If you don’t have luck in a war zone, you may not be able to spray one piece in an hour on the fiftieth lap.

There can be about two source crystals in an hour in the fortieth battle area, and the size is slightly larger.
The probability that Xu retires on the 43rd lap is slightly less than the 40th lap.
However, after taking a nap for an hour, Yan Lie got four source crystals.
Three of them were stolen.
Xu tui’s position is bordered by the alien invasion elite war zone, and their war zone falls to the source crystal, and Xu tui’s direct spirit pulls over.
The elite of the robbed alien invasion also dare to be angry and dare not speak.
Can stare at Xu for a few times to vent?
Strength is not good, that’s it, Nai!
Originally, Xu tui can grab a wider range, but Xu tui feels a little low-key and don’t grab too much.
Besides, the spirit traction speed is not too fast and far, and it is easy to be intercepted!
In addition, I will leave the department at other times to observe the elite of alien invasion around me!
In Xu tui, the enhanced telepathic induction Xu tui can obviously sense that the body energy breath of these alien invasion elites is constantly rising!
Where they don’t move, their energy breath is rising!
That’s a fast rise!
Xu tui deliberately measured and observed a mechanical Eldar gun arm elite for forty laps alone.
The total energy of his body increased by about 1% in an hour.
On Mars, the day is also a little over 24 hours
In other words, if this guy stays here for four days, his energy and breath will double!
If the Terran can do the same, it means that a Terran can double its strength in the fortieth lap for four days.
This is still the fortieth lap!
If the source can be thicker, turn 30
The twentieth lap?
Tenth lap?
How fast did that rise?
In this case, the elite of alien invasion can quickly upgrade their strength source crystal there, which is actually their extra gain!
On the contrary, the Terran team elites are purely here to accompany!
Accompany them to confront each other for several days, the strength will not rise, and the only gain is the source crystal!
All Terran teams are very strange to Yuanjing!
Constantly observing Xu tui back and forth has an idea-unfair!
This is so special and unfair!
Alien invasion elites can quickly increase their strength.
And the Terran team elite like this with the final fight or alien invasion elite don’t pay too much attention to the source crystal.
I don’t know without comparison.
A contrast, the gap is too big!
Of course, shouting unfairness is just shouting back.
Xu Refund is not so naive!
This world is not absolutely fair!
What’s more, this is a battlefield!
What terran can’t directly absorb this source to increase its strength?
Xu back my heart suddenly came up with an idea.
If the Terran can directly absorb the source, it can increase its strength.
Even near the outer circle, many elites can be quickly trained.
Gene new human cultivation is actually very resource-hungry!
No resources, rising slowly.

"Yeah …" Hyperion expression finally became nervous. "It seems that Asgard people are really tough …"

Thor smiled coldly. "I have always said that only Asgard people are true gods!"
However, although Thor turned the scene around, Hyperion didn’t panic. In fact, he was more flexible in avoiding Thor’s thunder offensive because he was faster than Thor.
Grandmaster in the stands also saw this, and the master’s face was finally calm
"Respected master Raytheon has awakened such ability in the decisive battle. Is the Golden Titan going to lose?" Topaz low asked.
"defeat? The Golden Titan is not so easy to be defeated … "Grandmaster said calmly.
This sentence has just been exported to the arena, and Hyperion has taken a counterattack. He flew quickly through the heavy net of Thor cloth like a golden flash!
"so fast!" Valkyrie squinted and said that even if she had excellent eyesight, she could capture Hyperion’s body.
With this cosmic limit speed, you can see Hyperion’s trajectory clearly, and at the same time, he was surprised to find that Hyperion has reached one percent of the speed of light.
Although it is 1%, this speed is already very terrible. Shao Tuoer is still able to reach this level in terms of current strength.
So after the thunder attack, Hyperion rushed to him.
"Asgard people, your ability is only so much!"
Hyperion laughed coldly and directly hit Thor in the chest with one punch.
Thor was hit by a heavy blow and hit the wall of the arena again
Hyperion continued to pursue Thor’s lower abdomen with a kick.
Stone chips are flying and smoke is rising. The onlookers are almost scared to pee, and they all exclaim.
Valkyrie also couldn’t help covering his eyes. "Thor is too bad."
And the Vietnam War became more and more brave. Hyperion didn’t stop at all. He accelerated and rushed towards Thor again.
B! ! !
The third attack, Hyperion’s weight plus one percent of the speed of light hit Thor’s body, and the powerful impact directly smashed Thor into the depths of the arena.
Two people fully smashed into the ground ten meters deep before it gradually stopped.
Grandmaster see enough smiling said "this is the real blood fighting! However, even if Lei Di is from Asgard, it is hard for the Golden Titan to withstand this kind of play ….. "
Partos also smiled and nodded, "Lei Di may have to hang up this time."
Hyperion in the challenge thinks so, too. His powerful impact has made Thor black and blue. No one can attack Asgard people to this extent, and no exception.
"I won the battle after the end of Asgard. It turns out that our eternal protoss is the real god …"
Hyperion hold unconscious thor shoulder heavy said.
But at this moment, Thor, who was already unconscious, suddenly opened his eyes and hugged Hyperion’s shoulder to lock him firmly.
"What? !” Hyperion gasped. What the hell is this sudden move?
With his eyes open, Thor sneered, "Titan, you underestimate us Asgard people. This game is not over yet. The outcome has not been announced yet!"
"Eternal protoss? I’m sorry, just because you deserve to be called God? "
"I am a real protoss! ! !”
Speaking of which, Lei Guang rolled in Thor’s eyes, and at the same time, he summoned Thunder Force to bombard him and Hyperion directly from thousands of meters high school.
"I see where you can hide this time? ! You fly coward! "
B! ! !
The thick thunderbolt penetrated the entire arena stands, and many timid spectators directly peed their pants.
Grandmaster didn’t expect such a reversal in the game, but he panicked and shouted excitedly, "Stimulate! Stimulation! "
Valkyrie spacecraft is in the arena, and it was almost chopped to pieces by Thor thunderbolt. However, Goofy was calm and kept watching in the spacecraft. When Thor summoned thunderbolt, he calculated that he was out of attack range.
Valkyrie hid in the cabin and craned his neck to watch the situation. At the same time, he asked, "Will Goofy win this time?"
"The horse will find out," Goofy smiled. "But I have to admit that Raytheon’s move is very clever."
And a few seconds later, the huge thunder finally ended, and the arena was scorched.
Black smoke billowed from the cave of Thor Hyperion, but I don’t know who won the final victory in the game.
The host shouted excitedly, "The game should be over. I think the game should be over after Thor released the power blow."
Grandmaster also a face of excitement "who won? Who made it to the end? "
Tens of thousands of spectators at the scene watched the deep and dark cave waiting for the winner to triumph.
At this moment, a big rough hand stretched out from the cave!
Chapter 699 The outcome will be known.
At the end of the smoke, it was a rough, strong hand stretched out.
However, because the gold titan, Hyperion and Thor all have similar human appearance, they can judge who the final winner is by one-handed method.
The host of the gladiator also deliberately created suspense. He drawled and said, "If there is no accident, the player who climbed out of the cave first will be the last winner today. Who will he be?" Is it Thor? Or the Golden Titan Hyperion? "
Taking his word, the master of this big hand has turned out of the cave.
He was wearing a tight black belt with a gold belt engraved with the nuclear radiation sign, but his majestic cloak had been bombed into a rag and his short hair was in a mess.
The Golden Titan-Hyperion
He was lucky to be the winner tonight.
"no! ! !” Valkyrie saw that drilling the cave was Hyperion’s loss, holding his head and shouting.
Goofy some accident looked back at Valkyrie asked "what? Didn’t you guess that Hyperion would win? Why are you unhappy now that Hyperion has won the game? "
"I know that Hyperion is stronger, but Thor’s performance is more exciting … He not only defeated himself without a Raytheon hammer, but also awakened Raytheon’s final strategic deployment. Compared with Hyperion, he deserves this victory more!"
Valkyrie said.
Goofy shrugged. "Even so, sometimes luck is important. Thor does well in all aspects, but maybe he has some luck …"
"In addition, although he didn’t wake up Raytheon’s force with a hammer, I think he must not be skilled enough to control Raytheon’s force. Maybe it will take him a while to really beat Hyperion."
Valkyrie pouted in frustration. "Okay, but I still think Thor deserves to win today. It’s a pity that he didn’t win."
Goofy smiled gently and waved his fist. "Then let me teach Hyperion a lesson when the final comes."

