Senior Bai wants this group of Terran Tianjiao to take part in a bloody battle in the abyss to sharpen themselves!

"I think you should follow the pace of your emperor and become strong as soon as possible, instead of letting your emperor give his life again and again to protect you cowards!"
"Go to fight! To fight! It’s not you who die, it’s me! Only by constantly struggling for the living from life and death can you deserve the word genius! "
Senior Bai’s tone is very serious, and there is no doubt that he must rush to the abyss to participate in a bloody battle!
44 Chapter 44 Dead guard returns to the people
"Former predecessors there is a bloody battle in the abyss! It will kill people, and it’s the kind of death that doesn’t even leave slag! "
Wang Chuan’s face turned white with fear, and it’s killing them to let a group of people with universal strength go to fight with this group of demons and devil leaders!
Guo Min, the youngest, is already shaking with fear.
It’s not that they are too timid, but that the bloody battle in the abyss is terrible. This is a place where facing death is even more frightening! There may be another generation if you die somewhere else, but if you die in a bloody battle in the abyss, even your soul may be swallowed up by demons!
"A group of cowards! No wonder your emperor died! "
White elder hate iron not to produce growl "either choose to go to the abyss to fight for a living or I’ll kill you! You choose! "
"I’m going to the abyss!"
Wang Chuanyi was the first to come out, and his eyes were full of fighting spirit and firmness. "I will be successful and strong!" I will never let the emperor die. It will happen again! Never! "
I swear on my honor and life! Even if it is a bloody battle in the abyss, the glory of Yan Huang Tianjiao will still bloom!
Wang Chuan’s mind secretly made a determined effort to watch the emperor die in front of himself, but he couldn’t help himself. The picture didn’t devour his heart at all times, which made him feel uneasy and almost crazy.
It’s not terrible to die. He’s afraid he’s always been so cowardly!
"I’ll go too!"
Wang Chuan bit his teeth, leaving Tianjiao to respond in succession, including Wang Xuan and Lei Zhen, who all chose to enter the abyss for a bloody battle.
"The Emperor said that he would definitely take us home and this time I will be strong and take the Emperor home!"
Guo Min’s immature voice is full of firmness, which makes everyone’s heart tremble.
"Live or die!"
Wang Chuanyi growled and was full of fighting spirit.
"Good live or die! Real tianjiao never gives himself a way back! "
Senior Bai smiled indifferently and nodded happily. "You go!" With a wave of his hand, he said.
A howling wind blew, and then all the Terran Tianjiao were irresistibly blown to the top of the mountain by this hurricane.
A group of tianjiao shouted that Wang Chuan’s withered sound was the most miserable and big "! ! ! Senior, you can’t make us prepare for one! This is too sudden! "
The hurricane blew the Terran Tianjiao directly into the abyss, and several demons poured in hungry and full of murder.
"The emperor yanhuang! Terran glory spreads all over the world! Kill! "
Wang Chuanyi roared that he was the first to take out the spurge and start to kill the demons around him. He was covered in blood and fighting spirit. When this side became a river of blood, he wanted to vent the Terran’s power at will!
On where the Terran will never die!
"roar! Kill! Live or die! "
The Terran Tianjiao people were inspired and began to shout and hold a group. The abyss fought bloody battles. With every time they killed a demon, a little light energy flowed from the sky and infiltrated into them, making their strength grow stronger unconsciously.
White predecessors look down at the top of the mountain and look indifferent. He will never tell this group of Terran Tianjiao that they have sealed a plane will shelter themselves.
Everyone in this group of Terran Tianjiao can have 100 fatal injury opportunities in the abyss, which is equivalent to having 100 lives!
This is to ensure that these guys can become stronger as soon as possible in a bloody battle in the abyss, instead of just entering the stadium and being killed. Of course, this kind of thing will not be told by the white predecessors. After all, if they know that they and others have a way out, they will naturally relax, which will not achieve the best life and death evolution effect.
In the next few days, Wang Chuan, Italy, and other people approached 10,000 people. Terran Tianjiao fought bloody battles in the abyss, and many people suffered fatal attacks. Wang Chuan withered and was once torn in half by a demon!
But still alive! Everything is in good shape!
Discovering this feature, Terran Tianjiao became even crazier, and they became more and more brave, fighting for their lives one by one, and the battlefield became stronger at an inhuman speed.
Every once in a while, the abyss bloody battle will start a real killing period, and the battlefield creatures in the killing period are many times stronger than usual! Creatures who win during the killing period can get 100% reward of abyss will!
And the winning creatures are a group, and the standards are different every time.
But this time, the Terran Tianjiao’s crazy rise like a dark horse caused many powerful creatures with lofty aspirations to roar and die on the spot, which made more than half of the abyss bloody battlefield look askance.
This is a group of humans!
This is a group of martial artists!
They fight for their lives, unite as one, advance and retreat as one!
It’s like writing a bloody chapter from weak to powerful and perfect abyss. Like Terran Tianjiao, most bloody creatures envy the unstoppable rise of power.
But in just half a month, the Terran Tianjiao has become a powerful force in the abyss bloody battle, and everyone’s strength has risen very horribly!
Bai’s predecessor has been silently observing that although his words are always dissatisfied with these people, he has to deny that Su Yu’s group of Terran Tianjiao really deserves the reputation of genius, whether it is the growth of strength or the transformation of mind.
After all, genius is always easy to get stronger.
On the seventh night of the Terran Tianjiao’s struggle, Ling Aner woke up from the coma of the Double Throne, and her face was still pale and her heart was still broken.
"Husband? Husband, you are there! "
Hole * * Some dim Ling ‘an’s son shouted anxiously and couldn’t see the surrounding scenes clearly. The first thing she did when she woke up was to look for Su Yu’s figure. Even if her husband died, she would keep watch over his body.
She can’t live for a quarter of an hour without her husband.
But because the coma was too long, her physical strength fell from the double throne.
"Ann ~!"
Ann suddenly appeared, and the fox’s tail crossed the point, and the flame lit up the cave. Ann got into Ling Aner’s arms.
"Where is an Anfu Jun?"
Linganer muttered to herself, holding Ann’s tears, Pearl kept rolling down from her delicate face, and she was heartbroken.
"I know where he is. He’s at the altar deep behind this cave."
Senior Bai sighed slightly at the right time.
He told Ling Aner everything in detail. Ling Aner was silent and barely propped up, kowtowing respectfully and giving thanks. Then he stumbled all the way to the depths of the cave with An An.
Ling Aner’s whole heart was broken when she saw Su Yu floating on the altar. She jumped on the altar and wanted to fly to touch Su Yu, but she was afraid to disturb Su Yu’s Nie.
A pair of beautiful eyes contain complex emotions such as excitement, sadness, expectation and faint fear, which are hard to express.
"Feather brother’s time can’t say for certain that it may take a long time to wake up and the chance of success is 10%; If you can’t wait, I can send you back to the Chinese Empire in Sifang. "
The expression behind Bai’s predecessor Ling Aner is still calm. He is used to life and death and naturally will not be easily moved by this situation.
"no! I’m not going back! "
Ling Aner shook her head firmly and looked up at Su Yu, a floating altar. She said softly, "My husband is important. How can my body leave alone? If my husband wakes up and can’t see my body, he will be worried."
Senior Bai sighed, "He may not wake up."
"If my husband doesn’t wake up, my wife will go with him!"
Ling Aner’s beautiful eyes flashed with sadness, and she was overwhelmed by deep affection. "Even if there is one tenth hope, I will keep my body here. My husband will not wake up for one day, and my body will keep one day; My husband doesn’t wake up for a year and my body stays for a year; My husband won’t wake up for a hundred years and my wife will keep it for a hundred years! "
A faint sigh white elder left here.
Leave a touch of white palace and put it all over the floor. The lonely altar of Emperor Fei kneels and waits for her. Even if the youth passes, the Emperor will keep a watch and she will regret it if she doesn’t come back.
Ling Aner will never forget the first time she met her husband, a man who changed her life path.
This man rudely walked into her heart like a robber and took her soul and heart, but now this cruel person is going to leave her to die.
How can my body do as you wish? My husband will drive Aner away and Aner will not leave.
She can only find a trace of sweetness with this man around her in this life.

Three days later, Xueyang followed Xingqi to talk about victory and comfort. Before they talked more and more, Xingqi was between the strong strength of Xueyang and respect for the blood anode. There was a feeling that Xingqi was always a junior to Xueyang, while Xueyang was unable to see through the metempsychosis of Xingqi, a strong man. Although they were quite good before, they were friends.

