Seeing that the situation was wrong, the ship that was about to dock suddenly turned around, and the epidemic people were anxious. Some fishermen were born with a deep knowledge of water and bold, and the epidemic people simply plopped and dived to prepare for returning to the ship.
By the time Shen Menglu and his party arrived, Xie Yuan’s ship had been driven away by the epidemic people who were not afraid of death. At present, the epidemic people are losing their minds and trying to climb to the top of the ship regardless of the soldiers blocking the spears.
Xie Yuanyuan took the first boat and walked at the forefront. As a result, this U-turn made their boat the most direct target of the epidemic people.
"The general? They are coming! " Guards holding spears are mainly to scare away the Lord and dare not really hurt these deadly epidemic people.
Xie Yuan frown decided "take back the spear and let the plague ship! Stop as soon as they get on board! Then turn around again! Drive to the quarantine area! " The purpose of epidemic people climbing boats is to escape. If he can’t let go of an epidemic, and the people’s hearts are in turmoil, and he can’t do anything drastic, then the best way is to stop the epidemic people climbing boats and send them back to the quarantine area!
"Yes!" The guards heard that the Ministry had withdrawn their spears and concentrated on waiting for the infected people to trap themselves.
The epidemic people were weak and waded after the boat. When they climbed the boat, they were exhausted and the guards stopped them without any effort.
See Xie Yuan ship turn around Zhu Yinzhen narrowed his eyes and looked at the approaching ship with deep light.
"Report, the doctors who cure too much have found it." Looking forward to flying to Zhu Yinzhen’s side
Zhu Yinzhen looked sideways through thousands of people. At first glance, he saw Shen Menglu, a quiet doctor, stand out like a fairy.
There are beautiful women in the north who are independent and care about the city, and then care about the country. It is wrong to know the occasion, but Zhu Yinzhen still can’t help but see this sentence in his mind
Shen Menglu, who was intently looking at the ship’s dynamics, suddenly felt an inexplicable hot line of sight. She tilted her head just to Zhu Yinzhen’s hot line of sight.
Shen Menglu face a cold this color embryo! Never forget *!
Seeing Shen Menglu’s sudden change of face, Zhu Yinzhen unconsciously adjusted his expression and walked quickly to the shore to prepare for Xie Yuan, who was about to land.
When the ship docked, Xie Yuan took the lead, followed by the guards of epidemic people.
Xie Yuan motioned for the guards to send the epidemic people back to the crowd before saluting with his fist "Mu Wang Ye!"
"General Xie, thank you for sending the infected people back!" Zhu Yinzhen sincerely thanked Xie Yuan for his fearless and decisive action in the face of danger, which did not cause great disaster. In case of the loss of infected people, I am afraid the consequences would be unimaginable.
"Master Mu is welcome. This is the last thing!" Xie Yuan looked at the epidemic people who were suppressed by the soldiers. "What is your report going to do?"
I’m afraid it’s not a good thing for the emperor to hear that the epidemic riots can be big or small.
Zhu Yinzhen’s eyes condensed and turned to face the panic-stricken people who were surrounded by soldiers.
"You all saw that even if you had something strong, the ship still didn’t have the strength to escape from this epidemic area. Now you are all suffering from epidemic diseases. Even if you escaped without good medicine, you still can’t get a few days. The king knows that your riots are just to survive, but you have not yet found a way out, but you have paid a heavy price! Your loved ones have caused the death of the sword king, and you must be heartbroken at this time. "
Zhu Yinzhen’s every word struck the hearts of the infected people and rushed out of the quarantine area. They clashed with the soldiers and the knives were their relatives and friends. At this time, some people could not help but sob.
"Folks, Wang understands that you are alive and there is hope! The king doesn’t blame you, but … "Zhu Yinzhen (turn)" It is a capital crime for you to coerce the court to appoint an official! Shengrende sent doctors to heal you. Instead of being grateful, you hurt them. The effect of your medicine was unexpected, but you made a fuss about it again and again, waiting for an opportunity to riot the doctors, taking care of you without sleep, and working hard, but you turned around and left them stranded. "
"Have you ever thought that if cure too much people really died, who will treat you? Even if the king lifts the ban and lets you go, how many days will you live? Is there a doctor willing to risk being infected to treat you? Even if there is, can the medical skills of ordinary doctors be superior to those of the imperial palace? " Zhu Yinzhen’s successive question marks were higher and higher, and the righteous words made the epidemic people stunned.
The infected people involuntarily looked at the still pale face, and the doctors looked at the cold face. Zhu Yinzhen couldn’t help but look at each other. Most of them were conformity, and they didn’t have much independent consciousness. So scared by Zhu Yinzhen, they couldn’t help but feel a little scared. I don’t know what Zhu Yinzhen would do to them.
"Report you help us! There are only a few old people left in our family of thirteen. Please have a heart and help us! The old daughter-in-law is still pregnant with a child! " Someone in the crowd gave a plaintive cry.
Zhu Yinzhen and Shen Menglu looked in the hair direction at the same time, which made people unable to see clearly. Zhu Yinzhen took a few steps forward, and the infected people consciously made way. Shen Menglu followed him.
A 60-and 70-year-old man is holding a teenage boy, a potbellied pregnant woman is followed by a 67-year-old girl, who looks at the bulge of the young woman’s abdomen and is at least six or seven months pregnant.
The old man saw Zhu Yinzhen plop down on his knees and said, "Mu Wang’s worthless old man offended the grace. It’s really that the old daughter-in-law has abdominal pain and is eager to love his wife. This will lead to the conflict between soldiers and soldiers … as a result …" The old man couldn’t help crying.
After hearing what he said, Shen Menglu turned his attention to the young woman, who was in her early twenties. Her beautiful face was pale because of the epidemic. She held the little girl behind her tightly with one hand and held the high-rise abdomen with one hand, with a bit of forbearance.
I noticed that Shen Menglu looked at the young woman with anger in her eyes and slightly turned away from her eyes. Shen Menglu was slightly stunned to see that she was dressed in men’s clothing. It was clear that this young woman was very obedient and had a good tutor.
"I still hope that the King Mu will forgive us a lot for offending us," said the old man, striking his head at Zhu Yinzhen.
Shen Menglu turned his attention to the old man, and his clothes were broken but clean and tidy, and the material was high-grade, obviously from a rich family.
Zhu Yinzhen looked coldly at the old man kneeling on his knees and pursed his lips.
Shen Menglu couldn’t help but kick him gently. What does this black-bellied man think? People have mourned and admitted their mistakes, but they will accept it if they don’t get too close.
Zhu Yinzhen turned and glanced at Shen Menglu with eyebrows, wondering when this woman would follow him. He didn’t find out!
"Old man, please get up!" Zhu Yinzhen reached out and gave a kneeling old man a virtual hand. "Old man, can you tell Wang how your family passed away?"
It’s really sad that there are only four old, weak and sick people left in a family of thirteen.
The old man wiped the tears from his eyes and gave Zhu Yinzhen a deep bow first. "Thank you, Sir!" Then he calmly told the story of his family’s death.
It turned out that the old man’s wife was weak, but she was in a fever and coma caused by the plague, and she died two days later. His eldest son and his family of five all died of sudden symptoms last night. His second son, his wife and his children, because their little daughter-in-law suddenly had abdominal pain at night, were resentful because they could not seek medical treatment. As a result, they died tragically, leaving only a pair of children and a little daughter-in-law who was pregnant for three months.
The people around you couldn’t help but sigh. Among them, the old man’s family had the same experience and there were many.