"You are a leaf family? There is no one else in the old house except Grandpa Ye and Grandma Ye. Do you dare to say that you are a Ye family? " Big beauty saw Cheyenne corners of the mouth moved and then said, "or do you want to say that you are leaves home? Don’t you think I will not know the Ye family? "
"Who said I was a big leaf home? In fact, I hate to reveal my identity, but since you insist on asking me, I’ll tell you that I’m Ye Laomo, and this time I’m here to celebrate his birthday! "
"oh? Is it? Then tell me that Ye Lao is old this year? " Big beauty hands chest ourtenant looked at Cheyenne asked.
"How can I ask Ye Lao, who is always your friend, about his age?" Cheyenne looked at the big beauty with a "you really don’t understand" face and asked, "Who are you after talking for a long time? You don’t look like the Ye family, but it’s the secret of Ye’s enterprise to know the roots of Ye’s family, right? What’s your father’s name? "
"You don’t know that today is not Grandpa Ye’s birthday, since Grandpa Ye is a best friend?" The big beauty smiled slightly. "Today is Grandma Ye’s birthday."
Damn it, this mistake is too serious! Xia Anxin suddenly realized that he had just heard the old man say that it was the master’s birthday consciousness, but he thought it was the hostess’s birthday. This is a big flaw!
The beautiful woman waved to the distance. Just now, the man in gray who questioned Cheyenne came running happily. Cheyenne looked around looking for an escape route. He knew that the man must be a security guard. If he was caught, not only would he be unlucky, but even the old man who brought him in would be implicated!
It’s hard for the Ye family to bear a little offense. You can imagine the consequences of Cheyenne coming in to make trouble on the old woman’s birthday.
"Is this person like mixing in?" The beautiful woman asked the man in gray
"Miss Mu, he is a guest of Elymus," replied the gray man respectfully.
This is not only Mu Yunqing, but even Cheyenne was surprised and opened his mouth. When did he become a friend of Elymus? He didn’t even know it! Cheyenne suddenly remembered the old man, who was the only Ye family Cheyenne knew.
Cheyenne dark praise the old man handout spirit gloated at Mu Yun sweeping "now know that I’m telling the truth? I was just teasing you, old friend Yip. How could I not know that today is Mrs Yip’s birthday? "
MuYunQing listened to this person’s sarcasm and felt quite stuffy, but her familiarity with this person in front of her became stronger and stronger. Suddenly, her mind flashed and she thought of someone.
"Hey, you blush with shame? Haha, you know you’re wrong, right? Don’t worry, I won’t blame you for your mistakes. You can make mistakes and be a good student … "Cheyenne was full of comforting voices and praised Mu Yun for suddenly feeling that his instep was heavily tied when he was in Qing Dynasty. Looking down, he just saw Mu Yunqing gently lifting high heels.
"Tie him up for me. I suspect he’s up to something. I’m going to ask Grandpa Ye personally later!" Mu Yun said coldly.
My foot is disfigured. It must be disfigured! Cheyenne was about to cry when she was attacked by high heels on her instep, but she heard MuYunQing’s attitude change.
"Miss Mu, this ….." Han in gray looks reluctant, and at the same time, she is curious about Miss Mu. What’s going on? How can she suddenly attack this man? It doesn’t fit her image!
"I don’t speak well? Tie him up for me! " Mu Yun cold face cried.
Cheyenne repeatedly waved his hand and said, "If you have something to say, don’t give Elymus any trouble, okay?"
Mu Yunqing paid no attention to Chao Gray’s humanity "Don’t start work yet!"
Although it is difficult for people in gray, it is better to "offend" Cheyenne Road. Then they reached out and caught Cheyenne.
Cheyenne was successfully attacked by MuYunQing just now because of inattention. Now I know that this Han will take him to deal with his foot at once. When his hand swings slightly, he will catch him, only to see that his figure suddenly lags behind, which just makes the gray-clad Han palm fall.
The look of the man in gray changed. He didn’t expect this young man to have such a skill that he could capture and implement it. It was amazing. He felt it necessary to find out the origin of this person out of professional thinking.
Cheyenne also felt the momentum change of the gray man at this moment. He immediately grabbed a large plate of dishes on the wooden table next to him and shouted, "Don’t push me or I’ll smash it!"
The gray man’s eyes are almost bulging when he looks at this scene. This man is too immoral, but I have to admit that this trick is so good that he dare not move. Look at Mu Yunqing for help.
"All right, you go ahead." MuYunQing took a deep breath of air pressure and then kicked Cheyenne impulsively. He looked at his hands holding a large plate of Dongpo elbow and gave Cheyenne a white look. "Can you be a little productive? How is it exactly the same as in the game? It’s all so unruly. "
"In the game?" Cheyenne’s mind at the moment in the fat but not greasy smell big elbow heard MuYunQing words finally raised his head and looked at the big beauty "do you know me? Who are you? " to be continued
Chapter 146 Face with fruit
Cheyenne was really shocked.
This is weird. Where did the beautiful woman recognize him? I wonder if this beautiful woman recognizes him as Zunbao or Devil?
Cheyenne looked worried that she would see through that she was the real devil.
Mu Yunqing ignored Cheyenne’s surprise, but when she saw Cheyenne’s surprised look, she felt a strong carefree feeling, as if she had avenged herself. "You guess slowly, and then talk to me when you think of who I am. Grandpa Ye said that you are his guest and I will leave you alone."
"Hey, don’t go. Tell me who you are first!" Cheyenne looked at leaving MuYunQing hurriedly to recover.
