But Penglai?

Qingwei took a deep breath, took out the five-star bottle of the sun and the moon, and collected a drop of nectar from Yang Liuzhi. The aura of poverty and vitality melted into the body like a spring breeze, and the injury was instantly relieved, and there was no dilemma in getting rid of the oil, the lamp and the magic.
"Penglai, do you know Penglai Xiandao?"
The goddess shook her head slowly when she heard this, but suddenly nodded, "Penglai Fairy Island … seems to have something with me?"
After probing the surrounding situation, Qingwei said, "Let’s move and hide first-they may not be unable to follow."
Penglai Goddess cleverly nodded "Listen to you"
Say pull qingwei will go.
"I move myself!"
Qing Wei declined the goddess to "take care of" the two of them and immediately flew to a place where people were moving in the distance.
Chapter five hundred Fragments of Penglai Fairyland Ancient Island
This world is vast, but a fairy and a fairy in Penglai naturally feel that there is no long way to go.
Therefore, in a moment, they have already arrived in a mortal country.
Both of them have changed their clothes and looks the same, but Penglai’s eyes are full of curiosity about everything, which is somewhat conspicuous
However, Qingwei and Qingwei are not too sorry, because although the world environment here is excellent, the number of monks in tens of thousands of miles in Fiona Fang is only two digits-less than 30.
Moreover, the highest practice of these people is only equivalent to the half-step dharma body level, and it is also extremely low-key to live in this city.
"The dress customs in this world are quite ancient in Yingzhou."
Penglai Hua, a girl in blue, a sugar man in her left hand, a grimace mask in her right hand and Qingwei aside. At this time, I couldn’t help but wonder, "Ancient?"
Qing Wei gave her a look, even if people and themselves are kind, it’s hard to ask her what’s in her memory.
Then is a laughed "wait a minute"
Penglai nodded meekly, and then he saw Qingwei raise his hand and tap his eyebrows. A little bit of colorful glow gathered at his fingertips and finally formed a changeable cloud.
Will be pushed to the front of Penglai Qingwei couldn’t help laughing. "It is necessary for you to walk outside in the future. This is my general understanding of the situation of the heavens and the earth."
Penglai jade hand directly shoots seven-color clouds into his eyebrows, but it will be digested after several breaths.
Looking at Qingwei with bright eyes, I smiled a little briskly. "Qingwei, you are such a good man!"
"Don’t rob me and tell me so many things!"
Qingwei smell speech can’t help but choke. Some people don’t know what to say. Is this a good card?
"You’re welcome. If it’s the main object, I won’t give up, but the big mill of Yin and Yang is your magic weapon. How can I rob it?"
Penglai nodded gently. "Then how can they rob it?"
"Well, this problem … they are used to bullying. If they are not strong enough now, they are afraid to recognize the heavens and the earth."
Penglai xiumei slightly wrinkled is really not a good person. There seems to be a violent flash in his eyes, which makes Qingwei feel a little cold.
The two strolled leisurely towards the hermit monk in the city, but Penglai was overwhelmed with questions.
After sharing the memory with her, her curiosity is even stronger!
"Penglai, don’t you have any impression of Penglai Xiandao?"
Talking all the way, Qingwei also found that this person who really has no complicated thoughts is not stupid and extremely sensitive to good and evil, so he also asked directly.
There seems to be a memory in Penglai’s eyes when he heard the news, "I have been nurtured in the stars for a long time."
"You said it was a battlefield that could compete for Penglai Fairy Island, and I also realized that some of my heels may have originated from Penglai."
"However, my birth should also be a great opportunity to stay in the avenue, a force bred out of Spirit, Penglai Xiandao together with some influence."
Qing Wei couldn’t help but nodded his head and was a little surprised by Penglai’s honesty.
However, not to mention what the impact list of Penglai Xiandao is, Spirit’s heel is somewhat extraordinary
There are not many stars in the sky, but there are not many that can actually give birth to Spirit.
They can be said to be some kind of post-star gods!
At this time, I saw Penglai close her eyes again and seemed to feel the breath of this world carefully for a long time before I saw a sigh of relief. "I know here."
"Huh?" Slightly become speechless.
Penglai cave seems to sprout a kind of pure breath which is the same as this world, and it echoes secretly.
Seeing that the palm of your hand stretched out and seemed to touch the legal rules of heaven and earth, I couldn’t help laughing with curiosity. "This should be a piece of Penglai Xiandao, where the worlds of heaven and earth merged to form a small celestial world."

-I’m afraid besides Lola, the gods can do it so quickly.