However, from Xingqi’s scruples, he realized the artistic conception with blood Yang. Moreover, before Xingqi was hidden, he gave six Dan to the blood Yang with no intention. Xingqi’s attitude was friendly and casual, and the blood Yang was put on guard against Xingqi. And Xingqi’s strength increased greatly from the bully boxing, and he really raised his head before the blood Yang, and he was able to meet each other on an equal footing. Of course, it was more joyful to talk with each other.
Wine is warm, people’s minds are more intimate, and wine is the tacit understanding of brothers. It’s a man’s discourse. It’s not connected with Xingqi and Xueyang, the strong man, and it’s not fortunate that they are drinking together, but they are more cordial. Brother and brother are also screaming smoothly. Listening to the ear, there is no such unfamiliar feeling. Xueyang also showed his true nature in front of Xingqi for the first time, which made Xingqi understand the true face of The Hunger Venerable.
"Brother Xingqi, thank you again for this cup. I can explain everything to you. You need to know about mainland history. Brothers will send you some ancient books another day. Go and see them yourself. It’s really refreshing to talk with you for three days. I haven’t been so relaxed for many years, but I am really anxious to go back to Tianyinshan to preside over the overall situation." Blood Yang raised his glass and made a toast to Xingqi again.
"Ha ha, I know that Brother Xueyang is eager to go back to the gate and practice quietly, but Brother Xueyang is now Conan Tian, and maybe he is still practicing artistic conception during this period. Your grievances will come to see if the practice is successful. The first one will even kill you. Isn’t it dangerous for you to close the mountain again? Let’s close the mountains here. I will keep it for you for a few months, but there is no problem."
Worried about Xingqi’s blood, Yang smiled and shook his head. "Ha ha, Xingqi bro, don’t worry. If it were a month ago, I would be worried that Conan Tian’s children would kill the door because I couldn’t escape, but I would also escape it. But I am still afraid of him, Conan Tian’s children."
The Hunger, a The Hunger, will not be afraid of fighting the emperor’s master’s blood yang words, but it will shock Xingqi to rely on the bully boxing and add Xuan Shu Xuan clothes. It is also confident to fight the emperor’s first world war, but it is so confident that Xueyang words will not brag. Xingqi still believes this.
It seems that this The Hunger is a powerful trick. Xingqi smiled and filled each other with wine. He guessed that blood Yang said that The Hunger was also a point. He didn’t say that Xingqi didn’t ask about other people’s tricks or let people avoid it. However, when Xingqi poured wine, he noticed that Ningchangzhiyuan’s eyes suddenly lit up when he heard The Hunger’s body. He became excited. Ningchangzhiyuan’s performance made Xingqi interested in blood Yang, the The Hunger’s body.
"Ha ha, brother, I really want to go back to the mountain to practice, mainly because I am worried about my brother’s smoke flying to Yang Fei. Yang has a younger brother’s purple crystal and several five-Dan three-spirit wines, as well as a younger brother. You later sent that six-Dan breakthrough. It’s an iron horse thing, but the flying field has been closed for nearly two years, but it hasn’t come out yet, but it worries me. I’m going to interrupt it when I’m ready to go out. I’m also going to break in and have a look." Blood Yang put a glass
"Well, the flying Yang brothers haven’t gone out yet, but you’re not too worried about the impact of flying Yang brothers’ talents on bucket statue. That’s not to say," Xing Qi knows that the blood Yang has been decided and he will no longer say more, so he will raise his glass and propose a toast to the two of them for three cups again.
Looking at the blood Yang and Ningchang Zhiyuan, Xingqi took a long breath and took back his profound eyes and walked to the side room. But Xingqi was anxious to see the recovery of Ziyi, such as practicing his own boxing. In those twenty days, Ziyi’s injury was half better, but Ziyi still didn’t wake up for three days. He asked for a drink with Blood Yang but didn’t visit Ziyi’s injury again.
Entering the room, Ziyi was still lying peacefully on the bed, wrapped in a faint aura. Xingqi came to the bed, holding up Ziyi’s arm and reading his mind. After this sweep, Xingqi’s face lit up, and Ziyi’s meridians and bones were actually connected. Half of them were just three days ago, so much better. This means that Ziyi’s injury has improved faster.
With the careful observation of Xingqi, I soon found the reason why Ziyi’s injury improved and accelerated. Originally, I didn’t have that pure aura to repair Ziyi’s injury. Ziyi had already connected the meridians, and there was a hint of purple quarrelling slowly flowing. This silk of purple quarrelling was growing and it also moisturized and repaired the meridians.
I feel that Ziyi’s body is growing rapidly, and my face is growing stronger. Looking at this situation, I am afraid that all meridians and bones of Ziyi will be well within a week, which means that Ziyi will wake up in a week. This is really good news, and his three brothers will really get together.
Xingqi gently let go of the purple clothes and gently left the house, excited to find Tubel to tell the news to Da. He searched all the houses, but Xingqi didn’t find Tubel and the surrounding trees disappeared, which made Xingqi wonder that Tubel didn’t hide and sleep nearby.
I can’t find the earth bell, but I found the shadow fox. After receiving the information, I have been guarding the small garden of Ziyi Institute, leaving the courtyard. I don’t know if the shadow fox is facing the earth bell, but I don’t know that the friend has not got the information of the earth bell.
I didn’t find Tubel, and the excitement suddenly disappeared, and I was a little lost.
I want to go back to He Shu to have a drink and chat with Xingqi, but I have been told by the shadow fox that the marquis Rand has been to Qier Mountain twice, but I haven’t seen Xingqi. Xingqi is either practicing or accompanying guests, and the three major guilds of the royal family Sangmantian and Moxuliang Jiangjun still stay in Heyangcheng.
The marquis of Rand is the elder of Mount Tai, the elder of Ge Laiyue, and also an elder of Xing Qi, but Xing Qi can’t put it aside, and Sang Mantian, Mo Xu and others are almost dry. Xing Qi wanted to think about the table, which was too interesting, and he should also meet them. So Xing Qi gave up looking for Tu Bei and returned to Heyang City.
Rand is looking for a strange star, which means that the city of Heyang has been handed over to Rand, but there is no master of fighting the emperor stationed in Lanten Town. Sangmantian and Moxu are here to plead guilty to the three major guilds, of course, to please the statue of Xingqi.
For Rand, narrow-minded Xingqi didn’t say much, but he also took care of Heyang City, but he also rebuilt his home with one hand, but he also hoped that Heyang City would be stable and prosperous. When Xingqi came forward, Rand was worried. However, Xiexingqi might not have much time to deal with Heyang City after he was a don, so he thought about finishing the Heyang City Affairs Department at one time.
Mulberry family and Mo family don’t have to rely on this big tree to tie themselves to Heyangcheng. There are also three guilds, namely, the Pharmacists’ Guild, the Sword Masters’ Guild and the Mercenaries’ Guild of Liangjiang County. These profitable forces can’t just let the public security of Heyangcheng be governed by these five forces, so that they can hang themselves up without worrying about Heyangcheng.
After half a day, Xingqi quickly took care of the city of Heyang and threw Rand some Dan medicine. After that, Xingqi returned to the Kiel Mountains again, but he didn’t find Tubel, and he didn’t know where Tubel went. Just as Xingqi was preparing to read his mind and sweep the Kiel Mountains to find Tubel, the dead bear, he only looked at Tubel from a distance when he appeared on a hillside miles away.
Tubel came back, but he didn’t come back alone. He actually brought back a BaoXiong brigade. There were more than 20 BaoXiong with three kings in it. Looking at this circle, Xiong Xingqi’s face smiled. As far as Xingqi knew, the ghost beast in the Chier Mountains seemed to have been taken over by the white, but Tubel grabbed the white younger brother.
"Ha-ha, boss, how do you look at this group? They are all my younger brothers. Boss, you don’t know that two days ago, I found them dirtier than I used to be. Look at this for only two days. This sanitary posture is still well taught by my boss." Before Star Qi, Tubel proudly looked at this group of younger brothers who are tall and bear belly.
"Well, it’s good, but if I remember correctly, the spirit beast in the Kiel Mountains seems to have been taken over by Bai Yu. It’s a little unreasonable for you to take advantage of Bai Yu’s failure to dig a corner. Aren’t you afraid that Bai Yu will get even with you when the autumn comes? What should I do when Bai Yu gets even with me?" Starkey smiled at this rather spirited Tu Bei.
"Ah, this white and I are brothers and younger brothers, that is, my younger brother. What’s the matter? He’s not right now. I’m not just helping to manage the situation. Hey, hey, I’ll accept these three little boys as my younger brother. I’m just * * them." Being asked by Xing Qi, Tubel’s face became better, and Tubel’s brain turned very fast.
The three small things mentioned by Tubel turned out to be three small ones. The Cangbei Xiongqier Mountain is not a small size integer. All the soul beasts are integrated by Bai Qi. I also know that there are a number of violent bears in this mountain, but I don’t know that there are still Cangbei bears watching Tubel. Xingqi estimates that Tubel is even homesick. When Ziyi is ready, I will follow Tubel back to my hometown to see Cangbei bears.
When time flies, it’s three days. Ziyi is still recovering. However, she occasionally drinks, chats, and then throws herself into the study of the body-building techniques. Xing Qi is so diligent in studying the body-building techniques, mainly because Tubel Xingqi has given Tubel a physical test, but she is surprised to find that Tubel’s physical strength has reached the level of Samsung.
Tubel is busy recording it. Every day, he is so busy practicing his younger brother Tubel’s moves. These little bears are in poor health. Tubel still has some human feelings. Of course, Xingqi also has another task, which is to watch Tubel practice the violent bears.
Today is another sunny day, and a red sun has already risen. The research on the achievement method of Xingqi has stopped. Tubel has also stopped practicing Baoxiong. Both of them are excited to keep the purple clothes outside the hut, which is attached to the original waiting room. He Shu also keeps a side. The shadow fox takes everyone to guard the periphery of the station. It turned out that Purple clothes were injured and recovered last night.
After Kang Zi Yi didn’t wake up, he was still dizzy, but his body was running faster and faster. Zi Yi’s body slowly released a trace of momentum. Today, this silk pressure has reached the level of honour, and now it is still growing, which is constantly impacting the hidden array distributed by Xing Qi.
【 Chapter 513 Purple clothes metamorphosis 】
Bang! Bang! A * * momentum fluctuation emerged from the house to hide the exquisite wooden house. It has long been lifted by a strong momentum to fly a piece of wooden wall. Although the hidden law is strong, it has been squeezed by the purple clothes momentum fluctuation for a day, and it has become a house. The momentum is as violent as the vent crossing.