For the whole bridgehead camp, the soft power of the whole camp has been greatly improved by upgrading the cavalry stationed here and constructing knights.

However, for those adventure groups who are secretly engaged in slave trade, seeing such things will add a little more gloom. No one can ignore the knight-in-disguise.
Late Andrew walked into the barracks from the outside and saw Surdak still writing some plans on the table, so he took the initiative to gather together.
Surdak looked up and saw Andrew immediately said to him, "I just want to send someone to find you …"
"I’m afraid you’ll have to guard here for me when I take this section. I’m afraid those ghost-striped red ants will come to a big counterattack and swallow up this temporary camp. I hope you will stay here and watch the gate for me when I take this section!" Surdak said to Andrew
Andrew sat opposite Surdak and poured himself a cup of black tea and drank it all at once.
"Don’t worry, boss, I’ll hold this gate for you, not only this gate, but also the whole Rift Valley …" Andrew readily promised.
Surdak nodded and said
"We all underestimated this group of ghost-striped red ants after the beast tide. I missed the battle last winter. Their population is shrinking greatly. Now it seems less serious than we thought."
"I will let Samira stay in Duodan Town, and once there is a situation here, Duodan Town will be able to help quickly."
Andrew asked, "What about the dry cloth plane?"
"I took Gullit back to Ruite City, where the new army has been established. Then it is necessary to vigorously develop the economy of Mukuso and Ruite. The low-level inferno base of Warcraft that is not threatening has disappeared … It is estimated that there will be no emergencies for the time being." Surdak stopped his pen and said to Andrew.
"In addition, you should be careful of the Pengniao family in the north. I think they may kill grassland livestock, herders and caravans not because they don’t have enough food, but just for a change!"
Surdak added.
"I’ll let tangle and Bernita stay and help you."
Andrew nodded, and then they talked about the training of costumed knights.
Commander Felix left Surdak’s notes on the initial targeted training of the cavalry. Surdak needs to train these cavalry into qualified cavalry according to the notes.
After handling these things, Surdak left the bridgehead camp with a two-headed ogre the next morning and went straight back to the copper mine to meet Selena there, and then returned to Duodan Town.
It’s just twelve days since Surdak Inver cargill walked around in this circle.
Seeing that half of this month has passed, Surdak did not dare to delay the town of Duodan any longer. He hurried back to Wilkes City without going to the War College, and finally returned to Bena City through the door on the 25th of this month.
Chapter 1193 April tail
In April, a light rain suddenly came at night in Bena City.
A cold wind blew through the back garden of the Duke’s House, making people feel a little cold waiting in line to pass through the door.
Surdak walked out of the door with a double-headed ogre Gullit’s surprised eyes.
Before the end of the month, the two men finally got back to the back street of the Duke’s Mansion in Bena City. A row of magic caravans was parked by the roadside. Surdak conveniently brought an ogre Gulitm, or as always, he took the caravan carriage.
Surdak boarded the train alone and returned to Bena this time, which was somewhat deserted.
"Where are you going, my Lord?" Coachman respectfully asked outside the car.
"Dwarf precision forging car at 69 Pross Street in the fourth block" Surdak said with his eyes closed by sitting in the leather sofa in the carriage.
As the carriage slowly drove into the traffic, Suldak felt a little tired, and his fingers kneaded a few corners of his eyes.
This is the most prosperous place in the aristocratic block, because it is adjacent to the back garden of the Duke’s House and is also the exit of thirteen planes. Every day, this street is crowded with all kinds of vehicles full of goods.
Surdak always can’t figure out why the early Duke sent the plane to the door to build his own back garden. Didn’t he ever think that once the plane was occupied by the inferno or the dark legion, the army rushed in through the plane and the first occupied place would be the Duke’s House?
Presumably, the original Duke must have other plans …
Surdak turned to look at the street. Because it belongs to the most congested city of Bena, local mean time is restricted to street stalls
Only in the streets and lanes can you see some snack stalls.
I don’t know why the road ahead is blocked, and the magic van can be caught in many carriages. At this time, there will be some snack vendors selling steaming food to these carriage guests along the street. Of course, they won’t offend those noble commanders to smile at civilians and businessmen.
Surdak didn’t expect that there were even daredevil stall owners who ran to Gullit’s and held up the food on the plate.
At this time, of course, the ogre was also very generous. He took the plate directly and then pulled out a handful of silver coins from his arms and stuffed them into the hands of the vendor.
At this time, the carriage suddenly moved forward. The stall owner chased the back of the carriage while counting the silver coins in his hand and shouted at the ogre, "You give too much …"
Gullit, at this time, is showing off how busy he is, and someone will take the initiative to send food to me …
The brain flower saw that the stall owner was almost scraped by the carriage behind him and shouted at the back, "You should be careful. The carriage behind us is mostly small!"
Dwarf precision forging car is the workshop block of Bena City, where hundreds of the most famous workshops, large and small, are gathered, but the workshops born here have some characteristics, and those workshops with nothing have long been overwhelmed by the expensive rent of houses here …
Surdak came here when he attended the awarding ceremony, and also talked with the workshop owner here about preparing to buy a grinding machine.
However, at that time, it was not clear exactly how much tonnage he wanted to buy. Now, after a field trip to Inver cargill Forest on the Bailin plane, Suldak wants to buy a set of grinder that is bigger and less than the largest one that this workshop can build.
The magic caravan stops at 69 Pross Street.
This street can always see some trucks with more than 10 meters body. This kind of truck wheels are very interesting, and there are many groups in front and back, and it seems that differential devices are installed to facilitate these long and narrow trucks to turn in the street.
In front of some workshops, workers can be seen constantly loading cars.
It can be seen that these workshops in Bena City are far more prosperous than those in his city.
Without Wilkes, there would be no such scene, let alone Ruite, Mukuso or Hailansa.
Surdak came here this time to receive others. It’s really the owner of this workshop, Baron Cambre. Although the title of this workshop owner is somewhat low, his business is not small at all. The whole workshop has a complete casting and forging car, and you can also see a row of dwarf craftsmen wearing leather trousers and hanging tools in the processing car.
A lot of dwarf craftsmen Surdak just glanced at it and saw less than 20 dwarf craftsmen …
Baron Cambre took Surdak to an exhibition room and introduced these machines to Surdak one by one. Obviously, Baron Cambre didn’t have enough awe of magic, and many instruments were out of magic.
Moreover, the Baron Cambre also highly praised Heicks’s science and technology … If the magician heard something, it would be disrespectful to the magic god. Maybe he would be convicted as a heretic.
Surdak didn’t want to discredit the magical place. He went straight to the subject and ordered a large grinding machine, and added a mineral processing institution in front.
Finally, after discussing the price of machinery, transportation, installation and debugging, the delivery date will be the top two months, and the two sides will sign a magic contract directly.
There is no need for Surdak to pay a part of the deposit, and the transaction is successfully completed.
Rejected the kind invitation of Baron Cambre, and Surdak left the dwarf precision forging car with a two-headed ogre.
"You really don’t want to go with him?"
Carrie Dacker, in the single building of the military camp in Duodan Town, wore a pajamas and sat on the windowsill towel next to the attic window to wipe the wet long hair.
That’s the kind of woman who can bathe with the soldiers in the public bathroom. Naturally, thin pajamas will have much influence on the soldiers in the barracks.

