really is a kind-hearted person."
"You haven’t changed at all after so many years," complained the mother-in-law of Golden Snake.
"I’m afraid I can’t change my life." The old beggar sighed slightly and didn’t know what he thought. He looked up at the sky, stunned.
Aside, the mother-in-law of Golden Snake silently accompanied him with a smile on her face.
The capital of the noisy treasure elephant country has become quiet since then, and it seems that the past peace has been restored here after the departure of those who are not strong-willed and uncertain
No one will ever fight again, but people who are used to watching the excitement will miss it a bit.
That strange cry still rings at regular intervals every day so accurately that everyone will hear it, and the people in the capital will fall into a deep sleep with it. They find that their sleep quality will be particularly good after each call, so they will also call it a gift from their ancestors.
In the ears of practitioners, it is even more precious to wash the mind and purify the mana. The effect is very obvious. Some time ago, perhaps because the city was too noisy, it was so weak that many people failed to enjoy it. Nowadays, the city is quiet, and it seems to be getting stronger every day, which makes everyone shout glad you came.
In an old inn in the city, the ghost was sitting in a wooden bed with his eyes closed and he entered a deep concentration. It took a long time for him to disperse before he slowly opened his eyes and gently spat out a sigh.
His face hung with a satisfied smile. He had not entered such a level of concentration for a long time. Some problems in his practice were completely solved through this concentration, so he was very satisfied.
"It seems that you have a good harvest this time?" The peach blossom woman sits in the chair in the room, bending the table in one hand and holding a peach blossom in the other hand. Outside the window, there is a moon sprinkling Yin Hui and dropping the table, covering the dark and shiny old furniture with a layer of silver gauze.
Ghost life gently nodded his head. "It’s worthwhile to say that the legacy of the Chinese icon has such a powerful ability, and I don’t know if he really should be as powerful."
"Even if it’s so powerful, it’s dead. Over the years, I sometimes wonder whether our practice is what people often say, but there are many people who can live forever, but how many can live forever?" Today, Peach Blossom Girl seems particularly sad.
"Hum! You can’t shake my mind. It’s what I’ve been asking for all my life. Have you given up? "The ghost mood seems to be getting excited.
"Really?" Peach Blossom said softly. She turned to look out of the window and didn’t know what to think.
At this time, the palace of Baoxiang Kingdom is full of joy. The Lord is the master here. His mood is the mood of this land. When he is furious, it seems to set off a storm here, but when he is all smiles, the whole land is peaceful.
At this time, the monarch was in a very good mood. Although the protagonist of the banquet did not arrive, the monarch’s face was not angry at all, but he smiled and said that he could understand that he was an outsider after all and obviously did not like these social parties. He naturally would not insist.
This time, it not only solved the turmoil caused by practitioners, but also repaired it with his daughter. More importantly, he saw two lovely grandchildren, and the Lord felt as if he had been blessed by fate, and everything wanted to develop in a better direction.
"I don’t know if it’s better to thank them for coming here."
There is a minister who has a problem with the country through the strength of drinking. After all, such strong people also hope to have the opportunity to make friends, and maybe they can send a show in a few years.
His ministers are also clamoring for the truth.
The original heart and face of the Lord have changed instantly. When these guys really need to contribute, they push from pillar to post, but now they are very enthusiastic. How can the Lord not know what he is thinking?
He raised his glass and said with a smile, "Oh, that Mr. Liu is my two grandsons and seniors, and now he is staring at the two little guys behind him. You’d better not disturb me when you don’t have time to study, or I’m afraid Mr. Liu will be angry if you miss my grandsons’ studies."
At the same time, the main words of the country tell Liu Qingyun that they are warning these people not to push their luck too far, and they are far superior than they think.
When they heard this, they hurriedly said, "How dare you bother me now that Mr. Wang has something important to do?"
The country’s opinion was restored, and the laughter raised the glass, and the atmosphere of drinking and raising money was restored.
Compared with the bright lights and excitement in front, the place where all flowers live is a little quiet and remote, but this is also her special request because she knows that true Taoism prefers elegant environment.