Suddenly, a green leaf appeared and fell into Lola’s hand.
Laura’s face changed as soon as she saw it.
"Brother and sister have just got the result. In the last battle, the order of the devil was ended by the soul scream. The soul scream left the occupied area and is moving towards the hegemony area."
She ran to the cabin and said, "We should leave this area as soon as possible and go back to the strange area-Sister Lin, I am not strong enough. Please help me steer."
Lin should follow.
Gu Qingshan was left on the deck.
What does the soul squealer think?
Isn’t it crazy?
But its action seem to have a purpose.
Gu Qingshan thought for a moment and suddenly took out a ring.
I can’t think of anything else now. The most important thing is to keep strengthening my strength.
He looked at the ring.
Pure and transparent amber inlaid ring
There are no ancient creatures sealed in this charming amber.
But if you look closely, you will find a faint starlight in amber.
Gu Qingshan carefully studied the amber ring and remembered the elf’s own dialogue at the beginning.
"Your eyes contain all the true meaning of your swordsmanship. After thinking about it, I think there is a power that suits you very well."
"What do you mean by strength?"
"You practitioners say that this kind of power is called avatar-when you achieve a realm, this ring will take you to a parallel world where you will get this kind of power."
"… thank you for your generosity"
Gu Qingshan no longer hesitated to stretch out his hand and crush amber.
A piece of starlight emerged from amber and formed the appearance of a fairy.
When the elf smiled at Gu Qingshan, "Hello again, little guy whose identity I kept secret."
"Hello pavilion" Gu Qingshan salute way
"You’re welcome. This is the last time that fate can be seen. After that, fate and time will change dramatically. No one can predict what will happen in the future."
"Are you all right?"
"Me? I am leading the whole war, but for a young man like you, I can still take a look at it sometime. "
When the genie continued, "Your world has been blessed by the sword pupil, supported by the earth, fire, water and wind, the law of the inner world and the power of chaos. Now you still need one thing to complete it."
She stretched out her hand made of stars and gently touched Gu Qingshan’s eyebrows.
"Go, Gu Qingshan, go to the place I marked to complete your world art"
"I hope you can fight side by side in the near future."
"Looking forward to seeing you again"
With that, the elves disappeared from Gu Qingshan.
Gu Qingshan closed his eyes for a while.
He has learned the location of that place.
Chapter nine hundred and thirty Wandering treasure recipients
A certain world
A curtain of light is suspended in the bar, playing the latest news of the 900 million-story world.
"Amazing news!"
"After a long, jaw-dropping and shocking war that destroyed the whole occupied area, the monster from the seminary defeated the demon king."
"I must say that the battle between monsters and demons is a dog-eat-dog battle, and no matter who is killed, we will applaud."
"But please note that the seminary monster has left the occupied area."

So soul crystal negative force can absorb?

Xu tui is the kind of person who goes to life at the thought of it. While waiting for the return of the Fifth Wisdom, Xu tui directly takes out a piece of soul crystal about 10 grams. Cai Shaochu first made a shock purification method to try to purify the soul crystal.
Try less than 30 seconds small six unexpected sound rang in Xu back head first.
"Hey, your strength can purify this soul crystal. It’s impossible. You put your spirit in my observation." Small six is in the middle of the red core, and it is observable to make a retreat to a certain extent.
Xu tui didn’t speak, but he let go of the mental bondage of Xiao Liu.
There is such a guy in my mind who always feels uncomfortable and gives up. Generally, he will be bound by his spirit and he will always peep.
"This method is very clever, which is much better than our previous method of purifying soul crystal, and it needs to be repaired and reduced.
About if the extraordinary stars can be purified, "commented Xiao Liu."
This evaluation made Xu tui very surprised. "We later bluestar humans are not what you call one place, are we?"
"From this point of view! This is also the pride of our pulse! "
Although they got along soon, it was the first time that Xiao Liu brought him and Xu tui closer together.
But there’s nothing to be proud of
After a minute, Xu retired and completely released the direct spiritual communication to suppress the red core. The red core kills the sword and soul crystal of God.
Moment soul crystal negative force like being absorbed by a whale quickly flocked to the Excalibur.
Small six eyes immediately stared a rolling.
So soon?
Xu retreat is a clear sample.
Excalibur seems to have a natural strength in extracting negative forces.
In less than seven minutes, when the fifth Hui missed the turn, the negative force of this piece of 10 grams of blood crystal was wiped out by Excalibur.
Before returning, I was worried about the negative power source of Excalibur, so I don’t have to worry about it.
However, from the theory of power, if Xu retires now, his 90% spirit will be condensed into a small sword to kill God, and the power will be more than the red core to kill God!
However, such a sword is generally afraid to cut it out without spirit.
The whole Excalibur is equivalent to another one-time killing move.
Just thinking about the startled sound of Xiao Liu, he sounded again, "Where did you get this sword?"
"You don’t know its origin?" Refusal rhetorical question
"I don’t know"
"I think you know everything."
"I’m not a god!"
Xu didn’t bicker with Xiao Liu again, but Xiao Liu didn’t tell him the detailed history of the whole Excalibur.
"When I have the chance, take me here to see if the power that can make Red Core accept and ban must be extraordinary," said Xiao Liu.
It’s Xu’s turn to frown. "My red core is an organic whole with the whole Excalibur."
"It’s not that I didn’t know that the Excalibur was there," said Xiao Liu. "But there are not many people who can benefit negative forces so skillfully. It may be those one …"
"which ones?"

However, the road flyover burning the lamp is that the feet are rising and Xiangyun is stepping towards Chu Yi, and his eyes are staring straight at Chu Yi.