Can you not dislike it? It’s just a Sima from another department. Where can a guerrilla general be down a peg or two? But Zheng Henghu is not the size of the official position. He pondered for a long time before he rubbed the bar and said, "A dispatch troops anti-grandson holds Zhou Shi and asks for Lu Ming’s grievances! The return of Jiangdong to Sun Zhi is by no means that Mr. Jiangdong Renfu was ordered to come. It is not difficult for you to ask your husband not to say anything! "

Angel look a stiff quickly adjust the mentality and say with smile "big enough to be a thief? Today’s conquering general Cong Renhui respects the virtuous and courteous, and now it is the strength of the interpersonal intelligence family. When there is much to be done, it is better to wait. Do you think that Liu cong is trapped in the fire and water in Jiangdong rather than in Jiangdong? View the chaos I jiangdong scholar’s heart falsely accused my Lord Xianming wicked heart also … "
"Sir, stop talking. I’ve made up my mind, Marie!" Zheng Heng’s angry export interrupted the messenger’s words. He was determined to follow Liu Cong. On the one hand, Jingzhou soldiers were under siege, on the other hand, Liu Cong planned the future development route for these powerful men instead of just sealing an official position. Compared with Sun’s official wish, Liu Cong’s plan was too thin, and it was not difficult to understand Zheng Heng’s choice.
When Zheng Heng’s nephew arrived, he just saw the messenger come out looking embarrassed and despondent.
However, not all strongmen look at it as long as Zheng Heng does. Some people waver and some surrender, but most strongmen still choose Jingzhou. As a result, Jiangdong is even more chaotic. Today, this strongman in the county rebelled and that strongman surrendered to it, and there was a chaotic battle every now and then …
This kind of chaos became more and more unbearable as the aristocratic family joined.
In the past few months, when Liu Cong saw that the time was ripe, Wei Yan, Zhao Yun and others led their troops to capture Lingyang and Shexian, which are located in the southwest of Hulin. These battles were almost bloodless, and the county magistrates had long been overwhelmed by the tyrannical rebellion. When they saw the banner of Jingzhou Army, they fled with their families. Naturally, they chose to surrender, but who was the official? Isn’t it the same?
As a result, the Wanling of Danyang County revealed that the front of the Jingzhou army was that Liu Cong didn’t want to force it too much. Besides sending troops to harvest grain and grass, Liu Cong didn’t plan to attack the city further. Besides staring at Jiangdong, Liu Cong often turned to the north. Cao Cao and Yuan Shao Guandu also held each other for more than half a year but didn’t know the final result. Without your own involvement, I think the ending will be the same as history, right?
Actually, Liu cong has changed many people and things a long time ago. For example, now Cao Cao has no feathers and no history, but what Cao Cao has is a catapult that is more advanced and powerful than history.
A large map, a small Guandu, is unremarkable. However, Liu Cong knows that it is here that Yuan Shao and Cao Cao have formed a confrontation with hundreds of thousands of troops.
That’s the latest news. It seems that it will be difficult to win or lose the Guandu War for a while, and it’s time for Jiangdong to take further action. Liu Cong thought about Jia Xu’s plan just now and hesitated for a moment before saying to Jia Xu, "It’s hard to hide this plan from Zhou Yu." "It doesn’t matter if Zhou Yu believes it or not." Jia Xu stroked his sparse beard and said slowly, "It seems that he will be like Sun Xin?"
☆, Chapter 60 So cloth puzzle to li.
"In the face of such a good opportunity, you can’t miss it," Liu Cong said with certainty. What can shock people and erect prestige for the present grandson more than recovering lost ground and driving out Jingzhou Army?
Jia Xu nodded. "Even if Zhou Yu sees through this plan, he can persuade Sun, and the more he advises Sun, the greater the rift will be."
"So I’m going to let the spy in the special guard camp release more rumors to make this muddy water in Jiangdong even more chaotic!" Bretz touched the scar at the corner of his mouth and then asked, "So what should I do?" Now Cao Caozheng Lombardi confronts Guandu, fearing that the temporary method will produce a result. "
Jia Xu shook his head slightly. "It is not necessary to wait for them to tell the outcome. It is enough to think carefully and arrange it properly."
Just now, he made a general plan, and many details still need to be discussed. The two of them sat opposite each other across the case, covered with maps of Yangzhou County, and the mountains, rivers and narrow passes were clearly marked. This was made by the special health camp in recent years, and many copies were made, one for each captain in almost all ministries.
Pang Tong, Wang Can and others were invited to discuss and refine the whole plan, and it was deduced several times. Of course, this plan is not static and there are corresponding plans and backup plans.
After noon the next day, a clipper went downstream and broke into Hulin Water Village, but it was a Jingzhou messenger. Seeing that he looked quite anxious, he went straight to Zhongjun’s tent and went to keep it outside the tent. The guards in the Guards’ camp held the halberd and checked the order, so that the messenger with a face of panic and anxiety was put in the account.
The news he brought seemed extremely confidential, and soon Zhang Xun made a big account and ordered the guards to expand the scope of alert. People should not go near without permission!
The atmosphere in Hulin camp suddenly became tense and dignified because of the arrival of this messenger.
I don’t know what kind of news this messenger brought, but Zhang Xun came out from time to time and whispered to the guards. Then the guards went to invite Jia Xu, Wang Can, Pang Tong and others. Later, even the distribution schools such as Gan Ning and Zhang Quan were invited to enter the account.
"You said it wouldn’t be something big in Jingzhou, right?" This tension makes the soldiers feel very depressed. Some people worry that they will ask their accomplices in robes
The person asked naturally never knew that he didn’t have the spirit to stare at him. "I don’t know if this is a good thing."
"It won’t be a disaster?" The man was worried and said to himself, "Don’t be flooded again. I still remember that year when the flood washed away all the walls and houses in my house, and the grain in that field was soaked in soup, which caused our family to starve to death that year. There were several people, including my uncle and …"
The leader of the team turned his head and shouted "Huh!"
The man blinked his eyes and bowed his head and said nothing. Is he still muttering in his heart that he is really long and tastes worried? Looking at the heavily guarded Zhongjun tent from a distance, he sighed and secretly prayed that it would not be any bad news. Seeing this, his many years of military experience is definitely a great event in Jingzhou, and it is definitely not a good thing.
In the evening, someone finally found out that Cao Ang led his troops to bypass Yecheng, and suddenly, from Wuyin South, he had captured Xinye’s soldiers and pointed to Xiangyang!
This thunderous news shocked many soldiers in Nanyang County or Nanjun County. If this news is true, wouldn’t it mean that Xiangyang Union in Nanyang County was cut off? Some people even associate it with the fact that no family has sent it recently, and saying it at this time has become evidence to confirm the news.
"Then we’re afraid we’re going to return to the division?" A family of hundreds of people will buckle face a knot in one’s asked to his boss.
While the dental keeper shook his head with a sad face. "It seems that I haven’t decided yet. It seems that the military adviser disapproves of Li and that Pang Yilang agrees with him today …"
One hundred people will neck a terrier "strategist xiangyang natural not afraid! But Pang Yilang’s family is not in Nanyang, but they are not in favor of returning to Li? "
"Hum, who knows what these families think? Maybe the future is the most important thing in their eyes. "This goalkeeper is a distant uncle in Zhang Quan, and his family are all in Wancheng, so don’t worry about him? Just now, Zhang Quan was forced by him to reveal the truth. He was growing grass in the temple at that time-he panicked and learned that he was even more angry against Li Pang Tong after being hesitant because his military advisers Jia Xu and Pang Tong opposed the general.
Yu junshi, this goalkeeper is afraid to lend him ten more guts from the bottom of his heart and dare not speak ill of him behind his back.
Well, there is news soon. The decision of bretz to lead the troops to Li in person has made many people in Hulin Army feel relieved. Think about it. It’s no wonder that if the army goes deep into Jiangdong now, if cao thief takes advantage of his weakness to occupy Nanyang and Xiangyang, wouldn’t everyone be in a dilemma?
At the same time, the constant arrival of messengers from Jingzhou also worried everyone. It seems that the situation in Nanyang is not good. This sends military messengers with faces like frost.
"I heard that after Cao Jun occupied the new field, he went straight to Xiangyang!" Some people will tell their companions the bad news they just heard, but listen to the worse news from their companions. "Not only go to Xiangyang, but also divide our troops to break Anzhong!" It is said that there are nearly 10,000 people in Cao Jun this time, but who would be afraid of them if our troops were not in Yecheng and Wancheng? "
"Now say these have what? I don’t know if the general’s seasonal army will leave one day earlier and return to Jingzhou one day earlier, so it will be delayed in case it is succeeded by Jun. "
Next to an older broadsword shield hand, he listened silently. When people noticed him, he turned around and left the line of sight for a while. They were on patrol outside the camp today. At this time, they were about to go back to the camp and lead the team for a while before suddenly surprised and said, "Why is the old man gone?"
Everyone didn’t react until they heard this. They were busy searching separately, but they couldn’t find the old man’s shadow.
"This old fear is not worried about being a deserter at home, is it?" I can’t find my depressed hand and muttered
What long corners of the mouth become warped and hurriedly changed his face and lamented, "it’s no wonder that he ran away and I wanted to eat sticks."
"Damn old hurry? Does he have it when he goes back alone? " Hand see what long military discipline worry busy and comfort way "very period want to face also won’t be punished for this, I heard that there are many people in the army secretly ran, if true theory which shall not get forty or fifty clubs? But you don’t have to worry too much if you haven’t seen anyone punished for it! "
He didn’t know that this long time ago, he was told by the special guard camp that the old spy who had been secretly investigated by the special guard camp had confirmed that Jiang Dongjun had sneaked into the army. At this time, he was released from the old spy who was part of that huge plan. Almost all of them easily escaped and went to Spring Valley to report the shocking news. Of course, some people chose to stay and continue to spy on the military situation.
In fact, some of these people are special guards, but ordinary soldiers know about these things.
With Zhao Yun, Wei Yan and others leading their troops to abandon Lingyang and Shexian and other places and returning to the army to return to Jingzhou, it became a public secret. It is said that Liu Cong and strategist Jia Xu were still very unhappy about this matter.
More and more civilian ships are berthing in the Tiger Forest Water Village from the downstream. Obviously, the army is going back by water. It is not yet known whether to give up the Tiger Forest Army’s turn-back or leave some troops to stay in the Tiger Forest.
This topic is the most touching one, and almost everyone talks about it in the camps of various departments in Hulin.
"It’s enough to say that it’s natural to have us riding in Jingzhou. Where are his ministries faster than us?" Young knights’ faces are full of pride, which makes people itch when they look at them. I wish I could pounce on them and give them a good beating. If your master hadn’t spared no effort to build a light ride over the years, where would you be arrogant today? Not to mention those expensive war horses, one sabre is worth three ordinary ring knives.