From the hole in the collapsed wooden wall, we can clearly see that the whole body of Purple Clothes is curled up and shrinking, and the momentum is that the purple clothes are physically shaking out, and the purple clothes face is no longer peaceful, and the face is tight and the forehead is twisted into a face. The muscles are very twisted, and the purple clothes are getting stronger and stronger.
It’s been two days since the breath of purple clothes fluctuated, and it’s also two days since Xingqi, Tubel and Shadow Fox guarded the purple clothes hut. He Shu couldn’t hold the purple clothes from the hidden array, and the momentum has already left the valley first, and the king-level master can’t move to the other side of the hill. Shadow Fox can also watch from a distance, and Tubel and Shadow Fox are not calm before, and they are all covered with a layer of eagerness.
The fluctuation of momentum is the omen that Purple Clothes wants to wake up, and then it stops when it reaches the level of one-star statue, but it is surprising that Purple Clothes didn’t wake up and spread out momentum, and it didn’t stop, far exceeding the level of one-star statue, and it is still slowly increasing, and now it has reached the peak of one-star statue.
Now Xingqi has to accept the fact that the purple clothes are dizzy and the impact on the two stars is very funny, but this scene makes Xingqi and Tubel have to believe that the impact on the two stars is also a good thing, but the impact on the purple clothes is extremely strange
But judging from the purple clothes’ expression, purple clothes are suffering great pain at this time. It is not that purple clothes are willing to impact the two stars, which makes Xingqi and Tubel’s heart hang up.
Two people worry about the purple clothes carelessly, thinking about observing the purple clothes, only to find that the purple clothes are wrapped in a layer of crystal violet light, and they can’t understand the real situation of the purple clothes. They dare not rashly break the purple clothes, but they are worried and helpless.
"Is it that strange aura?" Xingqi now regrets that he didn’t make the pure aura source. Later, when he looked at the aura, it was of great benefit to the purple clothes, and he didn’t go to study it again. Now, looking at the purple clothes is so painful. Besides this aura, he checked the purple clothes body, and Xingqi couldn’t find the second possibility.
With the worry of Tubel and the speculation of Xingqi’s annoyance and regret, the momentum of purple clothes has finally reached the peak of a star-studded statue, and the pressure has reached the peak of the hidden array laid by Xingqi. A sudden burst of sound, the hidden array collapsed, and the powerful momentum crashed and smashed the hut. However, at this time, Tubel and Xingqi did not care about all this, but they stared at the floating purple clothes.
The two people were surprised that the crystal violet light in their eyes suddenly burst into thick reiki, and suddenly the purple clothes burst out and wrapped in reiki. The purple clothes actually began to transform for a while, and the amethyst lion was floating in the air for more than ten feet. But after the transformation, the purple clothes’ breath fluctuation was still not over, and it became more urgent. Ten feet of purple clothes’ fur actually shook up.
Dizzy purple clothes body suddenly and violently shaking four feet uprising up huge amethyst lion head is twisted and a * * amethyst mustache hair actually fell straight from the body and a little bit of blood oozed from the body surface, and a small amethyst phosphate was sticking out from the purple clothes body.
"Purple clothes change!" Seeing such a scene, Xingqi and Tubel suddenly realized that Ziyi didn’t break through the two stars, but changed. This is a good thing than breaking through the two stars. Of course, changing Ziyi is a great pain.
Metamorphosis has those soul beasts with the blood of god beast. It can only happen after constant practice and refinement of their own blood. Every metamorphosis with the blood of god beast will take a step towards god beast.
Chlamydia purpurea is an amethyst lion. Amethyst lion is a strange soul beast, but it belongs to a lion, but it is different from a lion. It is not a descendant of a god beast. Then it is possible that purple clothes can be transformed. This amethyst statue has broken through the rank and broken through nature. It is also reasonable for amethyst lion card to be transformed.
White come over soil bell and star qi two people are overjoyed to purple clothes now reaction is relieved, but after the overjoyed, they are even more frightened that purple clothes will change obviously. It will take some time, and it may be difficult to avoid others disturbing purple clothes when they change. Even if you can feel it in the surrounding hundreds of miles, the thought of this star qi is eager to decorate a bigger hidden array around purple clothes again, while soil bell is a face of violent guardian.
After a few minutes, the hidden array of Xingqi Buxuan finally became a purple garment with a violent breath. Once again, when the law was not laid out, Xingqi and Tubel watched the purple garment change and guarded it.
Metamorphosis is a long pain. Pieces of nail scales are drilled out from the flesh and blood and plunged into the flesh. The hair is squeezed out, and the blood oozes into the soul. One day, the nail scales continue to absorb the blood and rise to the palm of your hand, and the purple clothes are covered with purple clothes. Two long folded sharp corners are also exposed, and the limbs are also stretched out with cold claws.
Although I was overjoyed at the transformation of the purple clothes, I saw that the purple clothes had endured such terrible pain for nearly a day, which made Tubel and Xingqi speechless, and the two of them had a better understanding of the transformation of the soul beast. It was true that they could not get rid of their original stinky soil without suffering from the soul.
Howl! After the transformation of purple clothes, I finally woke up and opened my two purple eyes. Suddenly, I opened my eyes wide and yelled at the top of the sky. Finally, I burst into a pure purple quarrelling from the purple clothes. I washed and swept the amethyst scales with little blood, and the huge two-star breath also spread and exploded! The violent atmosphere and heavy collision array method caused a wave.
"Ha ha, wake up, boss. Purple clothes wake up. Purple clothes have changed successfully!" Tubel looked at the law and the figure was reduced by half. He was wearing a brother’s purple dazzling crystal scale with two sharp corners on his head, and Tubel burst into laughter. Listening to Tubel’s cheerful call, Xingqi looked at this scene and his heart was quite happy.
After the purple clothes suddenly and violently roared, they closed their eyes and kept rotating. It took several minutes to make the momentum converge and turn into * humanoid purple clothes again. They still closed their eyes and checked the body. After the purple clothes turned into * people, Xingqi also quickly put away the law, but Tubel ran to the purple clothes with a face of laughter and looked at the purple clothes.
"Eldest brother! Tubel, are you all right? " When I opened my eyes, Ziyi saw that Xingqi was waiting for me, and this silly bear, Tubel Bear’s brain, was right in front of me. I was scared to stare at myself, but when I opened it, I saw my closest relative or happiness. Ziyi’s face showed a little happy smile.
"Ha-ha, of course, our boss and I have been guarding your dead lion for a month. Fortunately, if you don’t wake up soon, Tubel will break your lion’s skin." Tubel suddenly became a pair of teeth when he suddenly opened his eyes in purple.
"Ha ha wake up! Haha, we three brothers are finally together! " Star wonder didn’t know what the hell was wrong with this fellow, but he was very happy to reach out and hold purple clothes and soil bell together.
Purple clothes not only changed, but also broke into two stars, which was a great event. Xingqi held a carnival party that night, celebrating the return of Purple clothes and successfully surviving the transformation. Although there were not many celebrants, Xingqi, the big boss, took out more than ten altars and the atmosphere was still very strong. Of course, the party also became a reception.
Noisy fire is as high as a cocktail party. Hot flames swept through the mountains. Cold light, clear temperature, and fragrant fragrance overshadowed the beautiful moonlight. Starkey sat by with wine and barbecue. He watched holding the jar. Tubel walked happily through Ziyi, Heshu and Shadow Fox. Four people robbed a jar. Listening to laughter, Starkey blushed and his eyes became blurred. No Xuantian expelled alcohol. Starkey fell down for the first time.
This valley is hot and different from Qiheng Empire, but a valley is colder than a wisp of ice. The cold is flowing out of the cave on one side of the valley, and the branches of the spring valley are developing. New buds and land are sprouting, and the tips of grass are covered with a thick layer of frost, and dozens of frozen souls and birds are flying. The whole valley is like an ice valley.
Bang! The purple reiki in the valley suddenly shook, and a colder ice gas suddenly rushed up from the cave and rolled out. Originally, the vegetation covered with frost turned out to be ice crystals, and the original life of the vegetation gradually faded into ice! A huge breath also slammed into the valley from the hole.
Poof! Poof! Two bright reds spit out from the mouths of two pretty women in the floating valley, and two women couldn’t help shaking up.
"Hold on, Senior Sister, it will take another half an hour. At this time, you can’t be discouraged and let others find that it is abnormal here." Ying Ying looked pale and looked aside, trembling with the same cold autumn rain.
Ying Ying didn’t care to touch a trace of blood on the corners of her mouth, but she was anxious to get cold in her mouth. Several Dan medicine bodies once again burst out with a powerful momentum to suppress the valley storm, and the momentum was huge again, covering more than half of the valley.
"Hum!" Ice autumn rain is a cold hum to Ying Ying’s words. It also swallows two Dan medicines. Ice autumn rain shakes his body and his eyes flash across the road. The naked body also sends out a powerful momentum to cover the valley momentum again.
Jathyapple Valley is full of cold and ice. Two women shudder in the autumn rain and insist on a trickle of sweat, but it condenses into ice crystals in the air and falls to the ground. The valley is ringing and clicking.
【 Chapter 514 Blood Awakening 】
The return of Purple Clothes made Xingqi and all the people happy for two days. In the valley, three people talked about their experiences with each other over the years. All three people lamented that Xingqi was tortured and miserable by Landman and Cangxiong, while Ziyi and Tubel lamented that the boss had experienced a strange sensation. All three people were amazed.
Two days passed by, and the valley was calm again, and Xingqi began to make some arrangements. First, the Shadow Fox first broke the ice base, and all the fighting kings were evacuated from the Chil Mountain, so that the Shadow Fox took the ice and the rest of the members still fell in Liangjiang County to contact with Mo Jiasang’s family to collect information for themselves, and then the Shadow Fox transferred it to himself.