Chu Yi looked at his figure and rose, and they were far away from each other.
With a somewhat Gherardini look on his face, Chu Yi looked at the road flyover burning lamp and said, "Road flyover burning lamp, do you want to send me the coffin palace lantern? I really like your coffin palace lantern …"
Before Chu Yi finished speaking, the face of the Taoist priest lit a lamp, but it showed a strange smile. "Chu Yi, don’t you know that Xiqi Daishang is the general trend of heaven? Do you know that those who go against heaven are different from those who go against heaven? I’m talking nonsense here. I want to see that when you go against the sky, the sky will drop and the doom will fall to you. Can you still be protected by friends from heaven at that time?"
Chu Yi laughed when he heard this. "Since you are curious about burning the lamp, you should open your eyes and watch my life. I can’t help it. How can you resist me?"
Listening to Chu Yi’s domineering words, the road flyover couldn’t help but stay for a while and then sneered, "It’s really worthwhile to be arrogant and arrogant."
The speaker shouted to kill the sky, but Jin Dasheng, Dai Li and others came to sit on the city wall, only to be entangled by hen-pecked Liu Sun, Manjusri Real Man and others. Their powers are not as good as hen-pecked Liu Sun and others. Where are these opponents of Tao Jinxian? It’s just a blink of an eye. Jin Dasheng, Dai Li and others were killed on the spot one by one.
The henpecked grandson waved his head at Yuan Hong Huang, as if telling himself to behead the Yuan Hong brothers. Generally, he was so proud that Yuan Hong couldn’t wait to smash the henpecked grandson’s head with a stick.
Manjusri reality is beheaded Dai Li, Daoxing Tianzun, and Qingxu Moral Tianzun. His opponents are several monsters. In a blink of an eye, the seven monsters of Meishan were killed, leaving Yuan Hong alone.
Yuan Hong’s whistling figure turned into a statue of a giant ape with a height of 100 feet, but it was stopped by Pu Xian.
"Fear of leaving one’s grandchildren, Manjuel and others have taken a wild break."
Hearing a charming reprimand, I immediately saw an evil dumpling broken and scared my grandchildren. Manjusri, a real person, couldn’t help but face a slight change and flicker and hide in several armies.
Riding on a Hei Hu Zhao Gong, with a golden whip hanging from his back, he came to the Taoist who lit the lamp and said, "Did Zhao Gong ask me if he wanted to bully the younger brother?"
With the arrival of Zhao Gong and Yunxiao three sisters, the original precarious Si Shui stabilized.
Jiang Ya’s eyes are open to all ears, and even if he saw that Si Shui was difficult to take, he immediately sounded the golden bell to retreat to Xiqiao, and the army of one side retreated like a tide.
And Pu Xian reality, burning lamp road flyover several people also secretly breath a sigh of relief to try to go back.
Chapter one thousand three hundred and fifty-five Return from the dead
The sudden killing of Zhao Gong and Yunxiao Sisters was indeed beyond the expectation of the people who burned the lamp. It was precisely because of this that several talents chose to retreat after the retreat.
There are several Zhao Gong people who have joined the war. They want to expand their achievements, but it is obviously impossible to hit Chu Yi and Yuan Hong hard. In that case, it is better to stop.
After all, they took advantage of the chaos to slay all the seven monsters in Meishan, which is already quite a success.
The armies of both sides retreated to the wall, and Yuan Hong looked at the bodies of several people, such as Dai Li and Jin Dasheng, who were taken back by military forces, and could not help but frown.
Yuan Hong’s eyes flashed a little worried. Even though their brother’s big business list left a true spirit, Yuan Hong was still worried. After all, the impact was not small in front of his brother’s body
Chu Yi has now greeted Yunxiao sisters and Zhao Gong. When Yuan Hong’s eyes fell to the ground a few days ago, Zhao Gong couldn’t help coughing a little toward Yuan Hongdao. "Yuan Hongdaoyou is so sorry for your loss."
Zhao Gong’s generous friends all over the world have no prejudice against the seven eccentrics of Meishan who were born in a strange way. At any rate, the seven eccentrics of Meishan are also big businessmen. To put it bluntly, it is Chu Yi’s hand. Now Zhao Gong naturally wants to comfort Yuan Hong after the seven eccentrics of Meishan lost their lives.
Yuan Hong couldn’t help but gently cough a look at Chu Yi, but he was not good enough to directly tell Zhao Gong Dai Li and Jin Dasheng that several people didn’t really die.
Chu Yi felt Yuan Hong’s eyes smile, even if he was fair to Zhao. "Brother, you don’t know that Dai Li and Jin Dasheng are not dead!"
Zhao Gongwen couldn’t help but open his eyes to see Chu Yi’s face full of disbelief.
Yu said that Bixiao was directly directed at Chu Yi. "Little teacher younger brother, don’t lie to me. There are several bodies here, but you told me that they are not dead. I can still tell if this person is dead."
Chu Yi couldn’t help laughing at Zhao Gong and Yunxiao sisters. "Come with me and you will know."
Speak ChuYi also blunt Yuan Hong nodded with Yuan Hong.
Zhao Gong and Yunxiao sisters are also curious about what the hell Chuyi is going to do, and they quickly followed.
Chu Yi, a tinker in Company commanders mansion Mansion in Sishui, reached out and took out a silk from his bosom.
This side of silk and silk is exactly the list of suppressing the treasures of big business fortune.
This list is now full of names, but people who have voluntarily placed their true spirits on this list over the years.
Stretching out his hand and throwing the list horizontally, there is no vision, but in the eyes of Zhao Gong and Yunxiao, this list is a gathering of luck, which can be said to be a treasure.
"This is waiting for the treasure to have such a weather."
Looking at the list, the momentum is Zhao Gong and Yunxiao, and Zhao Gong is directly asked.
Chu Yi smiled and said, "Brother, look."
Speaking, Chu Yi suddenly shouted at the winning list, "Jin Dasheng, Dai Li … you will come back soon!"
As Chu Yi’s voice fell, he saw that the list bloomed with light, and the light flew out of the list and turned into a figure.
Qi and vitality converge, and this road figure is quickly solidified at a speed visible to the naked eye.
It’s just a dozen breathing efforts. Six of the seven eccentrics of Meishan, such as Jin Dasheng and Dai Li, appeared in front of everyone intact.
Yuan Hong couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw Jin Dasheng and Dai Li. He slapped Jin Dasheng and Dai Li on the shoulder and said, "It’s good to be brothers."
Jin Dasheng laughed. "Luckily, the king has such a treasure to shelter me and wait for the true spirit, otherwise he will really die this time."
Until this time, I can’t help but feel a little scared when I recall the situation that they were beheaded by their henpecked grandchildren.
Dai Li gritted his teeth and said, "They are afraid to leave their grandchildren. Their roots are bullying us, but they are not as good as them. Why don’t they dare to make trouble with their eldest brother?"