Senior Bai wants this group of Terran Tianjiao to take part in a bloody battle in the abyss to sharpen themselves!

"I think you should follow the pace of your emperor and become strong as soon as possible, instead of letting your emperor give his life again and again to protect you cowards!"
"Go to fight! To fight! It’s not you who die, it’s me! Only by constantly struggling for the living from life and death can you deserve the word genius! "
Senior Bai’s tone is very serious, and there is no doubt that he must rush to the abyss to participate in a bloody battle!
44 Chapter 44 Dead guard returns to the people
"Former predecessors there is a bloody battle in the abyss! It will kill people, and it’s the kind of death that doesn’t even leave slag! "
Wang Chuan’s face turned white with fear, and it’s killing them to let a group of people with universal strength go to fight with this group of demons and devil leaders!
Guo Min, the youngest, is already shaking with fear.
It’s not that they are too timid, but that the bloody battle in the abyss is terrible. This is a place where facing death is even more frightening! There may be another generation if you die somewhere else, but if you die in a bloody battle in the abyss, even your soul may be swallowed up by demons!
"A group of cowards! No wonder your emperor died! "
White elder hate iron not to produce growl "either choose to go to the abyss to fight for a living or I’ll kill you! You choose! "
"I’m going to the abyss!"
Wang Chuanyi was the first to come out, and his eyes were full of fighting spirit and firmness. "I will be successful and strong!" I will never let the emperor die. It will happen again! Never! "
I swear on my honor and life! Even if it is a bloody battle in the abyss, the glory of Yan Huang Tianjiao will still bloom!
Wang Chuan’s mind secretly made a determined effort to watch the emperor die in front of himself, but he couldn’t help himself. The picture didn’t devour his heart at all times, which made him feel uneasy and almost crazy.
It’s not terrible to die. He’s afraid he’s always been so cowardly!
"I’ll go too!"
Wang Chuan bit his teeth, leaving Tianjiao to respond in succession, including Wang Xuan and Lei Zhen, who all chose to enter the abyss for a bloody battle.
"The Emperor said that he would definitely take us home and this time I will be strong and take the Emperor home!"
Guo Min’s immature voice is full of firmness, which makes everyone’s heart tremble.
"Live or die!"
Wang Chuanyi growled and was full of fighting spirit.
"Good live or die! Real tianjiao never gives himself a way back! "
Senior Bai smiled indifferently and nodded happily. "You go!" With a wave of his hand, he said.
A howling wind blew, and then all the Terran Tianjiao were irresistibly blown to the top of the mountain by this hurricane.
A group of tianjiao shouted that Wang Chuan’s withered sound was the most miserable and big "! ! ! Senior, you can’t make us prepare for one! This is too sudden! "
The hurricane blew the Terran Tianjiao directly into the abyss, and several demons poured in hungry and full of murder.
"The emperor yanhuang! Terran glory spreads all over the world! Kill! "
Wang Chuanyi roared that he was the first to take out the spurge and start to kill the demons around him. He was covered in blood and fighting spirit. When this side became a river of blood, he wanted to vent the Terran’s power at will!
On where the Terran will never die!
"roar! Kill! Live or die! "
The Terran Tianjiao people were inspired and began to shout and hold a group. The abyss fought bloody battles. With every time they killed a demon, a little light energy flowed from the sky and infiltrated into them, making their strength grow stronger unconsciously.
White predecessors look down at the top of the mountain and look indifferent. He will never tell this group of Terran Tianjiao that they have sealed a plane will shelter themselves.
Everyone in this group of Terran Tianjiao can have 100 fatal injury opportunities in the abyss, which is equivalent to having 100 lives!
This is to ensure that these guys can become stronger as soon as possible in a bloody battle in the abyss, instead of just entering the stadium and being killed. Of course, this kind of thing will not be told by the white predecessors. After all, if they know that they and others have a way out, they will naturally relax, which will not achieve the best life and death evolution effect.
In the next few days, Wang Chuan, Italy, and other people approached 10,000 people. Terran Tianjiao fought bloody battles in the abyss, and many people suffered fatal attacks. Wang Chuan withered and was once torn in half by a demon!