But that’s another story

At the moment as Gu Qingshan selected ares interface line after line firefly fine print quickly appeared.
"God’s doom strikes, you must overcome it to get the reward of heaven, and then explore your own way."
Thunder exploded in the clouds.
This is Tianwei’s shocking everything.
The power of God’s Armageddon is more than twice that of Yuan Ying’s Armageddon.
Gu Qingshan has no feeling at all.
Ever since he saw the double robbery of Baihua Fairy Crossing, he thinks his fate is too simple.
I also spent my life robbing him.
The biggest difficulty of this robbery lies in its time.
It will last for a day and a night, which will test the spirit and physical strength of monks.
It’s even more painful to keep facing the bombardment of lightning for a long time.
Gu Qingshan pulled out a small bag and took out a pair of line headphones from the inside.
He put on his headphones.
"Some rock and roll?" Asked the goddess of justice
"It’s okay not to relieve a little female solo or piano music," Gu Qingshan said.
The music sounded.
A fresh girl sings softly like nature.
"Xie Shuangyan?"
"It’s her latest album"
The first thunder fell.
Gu Qingshan threw his sword at the thunder.
Flow like stars scattered everywhere.
"This song is good," Gu Qingshan said.
"This is the title song," the goddess of justice woke up.
"So that’s it."
Chapter two hundred and ninety Wounds of sword fairy
The thunder in the sky is getting denser and denser, and one after another.
Gu Qingshan will turn up the volume of headphones, wield a bright sword and fly half the lightning.
This world war I is half a day.
The thunder is still there.
The rain suddenly stopped.
Gu Qingshan face a change.
It happened that it stopped raining when he was in Du Jie.
Once the rain stops, the world will have unknown changes.
New monsters and new disasters will appear and devour everything in human culture.
But now it is the most secret time to rob thunder, and Gu Qingshan can also take care of him.
Gu Qingshan bullet waved a secret sword.
Painting shadow
Exhausted black sword shadow, blooming like a flower, will hit the thunder department and scatter it.
Gu Qingshan didn’t have a chance to take out his personal is.
"goddess of justice"
"My Pavilion"
"Is it raining all over the world?"
"It’s all stopped"
"Adjust the ball satellite immediately and show me the abnormal situation."
"Everything in the pavilion is normal and there is no abnormality."
Gu Qingshan alpha males
How is that possible?
In previous lives, when the rain stopped, the catastrophe horse would come.
"Not yet?"

The only effective way is to find another way to suppress and repair the magic abyss. Only when the Antarctic pillar is so seriously damaged can it have a chance to recover completely.

Such as suppressing the abyss of cold source!
This is a huge problem before Sun Hao.
Sun Haofei, an avatar with indomitable spirit, looked at himself quickly and found a way to find it. After half a ring, his body shook slightly and muttered, "It seems that this is the only way."
The right hand stretches forward, and the Sumeru Tower appears in the palm, and the Sumeru Tower appears in the palm of the hand.
In my mouth, I murmured that the Sumeru Tower grew up rapidly, and in a short time, it has become a towering giant pagoda, which was supported by the magical powers.
A huge word "town" emerged from Sun Hao’s stupa.
"Xiao Hao" sounded from Sun Hao’s heart. "Are you sure you want to do this? Dead town, a magic abyss, your true body will be extracted like a mortal sumeru, and the tower will be restricted. If you lose less power in a fairy mountain, you will be imprisoned here for more than a thousand years … "
Sun Hao said softly in his heart, "But Master Xiaohao can’t find his practical strategy except this way."
The young old man whispered, "If Xiaohao doesn’t display the dead town, he may be able to change the gods in one thousand years, and then he may be able to find a way."
Sun Hao’s face is a bit wry. "If you miss today’s little Hao, even if you want to town without heaven and earth’s blessing, you can’t cast out the dead town tactic. Once Xiao Hao fails to turn into a god in one thousand, once the Antarctic pillar supports less than one thousand years, that little Hao is bound to become a sinner through the ages …"
Qing Lao Youyou said, "As soon as the dead town comes out, you will no longer be able to accept the tower slave; Once the dead town is out of the abyss, you will be able to control yourself. The pagoda is like a mortal, and you can’t push it. I said how to choose your own decision. "
Corleone body a slight shock.
Perhaps Sun Hao will really fall to death in the town, or Sun Hao will watch his relatives and friends fall in front of him one by one, but he is capable.
But the reality is not that Sun Hao escapes.
The body bowed slightly to Sumeru Tower, and Sun Hao said in his heart, "Master, I have made up my mind."
Green old a slight sigh "that’s a good little hao you cast, I cooperate"
Sun Hao once again said "Thank you, Master"
With that, his arms vibrated and floated, and Sun Hao’s mouth lang said, "I’m physically dead, and the town is no longer dead. Give me the formula for shaping the town, and give it to my town, town, town …"
The avatar hand threw a huge sumeru tower and flew high. When it crashed, it fell dark and returned to a field.
Go to a field with a violent shock.
Method: stretch out the four-handed sumeru condensation tower and press it
Sun Hao shouted "Go for me"
The body stepped on the tip of Sumeru condensation tower with a heavy step.
Go back to the field in the roar.
The ice slag splashed all over the sky was directly pressed by the pressure of Sumeru Condenser Tower, and the square of the magic abyss was stuck in the solid ice like an inlay.
And with the return of a field to a fairy mountain, the cold current is spreading everywhere, freezing everywhere, and the cold current comes to an abrupt end
Sumeru condensate tower dead town to return to a field to suppress the cold source spillover
Deep in the abyss, Lord Lan Lan looked at it with a dull face and said to himself, "How is it possible?" How is that possible? He really did it. He really did it … "
As the Sumeru tower slowly falls, Sun Hao’s body flashes slightly, and the five attributes of the body are absorbed by the Sumeru tower like the tide.
In less than an hour, your body will consume one yuan.
Look at it, it still stands in the sky, covering the sun, and it’s mighty and majestic. Sun Hao can’t help but move slightly in his heart.
The force of heaven and earth is ok now.
It’s a pity that the power of the avatar has dissipated. In this case, before being sealed, it can make some final contributions to the mainland.
God knows how to move in the sky, and a huge head looks down and Lang says in his mouth, "South China returns to dust. The first baby monk in South China doesn’t think about mainland China’s grace, and he doesn’t feel that mainland Germany’s involvement in the underworld has brought disaster to the mainland. Today, I, Sun Haosun Chenxiang, am doing good for heaven …"
Huge law covers heaven and earth
Hongda sound cuts across the southern mainland
Huge head looked at his eyes, such as looking at the desert.
The edge of the desert is fighting fiercely with Sun Hao, the incarnation of a dragon, to return to the dust. Suddenly, the spirit is strong and the floating dust flies away to the sand dunes.
Just got into the sand dune, a huge friend’s palm has swept away, and together with the sand dune, he grasped the force and pinched it at one stroke.
Returning to the dust has been held by a huge palm like a small ant for half of it.
The huge head came to Sun Haowei’s stern voice, "The first sinner in the mainland goes to the dust man and dies."
Give it a big squeeze.
Brother Yuanying once ranked first in the South China, and he didn’t even come to hum. He has been squeezed like a bedbug.
Fireworks bloom, Yuan Ying’s big brother’s body is pinched into a light spot and disappears.
All that live monks in the southern continent, include those who are engaged in fierce fighting, can’t help but look up at Gao, a majestic statue of Sun Haosun with three heads and six arms and Chen Xiang.
Squeeze and explode, return to dust, huge metamorphosis, Sun Hao, Sun Chenxiang did not stop there.
The tall giant’s head opens his mouth again, and the majestic sound cuts across the mainland. "The southern mainland has won the day after the war inferno, but the day has a good life. Today, I am Sun Haosun Chenxiang lenient. You consciously enter my palm and I am imprisoned. You don’t kill it, if not, you will kill it …"
After that, a huge palm of the desert fell from the sky and paved the desert flatly.
At the same time, the area of his five inferno fighters in the southern mainland also fell from the sky, and a huge palm was spread flat.
What kind of avatar is this?
The inferno soldiers are frightened but hesitant.
Should I go? Will you be crushed directly like a dustman after you go?
But what will happen if you don’t go?
The whole southern continent suddenly calmed down at this time.
Almost all monks and mortals look up to the sky and look up to the giant Sun Haosun agarwood with three heads and six arms.
Chapter DiYiSanLiu Avatar II
Surprise and worship in the hearts of mortals
Fairy family means that fairy family can save the world, right?
Is Sun Haosun Chenxiang going to wipe out the magic disaster now?
Is he the real immortal?
The worship in the monk’s heart is also full of incredible feelings.
Friar Shen has never seen a horse running or eating grass. Naturally, he knows that even a truly powerful and true gentleman can’t do Sun Haosun’s agarwood to this extent!
What kind of avatar is this?
Earth-shattering has been difficult to shape him.
It seems that the five little monks have never been so powerful!
Has Sun Haosun Chenxiang grown to such a height?
Friar inferno hesitated slightly in a head and said, "The hard way? Then you can go to hell! "
When talking, one of the six palms suddenly turned over, reached out and fished out a huge palm, instantly scooped up a big wave of imperial sword and fled in a panic. However, on how these magic repairs can fly, they can’t fly out of the huge palm. The giant’s mouth gently snorted the huge palm and held thousands of fleeing magic repairs, and the light was directly crushed.
It’s not lucky that several people who have learned advanced knowledge can move in a flash.
Sun Haowei Yan Yin came again. "The last chance is not enough …"
The magic repair was frightened. Near a huge palm, the magic repair was less, and the royal sword rushed into the palm of Fa’s hand quickly and dare not neglect it.
With a grip, the method did not crush them, but with a turn, it moved their department to Sumeru Condensation Tower to return to a field.
He saw that Sun Hao had kept his promise and didn’t strike into the palm of his hand. He couldn’t help but rush into the palm of Sun Hao’s hand with his royal sword.
Sun Hao waved his palm continuously and transferred all these flying magic repairs to a field.
The monks in the southern continent are not only stunned by the fact that they are fighting against Magic Xiu.
Everyone has been killed for more than ten years, and everyone has to wipe out the magic disaster for a hundred years.
Now it doesn’t take a moment for the magic pups to lose their prisoners when the giant hand of Lord Aquilaria reaches out.
Brother Mighty’s realm really can’t be speculated by common sense.
Brother Mighty’s terror really can’t be understood normally.