In the near future, Bluestar should be able to go home.

When I get home, my mother will eat sweet and sour ribs and braised ribs for three days.
If you eat daddy’s big bag and drink a bowl of steaming and fragrant soybean milk, all the cold and fatigue will be washed away.
Thinking about xu drooling!
Mars is really cold!
Even with war protection
I didn’t think it would be really cold to relax before.
Xu looked back at AnXiaoXue with a smile. Hey, hey, a smile is ready to stimulate AnXiaoXue. Give AnXiaoXue a list first. She is stimulated by the name of the dish to stimulate her.
These days, drinking energy potions and compressing rations are almost fading out of the mouth!
"Don’t come over!"
Xu retreated just to AnXiaoXue, five meters away, and AnXiaoXue abruptly retreated, which prevented Xu from retreating.
"What’s the matter, Teacher An?" Xu retreated in astonishment.
"Just don’t come over!" An Xiaoxue is very determined.
Xu tui is puzzled.
Three hours later, the Phobos World War I Command came to order the official end of the actual combat on Mars in 213.
All elite students participating in the war will be tied up at the nearest node in the 24 th place in the 16 th district of the first district.
The Phobos World War I Command will send a space transport plane to send elite students to Phobos, and will also send a space vehicle Mars to search for life breath.
Look for students who may be seriously injured and incapacitated.
All participants in the war will undergo initial environmental adaptation therapy and stress psychological intervention in Phobos.
At the same time, all participating students will also be screened at Phobos.
Prevent alien races from mixing into Terran Department.
Estimated time is three to five days.
Many awards and final merit calculations for all combatants will be completed in these three to five days.
Participants in the war can also obtain information for verification if they have objections.

Meng Xi listened and replied in a low voice, "Brother Jung, to tell the truth, I am very grateful to you and I think about it! I’ve also inquired about a Yan family these days. It really looks like a match with me … But I don’t think it’s impossible for us because of Xiaoyan’s looks, but her personality and three views can’t be finished with me … I can bear that she is not so beautiful, but … I can’t bear that the second half of the future can’t communicate with her. "

In a word, Meng Xi said his attitude and Jun Chen understood the meaning of the other party in seconds. "Okay, if you want to say that, there is no way out. This mutton can’t stick to dog meat, and there will be problems. Even if there is no affection between men and women in the marriage, it can’t even cultivate family ties. It really leads a very miserable life."
"Thank you for understanding Brother Ha Jun!" Meng Xi is quite considerate of Yan Sihui. "When you tell her later, be gentle. After all, she is a woman and easily hurts her self-esteem."
"Ha ha that’s all right, I know." Jun Chen nodded. "I’ll look for the seven districts with you later. There are still a lot of rich giants."
"It’s too much trouble."
"It’s easy. Hey, do you have any requirements for looks?" Jun Chen read smoothly asked 1.
"… just don’t be too flattering" Meng Xi suppressed along while replied.
"Ha ha!" Jun Chen smiled and shook his head. "Your generation is different from ours. How many wives do those middle-aged people who are about the same age as me have in seven districts look good? At that time, when dad assigned you a wife who had to marry, the other person was a pig, and you had to welcome the door to live. There was no choice. "
"You are a generation of humiliation, handsome brother!" Meng Xi poking fun at answered.
"How do I sound like swearing when I listen to you?"
"Ha ha!"
They smiled at each other and stepped out of the lounge, and Jun Chen didn’t have any negative emotions because Meng Xi refused to go on with Yan Sihui. This kind of thing is that it’s nothing to hit a yellow ball without a date.
Because Meng Xi couldn’t go out with Yan Sihui, he didn’t go upstairs to see the people in the seven districts again, but strolled over to the general phalanx of Sichuan Government.
Just then Meng Xi noticed a detail. The girl in the white dress who was scolded by Yan Sihui was with Ji Lin and others at the moment.
JiLin is later, as soon as he entered the door, he chattered and was surrounded by some Songjiang ladies. He looked extremely happy.
Meng Xi carefully looked at the girl with a white skirt and turned to the side of the sofa area.
After the dinner, the top generals in the three major districts all sat at a table. Qi Lin suddenly waved his hand and shouted "Xiaoyu, come here!"
Meng Xi sat at this table, too. He saw the girl in white skirt with his own eyes and got up very cleverly and came running timidly.
JiLin took the girl’s hand and smiled at them and said, "Ha ha, I’ll introduce you to a ha! This is my sister’s eyes were not very good before Qi Yu, and she has been treating diseases. Later, she was admitted to the Army Academy to study military medicine and just graduated. "
Meng Xi’s voice fell directly, and Yan Sihui’s face turned into a pig’s liver color without a main table.
Obviously, this is the fangs’ daughter-in-law. They just told Qi Lin …
"I haven’t seen Xiaoyu for a long time." The old cat who just came here shamelessly waved his hand. "Come and show my brother …"
"Hello, brother!" Qi language waved at him with a sweet smile.
Meng Xi couldn’t wait to jump up and kick his face when he saw the old cat’s expression.
Chapter 2597 Li Fugui Suggestions
On the dining table, Meng Xi asked, "Does Commander Qi have a sister?"
"Yes," Li Zhan nodded and replied, "When Ji Lin came out of Songjiang, he took his mother and sister with him, but … but then her mother died, leaving Ji Lin and his sister alone at home."
"Oh" Meng Xi suddenly realized.
"Alas, it’s not easy to come to Qi Lin after all the hardships." After the war, he was idle and said, "His sister lost her eyes because of illness. At that time, Qi Lin was poor … She couldn’t afford to cure the girl’s blindness … Later, it was only after Qi Lin joined many doctors that she found a matching cornea … She had an operation, and even in hundreds of cases, she might not be successful, but it was good … The girl slowly recovered her eyesight, although there were sequelae, but at least she was not disabled."
"That’s really bitter" Meng Xi nodded slowly.
"Alas, you came late, and many things are unclear. The story of the old brother who followed Xiaoyu from Songjiang is not simple." Li Zhan said in a low voice, "Alas, it’s really a fight from the bottom."
The two were chatting. The old cat immediately squinted and asked, "What are you talking about?"
When I saw the old cat in the war, I immediately said, "What are you doing for the military and political reception? Are you afraid of being labeled as a gang?"
"Looking at the three major districts, who dares to touch me in Li Fugui?" The old cat replied very drifted.
"Ha ha, look at him. He is the only story among the old people in Songjiang. The simple story is that Lao Li’s nephew took a direct warning in the middle and married Zheng’s girl completely in the later period." Li Zhan gnashed his teeth at the old cat and scolded, "His father was prescient … named him a rich man … Dog Day has really come true now!"