But still alive! Everything is in good shape!
Discovering this feature, Terran Tianjiao became even crazier, and they became more and more brave, fighting for their lives one by one, and the battlefield became stronger at an inhuman speed.
Every once in a while, the abyss bloody battle will start a real killing period, and the battlefield creatures in the killing period are many times stronger than usual! Creatures who win during the killing period can get 100% reward of abyss will!
And the winning creatures are a group, and the standards are different every time.
But this time, the Terran Tianjiao’s crazy rise like a dark horse caused many powerful creatures with lofty aspirations to roar and die on the spot, which made more than half of the abyss bloody battlefield look askance.
This is a group of humans!
This is a group of martial artists!
They fight for their lives, unite as one, advance and retreat as one!
It’s like writing a bloody chapter from weak to powerful and perfect abyss. Like Terran Tianjiao, most bloody creatures envy the unstoppable rise of power.
But in just half a month, the Terran Tianjiao has become a powerful force in the abyss bloody battle, and everyone’s strength has risen very horribly!
Bai’s predecessor has been silently observing that although his words are always dissatisfied with these people, he has to deny that Su Yu’s group of Terran Tianjiao really deserves the reputation of genius, whether it is the growth of strength or the transformation of mind.
After all, genius is always easy to get stronger.
On the seventh night of the Terran Tianjiao’s struggle, Ling Aner woke up from the coma of the Double Throne, and her face was still pale and her heart was still broken.
"Husband? Husband, you are there! "
Hole * * Some dim Ling ‘an’s son shouted anxiously and couldn’t see the surrounding scenes clearly. The first thing she did when she woke up was to look for Su Yu’s figure. Even if her husband died, she would keep watch over his body.
She can’t live for a quarter of an hour without her husband.
But because the coma was too long, her physical strength fell from the double throne.
"Ann ~!"
Ann suddenly appeared, and the fox’s tail crossed the point, and the flame lit up the cave. Ann got into Ling Aner’s arms.
"Where is an Anfu Jun?"
Linganer muttered to herself, holding Ann’s tears, Pearl kept rolling down from her delicate face, and she was heartbroken.
"I know where he is. He’s at the altar deep behind this cave."
Senior Bai sighed slightly at the right time.
He told Ling Aner everything in detail. Ling Aner was silent and barely propped up, kowtowing respectfully and giving thanks. Then he stumbled all the way to the depths of the cave with An An.
Ling Aner’s whole heart was broken when she saw Su Yu floating on the altar. She jumped on the altar and wanted to fly to touch Su Yu, but she was afraid to disturb Su Yu’s Nie.
A pair of beautiful eyes contain complex emotions such as excitement, sadness, expectation and faint fear, which are hard to express.
"Feather brother’s time can’t say for certain that it may take a long time to wake up and the chance of success is 10%; If you can’t wait, I can send you back to the Chinese Empire in Sifang. "
The expression behind Bai’s predecessor Ling Aner is still calm. He is used to life and death and naturally will not be easily moved by this situation.
"no! I’m not going back! "
Ling Aner shook her head firmly and looked up at Su Yu, a floating altar. She said softly, "My husband is important. How can my body leave alone? If my husband wakes up and can’t see my body, he will be worried."
Senior Bai sighed, "He may not wake up."
"If my husband doesn’t wake up, my wife will go with him!"
Ling Aner’s beautiful eyes flashed with sadness, and she was overwhelmed by deep affection. "Even if there is one tenth hope, I will keep my body here. My husband will not wake up for one day, and my body will keep one day; My husband doesn’t wake up for a year and my body stays for a year; My husband won’t wake up for a hundred years and my wife will keep it for a hundred years! "
A faint sigh white elder left here.
Leave a touch of white palace and put it all over the floor. The lonely altar of Emperor Fei kneels and waits for her. Even if the youth passes, the Emperor will keep a watch and she will regret it if she doesn’t come back.
Ling Aner will never forget the first time she met her husband, a man who changed her life path.
This man rudely walked into her heart like a robber and took her soul and heart, but now this cruel person is going to leave her to die.