Shen Menglu is crying? What? Zhu Yinzhen was angry and angry. "Is mother Xiao Kui bullying you? I’ll go find her!"

"You don’t have to be impulsive." Shen Menglu wiped a handful of tears at random and looked up at Zhu Yinzhen and lost a smile. "Shiro, look at the dawn. Let’s watch the sunrise here!"
Watch the sunrise? Zhu Yinzhen frowned. What time is this? Who is still in the mood to watch the sunrise? "Niang little kwai she told you …"
Zhu Yinzhen was gently covered her mouth by Shen Menglu without saying a word. "Shiro, we have stayed here for so long, at least leave some good memories, so there is no shadow when we recall this place."
Shen Menglu’s eyes are as warm as water. Zhu Yinzhen has heard some clues from her words. Zhu Yinzhen bowed her head and kissed Shen Menglu’s forehead and put her arms around her. "Listen to the mother and we will watch the sunrise."
They found a place with a wide view nearby, snuggling up to each other, waiting for the sun to rise, waiting for the darkness to disappear and waiting for Li to arrive.
Shen Menglu and Zhu Yinzhen didn’t wait for a long time for the fiery red sun to show their faces, and the surrounding clouds were dyed pink with brilliant light. Shan Lan’s misty clouds and fairies were as beautiful as a fairyland.
"How beautiful!" Shen Menglu sighed lightly, "This is probably the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life."
Zhu Yinzhen hugged Shen Menglu’s side eyes and looked at Shen Menglu affectionately. She was slightly addicted and echoed "En is really beautiful"
The golden soft sunshine projects Shen Menglu’s exquisite facial features. Blowing the bomb can break the skin. This moment is as beautiful as it is, and it is fascinating to the extreme.
Shen Menglu noticed that Zhu Yinzhen’s gaze evoked a lip angle and smiled back at him. Without saying anything, Zhu Yinzhen couldn’t help but hold her cheek and gave her a deep kiss.
The picture of two people hugging and kissing is particularly beautiful in the quiet morning, far away from the farmhouse. Yan Yiyi stayed quietly for a long time before turning around and quietly leaving.
This is a sunrise for three people, but it can be a landscape for two people.
Beauty is always short-lived. After watching the sunrise, Shen Menglu told Zhu Yinzhen the conditions of Xiao Kui, but only promised Xiao Kui to keep those two secrets. Shen Menglu was full of secrets.
After listening to Zhu Yinzhen, there was a long silence and then she stood up firmly. "Mom, I’ll tell Master Hui Zhi."
Shen Menglu took Zhu Yinzhen’s hand and shook his head. "No, Shiro, you can’t go, I’ll go." Zhu Yinzhen is a day, but his hand can have several lives, but he can’t directly touch blood.
"Mom …" See Zhu Yinzhen to defend Shen Menglu’s eyes. "Believe me, it is definitely better for me to come forward than you."
"Go together!" Zhu Yinzhen made concessions but did not compromise.
"Okay, but I said, will you listen?" Shen Menglu was afraid that Zhu Yinzhen would put on a dignified posture at the moment, and Yan Qingtang and Yan Yiyi would leave a knot in their hearts.
Zhu Yinzhen nodded and promised that the husband and wife would walk hand in hand towards Master Wisdom’s couch farmhouse.
The result of the negotiation can be imagined. Master Huizhi promised to stay without saying anything, but it was strongly opposed by Yan Qingtang and Yan Yiyi.
Yan Qingtang never agreed to sacrifice Master Wisdom, even the former spiritualism Yan Qingtang strongly opposed it, but Master Wisdom said that it was his wish to see his dead daughter. Yan Qingtang made a compromise, but he never gave up Master Wisdom, otherwise he would not have gone to Xiao Kui before.
Now it’s hard to escape from the water. With a dream, the clutches have new hope of escape. However, Shen Menglu wants Master Huizhi to change everyone’s freedom. Yan Qingtang’s anger can be imagined.
"Shen Menglu you are a baiwenhang! It’s a shame that we Yan Men have helped you so much and now you bite the hand that feeds you! " Yan Qingtang pointed to Shen Menglu’s nose and was furious.
Shen Menglu didn’t make a rebuttal by herself, but she bowed her head and apologized. "I’m sorry." Master Liu Huizhi also had to feel guilty. Although she didn’t cause this situation, she still felt hard to blame.
"Yan Qingtang, you don’t …" Zhu Yinzhen was ashamed that Shen Menglu could not help but talk back but was stopped by Shen Menglu.
"Qing hall is not allowed to the empress! This is my own plan. Even if the Empress didn’t say anything about my grandmother, I didn’t want to leave here. Let old na and empress say a few words alone. "
"Father …" Yan Qingtang persuaded Guo Guo to leave with anger. Although Zhu Yinzhen was not at ease, Shen Menglu insisted on quitting the door and left it to Master Hui Zhi and Shen Menglu.
"Master, I’m sorry," Shen Menglu said apologetically.
Master Huizhi got up and walked to Shen Menglu and gave her a deep Buddha ceremony. She said gently, "Empress needs to bear the burden. It’s time for the old woman to be seriously injured. Even if she is lucky enough to leave here, she will die soon. It’s an honor for the old woman to die with all her bones."
Master Hui Zhi had already divined his divination, and his time had been fixed. Before he came here, he was already prepared to go back and forth. If Xiao Kui hadn’t spoiled it, he would have died when he was evocative. Now, Master Hui Zhi is very happy to make modest compensation to those he owes before he dies.
Seeing Master Huizhi’s eyes, I expected Shen Menglu to move a little. "Master, did you really escape from the world of mortals in those days?"
Master Huizhi was silent for a while and evoked a smile. "Is this to give the old woman a chance to repent, Empress?"
Shen Menglu shook his head. "No, I think everyone will have some secrets in their hearts that are difficult to tell. Those secrets will make people feel heavy, depressed and lonely. Everyone in the world needs to be freed and released, but the master knows the truth and the monk must have learned to enjoy loneliness."
Master Huizhi burst out laughing when he heard this, and then he was full of melancholy and long sighs. "The Empress’s words are poor. The old woman has never been a Taoist monk, but she is just a layman who faces herself and avoids the world with the help of Buddhism."
It’s lucky that someone is willing to listen to himself. The listener happens to be someone who can understand you, so it’s even more lucky. Since Shen Menglu can read his mind, Master Wisdom no longer hides the reason why he became a monk.
Master Hui Zhi’s wife was his childhood sweetheart. After Yan Liu, the master of Hui Zhi, died because of the encounter with the royal aquarium girl, Master Hui Zhi’s wife died because of her grief. It was not until her last words that Master Hui realized that she was depressed not because of Yan Liu but because of him.
""xianggong "to find her! Don’t let more people die because of her love and hate. You should pay her back after all. "
Master Huizhi has always hidden his feelings about water dreams very well, but it turns out that his wife has always been like a mirror. For many years, her wife has been lenient with him because of a word of love.
"Xianggong, I know that Liu Er’s fate is not God’s will, but people. I know that she has come to retaliate against us. But Xianggong, I don’t blame her for being such a woman who dares to love and hate. I only feel limited distress. Xianggong was not a father when she was released, but I was found by my father. My father was afraid that I would be punished by the door regulations and took the blame."
"I like her, I sympathize with her, I pity her, and I envy her. I know that you are also happy with her. Go and find her, and return all the feelings you owe her." The last words of the lady shocked Master Wisdom, and she was very sad and distressed.
But despite his wife’s encouragement, Master Wisdom still hesitated. He was responsible for the rise and fall of Yan Gate, which made him ineligible to do whatever he wanted. It was not until Master Wisdom occasionally discovered that Yan Qingtang’s daughter-in-law had a dream of washing jade water, that Master Wisdom suddenly realized that he could not escape like this, otherwise things would get out of hand. In order to find a dream of water, he must first get out of Yan Gate.