"How much do you want?"

"easy to say"
Sun Xian grinned.
"We don’t want much. It’s not too much to give money to my friend Daniel every year."
"A hundred years?" Pan Lao’s face changed greatly.
"You are crazy!"
"Really?" Sun Xian also surprised.
"Cloud home background won’t even take it out? You have raised dozens of gifts, and it’s only three or four years of money. "
What he said is true.
If cloud home strength intact, so the money is not much.
But …
At this time, all the things in hand of Yun Haitang add up to fear so much.
Pan Lao bian shou
"yes!" Cloud Haitang beautiful eyes flashing cold way
"If I pay this money, will you make trouble after you are sure?"
"Of course!"
Sun Xian eyes a bright.
"It is well known that Qinglong has always kept its promise in doing things, otherwise it would not have come to this day."
"that’s good"
Cloud begonia nodded.
"When I go back to get the money"
"Miss Yun, don’t keep us waiting." Sun Xian spoke slowly.
"I’ll be here in seven days. If you don’t come after seven days, or if you have other plans … then don’t blame us."
"…" Cloud begonia sullen.
Xiangyun held four people up until she couldn’t see Fang’s figure.
"Haitang, are you really going to give money?"
"What if you don’t give money?" Yun Haitang’s face is bitter
"Cloud home is responsible for the area once an accident, it is not money can be solved"
"They’re afraid of this, too, to blackmail you into taking money." Jade flying frost frowned.
"Step back, step back, step by step. I think this matter is that someone is behind the layout to test how many means are left in your cloud house."
"If …"
"If I find out that you can’t even cope with the dragon’s capture of the capital, I’m afraid something will happen that will push your luck."

Listening to Lin Yi’s question, Qin Dingfang shrugged. "I don’t know if you ask me. He said that I kill you and get what you need. Don’t ask. He also said that you have a deep hatred. Lin Yi, you see that you have killed too many people and your enemies are all over the world."