However, this kind of cramming practice consumes too much source energy, and the overall source energy concentration of the celestial department is reduced, which greatly slows down the practice speed.

After two hours, when the source energy concentration of Shenxiao Mansion is stable to thirteen, the cultivation speed becomes very slow.
I’m afraid it will take me a long time to reach the set goal.
Simply retire and have money now.
Direct krypton gold
Jia harvested 250,000 grams of source crystal from Bunit and generously spilled tens of thousands of grams of source crystal.
The original spirit motivates a large number of sources, and the crystal source can also consume the spirit, but Xu tui discovered another seal of the Antarctic immortal emperor.
Spirit motivates the seal of the Great Immortal Emperor of Antarctica to radiate milli-light, which covers these source crystals, and can lead the source energy out with minimum mental consumption.
After two hours, Xu retired from King Kong’s main star and was also strengthened to the middle of the quadruple halo.
At the same time, a base quantization data is also obtained.
From the initial stage of quadruple halo to the middle stage of quadruple halo, I’m afraid it will take about 30 thousand grams of source crystal to practice purely by source crystal.
According to this data, the number of source crystals required for an extraordinary nova to rise from a quadruple star halo to a quintuple star halo may be around 90 thousand.
In order to verify this data, it is also necessary to make the main force field of King Kong’s second main star more stable and make a retreat to continue practicing.
Five hours later, Xu retired from King Kong’s second main star, the four-star halo, and the five-star halo starlight was faintly visible in the late stage.
Before and after the retreat, a total of 50,000 grams of source crystals were smashed in. It is estimated that it will take 100,000 grams of source crystals to break through from quadruple star halo to quintuple star halo.
This is a horrible number.
No wonder Blue Star’s top strong people are searching for wealth like crazy.
The resources in the middle and late stages of the stars are too important.
This time, the practice made Xu retreat thinking about whether to break through to Liuwei in one breath.
Now that the basic combat power has broken through, the growth rate of Liuwei can be stronger.
However, this is another ten hours of continuous practice, which makes Xu tui’s red jade slips accumulate a lot of red light.
Xu retired first to refine the seal of the Antarctic immortal emperor with red jade and simple red light.
After all, the higher the refining degree of the seal of the Great Immortal Emperor of Antarctica, the stronger the increase effect.
The speed of refining the seal of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor with red jade Jane Chiguang is very fast. In just half an hour, more than 30 red light retreats are accumulated, and one is consumed except for a few.
This time, refining also allowed Xu to push back the refining degree of the seal of the Antarctic immortal emperor to 20%
Is refining a fifth.
According to the previous refining experience, the refining degree of these heavenly seals can be further controlled by 10% per liter
After refining to 20%, Xu retired his spirit and deliberately injected the seal of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor again to see if there are any new gains. I want to see if I can access other halls and rooms in Shenxiao Mansion.
But when the spirit force is injected, it will be slightly frowned when it retreats.
The feedback information after the spirit was injected into the seal of the Great Immortal Emperor of Antarctica seems odd.
The seal of the Great Immortal Emperor of Antarctica radiates thousands of brilliance with different colors in the void.
Xu tuiyi hasn’t understood what this means yet.
However, Xu tui found that some of the Guanghua actually pointed to the fact that he had already refined the seal of the southern fire, the seal of the south pole, the seal of the south pole, the seal of the water, and the seal of the well Jupiter suddenly turned white.
This thousand splendors may be the seals of the priests of various celestial bodies, which belonged to the immortal emperor of Antarctica.
Most of them are in a dim and convergent state, and about 52 of them are in a bright state.
Xutui Refining & Chemical Co., Ltd. Antarctic Zhenjun Seal and Ji Mercury Jun Seal are all lit up.
There are seven others that emit a faint light, which flashes and flashes.
After thinking about it for a few times, it will be white.
The dim convergence state Guanghua represents the refining control of the corresponding clergy signet, and the lighting is that it has been controlled by refining, so the mercury seal has been withdrawn.
And those flashes should be being refined by others, and the initial refining has not yet been completed.
Fifty-two clerical seals have been removed by refining, and four have been removed by refining. There are still forty left.
Seven more are being refined.
How can this person progress so fast!
Moreover, this is only the celestial priesthood ruled by the immortal king of Antarctica. So, what other six emperors ruled the celestial priesthood?
How much was refined at this time?
Bluestar’s refining and chemical industry over there is still some gains in Huaxia District because of Xu’s retreat. Several other joint zones are like flies bumping into each other.
And the Amyan people have been retired.
That is to say, so many religious seals have been refined by Eldar, Daxi or Xu tui, who is highly suspected to be the mysterious man of the mythical Lord Ulla!
Instantaneous sense of urgency explodes
Yes, it was in this moment that the seal of the Antarctic immortal emperor was regenerated and changed.
Just as Xu tui gave birth to other six imperial thoughts, Xu tui’s spirit changed again through the seal of the Antarctic immortal emperor.
The thousand light spots with different colors and sizes suddenly disappeared and then five light spots emerged.
To be precise, it is six points of light. The seal of the Antarctic immortal emperor is also a point of light. I didn’t notice it.
This is the situation that the celestial universe really holds the six imperial seals.

The iron and steel demon dreads the seven kills, and the two odd levels are playing in darkness.