Su Daji, who has this protective treasure, can turn adversity into prosperity even when he is in danger.

Chu Yi came quietly and left quietly without disturbing anyone.
It can be said that no one in Su Hu House knows that Chu Yi has been to the house except himself, and even Su Daji has joined the sect.
On this day, Chu Yi was teaching Di Xin and Yang Jian brothers and sisters to practice in the song city, but his heart moved slightly when he saw the jade operator.
It turned out that Zhao Gongxun called him to return to Jin Ao Island.
Chu Yi has not returned from Jin Ao Island for several years, and now he has received Zhao Gong’s news. Chu Yi naturally gives birth to some thoughts.
Knowing that Chu Yi is going to return to Jin Ao Island, whether it is Di Xin or Yang Jian, the brothers and sisters are all looking forward to watching Chu Yi.
They naturally know that Chu Yi is the younger brother of Jiejiao. From Chu Yi’s point of view, they can also be regarded as Jiejiao disciples, but they have never been to Jin Ao Island, which is a pity for Di Xin and Yang Jian brothers and sisters.
Jin Ao Island Interception Holy Land Interceptor If you have never been to Jin Ao Island, then what face do you have to call yourself an Interceptor?
Yang Jian looked at Chu Yi and said, "Why don’t you take us when the teacher returns to Jin Ao this time?"
Although Di Xin said that he had no mouth, he looked forward to watching Chu Yi. The meaning was obvious.
Chuyi hesitated slightly, but nodded at several people.
Seeing that Chu Yi promised to come to Di Xin, he couldn’t help but show some joy when his eyes lit up. He wanted to go back to him, but he told Chu Yi more than once that he wanted to go to Jin Ao Island, which means that Chu Yi has always been the subject of bifurcation.
Now Chu Yi is willing to take him to Di Xin naturally with joy.
Now Di Xin seems to be a teenager. Because of the practice of nine turns of Xuangong, the whole person is strong and full of spirit, and he is born with extraordinary background, which is quite a bit of a young man.
Jin Ao i.
Although it is said that quite a few brothers from Jin Ao Island will stay in Jin Ao Island to practice, it is naturally impossible for everyone to stay in Jin Ao Island honestly unless they are taught by the Tongtian leader.
However, those who practice successfully rarely stay in Jin Ao Island, just like Zhao Gong, Yunxiao, Sanxian and others all have their own practice places overseas.
Most of the younger brothers who really stayed in Jin Ao Island are those who have a foothold outside Jin Ao Island, but Jin Ao Island is also quite lively.
When Chu Yi appeared in Jin Ao Island with Yang Jian and Di Xin, Yang Jian and Di Xin were immediately attracted by the scene of Jin Ao Island.
Jin Ao Island is a place of sage’s way, although it is said to be peripheral, but the scenery is not comparable to ordinary fairy mountains and blessed places.
Yang Jian, Di Xin, they look amazing again and again, but they don’t know that their actions have attracted many interception brothers to raise eyebrows.
These cut-and-teach brothers curiously looked at Chu Yi and his party. After all, it was the first time that Yang Jian and Di Xin came to Jin Ao Island, which made some cut-and-teach brothers secretly guess the identity of Chu Yi and his party.
However, some intercept brothers have never seen Chu Yi, but there are also some intercept brothers who are impressed by Chu Yi.
Even if Chu Yi appeared when the leader of Tongtian preached, he was impressed by Chu Yi even if he met him once.
It is said that when these cut-off brothers saw Chu Yi walking with Yang Jian and Di Xin, their eyes showed consternation.
Recognized Chu Yi’s identity plus Yang Jian and Di Xin didn’t hide that they were called Chu Yi’s master from time to time with Chu Yi’s disciples. In this case, Chu Yi’s identity soon became known.
Even those younger brothers who don’t know Chu Yi’s identity have learned from his population that Chu Yi is very mysterious among such an interception.
After all, it is quite rare for a disciple like Chu Yi to be so low-key. Many people are very curious about Chu Yi, but it is extremely difficult to even meet Chu Yi.
The influence among these cut-off brothers of Zhao Gong received the news not long after Chu Yi returned to Jin Ao Island.
Far Chu Yi sensed Zhao Gong’s breath and saw Zhao Gong striding towards himself with a smile on his face.
Chu Yi shouted at Zhao Gong and said, "I’ve seen senior brother."
Then Chu Yi shouted at Yang Jian and Di Xin beside him, "Come and meet Zhao Gong and Zhao Shibo soon!"
Yang Jian, Di Xin and Yang Chan hurriedly rushed to Zhao Gongyi.
At Yang Jian, Di Xin and Yang Chan, Zhao Gong waved his hand, and his eyes flashed with admiration. He took out a rather precious treasure from the cuff and gave it to three people as a gift, and said, "Teacher younger brother is a good eye. This choice of younger brother’s eyes is really envious of others."
Zhao Gongxiu’s experience, if you can’t see that Yang Jian, Di Xin and Yang Chan are not ordinary people, it is a blessing for a yogi to accept a younger brother. I never thought that Chu Yi would take all three people into the family.
Of course, for Di Xin, Yang Chan, and Yang Jian, the Duke of Zhao still heard about their identity. Somehow, Chu Yi’s friendship is profound, and others don’t pay attention to Chu Yi’s affairs. However, the Duke of Zhao has always paid great attention to Chu Yi’s acceptance of Yang Chan, Yang Jian, and Di Xin, and he still knows quite clearly.
I know that I know that I have never seen three people, but I don’t know that the three people’s spiritual qualifications would be so strong. What is more, 99% of the three people in the interception are so inferior to even three people.
Zhao Gong led Chu Yi with Yang Jian and Di Xin to the depths of Jin Ao Island.
At the same time, Chu Yi looked at Zhao Gongzheng curiously. "Is it something that Brother Gong called me back?"
Generally speaking, if there is nothing urgent, Zhao Gong will not disturb his practice and even specially call him back.

"What else can I say … it’s not that he’s caught cold … and he’s weak … it’s already a little better … but it suddenly burned up at night today … and he’s in a daze … but he can’t even say words at the moment …" Nalaplace said sadly, glancing at Hong Hui’s face in lethargy.

