Xing Cun Xiao is a little black because he hates this man. His eyes seem to be evaluating the price of this thing!
The man smiled, turned around and walked in the direction of Li Mo’s kidnapping …
"Glass foam saa! It’s glass foam saa! " See just ready to exchange rings, the bride directly lifted her veil, threw her wedding dress and ran away …
The groom ran away from the scene and left the groom alone.
Today is my wedding, right? Cut the original looked at the ground yarn depressed squat down to one side and draw a circle …
Chapter one hundred and eleven (the finale)
[Discussion group number 697693 Interested or like black-hearted parents can add it! 】
"Long time no see!"
When everyone came to the edge of the roof, Xia Mo sat gracefully and leisurely, cocoa seemed to appreciate the scenery at the moment, and there was no hostage tension at all. In contrast, the three kidnappers around him were nervous;
Hearing footsteps, Xia Mo turned his head and slightly tilted his mouth with a little smile and calmly greeted everyone …
Everyone is stunned. Just now, the nervousness disappears. Looking at the kidnapping scene at the moment is like watching a play. Niou Masaharu looks at his minister. He should be very nervous at the moment! Playing with his plait is still a cynical expression way
"Snowy little glass foam, you will really surprise people!"
Xia Mo raised his eyebrows and looked at Niou Masaharu with a sigh of relief. Fortunately, everyone is still like that! Some pleasant tone hit back.
"Thank you. It’s my pleasure to surprise you!"
With that, I threw away my cup and got up and was about to open my mouth, but I was stopped by a dagger. When I saw the man next to me, I got up and immediately took out my dagger and held Xia Mo hostage …
Glass foam glanced at swinging dagger move line of sight to move on …
"Didn’t you hear me let you live?"
The three kidnappers mean a lot: one on the left of Xia Mo, the other on the right of Xia Mo, and the other behind Xia Mo, holding Xia Mo’s hair in one hand and holding a dagger in the other, clinging to Xia Mo’s neck …
"You, this is an order to me?"
Xia Mo looked askance at the kidnappers on the left and right.
The kidnappers on the left and right swallowed saliva, and the gas field was a little flustered, so the kidnappers calmed down and pulled Xia Mo to the edge and looked at a group of humanitarians on the opposite side
"You’d better not make a move or …"
The kidnapper once gave Xia Mo a push, which made Xia Mo hang his left foot in the middle and stand on the edge of the top floor …
"Glass foam saa!"
Zhang Qi, a bride who has just arrived, saw this scene and wanted to rush out, but she was stopped by Xie Wendong and Xing Cun Jing Shi in front.
"Glass foam! "Xing village frown at this moment Xia Mo some don’t agree with her to play until what time?
Stare at-Xia Mo’s line of sight is directed at Xing Cun Jing Shi, and there is some sadness. Is he not nervous at all? I puffed up my cheeks and said, "I am not a glass foam!"
"Good Xia Mo, come here!" It’s good that Zhan Yan of Xingcun has been smiling for four years.
Limo, don’t pout and look at the distance. Is this calling a puppy? Sure enough, it’s too beautiful and frivolous. Say it!
Half ring glass foam frown at feet er … Not good! Foot-numb! ! ! So in the eyes of the public, the glass foam just fell …
"Glass foam! ! !” Xing Cun rushed to the edge with his feet hooked, and his hands pulled the glass foam and the whole person became upside down …
Hanging Xia Mo looked up and struggled to hold one of his own …
"DOG …"
Xia Mo stopped struggling to move Xing Village’s face to realize head-up and raised his hand with a sigh after half a ring in front …
Chapter one hundred and twelve (the finale)
Xia Mo stopped struggling to move Xing Cun’s face. After half a ring in front of him, he sighed and raised his hand and made a ring …
"Young master really doesn’t make people worry!"
A few minutes later, the kidnapping farce ended, and the leading man smiled and arranged Xia Mo’s clothes and joked.
"Slice-"Glass foam disdains to raise my hand and stir the hair …
"DOG, can we talk?" Xie Wendong looked at it and saw her daughter’s heart full of guilt …
Xia Mo finally moved his realization to Xie Wendong, and he has been seeing him for a long time!
Talk? Glanced at Xing Village next to him and bowed his head in silence …
A few minutes later, Xing Village arrived with Xia Mo. Xie Wendong said that Xia Mo stood at the door of the house and pulled Xing Village to knock at the door …
"DOG always has some things to solve. After all, he is your father and his biological father!"
Xing Cun put his hands on Xia Mo’s shoulders and looked directly at Xia Mo with some serious eyes and some fear eyes.
Glass foam bowed their heads and eyes again silent …
"Good-"Li Mo looked up again, and her eyes recovered their former calm. "You and I are together!"