The energy shield of Wei Qi Sha has already been shattered. A few minutes ago, it was directly suppressed by super cosmic radiation. The armor plate was covered with fine holes, and the defense number fell to the lowest point in history. The eye relied on the hull foundation defense to compete.
Don’t look at the savage collision of the steel magic number, which has been strongly attacked by itself. Orleans has achieved a solid foundation. The energy shield of the steel magic number still maintains a high strength. After all, it is not normal. If it is not afraid of the seven kills, three ships are attacked by the Discovery Fleet and forty star cruises, and then attacked by the Golden Apple cosmic super radiation warhead, it will not be as embarrassing as it is now.
There is an old proverb that two fists are hard to beat. Four-handed men can’t stand a crowded battlefield. Sometimes the number is the advantage, and the bloody fleet is in a passive position.
Colonel Tai never dreamed that the discovery fleet of forty star cruise ships would become so powerful. You know, except Obsidian, the discovery fleet of thirty-nine ships all came from the Blood-soaked Adventure Group.
I know my own situation clearly. My head assumed that the Discovery Fleet didn’t have this attack intensity, which was too greedy for wolves. There was a great chance to suppress the situation, but the fact was that the Discovery Fleet not only beat the three flagships badly, but also refused to let them retreat.
In the distance, the crew of the ship Taigreedy Wolf has been forced to shut down. The captain was so angry that he almost vomited blood. For a short time, the hull was difficult to move, which was different from a dead ship.
Nearby, the Fear Seven Killers fell into the cannon light. Although the ship’s strength was much stronger than that of the Steel Magic, it became worse after repeated weakening. The Steel Magic became more and more brave in the Vietnam War and dragged the Fear Seven Killers to death.
The three flagship Zhongying Huoling are even more unlucky. The hull was destroyed by the discoverer’s fleet. The cannon light limited the hull to a certain extent. If you show a little intention to break through, you will be pursued by tens of millions of missiles.
The bullying posture of the Great Weiwu suppressed two elite dead ships. There were five star cruise ships outside the gap, and a series of energy tidal waves became very unstable.
To stabilize the gap in the force field, this time is enough for Lin momo to command the battle to win.
The light of the Taizhong cannon stirred the discoverer’s fleet, and the superior forces kept launching attacks and ammunition to get close to the warning line quickly. In order to kill the bloody fleet in a short time, these five ships must be broken.
It would be troublesome if the five ships of Taigreedy Wolf were allowed to support the reinforcements. At that time, more firepower would have to be paid to annihilate the Discovery fleet, which is getting worse and worse. That is different from asking for trouble.
Can solve the problem in a short time, there is no reason to delay going to Lin momo to do things. This kind of wind has always been vividly reflected in the battlefield. Once you start work, you will definitely go all out and will not give the enemy a chance to turn over.
"Boom …"
Bright missiles cause a lot of golden light. This is the last batch of Golden Apple cosmic super-radiation missiles. It takes a complicated process to combine the Golden Apple warheads. Lin momo has produced 133 super-radiation warheads back and forth. By this moment, these 133 super-radiation warheads have played an important role and laid the foundation for the victory of this war.
There is one person who needs to thank, that is, bloody Goethe. If it were not for bloody Goethe’s collection of these "poisons", it would be quite tragic if he wanted to defeat the three odd-class star cruise ships of the Wolf.
"Mu Xue Taitou, if you lose, hand over the captain and let you live." Lin momo exclaims with high frequency. If you can let Taitou take the initiative to give up, it will save a lot of trouble.
"Hum, what do you dare to sentence the old win or lose? Why don’t you gamble? How about you send a master to Taigreedy Wolf, and we implement the old one-on-one hit rule, and if you lose the boat, you will get out of here at once? Do you have the courage to compete? " Too head spirit extremely corrupt shouted
Eye this situation is too greedy Wolf, five ships will fail, but Taitou still has a chance, that is, directly give up too greedy Wolf, repair and return to the force field gap, and take charge of the blood-bathing fleet again. It will take a year and a half to replenish enough Lin momo, and if it is not resistant, it will naturally recede.
However, Colonel Rong Ma has never suffered such a big loss in his life as he did today. He decided to finally take the form of one-on-one confrontation to find some face. If the other side refuses to send a master to face-to-face confrontation, then he will have an excuse to give up the wolf and return to the force field. After all, his old man’s house is brave and commendable, and the other side also takes advantage of the geographical position.
"good! Let’s make a bet that we send a master to you. If we win, let your fleet surrender, or you can try to get rid of the Wolf and retreat to the gap. Even if you are confident that you can withstand the shelling and the super cosmic radiation, it depends on your luck. "Lin momo sneered.
It is obvious that the other party has seen his intention that the radiant golden light has extraordinary lethality. If it is stared to death by the radiant golden light, it will be miserable, but even if he is the boss of the bloody adventure group, the whole bloody fleet will not have the courage to gamble.
If you are too greedy for gambling on the Wolf, you can make a pretence. When you delay, you wait for the fleet to send reinforcements. Now you are shooting yourself in the foot. People agree to one-on-one hit and gamble heavily.
"Good suppose I soak up blood fleet bet on you! Where do you bet? Is it the discoverer’s fleet that makes bets? " Colonel Tai’s face is ferocious. It’s important to delay gambling or not.
"Don’t bullshit me xiao cold treasure and bloody Goethe treasure bet again pressure discoverer fleet forty star cruise one-on-one hit! Nonsense is that you are afraid to give a good time. "
You!’ The colonel’s eyes are scarlet, and the other side bombards several of his ships while talking with him about conditions, but the wolf root is too greedy to move, as if the other side didn’t pay much attention to this battle as a game.
"Bet or not? Hurry up and decide to delay going to your side. Even if you swallow the blood-soaked fleet, there is not much taste. "Lin momo secretly chuckled and played with him, which is simply a death."
"Stop attacking, I’ll meet you and see if it’s Fang Gaoren." The colonel shouted, "If we call the Eagle Fire Bell and the Fear Seven Kill again, it will be finished. This is a strange star cruise ship, and he really can’t bear it."
"OK, it’s still a bit of a responsibility!" Lin momo made a gesture and nodded his head. Since he wanted to face each other, he became him.
Volume 2 Peak! Daqingshan Chapter 1161 Doudou
It seems like a child’s game, and the son flies to the hull of the Wolf, and his eyes are shining with calm golden light.
Vein warriors are not afraid of form. Fighters sigh with emotion in their hearts: "After three thousand years of silence, they can finally stretch their muscles and bones. They all feel rusty and sluggish. Fortunately, these three thousand years have not wasted their time, and they have been accumulating strength to make the present strength a little surplus. It is not impossible for this colonel to practice and measure the power of several kinds of killing tactics even if the other party is a peerless master."
Too head opposite when he saw the son heart full of shock "vein warrior? It turned out to be an unfathomable vein warrior. From that smart eyes, he should be full of wisdom. Is it that Xiao Han, the hero of the Galaxy, didn’t die three thousand years ago? Is it Xiao Han who controls the discoverer’s fleet now? It seems that there is no such possibility, but even if it is not Xiao Han, this person must have a great connection with Xiao Han. "
This appearance of Er is impressive. He is simply a gorgeous porcelain with a white glaze and a ruddy face. He wears Dai Fugu-style costume and wears mecha boots. His left arm is covered with a small shield. His right arm is inlaid with hundreds of gems. Just like a calm man in his thirties, he carved out a sense of vicissitudes of life. After several snoops, he could not infer his specific strength.
"Yes?" Too head frowning slightly lips motionless but powerful spiritual strength asked 1.
"Don’t delay, son. If you lose, hand over the blood-soaked fleet." Son replied calmly, his reply is not a spiritual force, but a unique idea.
Colonel Tai’s pupil shrank sharply, seeing his eyes sticking out of his right arm, hundreds of gems shook, and even the source trembled. Before he could display his source ability, bundles of strange light waves were emitted, and there was a distortion around him, as if the universe had that glorious arm, which made people escape from the energy pulse.
"Ah, break it for me." Too long, the head of the team leaps up into the silver snake. If you look closely, you will find it very soft. If you don’t look carefully, you will feel a little dazzling. Suddenly, it will be suppressed. After the appearance of the silver snake, it will be broken and the sky will be silvery, giving people a feeling of falling into the water.
"It’s been a hard work to break through the pulse blockade of your source ability." Instead of feeling difficult, the son looked much easier than before. The first time he made a move, he just wanted to see how capable the colonel was. Now it seems that before the war, he overestimated the other party and was not as bad as he thought.
Too head to one-on-one hit that he has confidence in his skill, Lin momo is a good son, and he will try his best to be a peerless master.
In order to let the son take up the battle, Lin momo deliberately took out the shackles of the earth vein, and even if the head of the regiment had a second artifact, he could suppress it for a short time, but also gave it back to the son with a golden apple, which could be moved and radiated strongly when necessary.
Son is a vein warrior who has strong resistance to cosmic radiation, although it will be affected, but it is much weaker than human beings after all. Galindo has radiation butterflies in his hands, and even if he is contaminated with radiation, he can adjust quickly.
Of course, the discoverer’s fleet over there has been a temporary ceasefire, but the Great Mighty will block the gap outside the force field. Whenever the gap is about to stabilize, the Great Mighty will send several cannons.
The blood-soaked fleet wants to send a ship to support the Great Mighty, and it’s too greedy for the Wolf to restart when the head of the team delays, but he meets Lin momo.
The mighty ship is locked in the stern part of the greedy wolf, and there needs to be a little energy response. Lin momo won’t care about gambling! His character will do it when it is time to do it, and there will be no sloppiness.
If the colonel wants to turn over the salted fish by this bet, then he is really wrong. Lin momo never takes this game and will lose? I’m afraid the probability is not more than one in ten thousand.
Xiao Han’s escort is stronger than Tianma’s hate flow. Many children have been sitting in xingbing Mountain for 3,000 years, and their savings strength far exceeds that of 3,000 years ago.
Colonel Tai is obviously not enough to see the Blood-soaked Adventure Group. There may be peerless masters, but after several peeps, the Wolf is definitely not peerless. He looks like a relaxed confrontation is getting more and more exciting.
"Rumble …"
The colored light waves of the silvery white snake collided with each other, and the center of the Wolf-greedy ship produced a circle of shock waves "thump, thump, thump". Take three steps back. On the other hand, Taichang’s foot glided and retreated to ten meters before it was stable.
The strength of the master’s fighting is not traceable. The colonel has seen that he is not as good as this mysterious vein warrior, saying that the other side is peerless! It doesn’t seem like it, but the other side stabilizes its own head
"You are very strong, so it is no wonder that you will agree to one-on-one hit this situation today. There is no way out for the old man. Either you die or I die." Taitou’s swollen facial wrinkles disappeared and soon became a two-meter-high man.
"Hey? Super body strengthening this is a good means of warfare. "If you are careful, ordinary body strengthening will make people become five big and three thick, but it is not the case after the head of the team strengthens the body. Instead, all the forces gather the whole body in an extreme convergence, even the mental field shrinks to the body.
Three thousand years ago, few people were able to achieve this achievement. It must be said that brother Wu, a human being, has made progress. After three thousand years, any leader of an adventure group can achieve this level.
"Woo woo hoo what super body strengthening? This is the only cell pump in the old age. Every cell will exert its strength, no matter what you are, destroy it for me! " The colonel looked up and roared, and his feet suddenly stepped on the armor plate. The hull of the Wolf suddenly sank and left two horrible footprints.
"It’s dozens of times better than my judgment just now." While erecting a shield, the son pointed his mouth at the figure and rushed over. He spit out a light. The wolf was too greedy to light up an incredible light, and then there was an amazing mushroom cloud. This mushroom cloud was made up of energy. Few people saw what happened at this moment.
"son!" Lin momo exclaimed, I didn’t expect the battle to be so fierce and dangerous. The head of the regiment didn’t move the artifact, so the strength of the earth alone is worthy of recognition.
The light and fog dispersed, and cracks appeared in the hull of the Wolf. Many armor plates were kept relatively intact. Just now, pieces of broken metal were shattered in the explosion and floated into the middle.
Son still maintains the posture of erecting a shield, and Taitou’s chest fluctuates violently not far behind him.
"You all let you give blocked? But this time, it won’t be so easy. "Taicolonel’s eyes reflect yoshimitsu. He suddenly took out a folding machete from his waist. This machete is like a glass blade and slowly lights up.
How can the head of the blood-soaked adventure group be without one or two self-defense objects? The machete that Colonel Tai took out at the moment is not a secondary artifact, but a real artifact. So why did Colonel Tai take out the artifact now? It is because this machete has great power and evil spirit. This repair of Taitou is often unstable to control.
It’s not surprising that Master Jiuye can have an artifact once and for all, but it’s not surprising that the leader of the blood-soaking adventure group has an artifact. However, he has to use the strongest killer unless he has to.
"Artifact?" Son was the same, but suddenly there was an ancient pike in his hand.

