Blindly missed such a good opportunity to attack, and his heart was full of vomit.
The 76ers attacked Tang Wenlong’s elbow position. Hayward Delong came to double-team Tang Wenlong. He tried to steal Tang Wenlong’s dribble. Tang Wenlong grabbed the ball and sent it directly.
Crisp thugs sound Tang Wenlong throw the ball and shout loudly.
The referee decisively fouled Delong’s thugs, who looked koo-faced, shrugged their shoulders and frowned as if they had suffered a great injustice.
Tang Wenlong’s heart is happy to take the free throw line to make free throws.
Nets coach Lionel Hollins suddenly flew into a rage. Deron’s foul was really inappropriate, but in his performance, he directly bombarded the referee with his hands up and put on a puzzling look. He was very dissatisfied with this penalty
It is very straightforward to put pressure on referees, which is something that every coach in NBA must learn.
Tang Wenlong easily made two free throws, and the 76ers led the Nets by 6 points, 25 to 19 points.
After that, the two teams played separately, and the Nets didn’t have a particularly good chance to score. Hayward was defended by Tang Wenlong and didn’t have a chance to shoot.
Tang Wenlong’s back-to-back singles Hayward Nets’ double-teaming is not without double-teaming, nor is it very embarrassing.
At the last minute, Tang Wenlong’s frame was misplaced, and blache and blache moved slowly, which may be slightly better than Lopez in the Nets.
Tang Wenlong’s footsteps are unpredictable, and his body changes direction greatly. Instantaneous pull and blache’s jump shot are from high position.
However, he didn’t throw it. Fortunately, the ball bounced very high and there was no card position. Whiteside first touched the ball. He held the ball firmly in his hands and then threw it to Tang Wenlong outside.
Tang Wenlong exulted that the commander’s teammates should slow down. Just breaking through blache also consumed a wave of energy to buffer when he needed it.
At the top of the arc, Tang Wenlong commanded Ray Allen to run with the help of double pick-and-roll cover.
Then, when Ray Allen ran halfway, Tang Wenlong made a breakthrough by himself, crossing to the left and turning to the right, tricking Hayward into a three-point line with a half-body instantaneous breakthrough.
Humphries’ bag came to Tang Wenlong and was transported to the middle. Don’t look at the ball outside the 45-degree three-point line on the weak side of the right.
The Nets turned their heads along the ball and Ray Allen quietly ambushed over there.
Yang shou made a three-pointer and hit it again! 2 to 19
The Wachovia Center Arena suddenly fell into a carnival. Tang Wenlong scored a beautiful goal to end the attack, and Ray Allen shot beautifully. This is a typical 76-man cooperation.
The host of the court station who broadcast the game exclaimed, "Ray Allen is simply a bodyguard with a knife in Tang Wenlong!"
Chapter three hundred and thirty Chisel through
Veterans are always playing in the regular season, and sometimes they are bullied by young people. The state has always been tepid.
But in the playoffs, they pretended to be dead, and as soon as they came back to life, they grabbed all kinds of shots.
The spotlight Ray Allen flashed with his bald head shining, raised his arm and quickly withdrew it like a drawn swordsman.
"Good shot!"
Tang Wenlong praised and high-fived Ray Allen to celebrate. He jokingly said, "Ray, I feel that your shooting is getting more accurate and faster."
The host Buckley also made a joke about Ray Allen. "Ray Allen plays like this and I think he can retire at the age of six."
"Haha, it makes me want to come back. It’s great to play with Tang Wenlong," joked Kenny Smith.
The two people gave their compliments as if all the 76 ers were due to Tang Wenlong. Of course, this is also the consensus of all the outside world, and so are the fans.
After the second quarter, Tang Wenlong Field rested and replaced Tang Wenlong Field with Jimmy Butler.
Jimmy Butler didn’t have the opportunity to organize an attack in the 76ers’ tactical body, so he gave the offensive ball to Billups, and replaced the court line. Gasol Jr. 76ers’ outside balanced attack adopted the center as the main tactic.
The Nets substitute is led by Gerald Wallace, and there are no particularly complicated tactics. Pick-and-roll attack and low-post storm are the two most important ways.
It happened that the offensive tactics were so simple and efficient, but the Nets substitutes were also able to score many goals, and the score gap was not pulled.
In the 7 th minute of the second quarter, the Nets took the lead in changing the main force. At this time, the 76 ers led the Nets by 35 to 27 points.
Delonglai shot a three-pointer at the top of the arc and missed the rebound decisively. Gasol grabbed it and handed it to Billups.
"Slow down!" Billups raised his arm and pushed the ball slowly across the half.
After the main force of the Nets comes, the 76ers will soon change their main force. At this time, it is the most important thing to control the rhythm and keep the lead.
Both Tang Wenlong and Collins nodded. The IQ of a veteran basketball player like Billups is really high. With him in control, even if the strength of the 76ers’ second array is not as good as that of the basket, it is not so easy for the basket to easily chase the score. It is no wonder that the pistons won the championship at that time and slowly ground the enemy into powder with one knife and one gun.
Grind the will and grind the morale.
"It’s no wonder that at that time, the league hated the game between Spurs and Pistons in the finals. It would be nice if a game could get a ten at this rhythm. Slow and chatting can make people fall asleep." Tang Wenlong was already on the sidelines secretly chatting with Iguodala.
Iguodala laughed. "But the effect is very good. Look at Delong jumping and jumping. On rhythm control, he is two blocks worse than Lupus."
At this time, when Butler made a foul on Saidisyan in an attack and entered the dead ball, Tang Wenlong and Iguodala were ready to change games.
Because Butler has to make free throws, the 76ers choose a small array of Billups, Butler, Iguodala, Tang Wenlong and Gasol Jr.
At this time, the Nets are Delong, Gerald Wallace, Hayward and Sidious Lopez.
Joe Johnson was on the sidelines, ready to enter the field to replace Gerald Wallace.
Tang Wenlong defended the 76ers after the game. The first wave of attack, he fell to Sidious Yang’s side, and then reached out and stuck to the defense.
"Tang hasn’t seen you for so long, and you’re still so active," said Sidious Yang.
Tang Wenlong hey hey smiled. "You’re pretty good, too. There are actually a lot of offensive opportunities in the Nets. I heard that you practiced three-pointers this season. It’s great."
Mouth boasted that Tang Wenlong, a former teammate, didn’t think so at all in his heart. Sidious doesn’t have any tactical position in the Nets. The base of the offensive end is in the hands of Delong or Hayward. Even if it is a line attack, it will not attack Sidious, but will give Lopez a low position and storm Sidious in the Nets.
Not very tall, the four-position shooter is similar to Bosh, so he is not suitable for teammates with a high proportion of partner balls.
But if he is given the chance to attack independently, he can also score, and the data will definitely have a very prominent growth.
"Chicken ribs" Tang Wenlong gave an evaluation in his heart
Then, for a moment, Deron really looked at the breakthrough here directly and was assigned to Lopez’s middle-range jumper on the other side!
Missed the basketball, hit the hoop and bounced back to the backboard.