How can my body do as you wish? My husband will drive Aner away and Aner will not leave.
She can only find a trace of sweetness with this man around her in this life.

Shen Menglu is crying? What? Zhu Yinzhen was angry and angry. "Is mother Xiao Kui bullying you? I’ll go find her!"

"You don’t have to be impulsive." Shen Menglu wiped a handful of tears at random and looked up at Zhu Yinzhen and lost a smile. "Shiro, look at the dawn. Let’s watch the sunrise here!"
Watch the sunrise? Zhu Yinzhen frowned. What time is this? Who is still in the mood to watch the sunrise? "Niang little kwai she told you …"
Zhu Yinzhen was gently covered her mouth by Shen Menglu without saying a word. "Shiro, we have stayed here for so long, at least leave some good memories, so there is no shadow when we recall this place."
Shen Menglu’s eyes are as warm as water. Zhu Yinzhen has heard some clues from her words. Zhu Yinzhen bowed her head and kissed Shen Menglu’s forehead and put her arms around her. "Listen to the mother and we will watch the sunrise."
They found a place with a wide view nearby, snuggling up to each other, waiting for the sun to rise, waiting for the darkness to disappear and waiting for Li to arrive.
Shen Menglu and Zhu Yinzhen didn’t wait for a long time for the fiery red sun to show their faces, and the surrounding clouds were dyed pink with brilliant light. Shan Lan’s misty clouds and fairies were as beautiful as a fairyland.
"How beautiful!" Shen Menglu sighed lightly, "This is probably the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life."
Zhu Yinzhen hugged Shen Menglu’s side eyes and looked at Shen Menglu affectionately. She was slightly addicted and echoed "En is really beautiful"
The golden soft sunshine projects Shen Menglu’s exquisite facial features. Blowing the bomb can break the skin. This moment is as beautiful as it is, and it is fascinating to the extreme.
Shen Menglu noticed that Zhu Yinzhen’s gaze evoked a lip angle and smiled back at him. Without saying anything, Zhu Yinzhen couldn’t help but hold her cheek and gave her a deep kiss.
The picture of two people hugging and kissing is particularly beautiful in the quiet morning, far away from the farmhouse. Yan Yiyi stayed quietly for a long time before turning around and quietly leaving.
This is a sunrise for three people, but it can be a landscape for two people.
Beauty is always short-lived. After watching the sunrise, Shen Menglu told Zhu Yinzhen the conditions of Xiao Kui, but only promised Xiao Kui to keep those two secrets. Shen Menglu was full of secrets.
After listening to Zhu Yinzhen, there was a long silence and then she stood up firmly. "Mom, I’ll tell Master Hui Zhi."
Shen Menglu took Zhu Yinzhen’s hand and shook his head. "No, Shiro, you can’t go, I’ll go." Zhu Yinzhen is a day, but his hand can have several lives, but he can’t directly touch blood.
"Mom …" See Zhu Yinzhen to defend Shen Menglu’s eyes. "Believe me, it is definitely better for me to come forward than you."
"Go together!" Zhu Yinzhen made concessions but did not compromise.
"Okay, but I said, will you listen?" Shen Menglu was afraid that Zhu Yinzhen would put on a dignified posture at the moment, and Yan Qingtang and Yan Yiyi would leave a knot in their hearts.
Zhu Yinzhen nodded and promised that the husband and wife would walk hand in hand towards Master Wisdom’s couch farmhouse.
The result of the negotiation can be imagined. Master Huizhi promised to stay without saying anything, but it was strongly opposed by Yan Qingtang and Yan Yiyi.
Yan Qingtang never agreed to sacrifice Master Wisdom, even the former spiritualism Yan Qingtang strongly opposed it, but Master Wisdom said that it was his wish to see his dead daughter. Yan Qingtang made a compromise, but he never gave up Master Wisdom, otherwise he would not have gone to Xiao Kui before.
Now it’s hard to escape from the water. With a dream, the clutches have new hope of escape. However, Shen Menglu wants Master Huizhi to change everyone’s freedom. Yan Qingtang’s anger can be imagined.