The flame full of sulfur will burn these maggots completely.

Blackie munched on her round eyes, but looked at another corner of the plane.
There, a prayer wheel in a brocade box suddenly lit up.
Chapter 15 Stealing!
Warp-turning drum air automatic
The golden light emerged from the prayer wheel, and one special word after another jumped out of the face, and the low chanting planes echoed.
Different from the’ Dalin Temple’ scripture
This scripture is even more uncommon … evil.
With Sanskrit, but with death.
Black is the so-called
Shake the body and look at the prayer wheel. It is a hellfire at once.
The box with the warp beam is directly incinerated.
But the warp tube is fine.
Not only is it okay, it’s getting brighter.
At the same time, another one in the hidden corner has also changed.
That’s a skull.
Or rather …
Card, card, card
This piece has not been polished, and kapala has made a subtle crunchy sound. One by one, the speed is getting faster and faster, and it is getting denser and denser
When the sound changed, kapala slowly emerged by flying up a figure.
From the skull of kapala, the brain, eyeballs and teeth are intact, followed by the body and limbs, but there is no flesh and blood in the body and limbs. It is also extremely limited
Ga, ga
Semi-skeleton’ people’ move their bodies.
It went to the side of the box and found the scarlet monk’s yellow triangular monk’s hat.
He put on his monk’s robe and cap and went to the prayer wheel and picked it up.
Blackie kept attacking during the whole process.
But …
Whether it’s a sharp tooth or a hellfire, the first half of the skull turns into a’ person’, and when this’ person’ picks up the prayer wheel, the little black is shaken away.
Not doing it is a-
Blackie flew out
Turn over and climb up. Blackie stared at the’ man’ fiercely and sobbed in his throat.
Then …
Turn around and run.
It can’t beat each other.
But nothing.
It also has a master.
Its owner is sure to have done this skeleton. It is strange that its owner will give each other a hard lesson. It depends on its owner to let each other know what beating a dog is.
Blackie ran away.
The monks didn’t catch up.
But walk slowly.
When this’ monk’ appeared in the field of vision of Goethe, Xuanbei and Lingxiao, the old monk and Taoist priest were shocked and their eyes were incredible.
"Balda? !”
"How can he still be alive?"
The old monk exclaimed
"This picture of it can be said that it is not alive, but a’ monster’ spawned by witchcraft … Zhao Shan this bastard really prepared a big surprise for us."
The old Taoist priest’s face was serious and his eyes were dignified as never before.
"But this witchcraft … how is it possible?"
The old monk’s low chanting of the Buddha’s name is somewhat puzzled.
"How is it impossible?"
"After all, it is also a two-hundred-year dynasty, and it also stole the foundation of the former dynasty by taking advantage of the’ natural disaster’. You know, the former dynasty has accumulated too many secrets."
"There are at least thirteen jewels in that lock longjing alone."
"Not to mention the one who has cut the dragon sword."
The cold murderous look flashed in the old Taoist priest’s cold hum.
Taiyishan has always been honored by the former dynasty of that dynasty.
The situation in those days was completely unexpected.
A year ago, it was just scabies.
A year later, it swept the sky

At that time, Shen Yubi flew into the sky and was in high spirits. The ladies and ministers in Beijing and China sent handkerchiefs and splendid things in succession.