Lin Yi stared at the fake shopkeeper again. "Give you another chance to say or not? !”
"Don’t say!" The fake shopkeeper shouted at Qin Dingfang again, "Please let the king of Qin do it!"
The impostor Qin Dingfang would rescue him, but Qin Dingfang stood still at the stairs, and his eyes flashed with cruelty.
The phony’s voice hasn’t fallen yet. Lin Yi’s hands are on the other side, and Lin Yi’s wrists are buckled, which makes a terrible shattering sound.
The fake shopkeeper cried out in pain
At the same time, Lin Yi’s body shook out and swept across the counter to wipe the towel. The dense steel needles flew up in an instant and shot at the fake.
At the moment, this impostor’s hands are buckled by Lin Yi, how can he hide from his face and bust being shot like a hedgehog, and these steel needles are all poisoned. At the moment, so many steel needles are shot into the impostor’s body, and he is dead, screaming and foaming at the mouth …
Lin Yi let go of this fake shopkeeper and poured it into the counter.
The young man’s face changed when he saw this situation.
Qin Dingfang clapped his hands slowly. "Killing him really made me feel good, but he refused to tell me the details and was mysterious …"
That little two is a fake shopkeeper. He didn’t know that Qin Dingfang turned out to be deliberately from ruin.
Xiao’ er glanced at Qin Dingfang’s resentment and suddenly took out a short knife to cut Xiao’ er’s neck, and the blood gushed out and he fell to the ground and died.
Qin Dingfang said to Lin Yi, "This is a dead man, Xiao Lin. Where do you think they came from?"
Lin Yi said, "I will find out."
Qin Dingfang shook his head and said, "I’ll check it for you because you have no chance."
Lin Yi said, "You should deal with the old devil if he cheated you so badly, and if you break with him, you will definitely not let go of your old devil’s means. You also know that it is impossible to prevent it. If I were you, I would try to kill the old devil first, even if we are enemies, and it would be unwise for you to deal with the old devil and me at the same time."
Qin Dingfang regarded The Hunger as his ancestor for so long and finally ended up being deceived and miserable, and his mutant body will never recover. Qin Dingfang really feels crazy.
Qin Dingfang is also so painful.
Qin Dingfang always woke up from a nightmare recently. He dreamed that The Hunger had found him, controlled magic, turned him into a walking corpse, stripped him naked, and pointed at him. Even eunuchs were inferior to taunting and insulting him in public.
Qin Dingfang couldn’t wait to spit The Hunger meat.
But he didn’t even look at The Hunger trying to kill The Hunger Tan Yi.
Qin Dingfang can be looking for opportunities.
A few days ago, the fake shopkeeper found Qin Dingfang and said that he could track down Lin Yi and kill Lin Yi while Lin Yi was seriously injured and still recovering.
Qin Dingfang thought that The Hunger and Lin Yi were sworn enemies anyway, and he vowed to kill Lin Yi. Since the opportunity to kill Lin Yi came, he couldn’t miss it.
Qin Dingfang left Qin Honghu to take people to continue to hunt down the Wulin Alliance and the Blood Devil in Jinzhou. He secretly brought a group of people to the south to kill Lin Yi.
Qin Dingfang said, "If you kill all my relatives, the old demon will destroy everything I have. You all have to die, depending on who dies first. It seems that you died first, Kobayashi."
Say Qin Dingfang made a ring.
So the door of the room next to the counter came out one after another, and seven people were all inferno masters.
Then the master of the inferno hiding in the building also appeared. There were more than a dozen people at the stairs, and they were armed with five flowers in their hands.
Qin Dingfang also walked slowly on the stairs. Those inferno masters followed Qin Dingfang behind him.
At the moment, the child is still guarding the door. The child shouted, "Go!"
There are also a number of quenched steel needles in the face towel at the counter. Lin Yi’s hand slammed the counter, and those steel needles suddenly sparkled and then shot away at the magic masters behind Qin Dingfang.
At the same time, the abacus at the counter fell into Lin Yi’s hand, and the abacus frame was broken. Those abacus beads flew out from the next room door, and the inferno master came out.
Take this opportunity to Lin Yichao to the door.
Ma Peiling also went to the door.
Qin Ding suddenly "screamed" at the poisonous needles that rained down on him, and the strong gas surged. Those shot steel needles were shaken and scattered by Qin Dingfang.
Because Qin Dingfang shocked all those poisonous needles out of the inferno master behind him and killed one person.
But those magic masters in the building were knocked down by Lin Yi’s abacus beads.
One was seriously injured and the other died on the spot.
Qin Dingfang still takes his time standing on the stairs.
Lin Yi three people out of the inn door immediately Bai Qin prescription in no hurry.
At the moment, people keep flashing in the rain and fog on both sides of the street.
These people are all experts in inferno. They come from houses on both sides of the street.
Many people still have lanterns in their hands.
The lights are hazy and blurred in the rain
Seeing three people coming out of the inn, they all gathered around.
Qin Dingfang also brought people out of the inn.
A bunch of people will Lin Yi three people besieged the street.
At the moment, a dark figure stands at a window more than ten feet away from the inn. This figure looks at this side.
There is still a man standing behind him. It is a woman. She said in a whisper, "Gong Linyi can’t escape, can she?"
Being called "I hope so"
The woman said, "What if Qin Dingfang can’t kill Lin Yi?"
Fair "I still have a cause"
The woman said, "I feel a little anxious this time and should continue to wait for opportunities."
Justice "It’s wrong that all sides are exhausted and weakened, and when the situation has been disturbed by me, it’s the best opportunity to take advantage of the chaos. If the situation is stable, I’ve been waiting for this opportunity for a long time."
Female Dao "Pei"

"Sleep? What about the artificial heart? "