When I approached the bed, I found that his face was cold and sweaty, his lips were pale and he twitched slightly. Where is the usual vitality?
I couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable and asked, "Didn’t the doctor give me some prescriptions? Is he in such a coma? "
"Why didn’t … those drugs were fed in and were still spit out by Honghui … Honghui said it was too bitter to swallow …" The Rumsfeld was worried and replied.
At this time, Honghui suddenly shouted "Amar …"
I realized that Yin Zhen was not in the house!
"Sister Yin … why isn’t I here?"
She glanced at me with a wry smile. "I said he had sent someone to consult with me in … years. Besides, when I looked at Honghui, it didn’t matter, so I advised me to go to the room …"
"That now that Hong Hui has a fever, he should have someone call him! What’s so important? Honghui is his son! " When I was in a hurry, I lost my mind and shouted out, forgetting my scruples.
After listening to my words, Rumsfeld sighed, "Jin Er … I know your kindness is rare … This house has you like this … It’s just that Jin Er is Hong Hui for Ye … It’s not the most important thing …" Rumsfeld had a hard time saying these words, so he no longer saw that I was focusing on wiping away the cold sweat on Hong Hui’s cheeks.
Honghui is not the most important? What’s the most important thing? Is it the cold throne? !
I looked at the couch dying, and Honghui couldn’t help but get angry.
Nian Gengyao must have come to him so late to plan the throne, but Honghui is so sick now. Shouldn’t his father come to accompany his son? !
Is this the so-called forbearance? Is this what the so-called gentleman does? ! Is it true imperial love to watch your relatives suffer without worrying? !
This room is very big, but it looks deserted after Nala dismissed everyone. Although the decoration in the room is not worth a thousand dollars, what about this? It’s not just a cold object
I looked at Nala’s and Honghui’s figures flickering by candlelight, showing a bleak scene. I couldn’t bear to look at them again. I secretly thought that no matter how precious things are, they are no better for a wife and a child … A word of comfort from the man called husband and father, a shoulder to lean on …
And this pair of mother pillars is also my husband, the husband of all the women in this house, and it will be the future three thousand beautiful days in the harem …
Yin Zhen … What should I do …
Chapter sixty-six Sex [6]
"That pull elder sister! I’m going to call you! " I couldn’t bear to finish this sentence any longer, and regardless of what kind of reaction Nalaplace would have, I quickly ran to his room.
At this time, there was still a slight chill coming from the soles of my feet at night. I ran to the door of the house in one breath and saw the faint candlelight shining through the paper window, and the front steps were covered with a layer of dim light.
There are two eunuchs outside the house watching me approach, and they all look at me cautiously.
Look at this appearance, even I guess it’s close. Yin Zhen and Nian Gengyao must be planning something.
But I didn’t care so much. I closed my eyes and rushed straight to the door until I was stopped by those two little eunuchs. They said in a shrill voice, "Lord, please go back. I ordered no one to come near."
I looked at them gloomily and muttered, "Well, I’ll go back first. Remember to tell him that I came to see him as soon as I get out later, okay?"
"Lord, don’t worry, the slave will take the message," the eunuch replied respectfully.
I turned slightly, took two steps, quickly turned around and pushed back the future. I had to react. The little eunuch was unfamiliar with his hand, and I didn’t come to see their injuries. I reached out and pushed the closed door.
The door was pushed and rang, and they were talking intently. Yin Zhen’s eyes quickly rose with a murderous look. When he saw that it was me, the murderous look gradually disappeared and turned to a rising anger.
"What are you doing here?"
I recovered from that murderous look and heard his question clearly. Half of my heart was scared away by his murderous look, and I complained and revived my mouth. "What am I going to do?" ! Why don’t you ask yourself, are you still planning this here? What are you doing? !”
When the words came out, I regretted it.
Looking at Yin Zhen’s gradually darkening eyes and Nian Gengyao’s horrified expression, I realized that my brain must be out of line. These words should be processed and exported again and again.
But obviously I regret that I can’t come now.
Yin Zhen turned to look at Nian Gengyao. He bowed in vain and excused himself. When he passed me, he glanced at me from the corner.
That look seems to contain too many things. When I came to see it again, he had taken the door out.
So sharp eyes are definitely not lost to Yin Zhen … No wonder he will be coated by a Han slave into an all-powerful general.
I’m wandering in the sky and I’m done. I forget that my situation is remembering Nian Gengyao’s deeds.
Suddenly, I looked up and found that Yin Zhen had come to me. He looked at me with inquiring eyes and joked, "It’s not just that I’m coming over now, is it?"
I just suddenly remembered to look for him and blame myself regardless of weight. I was busy when I thought of this. "Honghui, he has a fever! You are quick to go! "
He was also surprised. "Isn’t it a big deal?"
"I don’t know that Sister Nala said that her illness has been repeated. When I passed, Honghui was already in a coma … I heard Honghui’s mouth still shouting Amar and I was in a hurry to find you. Go there quickly!" I quickly said
He hesitated for a busy step, to the la’s big house.
Chapter sixty-seven Sex [7]
I trotted behind him and worried about Honghui’s illness, but I also secretly wondered why I fell ill.
Although I felt strange, I didn’t think too much about it. In ancient times, any cold would kill me, which is even worse. He is only a child of one year old.
When Yin Zhen and I entered Nala’s house in tandem, everyone in the house was Zheng. I found that there were many more people in the house. Originally, Geng Shi and Lee all came over, and the snow came year after year.

Chapter 95 Spirit Sword

"There is then!"
This sentence has just been exported to the water over there, and Ling Bo has already made moves. Naturally, there is no room for it.
Ziyang is really cold!
Ziyang really gave off a little gorgeous brilliance in the ice, and it was ready to fly toward the surface. On the one hand, Yantian threw a long-cherished powerful charm into the ice, and on the other hand, he shouted, "The predecessors misunderstood! Misunderstanding! I am also a blue cloud Sect, and I am also a blue cloud Sect! "
In the later period of the building foundation, he was very single. He directly yelled at a flying sword in his hand and threw it at the self-destruct device. "Fight!"
It’s Ziyang’s true ice and rain. Except Bai Yujin, more than a dozen monks were killed by the wave, and half of them were directly killed by Ziyang’s true ice. The rest were all hung up and shouted, "What a misunderstanding! Misunderstanding! We have no malice! "
Yan Tian now finally knows what kind of team he robbed himself: a Godsworn then, two preconditions, a three-pole spirit pet and an attack power comparable to that of the gas refining Godsworn in the middle of the preconditions. "I’m really misunderstood by Biyunzong!"
"I misunderstood!" Bai Yujin is now a dragon swimming in the sea to slay these wounded monks. It is simply a sword and a "Sorry to borrow a head!"
The regret medicine in this world is the most difficult to buy. Yantian saw this group of women ignoring their rhetoric, regretting and anxiously looking at the original nearly 30 monks. Now they are cut down by Bai Yujin and Ling Bo, and three or four people immediately shouted, "You can’t kill me …"
After saying his word, Liuqingyun has gone out to kill him directly with a water Huajing technique boom.
"I really don’t know how you idiots think that a group of monks want to rob Godsworn Zhu Er in the period of building a foundation and refining gas …" Liu Qingyun saw that the war had ended easily. "It’s a group of idiots to help me find out if there are any good things!"
The battle by the lake was almost the same. These monks didn’t come out with strong means, but they were killed by the water Ling Bo Bai Yujin. Who told them that they didn’t have long eyes and even Liu Qingyun dared to move against the team of three monks then?
This can be called the birthday boy hanging-dying!
Although the battle was solved easily, Liu Qingyun really gained a lot. These pillaged robbers are all very rich. A few of them are still clansmen, but they are too slow to get Lingshi from the clan and come out to earn some extra money.
Seventeen bags, thirty-three spiritual instruments, about a hundred pieces. Liu Qingyun couldn’t come, just threw it into the golden bell of the morning light and the moon. "Let’s go back!"
Well, the harvest will not be much less than that in the underground river. Some stolen goods may be pricked, but if they can’t sell at a good price, Bai Yujin said, "There are a lot of things for disciples, but be careful when you sell them except Lingshiling Mine!"
She has always been partial to Liu Qingyun’s collection of the War Department in the golden bell of the morning light and the moon, and she has not stopped it. "By the way, what is the spirit mine in it? We have to make a good spirit soldier for Ling Bo when the time comes!"
"I know, master!"
After defeating this group of long-eyed monks, they walked back for a hundred miles, all of which were episodes. Liu Qingyun still did dirty work and heavy work in cleaning the battlefield, and Liu Qingyun would outsource it to Zhu Er.
"oh, my god!" Mountain hare Jr. lay on Liu Qingyun’s shoulder and said, "Blue Moon Valley’s flying spirit beast is here at most!"
After that, she jumped directly into the beast bag. "It’s windy. I’m going to sleep. Wake me up!"
Water Ling Bo smiled and took Melanie’s hand and said, "Sister Mei, let’s go together!"
Liu Qingyun jumped into Zhu’s body and said to Bai Yujin, "Master, let’s go all the way!"
In front of the water, Ling Bo Meilansi joined hands to make a flying sword fly. This flying sword is not high in rank and requires two people to fly very slowly. Zhu Er can pull a lot of distance with a flap of his wing.
Liuqingyun keep a close eye on this flying sword. Two women are afraid that something will go wrong. Even Bai Yujin’s pretty figure can’t appreciate it.
Bai Yujin over there saw Liu Qingyun so absorbed that she immediately learned, "What are you doing with such a man’s heart?"
"I’m afraid one of them will fight!" Liu Qingyun took a long breath. "It’s really hard!"
There Bai Yujin to LiuQingYun threw a bag "for you! Keep your wife! "
Liu Qingyun quickly grasped "Master, what is this?"
"Give your wife’s master, Hanyan Yangquan, the harvest of high-grade spiritual ore just to please these two wives!"
"Master, are you hiding something?" Liu Qingyun sounds a little louder, but he is not afraid of being listened to by Ling Bo Meilansi.
"Your Ling Bo and Lance don’t play this game as usual. Do you want the master to copy your family?"
Liu Qingyun really didn’t realize that a woman who looks like Bai Yujin can play this skill. She immediately laughed, "Thank you, Master!"
"What is there to thank you for being my apprentice? I should take care of you more!" Bai Yujin’s back is very charming. "By the way, your sisters will be back soon. Take care of them for me then!"
"The teacher elder sister not mountain experience? Come back so soon! " Liu Qingyun really wants to dominate Bai Yujin by herself. "When will you come back?"
Bai Yujin replied, "It should be soon before the letter is timed!"
Just then, Zhu Er has slowed down, and the two women flying with the royal sword are chasing after Qi Qi to speed up.
Biyunzong has arrived
It’s a sigh of relief whether it’s water, Ling Bo or Bai Yujin, and everyone has a sleep in Bai Yujin’s abode of fairies and immortals regardless of it.
Liu Qingyun slept soundly, but this time it was not his turn to sleep late. When the sun rose, Bai Yujin came out with his ear. "You have to build a spiritual soldier for Ling Bo today, you coolie!"
When I arrived at Yuying Pavilion, Ling Bo Meilansi was there. When I saw Liu Qingyun coming, my face was even colder.
Bai Yujin said angrily, "Don’t be angry yet. Today, we will build a spiritual soldier for Ling Bo. Everyone will live up to it!"
Mei Lansi bowed his head over there. "That’s natural. Let’s take a look at what materials there are first! I won’t quarrel with this kind of thing. It’s from Blue Moon Valley to collect Xinghe sand and Ling Bo to refine Lingbing. No matter how much it drops, remember my head. "
She knows that Ling Bo, the light and important spirit soldier, can end this relationship only after she has finished refining the water. Otherwise, Ling Bo, the water, will continue to keep her eyes wide open, and it will not end this relationship in another ten years.
Liu Qingyun also took out two bags. "This is the ice high-order spiritual ore found from Blue Moon Valley …"
Ice spirit minerals Jade Pavilion crystal walkway piled up like a hill Liu Qingyun continued, "There are many spirit minerals in the captured battle …"

ZhuXiaoXuan keenly feel ChiYao mood changes probably touched some doorways to "he bullied you" although it is a question, but her heart is very sure that if it weren’t for ChiHongyu made something out, it would never be such an expression and such a tone.