Even the uncle who lost his family in the early years wrote to curry favor with the divorced family in those years, and he wanted to mend fences in every way.
It’s a pity that the list has just sent a message that the third god, Yubi Street, accidentally collided with a certain wan ku, so he was forced to wear little shoes. On the same day, soldiers came to the government and said that the jade was exiled for three thousand miles.
On the one hand, it’s high-spirited, and on the other hand, it’s just strange that three thousand-mile prisoners can stand it.
However, the unpredictable God Jade Binet was able to exile in the frontier with the army and married an alien girl, a son and a daughter. Unfortunately, Sun was not filial, but instead punched and kicked Jade Binet for three meals a day.
When I was old, after my wife’s death, Shen Yubi even went to the streets and cried out to heaven.
It was only at this time that God Jade Bi realized that the so-called feelings and family are illusory and worthless. At this time, I don’t know that I actually remembered a very famous classic and couldn’t help but shout.
Everyone knows that immortals are good, and only fame can’t be forgotten!
Ancient and modern will be the same? A pile of grass is gone in the wasteland.
Everyone knows that immortals are good, and only gold and silver can’t forget them!
Finally, I hate to gather together for a long time and close my eyes.
Everyone knows that a fairy is good, and only a wife can’t forget it!
On your birthday, you said that En Ai Jun died and went with others.
Everyone knows that immortals have children and grandchildren who can’t forget them!
How devoted parents have been to their children and grandchildren since ancient times?
This poem is a favorite poem of Shen Yubi when Taoist temples were old and dependent on each other. It is a feeling when I am old. I can’t help but suddenly think of it. I am too forgetful and sigh, "That’s all. Let’s go back to the mountain to practice Buddhism."
Divine jade bishan practices wild fruit and grass roots, and it is hard to eat all day long. It is too forgetful to practice the Dharma, but the more you realize it, the more you have a taste.
"I can love this worldly desires now, but it’s just an illusory cloud and smoke. It’s broken this common root."
As time went by, Yu Duxiu realized that he was too forgetful to forget worldly desires.
With the passage of time, whenever Jade Duxiu forgets a feeling, there will be a trace of jade Duxiu’s vitality.
The stone fairies are amazing. "It’s amazing that the speed of this small refining is not too fast, which is far beyond the bodhi old zu’s expectation that it will be completed in less than three days according to this trend."
Forget all seven emotions and all six desires. Forget all the white light scattered from the jade jade eyes. The dreamland in front of me has changed for a while, but it has become hazy again.
"Hoo!" Jade Duxiu breathed a sigh of relief. That was a narrow squeak. If she hadn’t been too forgetful, she wouldn’t have come out of the dreamland this time.
Jade Duxiu’s eyes exude an indifferent air, a black-and-white interwoven light keeps rolling, and an indifferent dust gas spreads from Jade Duxiu’s whole body.
Jade Duxiu gave me a wry smile at the corner of her mouth. "I didn’t expect it to be completed in the first stage of too forgetful teachings."
"But also can’t things don’t practice too forgetful teachings, and you can see through the dreamland by yourself. You can’t refine this chaotic mother gas. This wisp of soul will collapse and explain here." Jade Duxiu looks the same, and Yan seems to be forever.
"I’m too forgetful now. I don’t really forget all my feelings, but see through emotional things. Matter is no longer troubled by love. Heaven and earth fit further." Jade Duxiu watched a black and white light roll in front of her eyes and disappeared in place for a moment.
Outside, Jade Duxiu slowly opened her eyes, and an indifferent airflow leaked out, which seemed to be left behind and independent without being disturbed by mortal dust.
"Well, it seems that this side of heaven and earth has an induction, and this side of heaven and earth is more suitable for the invisible geography. At this time, it seems that it can be vaguely sensed that the magical powers display their wishes and seem to see through the geology of heaven and earth." Yu Duxiu said to himself, but he knew that this was an illusion. Can he see through the nature now? It is just an illusion after the induction of heaven and earth.
The first stage of being too forgetful is to see through worldly desires’s quality without being disturbed by worldly desires, but after all, worldly desires will be troubled even if he sees through worldly desires’s quality.
It’s like knowing that it’s a three-point poison, but still taking medicine when you are sick. Maybe this shape is not appropriate, but the principle is the same.
"In the second stage, too much affection is the true harmony between heaven and earth avenue. Feeling the true meaning of heaven and earth avenue is too high. It is necessary to cut off the affection. But if the feelings are cut off and the stones are different, am I still me?" Yu Duxiu sighed.
"What’s wrong with Xiao Fa? You’re refining chaos." When Yu Duxiu thought too forgetfully about the Dharma, there came the silence of the fairies in the abode of fairies and immortals.
Jade Duxiu’s eyebrows frowned slightly, but he didn’t say anything even when his thoughts were interrupted. He was too forgetful to see through the human nature of the world at this time, and it was difficult for anything to stir up heart turmoil.
"Well, refining" Jade Duxiu will look at the black and white light in the eyes of the ten-foot-long chaotic mother gas.
"Ha, ha, ha, you little good fortune, don’t be quick to use this chaotic mother gas to realize the Dharma. Once there is news of chaotic mother gas going out here, the real strong will come here. Even if you have a magic weapon, this chaotic mother gas may not belong to you," said the fairy of the abode of fairies and immortals.
Jade Duxiu’s fingers are just a pinch of fingers. The heart andao "I experienced a lifetime of reincarnation in the dreamland but never thought about the outside world. It took a few hours. No matter what the mind of this fairy is, this sentence is always wrong. Let’s get the benefits first."
Looking at the chaotic mother gas in front of you, Jade Duxiu sighed in her heart. The ideal way is to collect the chaotic mother gas into the palm world, but after refining this chaotic mother gas, Jade Duxiu dispelled this idea. Maybe the chaotic mother gas will fall into the palm world and make the palm world chaotic again. This risk cannot be taken.
Then the only thing we can do now is to help this chaotic mother gas to realize the Dharma. This chaotic mother gas must never be taken out. Once it is taken out, it will be in danger of falling unless you always carry a magic weapon.
To get benefits, you must have the strength to keep them.
It’s the thought of being too forgetful, and there’s no commotion in the heart, even if it’s too forgetful at this time, it won’t shake.
In fact, this is too forgetful, too anti-God, and the effect is too good. Jade Duxiu really wants to be forgetful at this time. If we cut off some unnecessary feelings, we will be more lean and too forgetful in the future.
Chapter 193 Return to chaos
Jade Duxiu took a deep breath and ran the magic weapon for a moment to protect the vague spirit, which suddenly jumped out of the body and rushed into the chaotic mother gas.
What is the great chance of chaotic mother gas?
It is said that Yu Duxiu suddenly jumped into the chaotic mother gas at this moment, but when he saw the world shaking, he reversed his mind, which seemed to coincide with each other and reversed the time back to ancient times.
"Little beast, stop it for the old man."
Seeing Jade Duxiu swooning into the chaotic mother gas, those monks outside suddenly turned their eyes red. The avatar urged them to hit the barrier violently and crumbled. Even the fire was almost split by the monks of nine sects.
At this time, I saw Jade Duxiu swooning into the chaotic mother gas, and the monks outside were no longer using their magical powers in vain, just staring at the chaotic mother gas.
This kind of chance is too bad. A wisp of chaotic mother gas can become a person, otherwise the world will be out of luck.
Wang Fayuan looked at Jade Duxiu and jumped into chaos with a sigh. "Good luck, good luck, so wonderful show will fly to the sky in the future, which can stop the Wangs from treating him with this attitude in the future."

He made a bit of a rash move.

And the result?
Is to let him wake up instantly
But he was not upset.
On the contrary, he became extremely confident.
Because of this rash move, he has told him to want to "bay". He is an enemy to some extent, not to mention ordinary strangeness. Even if he has a strange title, he can fight against it. You know, those guys are also exposed to the "handle" people
So he is full of confidence.
Until just now!
He lost to a guy who is not even strange!
Although it’s not his real intention.
Even if he didn’t contribute.
But losing is losing.
Nice doesn’t make excuses for himself.
Similarly, he will not let Goethe go.
Once again, I clenched the trident and waves appeared in this secret residence.
Nice intends to find Goethe at once.
And then kill Goethe
He wants to wash away his humiliation.
And …
Goethe must have something like a "handle" in his body, and he must get it at the first time. Otherwise, if other guys in "them" know that he can hardly take the lead.
Because his advantages are more obvious than his disadvantages.
No one who knows his background will fight with him’ Bay’ and will definitely choose a new battlefield.
So he must be quick.
To Nice’s surprise, he didn’t find Goethe!
There is no trace of Goethe in the bay water.
"It’s not a stupid guy who knows to avoid the sea in the bay, but it’s not too clever … there’s a place in the’ Bay’ that can really avoid the sea-"
"Calgary Island!"
"You, you can escape?"
"It’s also my territory!"
With such words, Nice melts into a pool of water and disappears.
At the moment, there are hundreds of layers of [good luck]. Goethe looks at the huge whale in front of him and his mouth becomes warped.
"Good luck"
In a moment, the whale opened his mouth, and he hid his body and got in.
I noticed that the whale swallowed Goethe and wandered along Goethe Bay.
The people of Calgary Island set up the Temple of the Sea, and the surface of Nice was as heavy as water.
Goethe didn’t appear on Calgary Island.
"He must be hiding where I didn’t find it!"

