When leaving Shen Menglu to laugh at himself, Zhu Yinzhen came here in a hurry.

"Dream …" Seeing the expression on the door, Shen Menglu, Zhu Yinzhen’s original coke forced his heart to get nervous. Did they misunderstand Shen Menglu and still be angry with him?
"I’ve seen the prince!" Shen Menglu turned to look at Zhu Yinzhen and evoked a blessing in her mouth.
"Be courteous" Zhu Yinzhen’s load helps Shen Menglu to squat down in his body and mind. The more respectful Shen Menglu is to him, the more he makes Zhu Yinzhen feel insecure. He is most afraid of Shen Menglu’s humility and alienation as if they are separated by Qian Shan.
"Dream you … why are you here?" Zhu Yinzhen tightly holding Shen Menglu hand nervously asked
Shen Menglu looked down at himself and was pinched by Zhu Yinzhen. His hands gently said, "Shiro hurts!"
"What?" Zhu Yinzhen was puzzled by Shen Menglu’s meaning.
"You’re hurting me!" Shen Menglu looked at Zhu Yinzhen tenderly. How nervous Zhu Yinzhen was? She held her hand so hard. If it weren’t for Bai Zhuyinzhen’s heart, Shen Menglu would have wanted Zhu Yinzhen. It was because she had been enemies with herself.
Zhu Yinzhen consciously loosened Shen Menglu’s hands and apologized. "I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to."
Shen Menglu’s hands were pinched red, and Zhu Yinzhen’s finger prints could still be seen vaguely.
"Yes … I’m sorry …" Zhu Yinzhen held Shen Menglu in her hands and was deeply distressed. "Does your mother hurt?"
He really deserves to die! What a heavy hand! Zhu Yinzhen blamed herself to death.
"Well, it hurts!" Looking at Zhu Yinzhen’s face, she made no secret of her nervousness and remorse. Shen Menglu’s heart turned into a spring water. How stupid is she to love her husband so much because of a dead person?
"Mom … I … I didn’t … I didn’t mean to …" Hearing Shen Menglu shout pain, Zhu Yinzhen was even more at a loss. Holding Shen Menglu’s hand, I didn’t know what to do. At this moment, Zhu Yinzhen wanted to give Shen Menglu some affectionate intimacy, but she was afraid that she was still angry. Shen Menglu was ungrateful and even more counterproductive.
Shen Menglu saw that Zhu Yinzhen hesitated. She pursed her lips and pouted lovingly. She pulled her hands back from Zhu Yinzhen’s big palm and handed them to Zhu Yinzhen. "It hurts!"
What? ! Zhu Yinzhen was shocked by Shen Menglu’s irrational behavior. Is this a coquetry with him? This … This … This … He’s not dreaming, is he?
Seeing Zhu Yinzhen staring straight and wait for a while like a goofy goose, Shen Menglu’s mouth smile deepened. I didn’t expect Zhu Yinzhen to be silly sometimes, but he was very cute.
"Shiro blows!" Shen Menglu’s belief will make her delicate and charming lips more round. "People hurt so much!"
"Mom …" Zhu Yinzhen was so stunned by Shen Menglu’s sound that his bones were numb. Now he can be sure that his little mother really spoiled herself. Does this mean that his little mother is no longer angry with herself?
But this is not scientific! He hasn’t come to explain yet! But anyway, it’s good that Shen Menglu is not angry!
"good! Husband blows for mother! " Zhu Yinzhen smiled at the corner of his eye. He carefully held Shen Menglu’s hand to his mouth and kissed it affectionately.
Shen Menglu was caught off guard by Zhu Yinzhen’s move, and his cheeks were red with tenderness and numbness.
"Hey, you’re just blowing …" Not kissing! Playing coquetry in public is the ultimate experience for Shen Menglu. Zhu Yinzhen’s affectionate behavior in public has made her look ashamed. Shen Menglu blushed and cast a glance, pretending that he was blind and resolutely keeping his eyes open.
"How can you kiss the blowing effect?" Zhu Yinzhen looked at Shen Menglu with a rippling mind, like a rose, and his cheeks suddenly felt like he was in a fairyland of spring flowers.
Sorry, guys, I came back late yesterday. Don’t say anything!
Today, 6 thousand is served!
Light light blue will be ready to go home in a few days, and then I have to take care of my children and pack my gifts. The update may be appropriately reduced, dear friends, please forgive me!
However, light light blue will do its best to update 74 dreams, complain and compromise.
"How can you kiss the blowing effect?" Zhu Yinzhen looked at Shen Menglu with a rippling mind, like a rose, and his cheeks suddenly felt like he was in a fairyland of spring flowers.
Unexpectedly, I met Zhu Yinzhen, a flower, and my heart was bursting with passion. Kissing my little hand has already satisfied his heart. The little beast is so * that it is really worth loving her!
Too many things happened during this period. Although Zhu Yinzhen and Shen Menglu slept together every day, there was always a little less love drama!
At this moment, Zhu Yinzhen has beaten Zhu Yinqi again for thousands of times. If he hadn’t stopped them, if they met such a loving little girl in the house, they could have a good temperature.
"loquacious!" The small flame in Zhu Yinzhen’s eyes seemed to devour Shen Menglu on the spot. She glanced at Zhu Yinzhen lightly and blushed and withdrew her hands to wake him up. What the hell is going on here? Don’t look at this place! What’s the mood at this time!
The palm of your hand fell on Zhu Yinzhen’s heart. He discontentedly held Shen Menglu’s hand again and wouldn’t let her earn. Shen Menglu hinted that Zhu Yinzhen couldn’t understand Zhu Yinzhen and naturally knew that his passion came at a bad time.
"Mom, why are you here?" Zhu Yinzhen’s withdrawal is out of date. Chun Qing is in a bad situation. Zhu Yinzhen doesn’t want Shen Menglu to be mixed in for fear that she will get hurt.
"I …" Worried about you! Shen Menglu opened his mouth and closed his lips to swallow back the words. Now is not the time to be immersed in love.
"Mother was worried that you could not eat well in the ancestral hall of Taidian, so she told me that you sent meals!" Shen Menglu pointed to the frosting and Mo Yu’s lunch box.