"Hum" Chi Yao snorted and then rolled up and said, "Men are all the same anyway." No, Chi Hongyu’s root is not a man. How can a brother do that kind of animal thing to his sister?
ZhuXiaoXuan heard these words and recognized some silence. "He can’t tell you." Chi Yao is sexy and enchanting. She knows this. She has been harassed by some men. Many men also want to meet Chi Yao through the name of Chi Yao Mi Fensi.
This kind of thing is too much for Chi Yao to be numb, but last night, Chi Yao’s heart was disgusting and he felt extremely sick. Even Chi Zhong had never been so disgusting when she married an old man.
See ChiYao cold face didn’t speak Zhu Xiaoxuan knew that I must be like myself. "I’m worse than an animal." Zhu Xiaoxuan never swears. It’s ugly to teach her to swear with good cultivation and admonition, but today she can’t help it. Chi Hongyu’s true story is that she still talks to him calmly today.
"Farewell, I swear I will never set foot in that house again."
"You should have stopped going back to that house a long time ago." Everyone in Chi’s family hated her as an illegitimate daughter, and she still insisted on going home every week.
Zhu Xiaoxuan also knows that Chiyao wants to get a little warmth at home. Her mother died of dystocia, and she has never seen her mother. She was taken to Chijia by Chizhong, mainly because Chizhong herself was nice. She didn’t want this illegitimate daughter to be exiled and make a joke. Although Chiyao looks very fresh, Chijia’s position at home is no different from that of a robot maid.
Chi Yao yawned while covering her mouth. "Well, I’ll never come back." She turned around and smiled at her again. "Where are the lines? I’ll recite them." When I was a child, I might expect Chi Zhong to give her a little fatherly love. My mother, big brother and sister can accept themselves and slowly give up hope now that they are older.
"In your drawer."
When Chi Yao came to the crew, it was already dark, and the director lit a few secret light games around the grass and Hua Ran had already fought. Both of them were handsome guys, and they looked so handsome and elegant when they fell into the fight. Look at the female workers around them, they are all caring.
It’s not the first time for Chi Yao to hang Weiya, but it’s the first time to hang such a high Weiya, because this scene is that Chi Yao was hit high by the game, and then she directly confessed to the game in the middle of the game, which is a test of endurance.
Not all girls can be hung in the middle of the school like this, and a deep confession is needed.
"Don’t be nervous" Zhu Xiaoxuan cheered her up.
Although it’s not the first time to hang Weiya, it’s still a little difficult. Even the director said that if you are really afraid, you can take your time and take a breath and walk to the front of the game.
"It will be a little painful to hang Weiya." The game looked at Chi Yao and said.
Section 2
"I know" Chi Yao nodded.
As soon as the director called the game and Chi Yao, they immediately became angry and became tense. The game was cold and said with a heavy face, "Don’t blame me if you pester me again."
Chi Yao also frowned, but soon relaxed and smiled as usual. "Don’t be so rude, monarch."
"Cut the crap and bring me the elixir" game, and then reach out to her with a firm face.
Chi Yao clenched his fists. "What if I say no?" She was also stubborn and looked at his eyes full of heartbreak and pain.
The game knows that it is acting when he sees such eyes, but his heart suddenly hurts a little for no reason. This person is obsessed with love. If there is such a feeling in reality, he doesn’t think he will be so affectionate.
"Don’t give hum" game voice just fell and people have rushed over and then hit Chi Yao in the chest.
Chi Yao was ready to float backwards when he reached out his hand to make a look of being beaten away. Weiya hung her off the ground behind her and stopped in the middle.
"You" Chi Yao steadied his mouth and spit out one mouthful blood. The sound was weak. "Really?" She tried not to look at it and her legs trembled.
Chiyao Weiya continued to rise a little. Her head was dizzy and her back was hurt by Weiya Le.
The game looked at her and suddenly said, "Director stop."
"What’s the matter?"
"Let Chi Yao have a rest."
When the director saw Chi Yao’s slightly pale face in the video, he immediately asked Weiya to let her go.
The game stretched out his hand and pulled Chi Yao "How is it?"
Chi Yao slowed down. "It’s okay" is a little too high. She is grateful to look at the game "thank you"
☆, chapter 59 to please in person.
When Chi Yao was released, her feet trembled slightly. When she touched the ground, she felt a pain. She gently held her arm and looked at her pale face in the dim light. "Are you okay?"
"Well," she nodded gently, "it’s just a little tight."
Qianchi Yao had a bruise on her arm when she fell from a high pillar. Now Weiya will definitely be a little scared. It’s already very good without crying. I didn’t expect her perseverance to be good.
The director came over with warm water. "Are you okay?"
Chi Yao calmed down and felt dizzy. "It’s okay. Can Weiya hang a little looser?"
When the workers adjusted Weiya, the makeup artist ran to make up Chi Yao’s makeup. When the makeup artist caught a glimpse of Chi Yao’s sweating profusely, she looked at Chi Yao in surprise.

Everyone is far away from the atmosphere and dare not go out for fear of affecting her, Du Jie.

"It’s Li Xiaoyu of Luoxia Sect." Qin Xiaolou was excited. "I can’t believe that she has already impacted Yuan Ying in Du Jie."
There are three realms in the foundation period, namely, four realms’s then-elixir period, and then you can prepare to attack Yuan Ying in the later period.
"If her impact is successful, then sinking fish and falling wild goose are two Yuan baby girls-that’s Yuan baby period. Their names are really worthy of the name" Qin Xiaolou praised.
Gu Qingshan looked at it and found that the monks of Luoxia Sect kept order.
Even the patriarch of Luoxia Zongdu looked around from time to time for fear that someone might make trouble.
When the monk crossed the sky, he was so absorbed in dealing with the robbery that he was easily attacked by others and died unexpectedly.
In addition, if someone deliberately helps, the power of Armageddon will expand immediately, almost exponentially.
In that case, it will be difficult for the monks to succeed in Du Jie.
After watching for a while, they saw that the thunder dispersed all over the sky and Li Xiaoyu closed his eyes.
Great power rose from her body.
"She succeeded" Qin Xiaolou envied.
Brother then is the backbone of the spiritual world, while Brother Yuan Ying can be regarded as a monk in the middle and higher level.
This is a significant watershed.
Yuan Ying, Hua Shen and Feng Sheng are not comparable to the three realms of Tsukiji and then.
Flying boat falls
Qin Xiaolou was lost in thought.
"People are drowning in fish and falling wild geese," he said to himself. "What is the title of our Baihuazhong brothers?"
"Take your time. I’ll take a medicated bath." Gu Qingshan said and left.
Wait until noon when Gu Qingshan came out from the chancellorsville again and saw that there were two refined flying boats at the door.
Gu Qingshan cast a glance flying boat was stuck.
The two flying boats are painted in dark green with dragon and phoenix flying in Chinese characters.
One is "green"
One is "building"
Gu Qingshan Qing Qin Xiao Lou Lou
Qin xiaolou is excited to look at his jie.
Gu Qingshan sighed and walked silently and said seriously, "Brother, you will be unhappy like this."
Chapter two hundred and forty-five Three Holy Orders
Gu Qingshan said that Qin Xiaolou was reluctant to give up this name.
Gu Qingshan long one breath.
When he gets here, he will recuperate and occasionally go out and wander around.
When the monks of various clans saw him, they all sincerely respected him and came to talk and make friends, which also made Gu Qingshan make many new friends.
In the past two days, whether it’s the Four Swords in Xishan Mountain or the two girls in Luoxia Sect, they are the best among his younger generations, and they all know each other well.
At noon on the third day, Gu Qingshan got up from the medicated bath again and released his mind to carefully check his body.
He smiled for a long time.
The body finally recovered.
Almost at this point, a fire flew into the chancellorsville from the outside and fell in front of him.
Gu Qingshan answered the message that Baihua Xianyin came out from the inside.
"Go to Zhongjunzhang to arrange the attack."
Gu Qingshan dressed out of the chancellorsville.
Baihuaxian, Xuanyuan Tianzun, and Master Sad Yang sat first.
Fang, a general dressed in armor, just got up and saluted after receiving military orders and backed out.