"I have considered changing an artificial heart for up to three years."
"Xiao Ting, what do you think?"
"Come back as soon as you can. If you can’t, I’ll apply for artificial … I still have your seed."
Yip hon silence couldn’t tell what it was like in my heart. "What if you go back to Grandpa Earth?" The low gravity of the moon is not suitable for pregnancy. If you want to reproduce normally, you must return to Earth.
"Organized?" Bai Xiaoting said.
Professor Qin’s status as a national care provider is a common treatment.
"Then you should apply for returning to Earth as soon as possible," Yip Han said. "I can almost go back when you are almost recovered."
Bai Xiaoting has lived on the moon for several years and needs to readjust to the standard gravity when she returns to the earth. This process takes less than two or three months. If she is older or has physical problems, it is hard to say whether she can recover in half a year or even a year.
"Well, I’ll apply for it later." Bai Xiaoting, who discusses good children, is like putting a heart disease, and the whole person is full of spirit.
Two people spoke a few words Bai Xiaoting active ended the call.
Let it go. Yip hon was in a mess. He sat on the bed for a while, but it was more than two o’clock in the afternoon when he stayed.
Remembering that he was responsible for yip hon, he rushed to the headquarters with somewhat evasive psychology. Andy Zhuang and Wei Chengfei greeted yip hon earlier than yip hon and asked, "Is it all right in front of the commander?"
"It’s as quiet as it was a few days ago. The Molobida ant colony is completely disabled," Andy Zhuang said
Wei Chengfei laughed. "It’s good to be disabled. The more disabled, the better!"
"So it’s okay again today?" Yip hon relieved.
ZhuangBo smiled "how all right? I’ll go to the cookhouse class when I’m not on duty. Today’s New Year’s Day, let’s take the lead in making dumplings! "
"What are you waiting for?" Wei Chengfei got up. "This project is not small. We have to hurry."
"See you hurry to go now" Andy Zhuang also got up.
There are so many people in the base, more people in the fleet, and all of them together. There are thousands of people who eat dumplings without 10 thousand, but it’s not as easy as it is. The whole base has to be busy for half an afternoon.
When Zhuang Bo arrived at the canteen with a group of officers, the cookhouse squad had prepared the noodles and stuffing. The officers sat around in twos and threes and began to make dumplings together.
It’s no problem to arrange the soldiers to pack, so you can just find a reason to cope with it. However, when the officers take the lead, no matter how high the leaders are at ordinary times, they will bend over to the body.
Andy Zhuang asked while rolling his skin, "Yip Han, I think you are in a bad mood. Is there something on your mind?"
"Yes, I can see that, too," said Wei Chengfei. "Why are you absent-minded?"
Yip hon Fang just wrapped dumplings and sighed "a little housework"
"Talk about it, don’t hold it back," Andy Zhuang said.
Yip hon listened to ZhuangBo selectively and slapped the table. "It’s a good thing that you are old and married for several years, so it’s time to have a baby."
Yip hon said with a bitter face, "The baby must be born. When my family comes back to recover for a while, it is not a problem to get pregnant, but what to do after the baby is born."
"What to do? Take good care of it! " Andy Zhuang stare eyes.
He is over sixty years old and likes children. If he hears that any young man doesn’t want children, even if he has nothing to do with him, he can’t help but scold him.
"That’s not what I meant." Yip hon quickly told Professor Qin about the situation. "The old man wants to see the child, but the child is so small that he can’t take a rocket, and he can’t inject hibernating hormone. Besides, the low gravity in Beiyuezhou is not good for the child."
Since ancient times, human beings were born on the earth, grew up on the earth and eventually buried in the earth. The earth environment is the most suitable environment for human beings.
At present, the physiology of low gravity environment is just beginning, and the long-term impact of low gravity environment on life is still uncertain.
Human skeleton structure, muscle strength and dirty function have all adapted to the earth environment in thousands of years of evolution. Although Ye Han is not engaged in medicine, he can imagine that once a child is born on the moon, the low gravity will inevitably cause negative effects in the process of growth.
For example, lack of bone density, such as muscle deficiency, and weakness of visceral function.
Yip hon sighed again "children can’t the moon Qin old body and can’t back to the earth as children born can’t see? What I’m worried about now is that there is no child, Qin Lao, and it’s like this without thinking about it. What if the child is born and can’t live or die? "

The female robber gently wiped her face, slobbered, picked up Qibai Ba, and then opened her mouth and blew a sigh at her, so that Qibai quickly closed her eyes and sipped her mouth to reveal a look of preparation for death.