"Shen Menglu you are a baiwenhang! It’s a shame that we Yan Men have helped you so much and now you bite the hand that feeds you! " Yan Qingtang pointed to Shen Menglu’s nose and was furious.
Shen Menglu didn’t make a rebuttal by herself, but she bowed her head and apologized. "I’m sorry." Master Liu Huizhi also had to feel guilty. Although she didn’t cause this situation, she still felt hard to blame.
"Yan Qingtang, you don’t …" Zhu Yinzhen was ashamed that Shen Menglu could not help but talk back but was stopped by Shen Menglu.
"Qing hall is not allowed to the empress! This is my own plan. Even if the Empress didn’t say anything about my grandmother, I didn’t want to leave here. Let old na and empress say a few words alone. "
"Father …" Yan Qingtang persuaded Guo Guo to leave with anger. Although Zhu Yinzhen was not at ease, Shen Menglu insisted on quitting the door and left it to Master Hui Zhi and Shen Menglu.
"Master, I’m sorry," Shen Menglu said apologetically.
Master Huizhi got up and walked to Shen Menglu and gave her a deep Buddha ceremony. She said gently, "Empress needs to bear the burden. It’s time for the old woman to be seriously injured. Even if she is lucky enough to leave here, she will die soon. It’s an honor for the old woman to die with all her bones."
Master Hui Zhi had already divined his divination, and his time had been fixed. Before he came here, he was already prepared to go back and forth. If Xiao Kui hadn’t spoiled it, he would have died when he was evocative. Now, Master Hui Zhi is very happy to make modest compensation to those he owes before he dies.
Seeing Master Huizhi’s eyes, I expected Shen Menglu to move a little. "Master, did you really escape from the world of mortals in those days?"
Master Huizhi was silent for a while and evoked a smile. "Is this to give the old woman a chance to repent, Empress?"
Shen Menglu shook his head. "No, I think everyone will have some secrets in their hearts that are difficult to tell. Those secrets will make people feel heavy, depressed and lonely. Everyone in the world needs to be freed and released, but the master knows the truth and the monk must have learned to enjoy loneliness."
Master Huizhi burst out laughing when he heard this, and then he was full of melancholy and long sighs. "The Empress’s words are poor. The old woman has never been a Taoist monk, but she is just a layman who faces herself and avoids the world with the help of Buddhism."
It’s lucky that someone is willing to listen to himself. The listener happens to be someone who can understand you, so it’s even more lucky. Since Shen Menglu can read his mind, Master Wisdom no longer hides the reason why he became a monk.
Master Hui Zhi’s wife was his childhood sweetheart. After Yan Liu, the master of Hui Zhi, died because of the encounter with the royal aquarium girl, Master Hui Zhi’s wife died because of her grief. It was not until her last words that Master Hui realized that she was depressed not because of Yan Liu but because of him.
""xianggong "to find her! Don’t let more people die because of her love and hate. You should pay her back after all. "
Master Huizhi has always hidden his feelings about water dreams very well, but it turns out that his wife has always been like a mirror. For many years, her wife has been lenient with him because of a word of love.
"Xianggong, I know that Liu Er’s fate is not God’s will, but people. I know that she has come to retaliate against us. But Xianggong, I don’t blame her for being such a woman who dares to love and hate. I only feel limited distress. Xianggong was not a father when she was released, but I was found by my father. My father was afraid that I would be punished by the door regulations and took the blame."
"I like her, I sympathize with her, I pity her, and I envy her. I know that you are also happy with her. Go and find her, and return all the feelings you owe her." The last words of the lady shocked Master Wisdom, and she was very sad and distressed.
But despite his wife’s encouragement, Master Wisdom still hesitated. He was responsible for the rise and fall of Yan Gate, which made him ineligible to do whatever he wanted. It was not until Master Wisdom occasionally discovered that Yan Qingtang’s daughter-in-law had a dream of washing jade water, that Master Wisdom suddenly realized that he could not escape like this, otherwise things would get out of hand. In order to find a dream of water, he must first get out of Yan Gate.