Mu Yunqing doesn’t seem to know that Cheyenne is chasing after her, but she can easily chase Cheyenne on high heels, but she can’t bear to surpass her after seeing Mu Yunqing twist her posture in the back.
Mu Yunqing deliberately looked back and found that the goods behind him were obsessed with the look. After the line of sight fell, he thought with shame and anger, "Damn it, I will make you look good later!"
Cheyenne didn’t know the danger was coming. As Mu Yunqing came to a slant hall in the front yard, there were young people who could attend this level of birthday party. Young people were very important in their respective homes, so that the old people at the banquet would take the opportunity to bring the younger generation out to see the world. After all, such opportunities are not often met, and giants like Ye Jia are by no means accessible to ordinary people, but who to bring is obviously screened.
"Say that clear elder sister good …"
"Say that clear elder sister you are so beautiful today …"
To be divided into small groups, the young people saw Mu Yunqing coming and immediately became quiet. They greeted Mu Yunqing in succession, and Cheyenne was also disturbed at this time, so that he knew the name of this glasses girl.
Mu Yunqing?
Cheyenne wondered why he didn’t remember hearing this name in his previous life. It happened that the other party just showed it as if they really knew him in the game.
"Thank you for your help, grandma’s birthday party." A young man with glasses in his early twenties said to Mu Yunqing, but his tone was not polite at all, but he was arrogant.
"Grandma Ye’s birthday, I’ll go by myself." Mu Yun’s polite head portrait is the same as not hearing the dissatisfaction in the glasses.
At this time, a little girl with a braided hair fluffy skirt came out next to her and said, "Sister Yun Qing, did you really invite Qin Sheng to celebrate Grandma Ye’s birthday?"
Everyone is looking forward to MuYunQing from the holy name of Qin.
"It’s just a coincidence. A few days ago, I happened to be invited by Qin Sheng to finally please move her." Mu Yun swept the road
The young man’s face became more and more gloomy with admiration. At this time, he saw Cheyenne’s anger and said, "Mu Yun celebrated my grandmother’s birthday. What do you mean?"
"Do you mean him?" MuYunQing turned and pointed to Cheyenne and shook his head. "I don’t know him. I know he is a guest brought back by Elymus."
As soon as this was said, everyone forgot Qin Sheng’s eyes and stared straight at Cheyenne as if his face had a beautiful photo.
You can hear it when you drop a needle in the slant hall.
Cheyenne knew that he was born with a mocking aura, and it seemed that anyone who saw him wanted to punch him. But at present, these people seemed to look at him not because of how sloppy he was dressed, but because of how out of place they were.
The more beautiful a woman is, the less believable it is. Cheyenne forgot who said this, but he thought it was very reasonable. He was confused by Mu Yunqing, and that was the reason. But Mu Yunqing said that he was a guest brought back by Elymus. These people were as shocked as if they wanted to eat flies. There must be something special, right?
"Everyone, you are busy, I will leave first!" What a witty person Cheyenne is. No matter what’s hidden, he doesn’t want to get involved and turn away.
The young man with glasses drank coldly, "Do you know that calling flowers like you is really not suitable for staying here, or get out of here quickly and make everyone’s eyes humiliated?"
Cheyenne can’t stand it. At least Nimago has a billion family members. Er, he used to have a billion fortune, but no matter what makes you say my name is Hua?
"The glasses brother didn’t you see that this is the woman provoke deviance? I belong to lying gun. If you have any anger, just throw it at her head. Don’t take me as a scapegoat! " Cheyenne smile happily turned and said
"I want to drive a beggar in rags out of Ye’s gate, which pollutes everyone’s eyes, that’s all." The young man’s forehead is blue and his veins are jumping. Cheyenne’s words just hit him where he hurts. He is really angry with Mu Yunqing, but he dare not tell Mu Yunqing that Cheyenne just happened to bump into his gun.
"I think your eyesight will be better with glasses. I didn’t expect it to be blind. You let everyone here judge me where I am like a beggar? Do you think I’m a beggar because my clothes, pants, shoes and socks are not worth anything? Haven’t you ever taught you that you can’t judge a book by its cover? Maybe I look like a beggar in your eyes, but I’m telling you that being rich in heart is really rich, and being like you is definitely narrow-minded. You are really a beggar! "
Cheyenne talked a lot about feeling a little thirsty, grabbed a bottle of high-end drinks next to her, drank it and smacked her mouth. She was surprised and said, "Hey, what is this? It’s quite delicious."
"You … you … get out of here!" Glasses youth angry roar a way
Cheyenne looked around surprised, pointing to his nose. "You let me get out? Did I hear you right? Do you know who I am? I’m Ye Lao, and I personally invited the guests. Ye Lao, don’t be a bad friend. If you want to call me Grandpa, what strength do you have to let me out? It’s you. I can tell you to get out, you know? But China is a state of etiquette. I don’t have much strength. I am very polite. If I want you to kneel down and kowtow to me, I won’t kick you out. If you don’t talk, I will take it as your consent. Kneel quickly. "
Mu Yunqing looked at Cheyenne with anger and humor. She knew that Cheyenne’s personality would never suffer a loss, especially when facing such a group of dignitaries and nobles who claimed themselves. They couldn’t think about it at all. A person who could put his face on the soles of his feet faced a group of dignitaries and nobles who valued his face more than anything else. It must be that shameless person who won a single-mouth kung fu competition.
Cheyenne has always felt that he is a good man. He is clean, upright, talented and handsome. It is natural for his enemies to be jealous of such a kind and courageous Lei Feng-style good man. After all, few people can get out of the mud like him.