"Good thing, since you don’t want to forget it, I don’t like coercion and I have found what I need-Zhanli!"
The female robber stood up and stared at the little star in her hand with a happy smile and said, "I helped your master solve the crisis. It’s a good deal, isn’t it?"
Qibai stared at the female robber in astonishment and then swore, "You shameful woman actually took away the master’s energy again. If something happens, let me go. I won’t let you go, disgusting bitch, garbage."
The female robber took a casual look at the palm energy and said, "It seems that your achievements in these two days are not very significant. There is a negative energy that is not enough to see, but it is enough for afternoon tea!"
Then the female robber blinked at Qibai and swallowed the palm energy in front of her.
Seven white is suddenly quiet, and the expression on her face is no longer so angry, and she becomes a little weird. With a cold smile, she stares at the female robber and watches her swallow her energy, and her face is more and more excited.
The female robber suddenly frowned when she felt the body energy response, and her face flashed with pain.
But soon the female robber regained her composure and pinched her seven white faces and said, "I really don’t know what to say. I can do this little trick to disguise positive energy as negative energy. Are you stupid or stupid?"
Qibai said seriously, "Of course, it is the natural enemy Qibai Devil who makes nature very clever. So what if you see it?" Haven’t you absorbed it? "
"Ha ha-"
The female robber laughed and trembled and said, "You are really stupid, but you are so weak. The illusion can’t fool me, and the devil’s body is the most sensitive to positive energy. Of course, I won’t absorb it or spit it out!"
"It’s a pity that you don’t have such a chance!"
Qibai suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the female robber’s wrist, and then prompted his body magic eyes to instantly become black as ink with mysterious light and stared at the female robber’s eyes closely.
The female robber was frightened. I didn’t expect that Qibai had disguised herself before she was freed, and now she still wants to cast illusion on herself.
"Delusion-"the female robber shouted and then violently resisted.
However, during the "Seven Whites" campaign, Ye You suddenly got up, regardless of his own body and face wounds, holding the medicine chest at the female robber’s head and smashing it.
The female robber didn’t expect Ye Yu to make a move. The heavy medicine chest hit her head and buzzed in her ear. The scene in front of her blurred.
While the female robber was in a trance for a moment, Qibai finally finished his final preparation. The body "bang" turned into a shadow and then got into the female robber’s head.
Passing 18-wheeler, it took only five seconds from seven white rebellions to her turning into a shadow, but it was an amazing reversal!
Ye Yu, a breathless female robber, looked at the medicine chest behind her and hesitated whether to do it again. The female robber let herself suffer so much, even if she was smashed into a concussion.
But I always feel that it is not kind to take advantage of people’s danger!
Hesitated for a few seconds, Ye You clenched his fist and then punched the female robber in the head.
The strength is very strong, which is almost the level of back rubs, but the female robber collapsed, her body numb, her eyes closed, but her face muscles kept shaking, which seemed to be a dream resistance.
Seeing that the female robber completely lost her resistance, Ye Yu was finally relieved to sit down and gasp.
If you want to make this clear, you have to start from the night before yesterday!
That evening, Ye Yu was robbed by a female robber, unwilling to suffer, and he and the little devil decided to take revenge, so
There is something in front of you!
Qibai told Ye Yu that every demon emissary has a special ability, and her ability is about to awaken now because illusion can slightly affect the enemy’s spirit and interfere with the other’s consciousness.
Two people put their ideas on the negative side and planned to use them as bait to attract female robbers!
The specific course of action is this: Ye Yu tries to absorb positive energy and negative energy, but mainly negative energy. Two or three positive energies are enough, and then the seven white illusions temporarily change the positive energy sample.
Red stars and black stars want to change this thing is still very simple!
On Tuesday, Ye Yu absorbed four negative energies and two positive energies. Unfortunately, the female robber didn’t appear that day, and the plan was unsuccessful!
Today, Ye Yi has got two negative energies, one positive energy adds up to nine energies, slightly enhances his own ability, and then uses the remaining energy as bait.
If the female robber appears, the illusion will affect her. If she is a little careless, she will not find the positive energy disguise, and then she will mistakenly disguise the positive energy.
Positive energy is very harmful to the devil, especially after digestion, it can kill the devil!
However, the devil’s body is very sensitive to positive energy, and when it is absorbed, it can be detected that it will not continue to digest, but it can spit out positive energy. At this time, it is at the key of Ye Yan and Qibai Plan.
According to the original plan, Ye Yu must resist hard at this time and interfere with the actions of female robbers. It is best to limit her.
Then Qibai will make his own magic perform illusion, so that the female robber’s spirit will be temporarily absent, and then the illusion will be successful and the plan will be completely completed
Qibai will get into the female robber and then temporarily control her spirit to help her digest positive energy.
The demon king’s body forcibly digests positive energy, which is the same effect as human beings taking the initiative to eat dichlorvos. Even if this female robber is powerful and not fatal, it will definitely bring great harm.
This is Ye Yan and Qibai’s planning plan, which is very successful according to the present results.
The only thing out of Ye Yi’s control is Lu Yi. He didn’t expect Lu Yi to be a brave man, and he lured himself here to get rid of himself. This is really unexpected.
At that time, the situation was really desperate for Yuzryha, but things developed and she created opportunities.
The female robber knocked out Lu Mi, so the former Lu Mi’s own control disappeared, and Lu Mi also successfully consumed the female robber’s strength and increased her chances of winning by acting on her own.
After resuming the operation, Ye Yu did not get up immediately, but continued to pretend to let the female robber recognize that she was not in danger.
Qibai is also the same strategy. Even if she was humiliated by a female robber, she did not expose her actions until she saw the energy of the female robber.
In order to succeed, I don’t hesitate to be excellent. I can’t help myself. The devil made a point of praise and praised it manually.
Things turned out well, and finally they became the kind of situation they expected. Ye Yu finally settled down in his heart.
Turn your head and lie down * * Ye You get up and look at Lu You close at hand.
Now she’s quiet and beautiful, and once again she’s what she’s most looking forward to. It’s Ye You, and she knows very well that this is just Lu Zhou’s disguise.
She is not as gentle and calm as she looks, not so approachable and very cold.
However, Ye You still has some pain in his heart. I don’t know what it is. It may be because he fell into the trap of Lu Yi, or it may be that he found that Lu Yi and the perfect goddess in his heart are totally different. It is always very uncomfortable.
I feel that something important has disappeared in my heart!
After reading it for a long time, Ye You decided to turn her head. It is doomed that she and Lu Zhou have no fate, or don’t add to her troubles. Now there is a more important thing, female robber!
This powerful four-star demon king is twitching all over now. It seems that Qibai has helped her digest positive energy.
Ye You scanned the female robber’s body for many times. It was not intentional that the gap in the leather coat was too eye-catching, surrounded by black rice and white skin!
This woman is also a school student. Which student can develop so perfectly? Is this still a high school student?
With a strong curiosity, Ye Yu reached out his hand, not to the other person’s chest, but to the other person’s mask. Today, we must uncover this thing and see her true face to see who she really is.
Ye Yu’s finger has touched the mask, and suddenly the female robber opened her eyes and risked her eyes.
Chapter 35 Real identity
Ye Yu looked at the female robber in astonishment. He didn’t expect the other party to wake up. Didn’t Qibai say that if the action was successful, then he was absolutely sure to limit the other party’s body?
Is this situation also called restriction? Don’t say 100%. The other person was unconscious for less than three minutes.
The female robber reached out and buckled Ye Yu’s wrist, and said coldly, "What do you want to do?"
"Master, hurry up and knock her out. I can’t control her spirit. She doesn’t have magic now. Master, do it quickly."
Ye Yu hasn’t recovered from that state of panic. Suddenly, the female robber’s body comes with seven white tones, but at this moment, the other person’s face shows intense pain. Beitooth bites her red lip and sweat keeps flowing from her forehead.
Extremely nervous, Ye Yu became calm and found the problem key!
Both myself and Qibai recognize this woman as a Samsung demon king, but judging from the battle with Lu Mi just now, this is obviously a four-star demon king who miscalculated her strength. No wonder Qibai’s action has deviated.
However, there is still a chance to save yourself and help Qibai, otherwise I’m afraid both myself and her will die!
Everyone’s life and death will explode with unimaginable power. Ye Yu doesn’t know if he is a life and death now. Anyway, he doesn’t want this operation to succeed if it fails
Bibi’s desire breeds Ye Yu’s mobility. He fought back!
Chest attack!
Although this move is very embarrassing, it is not too much for a sexually corrupt female robber. It is justice, not because she has coveted this beautiful scenery for a long time!