Some timid people have been frightened by this battle. They seem to see cold murder in the eyes of Ssangyong, and a chill rises from the soles of their feet, making them feel the cold.

The ghost looked at the sky and his face was surprised. He muttered to himself, "This is a humanitarian lucky dragon. How can there be such a powerful lucky dragon here from Wan Li, Kyushu? Is it just that brilliance?"
At this time, he was puzzled. After all, the suppression of humanitarian fate originated in Kyushu. Therefore, the closer it is to Kyushu, the stronger the suppression force is. The influence of Baoxiang country is far away from Kyushu Wan Li, and there should be no such suppression force.
At this time, the peach blossom woman was shaking all over. She looked up and said with some chagrin, "This damn humanitarian dragon has put me under great pressure."
In the face of today’s strong humanitarian fate, she has to do her best to compete.
"I told you not to touch those laymen, and I am waiting for the yogi. What I am most afraid of is that you are entangled in cause and effect. You just don’t listen. It is estimated that your resentment has attracted the attention of the humanitarian dragon." Ghost life said with a frown.
"I just gave them the pleasure they wanted. It’s no wonder they died themselves." The peach blossom girl was panting and soaked with sweat.
Ghost shook his head and said, "You will die one day if you go so wantonly again."
"Don’t care so much, don’t help me quickly. This damn guy seems to be staring at me."
Ghosts smell speech and show their hands folding fans to meet, painting ten layers of hell scenes. When a fan gently sees a woman coming out of the fan, she is full of laughter and gestures. Only a pair of eyes are numb and God can’t see any aura.
The woman walked slowly down the aisle like a peach blossom girl wearing a dress. The peach blossom girl suddenly felt lighter, and the lucky dragon seemed to have lost her goal and moved her eyes elsewhere.
Seeing this, the Peach Blossom Girl breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks to your painting method, otherwise I will be unlucky today. This suppression of humanitarian fate is too restrained for me."
"From now on, I still have to be cautious. Although I didn’t know that this humanitarian fate was so strong in Long Bian, there must be a master who made moves and then linked it to the front. The dragon said that this treasure is blessed by a master. If you arbitrarily angered the master again, you don’t know how to die." The ghost said with a bad expression.
"Don’t blame me for forgetting the past." His eyes stared coldly at the peach blossom girl, who made a cold shiver.
Only then did she realize that the man dressed as a scribe in front of her was not as human and animal harm as he looked, which annoyed him and made him wonder what terrible things he would do.
"Don’t worry, you let me go, I won’t go to this kind of thing. It’s enough to come once." Peach Blossom’s face rarely hangs a little solemnly and slowly.
At this time, the lucky dragon in the sky has wandered around for a circle, and many wanton false acts have been oppressed by powerful forces into paste, which has been destroyed for many years. Everyone is even more scared to crawl to the atmosphere and dare not breathe.
Chapter four hundred and fifteen Call
With the fate of the dragon, the sky gradually disappeared, and everyone felt that the suppression force, the flow of mana, was very difficult, not to mention large-scale fighting. Many people with low mana could not even make spells.
At this time, they completely lost their high qualifications, and now they are a mortal with ordinary weapons, which may hurt them and kill them.
Some practitioners have fought and backed out. After all, the treasure elephant country is now much more dangerous for them, and they are likely to be killed by angry people, so they left the country in a hurry before the people knew it.
The old beggar took a sip of wine gourd in his hand on the roof and said with a smile on his face, "This way, the ordinary people will suffer less. This master really is a kind-hearted person."
"You haven’t changed at all after so many years," complained the mother-in-law of Golden Snake.
"I’m afraid I can’t change my life." The old beggar sighed slightly and didn’t know what he thought. He looked up at the sky, stunned.
Aside, the mother-in-law of Golden Snake silently accompanied him with a smile on her face.
The capital of the noisy treasure elephant country has become quiet since then, and it seems that the past peace has been restored here after the departure of those who are not strong-willed and uncertain
No one will ever fight again, but people who are used to watching the excitement will miss it a bit.
That strange cry still rings at regular intervals every day so accurately that everyone will hear it, and the people in the capital will fall into a deep sleep with it. They find that their sleep quality will be particularly good after each call, so they will also call it a gift from their ancestors.
In the ears of practitioners, it is even more precious to wash the mind and purify the mana. The effect is very obvious. Some time ago, perhaps because the city was too noisy, it was so weak that many people failed to enjoy it. Nowadays, the city is quiet, and it seems to be getting stronger every day, which makes everyone shout glad you came.
In an old inn in the city, the ghost was sitting in a wooden bed with his eyes closed and he entered a deep concentration. It took a long time for him to disperse before he slowly opened his eyes and gently spat out a sigh.
His face hung with a satisfied smile. He had not entered such a level of concentration for a long time. Some problems in his practice were completely solved through this concentration, so he was very satisfied.
"It seems that you have a good harvest this time?" The peach blossom woman sits in the chair in the room, bending the table in one hand and holding a peach blossom in the other hand. Outside the window, there is a moon sprinkling Yin Hui and dropping the table, covering the dark and shiny old furniture with a layer of silver gauze.
Ghost life gently nodded his head. "It’s worthwhile to say that the legacy of the Chinese icon has such a powerful ability, and I don’t know if he really should be as powerful."
"Even if it’s so powerful, it’s dead. Over the years, I sometimes wonder whether our practice is what people often say, but there are many people who can live forever, but how many can live forever?" Today, Peach Blossom Girl seems particularly sad.
"Hum! You can’t shake my mind. It’s what I’ve been asking for all my life. Have you given up? "The ghost mood seems to be getting excited.
"Really?" Peach Blossom said softly. She turned to look out of the window and didn’t know what to think.
At this time, the palace of Baoxiang Kingdom is full of joy. The Lord is the master here. His mood is the mood of this land. When he is furious, it seems to set off a storm here, but when he is all smiles, the whole land is peaceful.
At this time, the monarch was in a very good mood. Although the protagonist of the banquet did not arrive, the monarch’s face was not angry at all, but he smiled and said that he could understand that he was an outsider after all and obviously did not like these social parties. He naturally would not insist.
This time, it not only solved the turmoil caused by practitioners, but also repaired it with his daughter. More importantly, he saw two lovely grandchildren, and the Lord felt as if he had been blessed by fate, and everything wanted to develop in a better direction.
"I don’t know if it’s better to thank them for coming here."
There is a minister who has a problem with the country through the strength of drinking. After all, such strong people also hope to have the opportunity to make friends, and maybe they can send a show in a few years.
His ministers are also clamoring for the truth.
The original heart and face of the Lord have changed instantly. When these guys really need to contribute, they push from pillar to post, but now they are very enthusiastic. How can the Lord not know what he is thinking?
He raised his glass and said with a smile, "Oh, that Mr. Liu is my two grandsons and seniors, and now he is staring at the two little guys behind him. You’d better not disturb me when you don’t have time to study, or I’m afraid Mr. Liu will be angry if you miss my grandsons’ studies."
At the same time, the main words of the country tell Liu Qingyun that they are warning these people not to push their luck too far, and they are far superior than they think.
When they heard this, they hurriedly said, "How dare you bother me now that Mr. Wang has something important to do?"
The country’s opinion was restored, and the laughter raised the glass, and the atmosphere of drinking and raising money was restored.
Compared with the bright lights and excitement in front, the place where all flowers live is a little quiet and remote, but this is also her special request because she knows that true Taoism prefers elegant environment.